The New Principles of Life. Channeling of 09.12.1990.

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Table of contents hide 1 Today, a large part of humanity no longer accepts external impositions if they do not correspond to their internal aspirations, to what is based on their feeling, conscience, mind and soul. 2 We see a thousand different systems emerge in all departments of human life. 3 Multiple attempts to implement the new principles in the physical world are being made by the group of servers in the world, the workers. 4 Many of them are still unconscious or semi-conscious, but authentic vehicles of the Hidden Hierarchy. 5 Have you already thought if the thief and the murderer were aware that their actions would cause very serious reactions in their future lives, from arduous sufferings, making them very difficult? 6 The spiritist lines, mainly, are very dedicated to the act of transmitting to mankind the real evidence of the continuation of life beyond physical life. 7 We see, with each passing day, more people emerge with this fundamental change processed. 8 Old souls, teachers and disciples, whether incarnate or disembodied, are very active in all the nations of the world, acting independently of religions, personal beliefs or political systems. 9 This will set you free and elevate you to the Kingdom of Light, to the Kingdom of God, as ancient scriptures speak so much. 10 Everyone can have access to these older brothers, it is enough that they develop the mental, psychic and consciousness-feeling conditions necessary to enter into communion and attunement with us.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

A great transformation is underway that comes from the inside out and not from the outside in as before, where some concepts and ideals were imposed by the force of some men, political systems and religions.

Today, a large part of humanity no longer accepts external impositions if they do not correspond to their internal aspirations, to what is based on their feeling, conscience, mind and soul.

This represents a great change in the foci and in the positions of the human being or, in the most varied aspects of life.

The old principles, both religious, political, social, scientific, economic, philosophical and even mystical, are no longer very much in accord with a great inner need, which is beginning to emerge within the human being .

There is a real expansion of feeling, of mind, of sensitivity, of consciousness, of understanding, and today's man constantly interrogates himself, seeks more objective answers, without masks of power, seek not only an outer freedom, an inner freedom.

We see a thousand different systems emerge in all departments of human life.

The spiritual thirst begins to be growing. The intuition is more acute and the internal restlessness is in charge of the human beings, pushing them towards a spiritual search, since the systems that are based on old things do not satisfy them m s.

The Workers, scattered across all continents, embodied in all races and in both sexes, are bringing the new principles of life, based on the inner being of each one, awakening the enormous potential stored in souls, fruit of all past existences, leading those who really seek reconnection with the higher self and with the soul, so that they can also work for inner liberation.

A new mentality is emerging, where dogmatism and fanaticism will no longer take place, where personality will be transformed into the real instrument of the higher self and the soul .

Multiple attempts to implement the new principles in the physical world are being made by the group of servers in the world, the workers.

They try to act in silence, but many of them, by virtue of their tasks and missions, are revealing themselves to the world so that humanity can easily reach the Hidden Hierarchy and verify its existence, and c How it is acting within each cycle or era.

It is planned that the Great Hidden Hierarchy will be externalized in the physical world, but for this the "New Principles of Life" need to be grounded within all those who will be the founding elements of a New Humanity and a New Civilization.

Many workers reincarnated and are acting in all sectors of life to bring new Aquarian ideas to the day-to-day lives of human lives.

If you look closely at the actions of many leaders, in the most diverse sectors of human existence, you will begin to perceive that behind them is the hand of the Hidden Masters, orienting their words, their actions and their lives.

Many of them are still unconscious or semi-conscious, but authentic vehicles of the Hidden Hierarchy.

In the continuation of spiritual development and in the fulfillment of their tasks and missions, everyone will become fully aware of the work of the Hierarchy.

Only a great transformation is able to elevate life on this planet again to the principles of universal love, justice, harmony and balance, of an authentic living fraternity where everyone will serve everyone; so all will also be served .

Where there will be neither rich nor poor, because money will become a mere instrument of realization to serve and not for the selfish speculation that prevails in the world today.

When the human being expands his consciousness, make his spiritual relief with his soul and remembering his past existences; when he proves for himself that death is nothing more than a portal of passage to another dimension of consciousness and that life is eternal; when he understands that a simple physical body does not pass from a vehicle of manifestation of a divine body, the soul, and that it is here passing on an eternal pilgrimage, there all attachments will disappear greed and greed will become a disease and all the financial aspects of the world undergo a huge transformation, since no one will want to exploit others for personal gain, because he will know about the karmic consequences of his actions in the future, for his spiritual evolution .

Have you already thought if the thief and the murderer were aware that their actions would cause very serious reactions in their future lives, of arduous sufferings, making them very difficult?

You already thought if the greedy ones were aware that their actions transform them into beggars in a future life?
Have you already thought if the enslavers of life were aware of the deficiencies of their future physical bodies, seriously compromised as a result of their present actions?

