Granny Aya talks about: the Sun / The Lemurian dimension and tells: The legend of the dragonfly.

  • 2012
Table of contents hide 1 2 The Lemurian Dimension 3 The legend of the dragonfly 4 Granny Aya talks about: the Sun / The Lemurian dimension and tells: The legend of the dragonfly

Signs in the Sky of October 2012

Aya is the oldest spirit on Earth, the guardian of memory, she is a wise old woman who has lived through Gaia's evolution since its inception. She presents herself with her loving wisdom, humbly, I receive it when we need compassion in the collective, unconditional love. And although he talks about information, we invite you to feel beyond his words what is in the gaps, in the resonance, in his energy.

She tells us the story of ancient Lemuria, how the Sun sowed the seed of life. She says:

The seed of the life of this system arose from the Sun, from the fractal division that began with the primordial creation. In the alchemy of life, the union of its radiation with my receptive energy were what gave birth to all life.

That is why all life arises from the Great Spirit, or from that luminous creative force that the Universe created from love. The Sun is a magnificent fractal of that force, a fractal is an identical but different sized part of the same energy, or in the same way. Like trees, for example, a small branch, looks almost identical to the tranco when it branches, it is the miniature model of the tree, so they grow fractally.

Returning to interact with the Sun is necessary, recognize its magnificent light source of evolution, understand that we are attached to it, which is the masculine principle of our small system. Receive with joy and confidence to the new frequencies that he is emitting, that all living beings with Gaia are receiving. The Sun has always been kind to its children, fearing it is something absolutely absurd, that fear has been a way to prevent the solar codes that are being lowered into the atmosphere from reaching everyone, but that is already impossible, because the codes are every Once more subtle, they merge with all matter like neutrinos and are reaching everyone equally. The Sun has its ways of manifesting, of creating that go beyond human manipulation.

Yes, honoring him, respecting him is desirable, knowing when to look at him, when to expose himself to his rays, what is the best moment, is to know his medicine. Remember the ancient rituals in the sun, in circular stone temples. The energy of the Sun is already being used now, but in this new earth it will be used massively to obtain electricity on the planet, in a simple, subtle way, that will be very soon. Because the laws of physics have changed as consciousness emerges, ancient hidden patterns are unveiling.

Points have been connected, for example, between the various pyramids that exist on the earth's surface or underwater, it is now recognized that there was a civilization that built pyramids, which communicated with the Sun, that knew the geometric grid and built in the places where it had to be balanced.

Any civilization that communicates and knows the Sun in all its aspects, will dominate its medicine for light, will use its power.

Many ancient peoples knew it and still the original peoples know it, an important part of the equation of change is going in that direction, to the recognition of the Sun, of Gaia the Mother Earth, of love for all life as creations of the Great spirit.

We are in times of change, of transformation that makes it necessary to love external chaos as part of you, to love the dark as part of the light, it is necessary to love all living beings of creation, to love the medicine that means interaction with everything that is, to love animals, to love plants, to honor fertile land. That is what the shift in consciousness is about.

Many are joining their hearts, their creative minds to create, they have awakened, no matter what the personal situation that everyone is living, or continuity, they have begun to exchange, transmit and receive from the great geometric network of Gaia light, making May this shine even more be strengthened in love, emit the energy of unity, of union. To live that new era of peace that is imminent.

The Lemurian Dimension

Before that solar civilization, Mother Earth Gaia, was at another level of consciousness, of a frequency a little more accelerated than matter, there lived with the Ka: the etheric double, was the Lemurian dimension of the Earth.

The Ka is that body that is identical to the physical but vibrates on a slightly faster frequency, lives in the future, is the one that connects to the stellar ancestors and knows the trips to the geometric networks. Many of your Kas were the builders of the networks.

The Lemurian dimension is still part of the Earth consciousness, especially in this South American continent, its memory was marked by migrations from the Pacific, let's say it is the dimension and that energy Next to the earth's Kundalini, which comes from Chile to Venezuela, are the two necessary ingredients for the new earth to begin. Some have contacted her through dreams, in meditation, or through the magic plants.

The Lemurian dimension, more than a civilization, is a state of consciousness, it is in a more subtle, faster, less dense frequency, where the magic comes from, the kingdoms et rich, fairies, sacred, imaginary animals, angels, beings of light, all responsible for maintaining the pattern of harmonic creation. This consciousness is beyond the illusion of third dimension, in some distant places it is still preserved, in some places of power on the planet, especially where the existence of the magic, or where there were magical civilizations like the Celtic, which supported the dimension of the ancient Lemuria.

The original inhabitants of South America, especially those who went to the Amazon rainforests, or those who remained in the highest mountains guarding knowledge, know what it is to read the synchronicity in the clouds or In the plants, they know the power of the elementals, of the plants, of the animals, the little brothers.

