The Quantum Awakening ~ The Genie in the Bottle by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

  • 2011

The Quantum Awakening A Thought, A Way of Life, A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin

APRIL 2011


Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


*** The Genie in the Bottle

*** The Code “Less Than”

*** Divine Seeds

*** Certainty, without the caramel of doubt

*** The Power of "There Is Not Enough"

*** The Cosmic Christ

Healing Words of the Dalai Lama:

Never give up

It doesn't matter what is happening

Never give up

Develop the heart

Too much energy is spent developing the mind

instead of the heart

Be compassionate

Work for peace

and I say it again

Never give up

It doesn't matter what is happening

No matter what is happening around you

Never give up.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are connected with everything in the Universe. There is nothing we are not part of; Everything flows through us and to us. Our energies, our thoughts and our words flow through all life, on Earth and everywhere. We have no end or beginning but a continuous flow of light, changing shape over and over again. We are continually perfecting our form in each of our incarnations. We have been innumerable ways, deliberately challenging ourselves to be more and more as we travel the stellar labyrinth towards home, to the Source, knowing deep within our being that in this type of existence there is no failure, only evolution.

As we reach the cusp at this level of existence and evolution, we begin to realize the effect that our words, thoughts and fears have on this decisive moment of humanity. We speak without thinking, create on a whim and prophesy from fear. We speak like school children thinking that our words mean nothing, without realizing that worlds were created with a word, a thought, a decree. In us is the power to destroy everything or create a utopia, a heaven on earth. With our frivolous words, we sabotage our own lives, our finances, our health, our marriage and our future.

Every thought they have is alive. Every word they pronounce is born into existence. You release her from her inner kingdom. As if they let a genie out of a bottle, his words, his thoughts, await his orders to enter the world of matter and do what they do best, create! All creation is made by you, for you and through you! The time between thought and manifestation becomes shorter and shorter, forcing everyone's attention to the hallway of mirrors of responsibility. It is there that our worldly reflections shake the very essence of our soul. We ask ourselves: Were we the ones who created this confusion? Each situation is our work, a concise and perfect creation, punctuated, perforated and configured for people by people.

We do this as individuals, as countries, families, continents and worlds. So many opportunities to learn and evolve, without knowing the power of the instrument at hand. We do the best we can to fulfill ancient and biblical prophecies, believing at a certain level that those who lived before knew more than we did, giving our power and our world to the buried bones of the past. If these same people prophesied today, we would laugh considering them eccentric or members of some sect, without honoring their words or their fears. The outside world only reflects our inner thoughts and dialogue. Life is not something that happens to us, it is something that we continually create.

Knowing that we can create and create collectively, let's get to work and create a world of harmony. Let's see our glass of the world always full instead of half empty and reluctant. All life responds to your thoughts. Knowing how powerful our words are 24 hours a day for all eternity ruins our jokes a bit. What we can say while joking is going to expand through all space and time. What we decree for another we give to ourselves. Our anger, our fears, our jealousy are cheering, alive and kicking, kicking us in turn to attract our attention. Today they are where their thoughts have brought them; Tomorrow they will be where their thoughts take them.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are at an intermediate point between what we believe in our hearts that is possible and what we see in our world. We cling to the spiritual lifeline that hangs from the high cliffs as we try again and again to push ourselves up the slope of what looks like an unsurpassed slippery surface. All the techniques that have taught us in the past do not seem to adhere to the molecules of this new world that writes its own rules.

No prayers are heard, no answers are received and the memorandums are thrown in the trash, nothing seems to be hearing our cries for help. We are in the street of our life with the eye of the hurricane looking straight at us. It seems that they signal us all as we spend up to the fluff in our pockets to load fuel or feed our families. We shout in dismay at the gods because we feel that too many promises have been broken. We look for answers in the yellow pages and nobody returns our calls.

Everyone seems to be in a trance as they walk aimlessly through their lives without any hope of a bright future. Every price we said we would "never pay" we pay now with great anger that we keep and internalize. We hold back and cling to the little we have strangling the economy itself, imposing the code of "less than" to its fullest extent, feeling that the "last hope" has gone.

We see no relief from this attack of darkness that has us all distressed. We know that life will never be the same and we cry for the simplest and safest times that were only a few months ago and now seem to be light years away. The sand castles of before have been dragged by the tides that seem to turn against us. However, a single grain of faith still lives within us. It is not our faith in God that counts right now, it is God's faith in us that brings the end of this reign of fire and brimstone.

Darkness feeds on doubt and fear. He wants us to give up and surrender to a bleak future without hope. Since we are the guardians of the last hope fueled by the conviction and faith of the Creator in us, it is our mission and must hold up this light of hope for all to see. Talk about hope and granular faith to everyone you meet, don't let them sink into the mud of despair or drown them in the sea of ​​fear. You are the light in the dark future that so many see. Let your little light shine in what appear to be the darkest days. Hope now bubbles gently to the surface after being too long at the bottom of the barrel. Because a spark of hope can ignite an entire world. Do not feed the fear of the masses. Keep your light shining, feeding the flame of hope to keep the planet warm and safe.

