KRYON - "The Great Scientific Prejudice" through Lee Carroll - Gaithersburg, MD - Washington DC - November 7, 2009

To help the reader, Lee channeled Kryon again, who made additions so that the concepts became more clear. Many times, Kryon messages channeled live contain an energy that is transmitted emotionally and is not present on the printed page. So enjoy this rich message channeled in Gaitherburg, Maryland.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Isn't it true that the transition between Human Beings and someone who is channeling a message from beyond happens quickly? It may be too fast for those who judge what is happening here. But what my partner did not tell them is that there really is no transition, since I am always with him "below the surface". He chose to have my energy like that, to be able to come and go taking the word him and taking it in the messages of love. So, Human Beings, we tell you that any of you can get where there is little or no transition between you and your Higher Self alternating to speak.

Today I want to talk about something that is difficult to define. I let the title of this channel come to my partner, because humans like that. They want to realize a "compartmentalization of expectation." They want to have some form of identity process in everything they do, so I let him do it. Because today I will talk about the perception of dimensionality as I never did before. I want to give you some of its mechanism and a little of the way it works, and also a little of what my partner calls the creation of the joker ... those things that do not expect or do not believe. So I have to start by giving an example.

Let me introduce you to Enrique and María; They are cartoon characters, figures made with sticks on a sheet of paper. They are two dimensional. Of course, they are intelligent, since this is a parable. (Kryon's smile). Their lives are not complicated and they are simply stick figures. They have everything resolved. They even have love. The two-dimensionality of their lives is everything they have ever known, and they are very pleased with that. They know the parameters of the sheet of paper they are on and are happy with them. It is everything they have ever had. They know what they can do and what they can't do. Enrique and María are satisfied and happy with their reality.

Then comes a free thinker, someone who was drawn slightly differently. This weird character begins to talk to both about the potential of a third dimension, the idea of ​​"up and down." He talks about 3D instead of 2D, just as they currently enjoy it. It is the beginning of the concept of a kind of reality that they have never seen, and one where they feel they are not participating nor can they really understand.

Let's see what Enrique and Maria do with this information. First of all, they don't get it. It is of a somewhat high intellectual value to them. Second, it is out of their reality, so they are not really interested. They do not have to use it, so for them it is an assumption and therefore they do not believe it is important or that it exists. It becomes a fantasy of science, something that will never concern Enrique and Maria, who, after all, are two-dimensional drawings on a piece of paper.

Many of those who sit and read this sheet of two-dimensional paper resemble them. Everything that is outside their three-dimensional reality does not interest them. Not by choice, but because you are part of the paradigm that was always a three-dimensional paradigm in which you have lived all your life. It is difficult to think beyond that reality and many really study it could not interest them less. After all, what is wrong with the reality in which they are? Works.

The new change that looms over you is quantum. It is going to require that the Human Beings understand more about their surroundings and what is invisible to them, although it is very real. They must come to an agreement and therefore, to the conviction that not all things are visible and understandable in the three-dimensional way of thinking and that there are many more that in fact is part of their world but that to capture it requires a logic that goes beyond that to which they are accustomed.

The best way to start this study in the allotted time is to take them on a trip and give them some information. In this message there will be some things that will be interesting to those who like science very much. To those who do not have a scientific mind, I may leave them indifferent, but they can still participate in the analogy I am giving and understand the lesson.

I want to take you to a real place, but today, it should only be in your creative mind. The place is real, but they can't go there right now ... not yet. The interesting thing is that each one of you has already been in the place where I am taking you, when you were not on Earth. It was even before they were Humans, and we spent some time here. It is an incredibly beautiful place. Let's say the view is supernatural. I want to take them right outside and above their own galaxy, watching the spiral from above. Come with me for a moment. For a moment, realize that the pressures of space and temperatures do not affect your human body. None of those things matter, because they are in a protective bubble that is their spiritual self. All together, we go and we will observe this magnificent view.

As Human Beings, they are impressed by the silence of space, without even understanding or appreciating the fact that each star sings a song. I hear them all. What is silence for you is a symphony for me. Because the vibratory indices of light emitted by the stars are all combined in a chorus, a beautiful manipulation of the vibratory sonority. The universe sings to me, because I am quantum. The parts of you that are quantum are beginning to connect leaving the three-dimensional parts behind. That combination, that confluence, will create thought paradigms that are different from everyone else on the planet. Because there was no time like this on the planet, when they are asked to think without being pigeonholed into their comfortable reality and go beyond the wall of their natural tendency. Watch your galaxy with me for a moment. Its beautiful spiral is moving together slowly in unison, rotating slowly like a plate of lights. Catch it all.