Since the middle of the last century, groups of workers have been working slowly so that human beings begin to accept and understand that death is a simple portal to another plane, another world, another dimension.

That the incarnation is not a philosophical speculation, but a reality of universal life . And that, by the mistakes of the past, human beings blocked the psychic and mental channels that can transport them to another plane of universal life, and that these spiritual channels are slowly being unlocked ; Hence, more and more, there are human beings having memories, revivals, dreams and revelations of their past existences.

The spiritist lines, mainly, are very dedicated to the act of transmitting to mankind the real evidence of the continuation of life beyond physical life.

These spirit movements are also in the process of change and renewal; for which new Groups are beginning to emerge that managed to dissociate themselves from the ties of surpassed concepts, of rituals that have nothing to do with the reality of the present life, continuing the work with those beings who are also passing through the astral world and that there are serving as bridges between the subtle planes and the densest, which is the physical world.

The official science itself is taking the first steps in the study of life beyond physical life. The "Lightworkers" are on all planes, acting in tune with the great principles of universal life, unity, with the Greater Light and with those Beings of Light, the Masters, so that the Great Plan is implanted on Earth, and so New Principles of Life may arise and human existences have internal and external peace, leading to everyone the right to really be happy and live their existences eternally.

The directing focus of the will is changing from personalities to souls : it is a change of one hundred and eighty degrees . Many have already made this change, and today they are completely different human beings, where their real values are spiritual and not more material.

We see, with each passing day, more people emerge with this fundamental change processed.

So, today they look for new principles, new ways of living, always based on their inner voice and no more on their desires, vices and passions.

Many are seeking in nature a return to their origins, founding even alternative life communities, where they can join those who have already begun their internal transformation.

The Hidden Hierarchy is vigilant, watching, letting everyone find their own inner path, helping many through intuition, dreams or through the spiritual channels that some of the disciples have cleared, and thus flowing through from them not only the energies they need, but also the new Aquarian teachings necessary for a better human life.

Because it is they who will accelerate the process of spiritual development that is underway today, where the New Principles of Life will be founded so that the New Humanity arises, when human existences will be oriented towards the infinite life and not more for the finite life, which many judge to be the summary of everything.

Old souls, teachers and disciples, are embodied or disembodied, are very active in all the nations of the world, acting independently of religions, personal beliefs or political systems.

They act of the soul for the personality so that the human being has a universal mind, and this one can have as an instrument a more developed human brain, and not, as today happens to the average human being, that yes It uses three to six per center of the Brain capacity.

This means that man does not know his own body and that he did not develop it because it is oriented towards external and not internal principles. In all times, it has always been taught that the body of the human being is a micro-universe where all the attributes and powers of the macro-universe reside.

But this procedure was forgotten by the present humanity and the religions and spiritual organizations are not very interested in exploring and developing this micro-universe that resides within each one, once, when this happens, they will lose all the power over the human being, because you will verify that he was deceived and enslaved by systems more based on the illusion that in a true spirituality, formed by the defective personalities of men; that is why imperfect systems that can never lead someone to Real Freedom.

These illusory masks, which still conceal religions, sects and organizations, both political and mystical-spiritualist, fall to the ground so that one true religion arises, which is the real truth,
since there is no religion superior to the truth .

This will free you and elevate you to the Kingdom of Light, to the Kingdom of God, as ancient scriptures speak so much.

This is the moment when each one needs to turn inwards, in the search for their own internal Master and, through the help of an external Master, to rediscover their true path and their spiritual tasks and missions internally.

The Hidden Masters, the Masters of Wisdom of theosophy, or like other spiritualist currents called, Ascended Masters, actually several signs to designate Beings of Light that reached enlightenment and that are, in fact, older brothers, are also evolving like all of us.

We are all disciples and teachers at the same time, because we all learn and serve each other.

We are your older brothers and, therefore, we have already traveled the loves of the world that today travels in physical life.

For the great love of humanity, we put our experience and our wisdom at the service of planetary evolution; Thus, we can also evolve and continue our pilgrimage through the universal paths of the stars, of the Light.

Everyone can have access to these older brothers, it is enough that they develop the mental, psychic, and consciousness-feeling conditions necessary to enter into communion and attunement with us.

Thus, spiritual development is very important for the stage that humanity is going through; that is why new methods of spiritual development are emerging and "Arcane Wisdom" is returning to help, without linking or forcing someone to be their service.

This time is over, the hour is of liberation and she herself brings a lot of responsibility for everyone and for the evolutions of others and the planet itself.

Master Zanon (Also known as Master Jupiter) 12/09/1990.

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Book “O Hidden Government of the World. O Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta ”, Editorial Portal. Second edition. Author Henrique Rosa.

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