Weekly Free Horoscope, from September 22 to 29, 2019, is extraordinary!

  • 2019

Our Weekly Free Horoscope is loaded with amazing events for this period of days from September 23 to 29 of the current year.

We especially thank the seers and astrologers of the King of Astrology Site, who have wanted to share with you all the predictions for this week.

Weekly Free Horoscope, September 22-29, 2019

(Our Weekly Free Horoscope is loaded with amazing events for this period of days from September 23 to 29 of the current year)

Are you planning an important event this week? Do you have doubts about what will happen next week? I invite you to consult your weekly horoscope to make the best arrangements for each day; You will know what to do and what not, so you will enjoy an extraordinary week without problems and without unpredictable difficulties.

Search our free weekly horoscope and Tarot for the main ideas about the good or the difficulties that come this week for you. Now, apply the advice of our astrologers in your life, you will begin to solve your problems, and make the most of your week.

Get ready for the next challenges! Have an idea on what to avoid, don't miss knowing everything this week has for you.

Aries sign

From Monday to Wednesday the need for pleasure increases through love and affection. It is a good time to feel sentimental, sociable, sensual and romantic. However, it can also become careless, moody or self-complacent.

A healthy relationship can go through somewhat awkward moments. But an unsatisfactory relationship can suffer disloyalty or other forms of disrespect.

From Thursday to Sunday it is excellent to have fun and make love. You must feel a warm, happy, sociable and generous being.

Good luck can come in the form of gifts, money or compliments. It will increase your charisma, charm and popularity, this is a good time for you to make some appointments.

Good luck also applies to education, business and legal matters. Enjoy this week!

Aries Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Cuatro de Oros can be a letter about holding on to things, people, money or situations more than is healthy or realistic.

When this card appears in a reading, it is a sure sign that you should look carefully at what you cling to and if others cling to you in an unhealthy way.

In general, the Cuatro de Oros can indicate anxiety / fear for money and / or hold on to anything that makes you feel safe. The key here is to try to realize that being anxious and clinging does not bring security.

If any card in the Tarot relates to the old saying about "If you love something, let it go ..." this is the one.

Taurus sign

Monday through Thursday brings good news, enthusiasm and optimism. Fortune reaches many areas of life, so this is an excellent time to work and play.

This is the ideal time to start a new course of study and take exams. Trips and vacations can be booked or started.

Social charm, tact and diplomacy make this the right time to resolve disputes between you and others, or between your friends or family.

From Friday to Sunday your imagination and dreams will be powerfully creative and well lived.

It is a good time for you to meditate and execute other spiritual activities, if you do so, you will surely begin to achieve an amazing level of protection.

In your relationships, a sensual appeal and a mystical charm will be extraordinarily favorable.

You can connect more deeply and clearly with your loved ones this weekend, couple, family, and special friends.

Taurus Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Seven of Swords may indicate that someone is not behaving or has no intention of acting ethically.

Sometimes it also means meddling in someone's life. If you feel someone is spying on you, you may be right. If you are tempted to dig into the life of another person (unless it is that of your youngest child who has caused you concern), resist the momentum, we all deserve privacy.

If you participate in any kind of competition this month (formal or informal), you will want to be aware of any trap. This can vary from anyone who cheats in a poker game to someone who tries to frame you at work for something serious.

The bottom line is to basically cover your tail, make sure you are doing things the right way, and then you will have nothing to worry about, even if someone is trying to catch or incriminate you.

Gemini sign

From Monday to Thursday you will achieve harmony and peace as you leave feeling loving, affectionate and tender.

These days are good enough for you to spend time having fun with friends and loved ones. Due to its greater charisma and popularity, this is a good time to socialize.

Ideal that you feel comfortable with other people, and that you feel comfortable and happy in the public interaction.

You can make friends easily, indicating that you can start a new relationship whenever you want.

Friday to Sunday brings good mood, optimism and much love. Others will find you more attractive as you relax and express the most affectionate and welcoming side of your personality.

This is a good time to go out, but also to repair any stressful relationship.

Luck in love can be combined with some fortune in another part of your life. Gifts, compliments and good deals can be in the store of your life.

Tarot card of the G minis Weekly Free Horoscope

The Wheel of Fortune indicates that things have been changing lately. This reality shows that certain positive adjustments are necessary, however, these changes for certain people can be difficult and certainly traumatic.

It is a highly spiritual and "karmically" oriented time. Change is a fundamental part of the cyclical nature of human existence.

The Wheel of Fortune always reminds us that "this will also happen." Whether very good or bad times, this will also happen.

If you are currently on the “top of the mountain”, be careful and keep perspective, remember that everything can change at any time.

Ideally, live now, keep in mind your blessings and understand that much of your life is far from your control, however, that makes you human and not bad.

Think positively and accept the changes.

Sign Cancer

Monday through Thursday brings good news, enthusiasm and optimism. Fortune comes to many areas of life, so this is an excellent time to work and play.

This is the ideal time to start a new course of study and take exams. Trips and vacations can be booked or started.

Social charm, tact and diplomacy make this the right time to resolve disputes between you and others, or between your friends or family.