Today I talk about science. Today I provide you with knowledge that will only appear and be known in your future. And thanks to the transcripts that are being taken today, the time will come when they will point out this message in particular and say, "Kryon was right." And when they do, when science confirms what I am saying today, I want you to see the message. full. Because then your conviction factor will also know that I speak the truth when I speak about your relationship with the Spirit, with the creator in you. I am right when I speak of what is before you and your future, and the only reason why I give you science now is because your linearity and your prejudice will connect you in the future. "As one goes, the other goes, " they will say, "therefore, I will pay attention to everything that is said."


Isn't it true that it is beautiful to be suspended here over the Galaxy that is your home? In what you call the silence of this moment, observing the galaxy that moves so slowly in a spiral, all together as one; It's amazing, supernatural, spectacular beyond words. Now I take them inside and tell them a little bit about what is happening and that is a mystery to their scientists. There are strange things out here that do not conform to earthly paradigms or laws. They disagree with their physics.

Enrique and María, the two stick figures on the page, also had scientists. They had their two-dimensional laws for physics and that was all they needed. Everything worked very well as long as they remained on the page. You have four physical laws because technically you are in 4D and those laws work the best. Those laws have proven themselves over and over and as long as you remain in 4D (which you call 3D), they will always work.

I have an esoteric question for you. Check out the stick figures of Enrique and María. How many laws of physics are there really for these two-dimensional characters? Is there a whole set that includes multidimensional reality, or just enough to satisfy 2D? The answer should be obvious. Physics is complete no matter how you perceive it. Therefore, Enrique and María are only aware of 2D, believe in 2D and are using 2D, but all the laws are still there ... ready to be discovered. Maybe 3D is not something that stick figures can understand, but it's still there, ready. So expand your thinking and let me ask you this, three-dimensional creature: If I tell you that there were six laws of physics covering a dimensionality that you cannot see, how many are there for you? The answer is the same as for Enrique and María. There are more than those they know, even if they are only aware of the four they have and actively use.

Come? The four laws they have work well. They have nothing wrong, only that there is more, and that is why we bring them here above their galaxy to show them all that and to present something that only astronomers can see. Look: There's something strange about the way galaxies are moving. Did you notice?

We have given you the two additional laws of physics before, and this is not the time to explain them again. But when they enter an interdimensional realm, they are observing multidimensional energies that must contain more information than their current physics. Now they have four laws. Call them Newtonian, Eucledian, Einsteinian, if you wish. Those are the ones that brought them where they are today. But now contemplate with me your spiral galaxy for a moment and watch it move. It does not move like your solar system.

The laws of moving objects that you have carry a three-dimensional predisposition of consistency. Their scientists look for empirical laws and find what they believe is true for everything. But what they don't understand is that there is an applied trend. It only works in one direction ... in 3D. If they apply the rules only in that field of time, they can apply linear mathematics and calculate what they need from that. It's all in a straight line, all forward, never changing, always the same. They could say that their science tends to simple persistence!

“Kryon, what's wrong with that? It seems good to me! ”Here comes the freethinker who is saying:“ Interdimensional things do not apply to 3D logic or prejudice. The laws of weak and powerful interdimensional forces are beyond three-dimensional understanding and may even seem chaotic and inconsistent. ”

Let me give you an additional explanation. Your solar system works as you expect it to. Among the types of physics that have applied to the way things move in space, they have objects that are closer to their sun and move faster, such as Mercury, for example. Then there are objects farther from the sun that move more slowly (the outer planets). The laws of orbital mechanics are acting. The distance from the sun is transformed into the three-dimensional laws of orbital mechanics based on the rules they have discovered for gravity, mass, distance and speed. And the rules are correct ... for 3D. Once again, it allows them to send spacecraft to the planets, be very precise, find them in orbit, take photographs and analyze them.