For a long time the Lemurian dimension has moved through the shamans, the medicinal plants. Medicines for a long time hidden in the heart of the jungle are coming to the cities to accelerate the change.

Many of you have visited this multicolored dimension that vibrates higher, where the sound reverberates, the color plays in a rainbow of geometry, as if the reality factory had pictures with blinking corners .

The legend of the dragonfly

To continue with our love for the little brothers, the animals, I want to tell you an old story that we only remember memories like me as a grandmother, it is a lemurian legend that was told inside the stone circles, When everything was starting over.

Says the following:

In the beginning when the water covered the earth, life began to create different forms, everything arose from the water, small aquatic animals suitable for survival, equally small insects of Short flight populated the depth and surface of the water that was fresh, it had not yet been salinized.

Matter was forming and the Lemurian dimension was fading, material reality was imposing itself. A new beauty was being born from the water, the land that in its fertile land had kept the seeds of lush vegetation for millennia was also emerging.

In view of the emergency, that the magic was being lost and the human beings forgetting who they were, the lemur masters decided to send some messengers among the little brothers, to remind humans that there was that other etheric dimension, instant creation, light, magic, loving, luminous thought, some of those messengers were the Whales and the Dolphins, but the legend tells the story of a much smaller one, a magical being: the dragonfly.

To be born from one dimension to the other, the lemur masters prepared a small well at the source of Likia, a large source of iridescent water equal to its wings. For about 300 million Earth years in the form of Nymph, learn to survive in the water and then emerge to the surface and fly. During the dream of the water he was given his mission and his medicine for humans. It was endowed with three qualities, one aquatic, one terrestrial and one aerial.

When the surface came up the dimensions had changed and he found himself flying in the current of a great river, in the ancient land of Khem, the fertile land, that of the great Nile River, known in all the ends of the earth as the artery more powerful Gaia. There the Lemurian dimension was remembered, that's why religion was based on animal shamanism, the Egyptian gods were totemic energy, lions, cats, jackals.

Flying over the Nile he realized that his wings displayed iridescent colors, he saw how they resembled the reflection of the sky in the water, felt the lightness, practiced flying, his wings being so efficient that he could move in many directions, at high speed, in a straight line, make extreme angles with great ease, that is how he remembered its origin.

It is achieved with another equal, many had emerged at the same time, he felt the desire to fly in the air joining his tail with that of his friend, describing spirals on the water near some reeds, in a river pool, doing incredible pirouettes, going forward, in the opposite direction, drawing DNAs, going down until almost touching the water, going up to the sky, always together, the ecstasy is mutual.

They repeat many times these aerial games so they understand that they are to sow in the Mother Earth Gaia this new species, thus the biological network of the dragonflies arises. There is going to be a time that his medicine will help humans to get out of the illusion of the material, to connect with Lemurian magic.

The dragonfly of the Nile then leaves its fertilized eggs in the vicinity of a reed, protected from the currents, near a group of lotuses, there they grow, fattening, until the weight catapults it towards the muddy bottom to live a new step, Now he is nymph.

For a long time he lives underwater, in the small corners of the rocks, deep down, in the darkness of the mud, learning the mastery of survival, of emotions, there is carnivorous, they feed on other living beings, this It is new for her, she needs to do this to survive, to eliminate predators.

He reaches a point where he has already eaten enough and needs to get out of the water, his body has grown so much that he feels he adjusts, he decides to climb into a closed lotus, when he leaves he feels for the first time that he can breathe in the subtle medium of the air, He leaves through an opening of his old body and sees that he has grown a lot, timidly he observes that he can spread his multicolored wings, he removes the nymph suit on the lotus, leaving the carnivorous darkness of the mud, to become that winged being of other dimensions .

So she comes from that magical dimension, still present on earth, hence her iridescent wings, with the colors reminiscent of the Lemurian landscapes.

That is the legend of the dragonfly, of the Lemurian magical being.

The dragonfly comes to awaken them beloved humans, to help them out of the illusion, to show what is hidden, which makes them act with fear, distrust, with compulsive, addictive unconscious behaviors. She allows to go to look in the deep, dark waters of emotion to understand what is really happening, announcing that when maturing is the exit to the light, in the light flight of adulthood. She removes the veil, so that they listen to the messages of the Universe, she tells them: the time has come to take a step forward, to stop “blaming the external”, to know that everything comes from within, to take responsibility for what happens in your life to change it, to become the Being of light that you have always been.

Granny Aya

Abjini Arráiz

+ 582-4142373866

Granny Aya talks about: the Sun / The Lemurian dimension and tells: The legend of the dragonfly

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