Diseases and Karma, by Judith Von Halle

  • 2012

Diseases, today, are caused by the conditions and circumstances that human beings themselves create: not only our actions, but also our feelings and thoughts. The nature of all diseases that have appeared on earth is directly related to the evolution of human beings. Diseases were, are and will continue to be the sensory expression of the mood and spiritual state of each person. But since the beginning of the time of the conscious soul, they are increasingly becoming an expression of the spirit-spiritual state of the entire human race. After the Mystery of Golgotha ​​had been fulfilled and the conscious soul woke up, humanity has increasingly needed to develop a concept of disease and health that is different from the pre-Christian, and that has a brotherly and holistic quality. Based on the unifying impulse of Christ's sacrifice of love, humanity needs to be seen as a social organism that can fall ill just like the individual within it.

We have to contemplate as a tragic destiny but at the same time as an evidence and illustration of the context described here that the Spanish Flu previously referred to fell upon humanity as a scourge during the First World War, at a time therefore in which gigantic losses of human lives were already being inflicted. At this time, scientific advances have not only brought new developments in technology and therefore in the domain of war. Machine guns and nerve gas are just two of the innumerable inventions of the modern age - since the fall of the spirits of darkness in 1879 - that human beings use in a beastly way to rob their brothers of health and life. All this followed from the dishonest politics of the time, of illusory ideas about nations and races, law and history. The beast that humanity created at this time in its thought and emotions finally took a form corresponding to such thoughts and emotions as countless millions of viruses.

Through his esoteric research, Rudolf Steiner established a relationship between the dark power that today already looks towards the 'black era' of Orifiel and the bacillus that 'devours and spoils human physical bodies'. He asserts that the preconditions for the outbreak of 'disastrous diseases and pests' are created through 'fratricidal struggle and war of mutual destruction', in other words the disease of the social organism. Establishing this connection between the performance of dark powers between nations and also individuals, and the outbreak of infectious diseases that 'attack the poor human bodies' and let them 'consume themselves', brings a shocking knowledge of the current state of the world. Such plagues, against which hardly any medicine has proven effective, are already afflicting us, long before the advent of the Orifiel era around 2400 AD.

In the same esoteric lesson given on December 5, 1907 - that is, long before World War I had begun - Rudolf Steiner established a relationship between the formation of the 'bacilli' and the god Mammon [1] . Mammon is the prevailing anti-spirit of our age that opposes the spirit of Michael Time. While Michael, the good spirit of Time, Servant Helper of Christ, has been greatly abandoned by mankind while he tries to lead us into a healthy social form along the lines of the triformed social organism, human beings in turn yield Tribute to Mammon. If human beings listened to Michael they would actively accept the wise direction of Michael [2], and they would also allow the acting of the Personality spirits will develop in them, leading to a panoramic view of history and the ability to correctly perceive and relate karmic facts of life and real circumstances.

In relation to diseases, Rudolf Steiner's statement about the connection between the emergence of bacilli and the appearance of the Mammon god is proving to be exact. No one today, at least, will doubt the link between Mammon and the commercial position of the chemical and pharmaceutical companies in Western society, which benefits financially from the growing outbreaks of epidemics. Humanity's way of thinking has become so corrupt that it can no longer even realize how absurd it is that the production of medicines is subject to financial interests, for example that the treatment of millions of People with AIDS are, in all seriousness, dependent on the activities geared towards the benefits of stock market speculators.

The arrival of new diseases that have not yet been fully explained and for which no remedy has been found, is also related to the appearance of that third dark power that is in complete opposition to Christianity and therefore in opposition to the Christian impulse of healing. With the end of the twentieth century, for the third time since the Mystery of the Gotagota - it is gathering its forces against the spiritual awakening of humanity.

Humanity, which is developing in the course of its evolution today a more and more common and general clairvoyance, is hindered by this anti-Christian impulse to give this clairvoyance healthy use, and thus progress towards spiritual knowledge. It is certainly regrettable that a considerable part of medical and pharmaceutical knowledge is falling under the control of these trends.