But at this moment, watch with me for a moment ... that is not the way your galaxy is moving. It does so with an elegant movement that defies the law of the inverse square (a law that defines how energy dissipates with distance from the source). That defies the basic laws of gravity and strength. Challenge the simple, biased, unique attributes of the way things move in space. Watch your galaxy with me. Watch it spin. It's almost as if it were on a tray. Everything moves at once. All! Everything is rotating at the same speed relative to the center ... like a giant wheel fully connected. This giant tray behaves as if all the stars were pebbles and somehow they were glued to the fabric of space, all moving in unison.

How can it be? What are we watching? Let me give you a hint and a clue: We have talked about the weak and powerful interdimensional forces that are laws five and six of physics that have not yet been discovered. The way your galaxy moves is entirely due to what is in the center of the galaxy and exhibits these forces. You think it is a black hole, but it is not. There is much more to that than you imagine. Have you noticed that in physics there is always polarity? From the smallest to the largest atomic structure. It is also seen in magnetism. It is also hidden in gravity. It is a hallmark of energy everywhere, everywhere. There are always two kinds of energy and they work against each other and one with the other to create dimensional reality. Matter itself is a polarity of reality and antimatter is the other. Always look for repulsion and attraction, because it will show you the way to the answers to the most puzzling topics of physics.

In the center of each galaxy are "the twins." The twins are also in the middle of the Milky Way. You have two energies: One impels and the other attracts. However, in their perception they see it as a gigantic Black Hole. You assume that the gravity of the Black Hole is somehow clinging tightly to that spiral causing it to spin together in an unusual way that violates all of Newton's laws. It's not like that. What is happening in the center of your galaxy is beautiful. It is an elegant interdimensional force that is not gravity and that expands throughout the entire region of its entire galaxy, a force that brings it together in a way that none of its laws can explain ... yet. In addition, there is something hidden that scientists are now just beginning to face.

All this explanation is for them to access the logic that will address a very important issue. Simply said it is the following: When you enter interdimensional physics, and this includes the energies of what you call spirituality, you will discover something you did not expect: Consciousness ... physical with an attitude.

The interdimensionality of its galactic center is aware. You have to have it. Everything interdimensional is aligned with creation. I am talking about things that you do not understand. They are attributes of high concepts, sometimes incredible, that were never addressed like this before. When they disassemble the wall of linear logic from what they expect in linear physics, they will encounter things that make no sense to their prejudice. They will not make sense ... not only because they are in a quantum state, but because they contain more than "consistent 3D science" they don't want to accept ... intelligence in physics.

Its scientists are very proud of the Big Bang Theory. They have everything resolved and they have a timeline for that. This is really fun for us! How can they have a timeline for a quantum event? In the quantum state there is no time, however, they have everything resolved. They even figure that there is a residue they can measure and prove that they are right. How smart they are!

Let me ask you something, if you smell that wonderful residual aroma of the bread that is baked in the kitchen, what does that tell you? Do you say: "the bread was cooked here four billion years ago" or does it say: "the bread is being cooked now"?

It is the prejudice of a totally linear way of thinking in a unique time dimension that smells like bread and calculates how long it has been baked! They do not understand that the quantum event of the "Big Bang" is still happening. That explains the energy of universal expansion. It even begins to explain the "energy of what you cannot see." The “residue” that they measure is the proof of the reality of an event that is still going on as they see it in 3D, but an event that is the reality of creation within a quantum state.

Observe what three-dimensional incongruity the current theory is: How could everything have come from nowhere, then at a speed greater than the speed of light, having expanded instantly, violating every law of current physics, to create the current mass of the universe in a nano-moment? However, the prejudice of singular linear thinking allows all this to happen in the timeline of an instant ... and they had it all resolved. All of them should be celebrating with Enrique and María! (Kryon humor)

Let me tell you something that I never, ever, described before. The center of your galaxy spat out the matter that you are. Science has it the other way around. The twins in the center of their galaxy lead the twins in the center of all other galaxies. Millions of them, billions of them. All are connected in a way that you cannot imagine outside of space, outside of time, as strings among friends who are aware. Not the kind of intelligence and awareness they see in your brain, no. Instead it is benevolence, an intelligent glue that positions the universe in love. I told them that they would not understand all this. These are high principles, a high way of thinking, and many are simply not ready for it.


Let's go to something else. Life on the planet and the way it was created has become a matter of controversy because there are scientists who must make everything linear. Darwin gave them the possibilities of an evolved life system. He showed them how it could work, perhaps, in a random selection of biology over and over again for billions of years, creating what they have now. But then, enter The Gaia Effect.

