Interview with Mirabai Ceiba, by Maria Sarab

  • 2014

We live in a sea of ​​energy. Everything in this universe manifests itself vibrating. From the most subtle, such as sound or light, to seemingly denser objects, they are pure vibration. Our consciousness constantly changes vibration, there are times when it is denser, others more subtle. Raising our own vibration brings us closer to experiencing and merging with the highest vibration of all: God, the creative consciousness of the universe.

The universe was created based on sound, vibration. "In the beginning was the verb, and the verb was with God, and the verb was God." That is, that original vibration made appear all the universes, stars, solar systems, planets, worlds, oceans and all the beings that inhabit them. There is a vibrational frequency that tunes everything with the primordial energy. Through sound we can access different states of consciousness and connect with this creative energy. We are constantly creating our reality, with our thoughts and our words. When we recite Mantras we are choosing to access specific vibratory states. We can tune into love, prosperity, peace of mind or any other frequency.

Mirabai Ceiba's music has those qualities; it connects us with our being, with our essence. Singing and listening to their music, we enter a frequency of love where problems move away, they simply have no place in the here and now. Everything that is not part of the present moment directly disappears and we enter a state of absolute presence. That is the immense healing force of music. No matter the age, language, tastes or opinions we have ... that force goes beyond the physical and connects us with high vibrations, regardless of how we feel or where we are. Music is the language of the heart, the universal language through which we can connect with each other creating a collective consciousness where love, peace and light reign.

Mirabai Ceiba is made up of a duo; Markus Sieber (voice and guitar) and Angelika Baumbach (voice, harp and piano). The day they met they fell deeply in love with each other, Markus was an actor and Angelika traveled composing and singing. The two came from different places, he from Germany, she from Mexico. Since then they dedicated themselves to music in body and soul, creating a different style that included Mantras and sacred poems of the world. They dedicate their lives to traveling the world, giving concerts and inspiring with their songs.

The name of Mirabai Ceiba personifies both influences from India and Latin America . Mirabai (1498-1547) was a mystical singer from India. His songs express the desire to unify the Individual Being with the Universal Being, represented by Krishna. For Markus and Angelika the name "Mirabai" represents an exploration, devotion and inspiration in all aspects of divinity.
And Ceiba is a sacred tree in Latin America that is never cut and grows very tall. "We want our music to be like the Ceiba, " Markus and Angelika say, "with its roots that go deep into Mother Earth and with its branches that extend far, as far as Father Heaven."

-What is music for you?

Music is for us a form of expression that connects the inner worlds with the outside worlds, and at the same time these worlds feed back through music. There are many different ways to approach music, and infinite sources of inspiration. What inspires us is to express ourselves from our heart, connecting with the universal heart, and thus create a space where we can meet people and through music and singing create intentions of healing, love and peace.

We can see, in all our trips and concerts, that music is a great universal language, understood without understanding the words, she speaks directly from heart to heart.

-How does music help the truth seekers?

Our music is a combination of Kundalini Yoga Mantras, sacred songs and spiritual songs, with the intention of taking us to a deeper place in our hearts and revealing the center of our true selves.
Mantra, is a definite sacred word, a code that contains information from the universal mind and connects us to the divine harmony of the universe. It is said that we are what we vibrate. When we sing a Mantra and tune in to its sacred sound and music, we invoke and integrate this quality into our life. Thus, our mind that judges "good or bad" can be calmed down, and we become aware of our truth and the beautiful happening of the present moment.

When we are in a search of ourselves, or of the Truth, something that is essential in this search is to be able to reflect with each other, in order to see in others what is happening inside of us. Music is capable of creating this bridge and this intimacy among people, so we realize that we share much more than we think. We all seek truth and happiness, and having each other as mirrors reminds us that we are not the only ones in this search, that we can help each other grow, and music contains this universal language that we all understand, if we have a heart open.

- In what language are the Mantras you use in Kundalini Yoga? And what effect does reciting Mantras have on our being?

The mantras we use come from a sacred language, the Gurmukhi. It is a language as old as Sanskrit. Meditating on the divine sound current takes you to states of meditation and deep connection, it takes you to the present moment. In Kundalini Yoga we include music and Mantras in our day to day. Mantras are excellent tools for altering the patterns of the mind and creating states of relaxation, presence and deep meditation.

