The Wisdom of Pramánides the Unified Universe

  • 2010


My teachers, as you know the supreme consciousness is so great and in turn so simple.

This is so obvious, they may have seen it but not observed. For example, with a simple principle of hydraulics with little effort sophisticated equipment is made that lifts huge weights. Also like that of electricity where with a moving magnet you can illuminate your house or an entire city.

In the same way is the universe, as simple as just a beginning.

Your body is made of cells, which are made of molecules just like the wall of your house or the metal with which your car is made. If we go further microscopically forward we come to the atoms that are still made up of even smaller particles, which current science has shown yet. There are other smaller particles where they have been able to conclude the scientists who are made of energy.

Now comes the million dollar question, what is this energy made of? Scientists have not been able to answer this question yet. The answer is that this energy is made of something intangible that is consciousness.

Whose conscience is this? From the creative source that is GOD. It is said in the Bible "let there be light" and that light referred to energy, they have to consider that man then did not have the concept that we now have about energy and the easiest way to explain it in those times was to say Light . Hence the Creator used this material as pottery clay. Energy is the mud that God made to mold everything in the universe, with this energy our soul, emotional body, physical and ethereal body were made. Everything itself was made of energy, which is consciousness of God.

Now I will tell you the simplicity of our Creator. A person in general can attend a small business, but this growing up, you need more help, as a driver to deliver and bring, cashier, cook, etc. In the same way our creator saw himself in that situation when creating the universe, so I create from his conscience other creative consciences, I believe in the father universe, I believe in the 4 consciences in charge of the elements that are: air Silfos, earth Gnomes, water Ondina, fire and ether Salamanders. I also create the consciousness of mother earth.

In the same way he was carrying out more and more consciences, each determined for a different task, they are also called guardians, for example, there are the Entities that guard the trees, the elves, and others.

For a better understanding, the consciences created by God is very similar to the artificial intelligence that we are now carrying out with computers, where a program that gives color, another that gives movement, another that draws and that way is realized is created a specific program that is to design or animate or a word processor or an administrative system of a company or a video game, etc.

I hope that with this example you can understand a little more of your reality that you currently live. So as I commented in my first channeling that we are children of Father Universe and Mother Earth, they are created consciences that are daughters of a universal source of life, so we must respect them, honor them and learn from them.

In the same way they are the plants of your garden and those of the neighbor, the insects, the pet cat that you have, They are all consciences equal to us. Of course, each one has a task in this reality and their conscience goes according to it.

This was well known by the Israelites, the American Indians and other cultures, for this reason the KOSHER ritual of the Jews, for this reason the American Indians ask for forgiveness and permission from the deer they are going to kill or the plant they are going to start thanking them for the love of these beings that die so that they continue living. In the same way in other parts of the world as in the African continent some tribes thank Mother Earth for her crops and sacrifice a bull, they drink the blood of him and part of the blood they spill on the earth since their way of thanking the Mother earth his blessings, another ritual is for example that the fruits and cereals that they harvest where a part of the collected they throw it to the earth and they step on it because that is their part that corresponds to the earth and is gladly receives it and continues blessing their children giving them more fruits.

For this reason I invite you to thank these consciences. Thank the rain they receive, thank the food, thank the sun, thank the water they drink, thank the flower that beautifies your garden or the vase, be grateful for everything, because everything is awareness and is your sister because it comes from where you You come from.

Be grateful to all our brothers of this reality.


My teachers, I must start at the beginning, so I will go straight to the basics, I will explain what their origin is without many detours or taking them to remote times.

In the conception of a new life is the work of the father and mother. Where the father delivers his genetic information and the mother also delivers her shelter, nutrients and blood, which is the raw material for the child in her womb.

In the same way there is a great marriage where you are the children of Father Universe and Mother Earth.

The masculine and feminine energies must come together, marry, with love to carry out the creation of everything that is composed of reality. So Father Universe marries Mother Earth and they believe their children that we are.

You receive from the Universe Father, your conscience, your spirit, which is your essence, is your ethereal part. You receive from the Mother Earth the physical material for your body.

The etheric masculine essence fills the vessel that the feminine force provides you, which ends up being Your existence. This physical material that Mother Earth lent you already finished your task is returned, because it belongs to her, so it is said that you are dust and dust will return.

The essence is your consciousness, which moves that body, from which it comes from the Father Universe, that is why they say that you are a child of God and as God is a creator, you are also a creator and that is why your body is the temple of the highest living God (That ultimately is your etheric essence and your essence is material that Father Universe gave you).

Remember that everything that is above is below, for that reason, honor your parents of this life as well as the great parents of our reality because their energies gave you this experience that you are going to thank him whenever possible.


Channeled by an Initiate in Ascent

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