Scientists are contemplating the history of the earth and are beginning to see something that worries other scientists a lot: It is possible that there is a consciousness that created life. Naturally, true science does not want to think like that, because the fully linear 3D thinking of your current science does not allow rules outside the box of total consistency. The real irony here is that the tendency of singular consistency does not take into account the tendency of the creator. Is it possible that the universe is inclined towards life? In this irony, the Human is tendentious due to limited dimensional thinking, and the Universe tends to love.

The controversy goes like this: The history of the Earth shows that life continued to be created and destroyed on the planet for four billion years. It started and stopped and created itself and destroyed itself over and over again. While life was once considered an attribute of the planet "against all odds" and nowhere else in the Universe, it is now seen as having been created over and over again!

Some say: "Well, it is a random event that is happening." Really? What are the chances, after life destroyed itself, that this incredible chance would happen again? Where is the evolution? Something that didn't work ... came back! What do you think about it? Scientists are beginning to consider The Gaia Effect as a consciousness that comes from somewhere, in some way, that has a tendency to create life. It is beyond the reach of what you would call probability. It happened again and again, until the planet did well. The answer was photosynthesis because it created a balance ... plants and trees to consume the derivative of life. So finally the balance began.

That took a long time, but life was always recreated until the "system" succeeded. Even when the system extinguished life, she returned! Even when the earth was devoid of life because it had not resulted, it was created again up to five times. Scientists are beginning to see this and are wondering how the earth seemed to tend to create life. Some say there is a conscience; others say that is not true ... that it could not be, it simply could not be.

But there is, dear, and it is an interdimensional consciousness that brings things together. Because when you enter an interdimensional state, you are beginning to touch the face of God, the creative energy of the universe and one that truly tends to love.


There are those who study the way in which the Earth appeared geologically and once again, in their linear way of thinking, they are prejudiced. They are biased because they look at erosion patterns, see the way things used to be and then, from then on, apply specific universal laws to everything on the planet. Well, there are some surprises: Have you heard the last one? How long did it take to split the Grand Canyon? How many millions of years did a trickle of water have to flow to carve the canyon as it is today? A million years, two million? How long it took is still fixed on the posters in the historical places. But now geologists are starting to change their minds because they discovered other attributes that make no sense. Now they are assigning a timeline of approximately three hundred years!

What happened to your logic? What they are seeing now is the wild card. That is to say that there was no trickle of water. Instead, a sea emptied into it ... a fierce torrent of water that split the rock for a much shorter period of time. It is outside the paradigm of thought, and it is correct. See where I want to go? It is the persistent prejudices that keep them in a groove in a straight line like the two-dimensional figures on the sheet of paper. They have to start thinking without typecasting and look for what else it may have been. So I told them the story of the Grand Canyon so they can absorb the next one.


I told them some weird things about the planet, and geologists always roll their eyes. Because they say that Kryon gives you information that is often "geologically impossible." I told them about Lemuria. I told them that the original Lemurian civilization was concentrated on dry land at the base of the highest mountains on earth, measured from the foot to the top, which is now Hawaii. It is a great mountain with several peaks and the peaks are what now stands out from the water today, what you call the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

At the time of Lemuria, we told them that the earth around the base was dry. The geologists laugh. It is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! How could it be? I will tell you how it could be. First of all, you must understand that geologically, 50, 000 years ago is not a significant enough time for something like the tectonic plate to have an impact on this attribute. In geology, 50, 000 years is really very short ... however, the water level at that time was about 400 feet (122 m) lower than it is today. This is because you were in the process of a water cycle that we have discussed before. So that is one of the attributes that participated. However, the other attribute is the major reason, and we have never talked about it.

The mountains of Hawaii move slowly over what is called an active zone, that is, it moves slowly over a tremendous core of volcanic activity that has existed there for millions of years. 50, 000 years ago this area of ​​volcanic activity was in the process of a gigantic "bulge" that really raised the ocean floor gradually around the Hawaiian mountain over six thousand feet (1, 830 m). It means that due to volcanic pressure, the earth's layer swelled enough to lift those mountains higher than they are now, to create a relatively small area of ​​dry land that contained the mountain of Hawaii. When the lava was released, and it did, the bubble slowly deflated. This took several thousand years, without a cataclysmic eruption, as it slowly broke free in the mountain peaks and spilled into the sea, creating even more land around Hawaii. This created a situation in which the base of the Hawaiian mountain was above sea level for a while. The slow release caused the bubble to decrease and Lemuria slowly flooded. This is the story that we originally told them, and the reason why the Lemurians became seamen and moved to many other places.