Friday to Sunday brings the courage and initiative to take the first step and take the lead. Intuitively you will know what you want, in addition to knowing how you will get it, especially in your relationships.

This is a good time for you to invite someone to a date, and act according to your instincts. Without needing to appear rude or bossy, you can be direct and assertive, you will surely be a person appreciated and admired for his sincerity and honesty.

Free Weekly Cancer Horoscope Tarot Card

The Hanged Man normally indicates that you are at a crossroads that only allows you two options, yes or no, outside or inside, up or down.

You may feel like doing something, however, you have no idea how to do it. If this happens to you, it is clear that you should stop, relax and observe what you really need, then try to control access to situations, people, things, your life.

There is the possibility of having an outdated attitude, or failing that, a desire that you should surely put aside.

Your sacrifices will begin to open the doors to even more positive realities, and even more than anything you have let go.

In short, this should be for you a time of important reflection, and especially if as a person you are willing to change what is useless and evolve. According to your interests, are you willing to change what is no longer useful to you?

Leo sign

Monday to Thursday is a moment of optimism, generosity and good fortune. The things you start now should be successful as they are based on good intentions.

Spending quality time with your loved ones would be particularly rewarding now. Your supportive and supportive attitude can bring new friendships and favors from others. An important woman in your life will have a positive effect on your personal or spiritual development.

Friday to Sunday brings love, money, harmony and happiness without having to strain, fight or work hard.

This is a time to enjoy the benefits of good accumulated karma from your previous good deeds and your hard work. It is clear that beautiful things clearly attract you.

This is an excellent time for you to go out, this, because your great physical and internal beauty makes you feel popular and sexy.

Leo's Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

Justice refers to the idea of ​​karma and the law of cause and effect, indicating that all events and all people are connected.

It is important to remember that not everything you are trying, however, is the direct result of your own actions or karma. Sometimes, you will be asked to deal with the results of the actions of someone you care about, and this can sometimes be as difficult and demanding as when you are facing something that is done by yourself. Do not blame yourself unnecessarily.

This card evokes the need for equity, balance and harmony. Operate in the most balanced and reasonable way possible. This includes how you think and treat yourself. If you are directly involved in a court case, it is likely to be resolved, at least to a large extent, in your favor.

Virgo sign

Monday to Thursday is a good time to think and plan your future. Positive thinking, a broad perspective, and excellent decision-making skills will allow you to clearly visualize the preferred path to continue ahead.

Good communication skills and open free expression make socialization rich and satisfying. The easy assimilation of ideas and good concentration means that you can study or take exams with less stress than usual.

From Friday to Sunday there is a greater risk of shame or disappointment if you are too optimistic.

You may feel confident and generous, but the risk of deception is too great to risk your resources.

You should totally avoid gambling, drugs, gurus, cults and plans to get rich quickly.

You may feel suspicious and paranoid, but you can rely on the advice of trusted family and friends.

Virgo Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Queen of Wands is one of the cards in the Tarot deck that externalize the most fertile and feminine energies.

At the time of reading this letter, you can literally indicate a person in the life of us, the vast majority of times it is a female person, and it is mostly a woman with light tones in her hair. The Queen is able to attract very good energy, and it is an extraordinary positive sign to receive it.

When the Queen of Wands does not refer to a literal person, she represents a sign of fulfillment of objectives, especially in the workplace / career. And when it represents a specific literal person, it indicates an extraordinarily firm woman in your life.

The Queen is a pleasant stimulating, positive and strong energy. This is one of the most positive Tarot cards.

Libra sign

From Monday to Friday you can see that your creativity, imagination and emotions will increase.

Your friends can come to you for comfort, or just to find a shoulder to cry on.

It is possible that a new romance will arrive in which you will feel your soulmate.

During the week you will be favored by artistic and creative work, such is the case of music, film, composition and dance.

Those projects in which you have frustrated can be resumed, you will surely receive a new air that will help you push them forward.

The New Moon of Saturday will bring you good fortune, fun and love, however, you may also need to improve and strive in other areas of your life.

Perhaps restlessness, passivity or boredom lead him to seek change and emotion in his love, sentimental and social life.

You can take advantage of this New Moon to go out, find a new relationship, get engaged or get married.

Libra Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Golden Ace tells you that you may be enjoying a new beginning in various aspects of your life, and this specifically, is a very positive new beginning.

It is likely that your health and vitality are at a high point. This letter shows a sign of change in terms of fortune and wealth, and may even indicate gifts of money or inheritance from unexpected sources.

It is quite likely that you feel highly optimistic about your future. This letter indicates that in a general way things are going quite well.

You could start something new very soon, this could be in the workplace or personally, but in any case, it is a good thing.

Scorpio sign

Monday to Thursday is a good time to think and plan your future. Positive thinking, a broad perspective and excellent decision-making skills allow you to clearly visualize the preferred path ahead. Good communication skills and open free expression make socialization rich and satisfying. The easy assimilation of ideas and good concentration means that you can study or take exams with less stress than usual.

From Friday to Sunday his feeling and his intuitive side are balanced with his thought processes with which you can provide acute perceptual skills. You can read others easily and quickly assess any situation.