If we carefully examine the so-called Attention Deficit Disorder, we will find that treating even children with long-term tranquilizer treatments serves to cover and dampen subtle signs of the perception of spiritual worlds, which most parents consider strange or 'abnormal', instead of channeling and cultivating these signs in a way that improves the child's well-being. Modern pedagogical approaches are a fundamental problem. If a child expresses something that he experiences within himself as true, but then he finds no response from his parents or teachers, or even encounters disapproval, a great conflict between generations will erupt. Such conflict, however, is still the expression of a healthy process; but if it is printed on a child at an earlier stage than what he experiences and says is wrong and morbid, the situation will be increasingly out of control. In relation to education, therefore, it is hardly really a matter of asking ourselves how we should discipline our children or how we should treat a growing number of 'sick' children, but instead ask what the educator can contribute to the child, and if he is attentive to the changes that occur in the individual human being and global humanity. Those who ignore the global context cannot understand the damage that will be done to humanity in the future by administering chemical sedatives and thus implanting something in many souls of a whole generation. This is in total contradiction with what had begun to germinate in these souls, which should have been taken care of and cultivated as a valuable spiritual possession. Managing such sedatives is ultimately intended to suppress our awareness of the plan of Ahriman and Soradt, which is to turn the world upside down but at the same time give us the illusory feeling that things are going as they should, and thus use us for their service.

Until 1917, Rudolf Steiner noted a corresponding trend in human evolution:

And the time will come ... when people will say that for human beings to think about the spirit and the soul is in itself sick, and the only people who are healthy are those who speak of the body and nothing else. People will regard it as a symptom of illness if someone develops in such a way that the idea arises that there is such a thing as spirit or soul. Such people will be considered sick. And - you can be quite sure of this - a corresponding medicine will be found to counteract this.

At that time (The Council of Constantinople), the spirit was abolished. Also the soul will be abolished by medicine. Based on a 'healthy aspect' people will find a vaccine that will manipulate the organism, where possible in early childhood, even at birth, so that this human body cannot reach the idea that there is a soul and a spirit. So markedly opposite will the two worldviews become. [3]

The global trade of sleeping pills and other sedatives is flourishing now like never before. Humanity cannot sleep peacefully because, in its higher Self, it cannot - in spite of everything - reconcile active spiritual realities with its often diametrically opposed worldview and its corresponding way of life. We are being flooded from the outside by substances that move away from our reach the ability to become aware of spiritual processes. The fact that the god Mammon has in his firm fist the pharmaceutical companies responsible for the production of these substances is one of the bitter facts of life that hardly anyone questions now.

The nature of 'non-karmic diseases'

The obvious lack of knowledge about the spiritual roots and the causes of our illnesses means that a significant section of conventional medicine is today - certainly involuntarily - heading headlong towards the transformation of the Christian impulse of healing into its opposite. Several studies have been undertaken in recent years on the disastrous and almost uncountable side effects that arise, either directly or in the medium term, from chemical drug use. Despite this, the use of antibiotics to treat infectious diseases, or chemotherapy to treat cancer, is still seen as almost sacred and undisputed ways of dealing with the disease. No serious alternatives have really emerged, since for this to happen, our complete concept of the human being would have to change fundamentally.

It is now conceivable, therefore, that sickness, which was once a Gift of the gods with the purpose of providing karmic compensation, or as an aid to our spiritual progress, can no longer reach full fruition, and therefore can be moved to a later life, perhaps in an aggravated form.

In this context we should also examine more closely what the controversial vaccination policies are now. There is only room to simply touch what happens, from a spiritual perspective, when a child is vaccinated. A germ of the disease to be fought is injected into the human body, with the purpose of teaching the child's organism to self-immunize. And yet a helpless child must then continue to carry this disease within himself. Something that comes from outside, and that otherwise could never have entered, is implanted in an individual. The basic idea of ​​vaccination of course is not intrinsically wrong, corresponding to the homeopathic principle of treating something with its similar. Although the way it is practiced today - that is, not after the disease has arisen, as in homeopathy, but before it has even sprouted, so that we cannot really talk about 'therapy' - does not have It counts the spiritual background of the disease in each individual. Thus a child today can be faced with a destiny that does not belong to him at all, either having a disease implanted in him with which karma would never have put him in contact, or through the fact that immunization avoids his destiny the experience of the disease that karma would have granted him, since this disease cannot be fully developed. Therefore it must be postponed for a future life, in which quite different things could really happen due to the new conditions produced by the current life.