Skeptics find it convenient that all evidence of Lemuria has been destroyed as it should be. That gives thinking. It has to be thought whether these things will have been like that. But a linear thinker will tell you that this cannot be so, since they never saw historical evidence of it. You did not see that kind of bulge before, therefore, we have the same effect of the "Grand Canyon", where the truth lies hidden due to the tendentious consistency. If you never saw it, then it is not possible.

Incidentally, the evidence is really there in the bulge, because the folds of the ocean floor still show a rare symmetry around the mountain, giving indications that it was once tensed up due to volcanic influences, and then descended. There are also bones of animals in those depths, deeply sunk, that would tell biologists that what is on the ocean floor in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, once exposed to sunlight ... about 50, 000 years ago.


Let me tell you about creation. Astronomers are starting to talk about an Intelligent Plan. Now we are getting somewhere, since they are beginning to understand that the quantumity of the universe could really be aware. Against all odds, you live in a parameter, an attribute in space that statistically continues to be against all probabilities . You are in a universe created for life! If they could roll the physics die and create a universe, it would never develop that way. Never. Statisticians have said that it is beyond the possibility of opportunity, however, you are in a land full of life. They are in a universe full of life. There is life on the planets that surround them, only they have not yet found it. It is microbial and represents the initial attributes of unicellular life. It's all there. They will see. Take a trip to Europe (the moon of J piter) and look a little in the ocean. They will see. Definitely, life is the modality of the universe everywhere. They will see. And it happened against all the odds and the scientists are seeing that now. And it is so out of the statistical model of the creation of any universe that they have labeled it Smart Plan. You have to have a plan.

In the middle of their galaxy there are twins, driving and attracting interdimensional energies that literally have an intelligent complement. All the stars move together in unison with that. Forces that are far beyond gravity are involved. It is an interdimensionality that brings together the galaxy and that is something I want to talk about because it has to do with its future.


Futurists in their society have a tendency to see what it was, and then project what it will be. Do you see the linear way of thinking? They say it is the predisposition of consistency. Because of this, therefore, there will be this. They are observing a consistent model of old energy and in their projections they never give them the opportunity to change. They are denying the very capacity of Humanity to leave behind what it was.

What has been consistent on the planet regarding consciousness? Name the attributes: War, poverty, suffering, drama, the repetition of the same, the repetition of the same, the repetition of the same. Fractals of time that come and go and come and go, which creates a consciousness that repeats and repeats and repeats.

Now you can see the predisposition and why it is there. Because everything that stays in the same cycle is expected to remain there forever. This is also repeated in his physics. The more quantum they become, the less consistent they will be in thinking so. In other words, sooner or later they will wait for things to happen that never happened before. You are in a change that is allowing it and in all its surroundings, things are changing. Listen: You cannot apply the rules of the past year to peace on earth. Is it possible? I know more than possible, it is the most likely result we can give them. Qu les dicen las reglas del a o pasado acerca de sanar su cuerpo? Dicen que es incurable? It is not. Qu les dicen las reglas del a o pasado respecto al miedo que se est generando acerca del cambio en el que est n? Les dice que los va a cubrir el agua? Bueno, si aplican la velocidad a la que se est n derritiendo las cosas y luego proyectan todo eso en el futuro, aplican el discurso de la ciencia deficiente entonces, por supuesto que les suceder ! Pero eso es terriblemente consistente en ustedes, no es as ? Ven lo que estoy diciendo? No le est n haciendo ninguna concesión para el comodín. No están concediendo que este planeta está entrando en un atributo magnético enteramente distinto. ¡El sol está cooperando; el universo está cooperando; es casi como si los gemelos pudiesen ver quiénes son ustedes!

Los gemelos son físicos, un grandioso impeler y atraer de un atributo interdimensional que ni siquiera les podemos explicar. Los gemelos no son Dios. Los gemelos son el resultado de un universo que tiende a Dios, y una física interdimensional que ustedes recién están comenzando a descubrir y cuestionar. Sus científicos sólo están comenzado a verlo. El Efecto Gaia, el Plan Inteligente, la forma en que la tierra fue ensamblada, la forma en que no fue accidental que ustedes estén aquí, contra todas las probabilidades… eso debería tener sentido en su lógica.

