The return of the teachers - Introduction - Kryon

  • 2015
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service. Those who may be listening to my voice later do not know what teaching has just been given. It is a deep idea that the individual may be able to control their own life. Not only of themselves but perhaps of the synchronicity of what happens to them. It is an accelerated idea, part of the new energy. However, some of those who hear this and those present in the room have been using these principles all their lives. I want to congratulate those who are here and those who listen, for working with these advanced concepts for so long. The healer knows exactly that he is not healing: that he changes the energy so that the one in front of him can heal himself. Then, understand that the consciousness of the human being can heal one's life. It could be said that healers, therefore, are specialists in belief (laughs). It is bigger than that; It is more complex. Dear ones, everything is related to the common sense that, in this new energy, everything you want to do is in your own hands, not in someone else's. Even the channeling or the advice of the readers does not help much; No matter what they are told, if they do not believe it. When a human fully believes in something, even the cellular structure of his body changes . The body is listening; He is always aware of the message you send him. The proof of this has been manifested for a long time. Some call homeopathy a system that is very old. This is not the name I had, it is a new name, which has been with you for a few thousand years, but here is the principle: you give the body a message of what you need, taking a small chemical tincture that is too small to cause a chemical reaction in the body. Medical science says that homeopathic remedies are impossible. They cannot affect the chemistry of the body because they are only a few parts per million. However, it has helped thousands of people. You may think it is a mystery, or maybe a miracle. The ancients did it long before you called it homeopathy (laughs). The idea dates back thousands of years: make contact with what is inside the body simply by sending a signal in a very, very small tincture. The body sees what you want and does the rest. And works; You know it works. I just explained the Innato; I just told you what is amazing in your biology: that he is listening to you! Want to know. And you are the boss. However; Is it too much to ask your imagination that you can use conscious homeopathy? In the new energy, without the tincture, without a physical medication, the energy of you and your thoughts and your akash can begin to work with your body in the same way. And even more: you can shape your luck, as they say, through your intuition, to be in the right place at the right time, we would say. There is proof of this. I know who is here, I really know. Some of you didn't even know they were coming today, or yesterday, and it was a synchronization of your choice at the last minute. And here they are, at the right time, in the right place, to hear things that were in their design, that can heal their lives and change them forever. All because they honored their intuition of being here. You know who I am; I'm talking to you, it happened to you. Dear human being: you have control of what happens to you, of the health of the body, and you don't know it. This is new teaching on the planet, but it is also old, because the first ones who told you were the Masters of the planet. They said that what you think changes who you are. And it begins with love: an emotion that as a human being you cannot deny and you see how it works with you; This is just the beginning. There is work to do, because consciousness has Physics. In the channeling tonight I will tell you about the next step, the next thing the ancient soul has to do here. It is not a list of things; It is a list of concepts. They will change your life. They will make them aware of who they are; They will even make you see the difficulty and responsibility of the ancient soul. We love humanity because it begins to solve the problem; the problem of a humanity with low consciousness, raising it as we said they would, towards a synchronicity that will eventually have a name: the metaphor of the city on the hill, which means Peace on Earth. Go ahead, go ahead! And so it is. Kryon