As a large part of Western medicine ignores the psychic-spiritual causes of karmic diseases, focusing solely on their material symptoms, material means are also used to combat them that one cannot actually call 'medicines'. The appearance of a disease is perceived in the body, then it is diagnosed and treated physically using material means. In doing so, however, one multiplies the 'wrong' by two: what I mean by this is that one not only ignores spiritual causes and therefore treats only material symptoms, but also that these external effects are not they deal with medicines derived from spiritual knowledge, but from purely material perspectives.

The doctor therefore introduces something into the patient from the outside and treats only one aspect, which has nothing to do with the spiritual and karmic cause.

If you prescribe an antibiotic, the name itself can tell us what will happen in the patient's organism: 'anti-bios' means 'against life'. Such medicine not only kills the pathogen against which it is directed, but before killing this usually recalcitrant and often also resistant invader, it also kills all other life. human organism, in particular what is called today the immune system .

I have suggested that the impoverished conceptual life, which does not correspond to spiritual realities, may be responsible for the emergence of new diseases. The AIDS disease already mentioned is, basically, an example of a contagion of the spirit. Only in a relatively recent way has the idea developed in humans that we descend from monkeys. Only a few decades after Darwin's theory, it has turned out that human beings had animal ancestors, this has found its way to school books and thus to society in general . Within a very short period of time, therefore, we renounce the vision of ourselves since we came from the lap of the gods - which had previously existed in our inner life, even since physical humans entered the material world. Today, most people in the so-called civilized world now deny their divine nature, and in doing so they distance themselves not only in a more spiritual sense from their true humanity, but certainly in a true sense. Physical too. Since this Darwinist idea has taken effect we have had a reflection of it in the external physical world, in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This was present in the monkeys [4], and may even have lived in them for millennia. But only in the last 40 years has it become mortal for human beings. Since the human being began to see his own origins in his genetic connection with the great monkey, he has fallen ill with a pathogen that lives in this creature. He is thus dying for his own idea fix, for an anti-Christian concept of human existence. [5]

Here the impure in the human being is not really HIV itself but the concept that the human being has formed of himself.

In the Gospel of Matthew we find an account of the teachings of Christ about what really contaminates the human being and what does not:

Then he called people and said: “Hear and understand. It is not what enters the mouth that contaminates man; but what comes out of it, that is what contaminates man. ”

Then the disciples approach and say to him: “Do you know that the Pharisees have been shocked to hear your word? He replied: “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Leave them, they are blind and blind guides. And if a blind man guides a blind man, the two will fall into the hole. ”

Taking Peter the word, he said: "Tell us the parable." He said: “Are you also still without intelligence? Don't you understand that everything that enters the mouth passes into the belly and then is thrown into the toilet? Instead, what comes out of the mouth comes from within the heart, and that is what contaminates man. Because bad intentions, murders, adulteries, fornications, robberies, false testimonies, insults come out of the heart. That is what contaminates man; that eating without washing your hands does not contaminate man. ”

The disease of AIDS and also other epidemics that are unleashed on humanity today should be seen in a different light from those diseases that, as a karmic destiny, connect each individual with their spirit-spiritual development and are sent to us as Help in this development by the spirits of Good.

We can certainly say that something new has entered the history of humanity's diseases in recent decades: the outbreak of non-karmic diseases. This concept is not entirely accurate, however, as these diseases are also karmic by nature, although not in relation to the individual. The phrase however indicates a particular development, differentiating those diseases that underlie the karmic destiny of an individual from those that we can contract even if they are not part of our karmic path. These new diseases, to which we can succumb, are triggered by the sick social organism.

It is characteristic of 'non-karmic' diseases that no karmic 'debt' can be found that explains the outbreak of those diseases in the destiny of the individual in question. What human beings bring to the world in the form of anti-Christian thought, feeling and will, instead of preparing to perceive the etheric Christ, flows into the world with demonic forces. The physical and sensory manifestations of these demons are the phenomena of disease that human beings cannot explain by purely scientific means. This includes not only infectious diseases but also what should be called the true cultural epidemic of dementia and Alzheimer's, which are spreading rapidly in the western world, [6] as well as so-called autoimmune diseases such as lupus and sclerosis. multiple. All these epidemic diseases are characterized by the fact that, as signs of an anti-Christian impulse, they attack people who do not have the corresponding karmic predisposition for them.