¡Ustedes están en medio del tremendo cambio que pidieron, al que le llegó el momento, por el que vine yo! ¡No es un cambio que los vaya a destruir! No tienen que tenerle miedo. Es un cambio que controlan a medida que se vuelven más cuánticos. Están comenzando a comprender que la consistencia de la vida como la han visto es realmente un viejo paradigma. La consistencia del miedo, del odio, de la decepción, está comenzando a cambiar. Si quieren ser coherentes con las cosas, sepan esto, que el amor de Dios es lo más consistente y persistente de esta tierra y del universo. ¡Es consistente! ¡Es tan persistente que no se detuvo hasta que se creó la vida y se descubrió el amor!


Hoy quisimos presentar una imagen. En su mayor parte fue científico, en parte un problema de deducción, para mostrarles que su actual lógica 3D no está expandida. No es la clase de lógica que van a necesitar para entrar en el futuro. Les dijimos que esperasen el comodín. Esperen cosas que no ocurrieron nunca antes. Cambien la historia al pensar en cosas futuras que puedan ser evolutivas y representar comodines ellas mismas. ¿Pueden reconocer algunos de esos comodines en su pasado más inmediato? ¿Cuántas veces tenemos que darles estas cosas para ver? Ninguna de las cuartetas de Nostradamus es exacta hoy en día. Se han escrito libros acerca de la tremenda guerra inminente con el Islam. Bueno, algún día podrán leerlos y reírse, porque no está ocurriendo así. Todo ese escenario se basa en una conciencia consistente, inmutable en la Tierra, donde todo se repite en un viejo modelo esperado, ¡y no es así!

¿Son el modelo esperado en la Tierra, o ustedes son el comodín? Vean, hay cosas por venir que no se esperaban. Sé esas cosas porque veo los potenciales que no están abiertamente disponibles para ustedes. Es la conciencia que se está “cocinando en el horno” la que está trabajando en este instante de formas que ustedes no se esperan. Esto no es adivinar el futuro. Más bien, es únicamente afirmar los hechos de los potenciales de las mentes en el planeta… adónde están yendo y qué están pensando.

Quiero que se vayan de aquí esperanzados. Reservamos este mensaje para este grupo en particular. Es un mensaje avanzado y no cae en los oídos de los que estuvieron aquí por la primera vez o en la energía para la primera vez. Cae en los oídos de almas viejas. ¿Se acuerdan de esto? Recuérdenlo conmigo, porque lo esperaban. Por eso están aquí y por eso van a regresar.

Finalmente, esto: Estuve con ustedes en el viento del nacimiento, con cada uno de ustedes. Antes de que se deslizaran hacia este planeta, antes de que los ángeles rodearan la cama y le cantasen a su madre en la alegría de su nacimiento, yo estuve ahí. Justo antes de que ustedes regresasen. Pregunté, como hago siempre: “¿Esto es algo que realmente quieres hacer? Mira los potenciales y las penurias, la enfermedad y el pesar de ser Humano. ¿Realmente quieres regresar?” Ustedes me miraron como siempre lo hacen y dijeron: “Envíame allá. Apenas puedo esperar a regresar y terminar lo que empecé.”

Ahora tienen algunas de las primeras señales que hayan tenido alguna vez desde que fueron Humanos, de que este planeta puede avanzar hacia la graduación, vibrar más alto y convertirse en parte de una confluencia de energía con la que sólo han soñado… y están sentados en el filo de ella.

Yo soy Kryon, amante de la humanidad. Esta es la verdad que les doy hoy. Brindo este mensaje para instilar en sus corazones y en sus mentes la esperanza de que estas cosas sean así y son ciertas. Quizá hoy algunos de ustedes se vayan de aquí distintos de como vinieron gracias a esto. Y así, este mensaje en especial se volverá a dar de otra manera a un público diferente, pero será tan amoroso y conmovedor como éste.

I am Kryon. And so it is.


© Lee Carroll – Esta información es gratuita y está disponible para que la impriman, copien y distribuyan a gusto. Sin embargo, tiene derechos de autor que prohíben su venta de cualquier forma que sea, excepto la que haga el editor.

Traducción Susana Peralta

Título en inglés The Great Cientific Bias

Authorized site of Kryon by Lee Carroll in Spanish

Gracias Susana Peralta!

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