Time is NOW !, by Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2015

The I AM Presence of each and every one of us has been preparing for this moment during times of life. lifetime. Since our fall of Grace, our human egos fragmented and based on fear have been manipulating and controlling us. This mutated aspect of the fallen consciousness of Humanity thinks that our physical body is who we are and that its purpose and reason for being is to gratify our physical senses. The distorted perception of our human ego thinks that all it has to do to survive is appropriate, even if it means lying, cheating, stealing or killing. We can see the evidence of this fury all over the world at this time.

Literally, every simple thought, emotion, word, action and belief we have is not based on Love, Unity and Reverence for All Life; It is part of the manipulation and control of our human ego based on control. But now everything has changed!

Since the birth of the New Earth, which took place from December 21 to 22, 2012, we have finally reached a frequency of vibration that will allow us to explode the bonds of the paralyzing claw of our human ego. This will create a sacred space that will allow our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven to initiate us into a Higher Order of Existence. Once this is accomplished, we will transcend our ego's ability to control and manipulate us more. Then we will be able to love this fallen aspect of our personality towards the Light. I know this sounds too good to be true, but this has been the goal of the Divine Plan since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace.

Through the unified efforts of the unprecedented events of Heaven and Earth that have taken place since the birth of the New Earth. These activities of Light have elevated the energy, vibration and consciousness of Humanity to a frequency that will allow Humanity and the Company of Heaven to victoriously achieve this phase of the Divine Plan in God.

This Divine Plan will be carried out from August 15 to 20, 2015. The I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth is very aware of this Cosmic Opportunity. This is true no matter how forgetful a person is on a conscious level or how difficult their current life experiences can be.

We are ONE with every precious person on the Planet and those of us who are aware of what is happening right now have a huge responsibility to invoke the Light and sustain the sacred space in the name of our brothers and sisters. Millions of people are so buried in their painful life experiences that they cannot begin to understand the importance of invoking the Light of God during this wonderful moment on Earth.

The Company of Heaven has assured us that with the sincere help of you and me and the myriad Lightworkers of the World, this Divine Plan will be achieved Victoriously in the Realms of the Cause where everything begins. Then, as each person assimilates this miraculous event, it will begin to be reflected in the world of effects, which is the physical plane of the Earth.

The length of time this will take depends on you and me, but once something is achieved in the Realms of the Cause, NOTHING can prevent it from manifesting itself in the world of effects.

Each Lightworker on this sweet Earth who is willing to be the Open Door for the influx of Light that will take place from August 15 to 20, 2015, will be guided infallibly by his I AM Presence as to the most effective to participate. In addition to our guidance and individual participation, the Company of Heaven has given us some powerful invocations through which we can collectively empower this facet of the Divine Plan.

There is a video titled Releasing the Human Ego that will be of great help in this process. I have included the link below, in case you don't have it.

In addition to the video, I have included the following invocations from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth, which we can recite in the name of all mankind.
My mission

I AM my Presence I AM and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos coming from the Suns beyond the Suns, I AM One with all the Company of Heaven and I AM One with all the Beings of Light associated with the Kingdom Elemental and the Angelic Kingdom.

I AM One with each electron of precious Life energy and I AM One with each atomic and subatomic particle and energy wave that comprises the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity and Mother Earth . I AM also One with all the spaces between atomic and subatomic particles and energy waves on Earth. What I invoke for me this sacred and holy day, I invoke on behalf of each person on Earth through his I AM Presence.

I AM open and receptive to the Divine Directives of my Father-Mother God.

With each Breath I take I AM experiencing a new level of Enlightenment and Inner Knowledge. As this profound Truth resonates in my Flame Heart, I understand my mission on Earth with a new clarity.

There is an Awakening that is manifesting within my Heart Flame. I AM recognizing my responsibility for the conditions in my life and on Earth. I remember deep inside me, that through the Universal Law of Attraction, I AM a co-creator of the physical plane.

My thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs are projected on the atomic substance of physical matter and are manifested in physical form. Since my gift of Life flows through me, it picks up the vibrations of my consciousness and then expresses those vibrations in visible form, experiences and circumstances. In other words, in what I think, in what I put my feelings and energy, I bring it to form.

Because of the confusion I have experienced in the past, I have given power to physical matter through my human ego. I have allowed the distorted manifestation of physical matter to become my reality, when, in Truth, it is only an illusion created by my thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs . Now I realize a new level of understanding and clarity, that physical matter is nothing more than a mass of atomic energy controlled by my consciousness. Matter never controls consciousness.

My world reflects my human consciousness. I have tried to change the physical conditions in my world, instead of changing my consciousness. These conditions are only the reflection of my conscience. Trying to change physical conditions without changing my consciousness is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object that causes the reflection. It is a futile effort.

Now, I AM One with my I AM Presence and my consciousness is increasing. My Transfiguration is taking place subtly and deeply at the atomic, cellular level. The seed of consciousness is growing within me. It is burning like a sun and radiating multi-faceted and multi-dimensional crystalline rays of solar light from the 5th. Dimension

My Flame Heart is expanding and the Transfiguring Divine Love Flame held with great care in the Divinity of my Heart is also expanding. This is a magnificent pink Flame, with an aquamarine aura of Clarity. Pressing in the center of this Flame is a shining opalescent Sun of Transfiguration.

In the Holy Breath, the Flame of the Transfiguring Divine Love in my Heart is expanding and connecting with the Flame of the Transfiguring Divine Love burning in the Heart of every man, woman and child. or on Earth. This Activity of Light is creating a powerful force field around the Planet, a real network of Light, a planetary network system of Transfiguring Divine Love.

The collective irradiation of this lattice of Light formed by the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love that is unifying the Heart Flames of all Humanity, is the most powerful force of Divine Love on the Planet . This Sacred Fire is creating a Bridge of Light that extends through the abyss of the lowest octaves of human suffering and awareness towards the Realms of the Enlightened Truth and Infinite Perfection of God.

This is the Bridge to Freedom on which recalcitrant souls, who are being manipulated by their human egos and are vehemently resisting their own Awakening and Ascension in the Light, will be able to explode those oppressive bonds and much easier to reach. to be ONE with his I AM Presence and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

Now through my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the planetary network of Transfiguring Divine Love is intensifying greatly through the unified Heart Flames of Humanity. This influx of Light is allowing each and every person to realize that we are all being offered an unprecedented opportunity to be instruments of God during this transcendental Cosmic Moment.

Through the Divine Potential of my I AM Presence, I accept this opportunity with deep humility and gratitude.

I am an instrument of God

I am weaving my gifts, talents, abilities, knowledge, strength, courage, compassion and Love in the tapestry of the Divine Plan for the New Earth.

As I respond to the Call of my Heart, I AM God in Action on the physical plane.

I AM consecrating my thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs to be the greatest

Force of Light and Love that I can possibly be on this Planet.

I AM making a positive difference every day.

Through the focus of my attention, I AM the following Divine Truths:

I AM my Presence I AM

I AM One with ALL Life.

I AM Divine Love.

I AM Infinite Abundance.

I AM the Harmony of my True Being.

I AM the Vibrant Health and Eternally Young.

I AM an Imposing Presence of Peace.

The actions I take every day improve my family, my work, my community, my city, my country, and the World.

I have a Healing Contact.

I AM in deep communion with my Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, the Angelic Kingdom and the Elemental Kingdom.

I AM daily and hourly Transfiguring this Planet towards the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs. And so it is.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Source: www.eraofpeace.org

Translated and shared by www.destellosdeluz.com.ar

Time is NOW !, by Patricia Cota-Robles

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