With the emergence of such epidemics the organism of humanity is showing the same reaction to the inappropriate treatment that the organism of the Earth shows to the treatment it receives. As a reaction to the general acts of humanity, the organism of humanity vomits epidemics, while the Earth Organism is torn apart by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Those who have not caused the damage themselves are usually those who suffer the most.

Once again in human history, therefore, some current diseases are not caused by the gods of the Good but by the activity of the forces of Evil. But in the time of Christ, when this state of affairs was still justified, Lucifer and Ahriman were responsible for the appearance of a disease, while today the third power that opposes the impulse of Christ is active, and uses Lucifer and Ahriman as his servants to carry out his plan.

When Lucifer and Ahriman displayed their effects in the time of Christ, this involved a weakening of the astral and etheric human bodies as the cause of a particular physical disorder. In the modern diseases mentioned, however, the cause is a weakness of the highest of the four envelopes or bodies of the human being, the Self.

When the gift of Christ, the I, is weakened or sick, the attacking forces can only be called luciferic or ahrimanic to the extent that they serve the third dark anti-Christian force. Rudolf Steiner spoke of this force, of which he said that in the future he would afflict humanity as a plague, as the 'Mystery of Soradt'. [7] The peculiarity of such diseases consists, as we have already seen, in the fact that these powers do not necessarily impact the self that has weakened. The nature of these disorders can therefore point us to the selfish condition rather than the ego-oriented one of the human social context.

Humanity can also fall ill as a whole or I of humanity, if it loses its connection with the being of Christ, within which it could be today.

The spiritual task of Europe consists in intermediating between the impulses of the East and the West. While the East is subject to luciferic influence, the Ahrimanic comes to the expression more in the West. Between the human moving away from Earth, towards 'Nirvana' - a visionary concept, but devoid of I, of karma - on the one hand, and the abolition of soul and spirit through the worship of matter only on the other side, a force of the Center needs to be active. This is represented in Steiner's sculptural group, in which the Representative of Humanity joins the extremes of duality in a balanced and healing trinity.

The diseases that people have to fight with today, increasingly are not karmic in nature, are directly related to the disease of the social organism as a whole. For Europeans this means that they are connected to the unreached moral, spiritual and Christian goals of their culture. Europe is falling increasingly under the power of mainly Anglo-American impulses, instead of contributing to the Western world the balancing element of the Christian center. To the extent that this happens, Europeans are contracting the cultural diseases of the Western world.

This anti-Christian trait in the social organism can only be returned to equilibrium by innocent people who have in a certain sense - with Christ as an example - to give their health and their lives for those of the guilty. This will continue until humanity eventually learns, bitterly, that it is a single organism, and that through chauvinist nationalism or economic disparity it differs into social groups or nations or less. advantageous, and by doing this it amputates its own limbs, such as arms and legs. Then you will realize that our thinking and actions have inevitably impacted the total social organism. Only when it matures within humanity the understanding of the new group of conscious soul endowed with an I, and when those who have been sick in their hearts, although not in their bodies, assume full spiritual responsibility for their actions To rid the world of these diseases, it will be possible to stop the outbreak of new epidemics.

The process of becoming more aware of the reality of the spiritual world and thus of the importance of the healing impulses that Christ brought to the physical world, therefore contains an inexhaustible potential, particularly in relation to the treatment of existing karmic diseases and non-karmic diseases, and the prevention of new diseases.

The Christian impulse of healing today and in the future

An illness, understandably, is usually perceived by the affected person and also by his family as a terrible misfortune. It is not likely that someone who falls ill is pleased by it. Although we can observe that especially children - who, as they have spent only a short time on the physical earth, usually have a closer relationship with the spiritual world than adults - manage better with a serious illness than their relatives who They are not directly affected. Those who fall ill quite often develop a sense that their illness is due to the fulfillment of a higher purpose that they themselves cannot understand but whose meaning they recognize and value more and more. Today in our civilization, the great beneficial spiritual forces that a disease can bring to light in the human being are often suppressed or overlooked, since people consider the material body as the highest human possession, and its decay or decline as the tragic end of a human existence.

But all we need to bring before our soul in sickness and in the face of death, so that we can obtain a useful benefit from our destiny, is the journey of Christ through the earthly valley of pain to the celestial kingdom of God. He is our Representative of Humanity. He pointed us the way through suffering, through the omni-encompassing task of personal will to be reborn in a true human life-giving existence.