Humanity is the only species that was made in the image of the Creator and contains all the credentials and ingredients to do great feats. It is time to take the faith that the Creator placed in us and invest it in a hopeful future. We can never stop believing in better times, in the goodness of people, in universal justice. We can never stop believing in our dreams for ourselves and those we love.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As spring makes its way through a rather harsh winter, warm breezes and April rains unleash what is hidden deep in the life that has been asleep. Within the seed of all life there is a dynamic pattern for its totality, the complete evolution and the realization of each species. Within a single seed of a large oak lies its maximum potential to become everything it can become. That seed does not contain half of the instruction, but all the divine instructions for the realization of the destiny of oaks from birth to death. Within the seed of each human being reside the same instructions, a complete holographic pattern that houses the unlimited potential of each person. Each human has the ability to comply with these instructions until their completion or that of any part of them. It is a personal choice, it is a divine directive. All life contains the full potential.

While spring reaches its maximum beauty, it is time for each person to take time to plant a new idea, a new seed, a new desire, a new dream, and then know without a shadow of a doubt that the seed will reach its culmination since it has the fullness of the flower. Do not sow anything in your life if you doubt your ability to flourish, be it grass seeds, flower seeds or a tree. If you doubt your ability to realize your potential, then you better not sow. Nature asks them to sow at least one seed in their world. Plant this seed with the pure conviction that you will reach your full potential. Plant the seed knowing that it will ripen and reach its goal and destiny, or plant nothing.

As you enter into more of your consciousness as co-creators, the question arises, are you a part-time God or a full-time unbelieving human? Do they doubt themselves more hours than they believe in themselves? Would you like your Creator to work so fortuitously? As spring arrives sow your dreams and your hopes in the fertile soil of a deep belief system. Believe in its realization, or sow nothing. Whether they are grass seeds or a human dream, they have to be planted in fertile soil. Each seed they sow represents a heavenly commitment. Sow as the Creator, without any doubt.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As our lenses become sharper and clearer, all internal and external truths come under the great bright light of scrutiny. We have so many decades under our belt, why can't we remember who we are and what comes next? Before the test was in the experience, now who can afford the experience. We lean forward in the seat of the soul and our inner heart leads us into the unexplored waters of the changing seas of confusion. Certainty is required without the caramel of doubt to fulfill our divine obligations. Doubt cannot live in the class A elections of a world that is entering the closed community of 'less than' and 'not enough'.

Life is denser and contains more than in the past. Unexpected expectations take time, energy and heart. The Earth has changed and also its people, constantly adjusting to everything that is thrown at them. People harden and soften at the same time. This conflict creates tension in the body causing unexpected pain and discomfort. In these coming changes and energies, it is imperative to move forward so as not to sink into the dimensional quicksand of the Earth.

We bend and bow to the demands of life, finding ourselves in limbo most of the time, wanting to escape and at the same time wanting to stop and embrace everything around us. Life is changing so quickly that we know it may not be the same tomorrow. The strings of the heart are pressed, the wallets are pulled and the emotions are in living flesh and bleeding. The energies do not arrive as comforting and soft, but as thorns in the head and heart.

Gently enter these turbulent times that are approaching. Do not expect them to hold you while screaming, crying or condoming. Let them be what they are and allow yourself to be what they are - very human in a changing playground that challenges and challenges you every day. Be like a reef on the high seas and allow the energies to swim around, stay firm in who you are and don't lose yourself when the big waves arrive. There is no quick fix or application for what we are all destined to go through. As in the filmed sequences of the inclement weather of recent times, when tornadoes arrive, when tsunamis arrive, do they turn around and run away, or do they just stand still?


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Within the human being there is a seed of hope, a divine pattern that has promised never to leave. A seed that remains implanted no matter how inclement the weather and the storms of life can be. Many people have worked hard just to see their dreams buried in a barren field. They have followed their divine pattern towards the desert where little grows and the earth does not bear fruit. They have demanded themselves financially, emotionally and physically, plowing a land that is hostile and does not want to sustain what their heart craves.

The dreams of many people begin to wither under the midday sun of earthly chaos. The pain in this loss is so great that the heart begins to shrink, closing the door to hope. People become like robots trying not to feel the sadness in their hearts and their daily lives. The price of everything rises through the clouds, while you continue trying to stretch the money until the end of the month, the rope tightens more and more around your dreams and seems to squeeze life itself. All hands stretch to take what little you have, pushing you towards more fears and tears and hopelessness. We strive hard to escape this harsh reality, but life swims towards us with our mouths open hungry to take everything and anything. Any illusion of control remains firmly in the body as pain, while we announce to the world what we are not going to do, louder than what we will be forced to do through life and circumstance.

Our bodies scream and kick and our soul does pirouettes spinning out of control while the seasons of time demand our full attention. All personal considerations are waiting while these vast energies enter our search field. The reflection of the fight or flight gallops through our biological system while the glands pump adrenaline hard like horses in a quarter-mile run. We enter to address the root of the problem while what is materially invisible gives us a beating. Our ability to nurture has become a necessity to survive. We started to panic looking for the escape hatch, anything should be better than all this planetary commotion.

