Moon phases most appropriate for each activity in the garden

  • 2015

The gravitational force of the moon influences the sap of plants affecting photosynthesis, germination of seeds, movements so that it ascends or descends from the roots to the uppermost zone. For example, the phase between crescent and full moon is associated with the maximum concentration point of sap in the upper part of the plants; the full moon affects a greater development of the plant in terms of its height, and during the new moon and the dwindling roots there is more concentration of sap. It is known that the moon in ascending position has more influence on the sap than on the descending one.

To know if the moon is ascending or descending we must only observe it in two successive days. The first day we will observe the moon and we will have a reference regarding its height (for example a building) and the next day, but this time two hours later, we will again observe the moon's height. If it is lower than the previous day then the moon will be in the descending phase and would be in the ascending phase if the moon were higher.

To identify the phases of the moon is simple. We can distinguish four phases: full moon (the moon sees a white circle), new moon (the moon is completely black), waning room (when the moon forms a C) and growing room (joining the two points forms the letter D ).

Moon phases and the garden

full moon

In this phase there may be an increase in pests. In addition, the sap is mainly concentrated in the foliage of the plant, which is why the foliage grows faster, although there is less fruiting than in other lunar phases.

Crescent moon

During this phase the sap ascends from the roots to the top of the plant. If you sow during this phase the development will be faster, specifically, the foliage will grow much more than the roots. That is why it would be a good idea to favor their development. It is also more common for plants to be less resistant to diseases or pests.

New Moon

During this phase it is recommended to carry out tasks such as the control of adventitious, eliminating those plants that we do not want in our garden, in addition we will carry out other tasks of maintenance of the crops.

waning moon

During the waning moon we will notice that the plant has more splendor, and so much so that it tends to bear much more fruit. It is a period in which the sap descends to the roots.

Garden work for each lunar phase


For plants with a superficial root the best time to fertilize is from a crescent moon to a full moon

If the plants have deep roots, we will pay from a waning room to a new moon

Reproduction of plants:

By cuttings and grafts: the stages between the crescent quarter and the full moon are more beneficial because the cuttings sprout better and as for the grafts, infection problems are avoided and healing is facilitated.

Germinate seeds: the best moments are in growing room and full moon


if we want to favor that the plants have more fruits and more flowers, we must restrict the risks during the full moon and the growing quarter.


To prevent the plant or tree from losing sap, it is recommended to prune during a waning moon. And to make it easier for them to sprout again it is better to prune between a new moon and a crescent moon. If we want the trees to develop the foliage further we will have to prune them in a new moon. In cases where we want to reduce the development of foliage to favor fruiting we should prune during the full moon or the waning room. In general terms, if we want the plants or trees to bear more fruit, we will be able to trim in a growing room, and if we want to reduce the growth we can in a waning room.

Spontaneous or unwanted plants:

If we want to eliminate spontaneous plants (badly called weeds), it is better to do it between a full moon and a waning room.


Fruit plants or trees are sown in a growing room, with the exception of those that are eared that are sown in a waning room.

The plants or trees we grow for their flowers or seeds will be sown in a waning room.

It is advisable to sow between growing moon and new moon those plants that grow and bear fruit on the earth, and between a waning room and new moon the plants that

They bear fruit underground.

Seeds that take longer to germinate are sown in a waning room.

The germinating seeds are soon sown in a growing room.

Harvest leaves, seeds and flowers:

If we are going to dry them, it is better to catch them between the waning moon and the new moon. If they are seen to be used at the moment we will take them between crescent moon and full moon.

AUTHOR: Unknown.

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