The cures carried out at the Inflection Point of the times have reached us through the Gospels, and through certain souls whose spiritual vision was able to witness them. These cures can help us understand the Christian impulse of healing in the present and in the future. Even though the diseases of those times and the course they followed were different from those of today, they could only be cured through the Impulse of Christ, as is the case in the current era.

At that time the Impulse of Christ acted for three years, between the baptism of the Jordan and the Resurrection, in the human being Jesus of Nazareth, and was given to sick souls from the outside. Today he acts in each one of us and, with enough devotion and care, he can provide the inner forces that make healing possible. Such healing may initially refer only to the healing of the soul. The healing of the body will also come through the forces of Christ within the people for centuries and millennia to come. As the material body of the human being gradually degenerates, this healing will arise, at the same time, through the ongoing development of our spiritual body - which Rudolf Steiner designated the 'resurrection body' - imitating Christ as our example.

If we penetrate this with our thinking, we can conclude that once this resurrection body has been fully and perfectly formed, the purpose and effect of karma as it exists today for the human being will have changed. We can imagine this path of evolution in reverse: someone who has developed this resurrection body - that is, his spiritualized physical body - towards the end of the planetary Incarnation of the Earth, can no longer suffer disease in his former material body, for he He has been able to discard it as an old empty skin. If he can no longer suffer disease in this material body, karmic disease can no longer play a role for him. If, in turn, there are no more karmic diseases, this means that the human being develops more in his soul in such a way that it no longer gives rise to any more disease.

This evolution of the soul, and thus the preservation of health, is something that we only acquire through the power of the Self. The will of the I has then become so mature and strong in us that it will act as a continuous guardian over our bodily wraps, in the same way that the I of Jesus Christ, which brought the I, acted as the guardian of the lower body wraps of the people at the dawn of a new era. When he endowed them with the forces of His Self, the demons were cast out of their body wraps, and the disease departed from their bodies.

In this way, the I and the bodily nature, the impulse of Christ and the healing of the body, are related to each other.

In the future, therefore, our concept of karma will undergo a transformation to the extent that we change our spirit-spiritual condition and thus also our physical condition. The basis of the concept of karma of the distant future - which will be applied to the next stage of planetary incarnation of the earth - can now be conceived and understood by the observation and cultivation of these three qualities that are inherent in Christ: love, compassion and awareness

The new karma of the Earth, Jupiter, will be formed from the internalization of these three cornerstones of the Christian spirit in thought and feeling, and the realization impregnated with their will. In those distant times, mature souls who no longer suffer physical illnesses, as described above, will be united in full consciousness with the destiny of another soul in need of help, that is, with their karma. These mature souls will surrender, in love, compassion and conscience, to assume the karma of the disease of other souls, whose Ies are so weakened that they are unable to help themselves. Thus a soul impregnated with I of the future will help and assume the disease karma of another human being, and will carry it in its place so that it can recover its health. Through such an act of sacrifice - in a Christian sense - the advanced human being will increasingly resemble Christ in Jupiter.

Today we can already make this evolution in the distant Jupiter understandable and even actively prepare for it through the awareness of the importance of the human sense of the alien self, which Rudolf Steiner recognized as the twelfth sense in modern human beings. Este sentido del Yo ajeno se distingue por el hecho de que no se relaciona –o no sólo se relaciona- con comprender nuestro propio Yo, sino más bien el del otro . Como tal el sentido del yo ajeno es el más elevado de todos los sentidos humanos y hoy ya forma una etapa preparatoria y fundamento para lo que constituirá el ser humano espiritualizado del futuro, y le desarrolla en un alma que se sacrifica, que ayuda. Así del sentido del yo ajeno puede decirse incluso que da un anticipo de nuestra existencia humana futura. Hoy, como el más elevado de los sentidos superiores, ya está presente en nosotros como un constituyente futuro del organismo humano espiritualizado de Vulcano, donde formará el sentido inferior y así fundamental para comprender y penetrar el mundo espiritual.

Para nuestro presente inmediato, y para décadas y siglos futuros, esta evolución se iniciará según aprendemos cada vez más a encontrar nuestra propia salvación en ayudar a los demás. Si alguien cae enfermo hoy, la misión de la enfermedad kármica significa que la idea de karma puede prender más fácilmente en él, y así su Yoidad es ayudada a despertar hacia la consciencia espiritual. Pero algo bastante particular sucede que conduce hacia la evolución futura descrita arriba: no sólo nuestra enfermedad nos conduce usualmente por un sendero completamente nuevo y potencialmente a un nuevo impulso en nuestras vidas, sino que también ofrece a otros la oportunidad de despertar a los sentimientos y actos Cristianos.

