Course of Angelic Reiki and Connection Workshop and Female Healing ~ June 2015

  • 2015

Angelic Reiki Course. Level 1 and 2 together

June 19, 20 and 21 in Barcelona

July 1, 2 and 3 in Banyoles (Girona)

short video:

What is Anglic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki is the result of channeling of the Arc Angel Metatr n through Christine and Kevin Core, who founded it in 2003. It is a healing system He who works with angels, archangels, ascended masters and other beings of pure light.

What can this course give me?

The course can be another step in your evolution of consciousness because energy is light and light is information, open your heart, release emotions and blockages, wake up abilities and / or sleeping gifts, to feel that you are a human and divine being, to experience the loving energy of the angels.

You will learn different healing techniques:

Self healing with angels, Healing with Ascended Masters, Healing past lives, tuning healing tools, among others.

There are three three initiations during the course:

Two initiations made by the angels, anchoring the symbols in the energy body of the person and one to the Angelic Kingdom through the Metatron Arc. The Teacher is a simple guide. Before each tuning you will receive some cleanings in which karmic ties, agreements, contracts and attachments that block our knowledge and that have connected us with entities that are not beings one hundred percent will be released of pure light.

It is not necessary to memorize symbols:

In angelic reiki it is not necessary to memorize the symbols, the angels will do it for you.

Both those who have no experience in reiki and those who want to experience another type of healing are welcome.

The following material will be provided:

Course manual and official Certificate endorsed by Christine Core.


Barcelona Course : Friday from 3.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 to 15

Banyoles Course (Girona): from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

TEACH THE COURSE: Montse García Ariath. Angelic Reiki Teacher

REQUIREMENT : Bring a quartz type generator of average height of 6-7 cm


(email only for information and registration of angelic reiki courses)

or by phone: 675092555

Connection and Female Healing Workshop

Awareness of woman: Uniting belly and heart

June 27 in Barcelona

Special reduced price

Workshop Purpose

In order for the woman to access the energy of her heart, she must first heal her belly, heal the ancestral wound of the feminine.

The purpose of this workshop is to sow a seed of consciousness in women to take a look at that deep pain and its feminine essence through the mother and the female lineage, its roots. We will also connect with the inner girl inside us from the look of our soul. We will make a journey through our womb, our sacred center of connection and wisdom.

Only by healing our wounds can we regain love, strength and power towards ourselves.

In this way you can love life, the earth, your body, feel inwardly that you belong to the world and that it makes sense that you are here incarnate (in-flesh).

Workshop Benefits

Only if you want can you recognize and take your inner child .

and be able to cultivate your inner mother. By healing your inner mother, you transform your life.

Many times we women have problems to materialize the work we want, find our way in life or we can live life with a lack of meaning, melancholy or sadness. We also have "tensions" in our relationships with our mother or our daughter.

It is a workshop to start or continue the way of loving yourself, a way of life.

Workshop methodology and to whom it is addressed:

During the workshop we will work from the body, mind, emotions and spirit through meditations, dynamics, constellation movements (soul movements), art therapy and different proposals.

It is aimed at all women of any age and wanting to commit and take responsibility for their own lives. Men may also come who sit in tune with the proposal (we all come from a womb, from a woman's body).

Facilitate the workshop:

Montse García Ariath. Therapist and Trainer, Angelic Reiki Teacher, Healing with crystals, archetypes and codes. Integrative Body Work, Ovarian Respiration, Psychological Astrology. Currently doing Family Constellation training. Occupational Therapist specialized in Neuropsychology.


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Angelic Reiki Course and Female Connection and Healing Workshop ~ June 2015

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