Each element of the universe is constantly vibrating, when one vibrates in rhythm with the breath and the divine sound current one can expand its sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It can be compared to playing a note on a string instrument. Just as you vibrate, the universe vibrates with you.

-Is it important to know the meaning of the Mantras you sing?

Actually the force is in the sound, and in the effect it has on your being. Regardless of whether you know the meaning or not. We always recommend learning the meaning of the Mantras and poems we recite so that people know and understand the meaning of what they sing. But it really is not necessary to get the benefits.

-Once I read that the voice is a personal seal, something unique and unrepeatable that identifies us, says who we are and what is our relationship with the world. According to you, what is the power of the voice?

The voice has a lot of power, and it contains a lot of our genetic and spiritual history. In our voice are all the stories of our life, and of our ancestors, sometimes things that we are not even aware of. That is why through voice there is the ability to release many of these burdens and barriers, and reach very deep places within our being.

-There are Yoga teachers who prefer not to put music in the classes so that the students are aware of their breathing. They argue that music distracts them from the here and now. What do they think?

There are many aspects to this. There are Yoga traditions that focus on direct attention to breathing and body, and in this case the music is not necessary, while in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga, the m Physics and the Mantra are an essential part of the practice. I also think it depends on where it is being practiced. If you are in a beautiful place in nature, where the birds and the river are singing, then you don't need music, because the sounds of nature help you to open the relationship n between your body, mind and soul. But when we live in a big city, and we drive after 8 hours of work in the traffic towards our weekly Yoga class, then music can be a wonderful tool to calm the mind in a few minutes, and we can find peace in our hearts.

- Music is capable of generating different states or emotions?

ANGELICA: Absolutely. Music is a form of pure expression, and it comes from places inside us. If music is created and executed from a space of deep devotion, it will consciously or unconsciously touch the same sensation of devotion within others, since We are all mirrors of each other, and we are made of the same thing, except that it is expressed in different ways, but when an artistic expression is genuine, it is capable of touching the same fiber within others., emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

We have probably all had the experience that music is one of the most powerful arts that creates emotional states immediately.
Through all times and in all different styles, music has been created as an expression of human emotions, and at the same time to invoke them. In music to sing and meditate, we use music as a tool to look beyond the emotional world. We try, through the constant repetition of a Mantra or a sacred phrase to forget ourselves and merge completely with the music to realize the infinite.

Does music help in wound healing?

It is said that love heals all wounds, and if the music comes from a space of love, then the music will heal. In addition to singing from the heart we can add the universal sounds through the Mantra and balance our lives towards divine harmony. A wonderful example is the well-known Mant Ma de Ra Ma Da Sa, which we have recorded on our CD "One Hundred Blessings", which also appears on the meditation CD "Life Cycle". This Mantra connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe.

The first thing is to truly want to heal, in this way the Mantra and music serve as a tool to open the healing channel in the universe, so that all visible and invisible forces work towards this purpose, through singing, manifesting and projecting Light and health in life.

-In your latest new album, "Sacred Love Meditations" each song really opens the heart and connects the listener with the infinite. What was your inspiration for this album and why did you choose these particular Mantras?

The inspiration for "Sacred Love Meditations" came from Angelika and our long-standing relationship, our children, family and our busy daily life. We have realized in our relationship, that it is very important for a couple to find space to feed love, compassion and understanding. We wanted to share this gift with the world and give them a tool to open a space to forget about everyday worries, stories and arguments which can really accumulate. We just want to connect with each other at soul level.

- Next May 6 we will be lucky to welcome you here in Madrid, what message would you like to reach people?

We would like to encourage people to come and try the experience of singing together. The more people come to the concert, the more energy will be generated. Together we will rise, open our hearts and create a strong vibration of love and peace and healing for the planet.

During the time that lasts we will be aware that we are really ONE. We always have been and always will be. Come and vibrate with us and join that healing space that we will create among all. We hope that many people are encouraged.

Article: Maria Sarab Shakti

Interview with Mirabai Ceiba, by Maria Sarab

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