Nuestra enfermedad es por tanto al mismo tiempo una llamada a despertar a la compasión del otro. Sólo cuando podemos sentir compasión del destino de otro –en este caso en la forma de enfermedad- podemos también desarrollar el poder activo de curar.

As la medicina, en la medida en que realmente sirve al impulso de curaci n, est basada enteramente en el inter s amoroso, en la compasi n de la persona saludable por el destino de la persona enferma. Los impulsos que la persona saludable aqu emplea y difunde, son arquet picamente Cristianos. Incluso si una persona no puede ofrecer directamente ayuda m dica especializada, y no es por tanto capaz de interesarse en asuntos f sicos espec ficos, su inter se involucramiento ejercer n un efecto curativo sobre el paciente. Aunque sufre con sentimiento con el otro (el significado literal de com-pasi n ), l ayuda al otro a realizar m sr pidamente su karma.

Adem s, con cada movimiento de su simpat a l contrarresta poderosamente los impulsos destructivos del futuro, de los que habl Rudolf Steiner en relaci n con la anulaci n del alma. Quienquiera que pueda sentir simpat ay compasi n no permitir que se le niegue la existencia de su alma, y tampoco, por tanto, la existencia de un mundo en el que l est enraizado.

En el grupo escult rico de Dornach, el Representante de la Humanidadpermanece en el centro. Rudolf Steiner quer a mostrar las tres Piedras angulares del esp ritu Cristiano amor, compasi ny consciencia- brillando desde la forma escultural de Su rostro. As es como se le apareci a su ojo interno ya en mayo de 1912, dos a os antes de que modelara los primeros borradores reales del Grupo, cuando habl en Colonia sobre la figura del Representante de la Humanidad como sigue:

La compasi ny el amor son las fuerzas a partir de las cuales Cristo forma Su cuerpo et rico hasta el final de la evoluci n de la Tierra Desde los impulsos de consciencia de los seres humanos individuales, Cristo extrae Su cuerpo f sico. [8]

Al mismo tiempo en que estas caracter sticas comenzaron lentamente a tomar forma en la representaci n art stica del rostro de Cristo en el estudio de escultura de Dornach, Rudolf Steiner dio por primera vez los llamados versos Samaritanos a los miembros de Berl n al estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial:

Mientras tú sientas el dolor
que me deja indemne
La actuación de Cristo en el ser del mundo
No sea percibida
Pues débil se queda el espíritu
Cuando, solo en su propio cuerpo
Permanece inmune al sentimiento del sufrimiento.

So lang du den Schmerz erfühlest
Der mich meidet,
Ist Christus unerkannt
Im Weltenwesen wirkend.
Denn Schwach nur bleibt der Geist
Wenn er allein im eignen Leibe
Des Leidesfühlens mächtig ist.

Encontramos la parábola del compasivo samaritano en las palabras del Evangelista y médico Lucas, que me gustaría recordar aquí:

Se levantó un legislador (escriba) y dijo, para ponerle a prueba: “Maestro, ¿qué he de hacer para tener en herencia vida eterna?” Él le dijo: “¿Qué está escrito en la ley? ¿Cómo lees?” Respondió: “Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con todas tus fuerzas y con toda tu mente; ya tu prójimo como a ti mismo”. Díjole entonces: “Bien has respondido. Haz eso y vivirás.”

Pero él, queriendo justificarse, dijo a Jesús: “Y, ¿quién es mi prójimo?”. Jesús respondió: “Bajaba un hombre de Jerusalén a Jericó, y cayó en manos de salteadores que, después de despojarle y darle una paliza, se fueron, dejándole medio muerto. Casualmente bajaba por aquel camino un sacerdote y, al verle, dio un rodeo. De igual modo, un levita que pasaba por aquel sitio le vio y dio un rodeo. Pero un samaritano que iba de camino llegó junto a él, y al verle tuvo compasión. Acercándose, vendó sus heridas, echando en ellas aceite y vino; y le montó luego sobre su propia cabalgadura, le llevó a una posada y cuidó de él. Al día siguiente sacó dos denarios y se los dio al posadero, diciendo: 'Cuida de él, y si gastas algo más, te lo pagaré cuando vuelva'. ¿Quién de estos tres te parece que fue prójimo del que cayó en manos de los salteadores?” Él le dijo: “El que practicó la misericordia con él.” Díjole entonces Jesús: “Vete y haz tú lo mismo.”