You will be in touch with your own feelings to give good judgment and decision-making skills. You can connect to a more intimate level, it is an excellent omen to make friends and take new relationships to the next level.

Scorpio Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Three of Swords is represented in most Tarot decks as a heart pierced by swords, however, not everything is bad. Although there is an element of sadness that is undeniable when this letter appears, what you will find on the other side of this sadness can be a greater understanding and joy.

Allow yourself to fully experience any grief or pain that arises this week, so you can go further there.

In general, this card can signal very deep emotional problems that must be addressed before moving forward. Denying the pain does not make it go away. However, you must pay attention to balance.

Allow yourself to experience any pain that arises now, but don't wallow in it. You should not and should not wallow in pain or grief for a long time. However, only you can decide how long it is long enough. Others cannot decide for you.

Sagittarius sign

From Monday to Friday you will have emotion and certain changes in your life that will not cause more discomfort or chaos. You may feel a contraction or a sense of anticipation that something good is about to happen.

You can be attracted to unusual people, and even people you might not know.

Your weekend is ideal to break bad habits and leave boring or unhealthy relationships.

New Moon Saturday is in a very good part for your sign. It will bring you love, fun and good fortune, however, it can ask you for adjustments in other aspects of your life.

It is possible that boredom leads you to seek change and emotion in your social or love life.

This is a good New Moon to go out, start a new love relationship, get engaged or get married.

Sagittarius Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Five of Wands often refers to competition. Usually, this competition is in the professional / work environment, but sometimes it can refer to romantic rivals.

Don't be afraid to compete, know that you have something to offer and that you can succeed. But you have to try, it's the only way to see results.

When the Five of Wands appears you must believe in yourself stronger than ever. Keep your head up and have faith that you will end up in the right place for you. You may be thinking about making a career change, know that you can succeed, if so.

Capricorn sign

Monday through Friday brings optimism, generosity, good luck and good news. Good instincts, positive and future-oriented thinking make this an excellent time to socialize, research, study and make plans. You could also plan to start a trip, especially long distance trips. Making friends is easy and mutually beneficial partnerships can be profitable in the future.

On Saturdays New Moon in Libra is not well located for its sign. It is likely that it brings to the surface the tensions of relation to simmer. Fortunately, it also offers the possibility of love, enjoyment and good fortune, but it can force adjustments in other areas of life. Perhaps restlessness or boredom lead him to seek change and emotion in his social or love life.

Capricorn Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Ace of Cups is a sign of highly powerful and positive omen, strictly related to happiness, love and affection. Now, although it mostly means love, it is also possible that he speaks of new beginnings from other areas, things are getting better for you!

This is a good time for you to create good friendship relationships, they will respond with good will, love, respect and happiness. In short, you should feel very good with everyone around you and consider your close friends.

Aquarius sign

From Monday to Friday you can establish better emotional bonds with people, this, because during this week you will have an amazing emotional sensitivity.

You can enjoy with your family members very pleasant moments, in which you can remember days gone by. Also, you can share your feelings in writing or through words. You can achieve extraordinary friendships.

The New Moon Saturdays are in a good part of the sky for your sign. It brings love, fun and good fortune, but it can force adjustments in other areas of life.

Perhaps restlessness or boredom lead him to seek change and emotion in his social or love life.

This is a good new moon to go out, start a new love relationship, get engaged or get married.

Aquarius Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Eight of Swords suggests that you may be restraining yourself because you fear moving forward, or because you fear being hurt by a new situation, or perhaps for no reason. Think well what you fear. The truth of the situations is probably much less frightening than what your mind is doing.

In general, the Eight of Swords tells you to be open to defeat in order to win. Do not fear the unknown; Many blessings reside for you there.

Examine your thoughts, speech and behavior to determine negativity and know that what you say and do, as the choices you make affect the results in your life. If you need help managing your fears, ask for it.

Pisces sign

From Monday to Thursday you will bring optimism, generosity, good luck and good news. Good instincts, positive and future-oriented thinking make this an excellent time to socialize, research, study and make plans.

You could also plan to start a trip, especially long distance trips. Making friends is easy and mutually beneficial partnerships can be profitable in the future.

From Friday to Sunday, intense personal interactions show exactly how you feel about someone and how they feel about you. The relationship will evolve to a deeper level or you will be free to move on.

It can come to the cause of any bad habit or addiction. Your subconscious is very powerful and can control your feelings and behaviors.

This is a good time to solve mysteries and discover secrets.

Pisces Weekly Free Horoscope Tarot Card

The Two of Wands indicates that it is of the utmost importance that you maintain balance in all possible forms of your life, and even, even in the boring. All this will be very useful for you during all the current and coming time. This can be commercial or personal, or both.

Although this is a very positive letter, it also shows the need to maintain intelligence about you, that although you deserve it and you should have fun, but know that you are still in a construction phase and that now is not the time to may he "rest completely on his laurels."

Sometimes, this card can also mean that you will move your place of residence.

Did you like the free weekly horoscope we prepare for you? I hope your life is on the paths you want. We wish you amazing successes and blessings, a Hug of Light!

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

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