All these events were predicted for many years, but we did not want to see that particular future. Now we are in this space and time asking to rescue us whatever or whoever cares. How can we, poor of us, fight against oil companies, governments, the elections of people who do not seem to know what they are doing? How can we restore the balance of a world and a declining economy? We feel helpless and desperate because our dreams seem to wither away. In this place of vulnerability the smell of fear is strong and clear as we fall victim to a world that never changes.

It is time to stand up and defend everything we believe is good and is light, in truth and honor. All our life was trained for this time and this energy. We are not small in light or in purpose, we are destined to make a difference, person to person, thought to thought, without fear of consequences.

Upon entering the 2012 portal, we will be responsible for our actions or inactions, for what will be born and for the future of the Earth. Those who were born shortly after World War II were born to be the warriors of this time and place. They have the tools of light to change the molecules of everything that seems to take away our freedom of choice. Yes, we are drifting in a sea of ​​manipulation by everything that seems to be bigger than us. Yes, we are paddling with little hope and with broken dreams in a sea that changes its monetary currents every day. We are the saviors of a world that has collapsed. It is up to us to cling to the vision of peace and hope and of what is for the greater good of all involved.

We can change our world from thought to thought starting with our own little personal universe. We are not blind victims of a scam, we have come to this with our eyes wide open, and no matter how hard we try to close them, we can still see clearly. No one on this Earth has the right to snatch the hopes and dreams that the Creator gave us. We have a great promise that lives in our soul, which illuminates all doubt in our future choices. We cannot and we will not let others decide our destiny.

Are we so small and submissive that we are afraid of the rising price of rice in China or of oil in the Middle East? How can we let things like that make us give up our dreams of doing and becoming? We are bigger than these black stabbing energies that swarm around us like Alaskan mosquitoes. Our life force has better things to do than crush those annoying trifles. We have people to love, a land to heal, and a life to live to the fullest. We can be the change we want to see in the world if we only look with the eyes of the soul and hear with the heart. The heavens expect us to become the change we seek. Every thought is valuable and counts, do not allow the idea that there is not enough to enter your mind or your future.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I, the highest aspect of Christ, speak to you from the intersection of Humanity, the Soul, and the Supreme Soul. I speak to you from the point where you and I crossed and formed a Star of David, a Star Tetrahedron, the Cosmic Merkabah. I ask you to turn your eyes inwards, to the focal point of your third eye. Place your consciousness there on the screen of all possibilities, and see the light that I AM, the Light that you are, and the Light that we can become together.

When Jesus, man, left Earth as a Christ being, and crowned his humanity in glory and Ascension, his disciples hid behind this event of transmutation and transformation. They focused on this overwhelming event with fear and doubt. They felt helpless, abandoned and helpless. When your humanity has the opportunity to assume your Christic garments of Light, will you feel that you have abandoned your humanity and the pleasures of the Earth? Do not allow your dress of Christ Light to be something you only wear during Easter or Sundays. Use it continuously knowing that you can be divine, sacred, and human at the same time. For Jesus the man said that future generations of children of light would do greater feats than he, that was a promise he made to future children who would travel the face of the Earth.

You change the future through your thoughts, your actions, your conscience, and your statements. They have changed the molecular structure of the mind; Do not allow the past to enter your future. In celebrating Easter, celebrate the Cosmic Christ, the Supreme Soul and the Human Being who lovingly advances toward Christ consciousness. Do not get stuck in the traps of what happened in Biblical Times, do not let the crucifixion dictate your future step towards resurrection and ascension.

Do not camp in the Spiritual Stigmas of your old self. Yes, there were many injustices and pain and they endured them, but it is not your job to make them yours. Yes, you feel the injustices; Yes, they feel what felt like injustice a minute, a week, a year ago. But what good are those feelings? They cannot move when they are mired in pity, sadness, anger or fear. Mobility only comes when they love in certainty, in faith, in peace. When their lives do not move, it is because they have cemented their feet in the past. His heart is a Christ Heart. I represent the Trinity of all incarnations of Christ. I am all that, as you are. You have put on every religion, every faith and every conviction. They have covered themselves with every magical and alchemical thought through time and space. They are still wearing them.

Their past serves them only as a reminder of what once failed. See the future with a heart that is Light. I AM the essence of the Cosmic Christ. I am in you just as you are in me. We were cut from the same grain and mixed in the same bowl, and kneaded to form the loaf of bread that will be shared by all. We are equal. I am not more powerful than you. I am no bigger than you. I am you I ask you to lovingly remove the memory of my time on Earth from pain and crucifixion.

Its potential is unlimited. It goes beyond words or expectations. I ask you at this time of Easter to receive my body in communion - but not through a host or a glass of wine, but through a vibration. When the Son rises on Easter morning, breathe me into you. Drink of my love and wisdom of all time and I will drink of your humanity. You are the pride and joy of this universe. Get up, to really see the true reflection of the Cosmic Christ you are!

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee


Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

Official site of The Quantum Awakening in Spanish:

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