(Lucas 10, 25-37)

Esta parábola de misericordia nos conduce a los versos Samaritanos de Rudolf Steiner, que encarnan aquellas tres principales cualidades Cristianas: Amor, Compasión y Consciencia. La 'experiencia' del otro es una expresión de la capacidad de amar. No es sólo un sentimiento, un sentir cauteloso, sino un activo volverse hacia el ser de otro. 'Experimentar' al otro es el amor que procede del propio Yo. En el 'sentido del sufrimiento' se halla expresada nuestra participación en el dolor ajeno, manifestándose en la cualidad de la Compasión. Y si nos elevamos a desarrollar el amor y la compasión, nos hacemos fuertes en nuestro Yo, no quedándose 'débil' ya nuestro 'espíritu'. A través de esta fuerza espiritual se forma nuestra consciencia, que nos llama a realizar actos Cristianos.

Así, absorbamos una vez más las palabras mántricas del verso Samaritano:

Mientras tú sientas el dolor
Que me deja indemne
La actuación de Cristo en el ser del mundo
No sea percibida
Pues débil se queda el espíritu
Cuando, solo en su propio cuerpo
Permanece inmune al sentimiento del sufrimiento.

Podemos ver en este verso que Cristo está siempre actuando en todo ser. Aunque depende de nosotros el que Él sea percibido. Esto depende de si podemos despertar la compasión, el amor y la consciencia en nosotros mismos, como cualidades de Cristo. Estas tres cualidades están expresadas en el sentido del Yo ajeno; pues en el amor auténtico nuestras propias necesidades no son las que cuentan, sino más bien nuestra capacidad de sacrificarnos por el bien de otro. Y la compasión también es el abarque completo del destino y circunstancias de nuestro 'vecino'. La virtud suprema del sentido del Yo ajeno, sin embargo, es la consciencia, que vive en nosotros cuando no estamos encerrados, solos, en nuestro 'propio cuerpo' sino que experimentamos el espíritu del otro y actuamos en consonancia. Esta consciencia puede hoy conducir a la percepción de la actuación de Cristo en 'todo ser', y eventualmente a nuestro propio acto de sacrificio que es realizado por el bien de otro. Nosotros de ese modo nos embarcamos en el sendero de redención del Representante de la Humanidad. Y este sendero de redención, seguido por el bien de la salvación de nuestro prójimo, es la medicina para curar a todo ser humano.

Judith Von Halle

Traducido por Luis Javier Jiménez
Equipo Redacción Revista BIOSPHIA

[1] Ibid. Conferencia del 5 de diciembre de 1907.

[2] Ver Rudolf Steiner: Breathing the Spirit (Respirando espíritu) (Rudolf Steiner Press 2002).

[3] Ver Rudolf Steiner: The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (La Caída de los Espíritus de la Oscuridad) (Rudolf Steiner Press 2008), conferencia del 7 de octubre de 1917

[4] Ver el artículo 'Das Virus das aus der Wärme kam – Wie der AIDS-Erreger die Welt eroberte', Basler Zeitung, 2 de noviembre de 2007.

[5] También referido por Peter Tradowsky, conferencia de Año Nuevo de 2002, impresión privada (Berlín, 2003)

[6] Un estudio de Judith von Halle sobre este tema está previsto que se publique en alemán en 2008.

[7] Ver Rudolf Steiner: Book of Revelation (Apocalipsis) (Rudolf Steiner Press 1998), conferencia del 10 de junio de 1915. (N. del T. no existe libro alguno con ese t tulo y que coincida con esa fecha, es un error?, habr que comprobarlo)

[8] Ver Rudolf Steiner: Erfahrungen des bersonnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus (GA 143), conferencia del 8 de mayo de 1912.

[9] Ver Rudolf Steiner: Destinies of Individuals and Nations (Los Destinos de los Individuos y las Naciones) (op. cit.), conferencia del 1 de septiembre de 1914.

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