Energies and vitality flows that we need

  • 2016

For thousands of years the human being has developed innumerable methods to reach the highest longevity, health and happiness states and, some, are already part of what could be called “external alchemy”, since it is the use of natural resources, minerals and vegetables to create potions, floral remedies, mineral essences, healing oils, magic talismans, etc., that will help the human being to maintain health and harmony itself. Like this, in many cases, it fell short and gave limited results for what it was intended to achieve, and created dependence on the human being with respect to external elements that were not always easy to achieve, from the most remote antiquity they began to realize that the real sources of transformation that could have deeper effects had to come from other places.

Looking inside

Thus, those wise men and teachers of yesteryear turned their search towards their interior, to try to discover the secret of the mysteries that drive our vital force, the energy that human beings possess in their subtle bodies and, following the hermetic maxim of “as is above is below ”, they discovered that, inside each one of us, there is a force equal to the same universe that exists outside, we just had to learn and find a way to connect both, since they were just representations to different scales of the same design and configuration.

Those who began to experiment with it, observed that in order to dominate the external forces one had to first dominate their internal forces, and they began to study the energy flow of prana, chi, vital force, which the human being travels and that forms the etheric counterpart and subtle of our existence. The channels through which this energy flows were discovered and perceived, mapped and drawn, leading to internal alchemy techniques, through which one could begin to experiment with human transformation, using the internal flows that run through the vehicle we use for each incarnation.

Discovering planetary influences

As they continued trying to understand the forces and dynamics that influenced their lives and the vital energies that sustained it, they realized that planetary, solar and celestial body influences had a very important role in the final composition and energy constitution of each of them, understanding that this configuration was reflected as an imprint at the time of birth, and that it acted as a magnet for certain types of fields and flows towards the individual that marked part of their psychic, mental, emotional and physical structures. These forces are attracted to our planet due to the magnetic effect that the Earth-Moon system exerts on the rest of the planets of the Solar System, so that we feel and receive the electromagnetic radiation of all planetary bodies to a greater or lesser extent, depending on their position relative at all times, by the displacement and the orbits thereof, by the direct or indirect conjunction and the place we occupy with respect to them constantly, etc.

They thus developed meditative practices to connect and tune their bodies with certain planetary forces that could serve as an impulse at specific moments in their lives, knowing that, by plugging energetically into the electromagnetic field of this or that planet consciously, its concrete energy load, would have certain effects on different components of its subtle bodies, causing certain changes and impulses in their physical lives. Thus, the basis of the magical practices of invoking the forces of this or that planet, of performing rituals at certain times of the year towards this or that star, of preparing talismans, was established. amulets or symbols and connect them to this or that celestial body. The question was to be able to capture, which radio tuning to an FM station, the concrete energy that came from outer space either in their own subtle bodies or in some physical element, to then to be able to use it and direct it according to the purpose that each one had in mind.

The energy of our own planet

They also realized the importance for the individual to consciously nurture these planetary forces external to them, through the Your optimal health, growth and vitality. In parallel, they also understood that man cannot live without the connection and nourishment of the Earth's energy and the natural environment in which he lives, and that it was the combination of all these forces which gave them the fuel for the proper functioning of their nervous system, organs, glands, subtle bodies, even for their own soul. By studying and putting into practice this type of tuning with the forces of nature, they saw that they could recharge internally by anchoring themselves to the planet's core, which they could absorb in its ethereal system the force of the rivers, seas and oceans, which could tune into the flower fields or the forest of trees, with the stones of a mountain the group mind of a specific class of minerals.

They saw that these energies were accumulating in different parts of the human being according to their density and vibration, and from there emerged some of the oriental techniques, mainly Taoists, about the function of the tantiens, where more dense and primary energies ( Jing, in the lower tantien ) accumulated, energies and vital force such as chi and prana (middle tantien) or spiritual energies and more refined (Shen, so much higher).

We are always connected

Although the human being is not aware of all this, we never stop receiving influences and energy recharge from these different sources, simply by being inside the physical body we use. We are continually receiving the electromagnetic influence of planetary forces, with different effects for each one according to our subtle configuration, we are continually connected to the planet, which nourishes us from its vital flow providing energy for our proper functioning, and we also recharge, and this already consciously, with the energies of what we eat and drink, in addition to the prana we breathe along with oxygen.

But it is important that we do this consciously, that we realize the flows that run through us, that reach us everywhere and that influence us. It is important that we learn to work with them in harmony, in balance, that we know how to take root and absorb energy from plants or how to tune the vital force of the sun, because all growth depends on energy and all evolutionary development goes through the existence of surpluses of the same, as we have explained many times in the blog. So let's integrate into our daily work small routines of connection with all the forces that surround us , let us thank them for the role they play in sustaining our lives, and be more aware of the unity that, at the end of the day, exists between Us and all that.

a hug,

David Topí

Book your tickets for the new conference - Humanity and Evolutionary Leap. Soon we start with the first one!

You will receive knowledge and resources to take another step in understanding who we are, the current state of the game board in which we move, the situation of the evolutionary process in which we are, how we are made and programmed, etc.

Barcelona - June 19

BCIN Auditorium C / Marcus Porcius, 1, Badalona- Barcelona

Bilbao - July 10

Hotel Silken Indautxu (Plaza Bombero Etxaniz s / n, 48010 Bilbao)

Madrid - September 18

Hotel Silken Puerta Madrid (C / Juan Rizi, num. 5, 28027 Madrid)

Pamplona - October 2

Hotel NR Noain Pamplona (c / Real, SN, 31110 Noain, Navarra)

Seville - October 16

Ronda Room - FIBES, Exhibition and Congress Palace of Seville (Avda. Mayor Luis Uruñuela, 1 41020 Sevilla)

Zaragoza - October 30

Assembly hall of the Colegio Mayor Virgen del Carmen, c / Jose Luis Albareda 23, 5004, Zaragoza

Las Palmas - November 20

Cairasco conference room, Initiative Center of La Caja de Canarias (CICCA) (Alameda de Colón, 1, 35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Here you have the Agenda of the next courses, workshops and activities. And if you want to delve into the topics we discuss in the blog, check out the books already published, with much more content and material about it.

New project: I start biweekly collaboration with the DDLATV program, which is broadcast on TV Loja, in a small section where we will discuss different topics that I usually discuss in the blog. Here you have the video of this first intervention, from minute 41:


If you want to see only the 10 minutes of the section, here is the cut:



When I am not giving courses or talks, reading or writing, this is what I do, in a small attempt to let out the less analytical and rational part, and that the colors are mixed as they please to form what I do not even I know it will come out when I get in front of the blank canvas. If you like and interest any of my paintings, go to the Art page of the blog to reserve it.

One of the latest creations: "Bridge between worlds"

AUTHOR: David Topí

SEEN AT: http: //davidtopi.com/libros-publicados/? Utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = Energ% C3% ADas + and + vitality + flows + that + us + ... & utm_source = YMLP & utm_term = books + already + published

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