The Return of the Masters

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnificent Service. Tonight's message will not be long, but it contains deep energies that I want to discuss with you. Before doing so: in this building there is an environment that is angelic; Some of you know it. There is an energy here because of that. It is an energy they can feel when they enter the room: they know it is different. It is difficult to describe what is here; I said it's angelic, maybe you understand it. If I tell you that it is more than that, will you understand what it is? Let me ask you: What is your perception of us, on the other side of the veil? Does mankind separate what is on the other side of the veil or do they see it as combined? It is combined, because God is in you: you are an extension of the Creative Source. Did you know that? An extension of the Creative Source. It means they are family, and family is important, as important as everything else. Dear ones: in this place, the environment contains the ancients of this land, who look at you congratulating them. The souls of those whom you have loved and lost are here to some degree, and can feel them. It's deep! What is happening here? The wind is blowing, dear ones, with a new energy for you. The galaxy is aware of you. I want to tell you something: Almost all the spiritual doctrines of this planet have given information about these times. Some of the most recent have said that there would be Masters returning; that they would see them again, they said. Some Indians talk about a time of Creation that returns when the cycle is complete. Some of the ancients said that their gods would return, in a real way, they said; that they would walk on Earth in some way. It is a thread of information for the Earth. Right now there are many on the planet who await the return of their Master, look him in the eye and tell him we have missed you! They speak of an ascended planet because of this. These are times like there were no others, they say. Then you know that I am right: it is written in so many places, in so many ways. It is a time to wake up. Dear ones, the Spirit has always spoken to you in riddles, in metaphors. If you look at the writings of almost any system, the ancient writings from the Spirit, the quotes from the angels, are usually written in metaphors. There is a reason: you write linearly; they read linearly; they know or believe in a linear way: one word behind the other, one thought after another . The Spirit does not do so. The messages of the Central Source arrive in beautiful concepts that are multidimensional; in the past they were handed over to humans in the form of riddles and quartets. Almost all were metaphors. Recently in recent years, around the last hundred, the Spirit has been able to speak directly to you as you hear it now. Sometimes, my partner is overwhelmed by the information he knows is coming. Feel the beauty, the integrity, the accuracy of it; how deep it is Dear old soul: there is work to do, because of the next thing to happen. I want to associate some things that we have not discussed before. If it is true that the history of Creation on this planet came from another ascended planet, it means that they were here from the beginning. Sometimes they have shown themselves to you, they even seem angelic. They come from a place that has already been through this, just as you are now going through it. They had hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, which you still don't have. They reached a point where they could sow their planet and be literally part of the Creative Source. I ask you if you have already understood this: If you have God within you and begin to evolve spiritually, there will come a time when you merge with the Creator. It may be far away, but that is the design! They become the Creative Source. Not humanity; The goal is the ascended planet. They are the ones who sowed them, that is their creation story. And they have been here since then; They placed the time capsules with something very special. We have talked to you about the information that comes to you now from parts of the Galaxy, because this 2012 marker has passed. It has only been three years, and one of the three did not count. They are only in year two; They have a long way to go, but they already started it and this is known to everyone. This planet moves towards the light. Now prepare yourself for what I am going to tell you: the information that the Masters and the gods would return has been common to many belief systems. I want to tell you something: they are all here. Everyone is here It has happened, but not as you believe it. They are looking for human beings or angelic beings. Begin to look for a common sense energy placed on the grids of this planet through the time capsules for the return of the masters. The time capsules were not activated until you passed the marker. The prophecy said it would be the beginning of an ascended planet. The Masters were going to return, but not in flesh and blood, not to look them in the face, so to speak. Now I ask you again: Who do you think is here today? You see, there is an environment here that knows who you are. If they could hear it, they would be singing to them: songs that relate to their hearts. They would know that I was right, because they contain the essence of the Masters, brought by the time capsules (laughs). Connect those common sense points! We began to give them small pieces of information, years ago, so that they would arrive at a time when they would begin to understand exactly what had happened. And there will be those who hear this and doubt, and laugh: "This cannot be happening." Talk to me in fifty years and see what happens. I came twenty-five years ago to give you information that seemed impossible then. That there would not be a third World War, nor an Armageddon, nor all the things that some expected to happen; All the prophecies marked the end of civilization! (laughs) We told you it wouldn't be like that. It means that all the old prophecies have been discarded! And yet you kept coming back to them, to see what would happen next. Dear ones, history has changed! The prophecies did not come true. You changed them. Now I am giving you new prophecies: the Masters have returned. Little by little, the energy you expected on the planet begins to rise, because the esoteric grids of the planet receive those energies of support from the Masters of the past, which are transmitted to the ancient souls who ask for them, who are willing to believe it, Let's see the reality of this. And it is only the beginning. Yesterday I gave you messages about the ancients, about who you were. Maybe they left feeling good about it. This is good news, they said. I want to give you the rest of the story now, because work begins, dear ones, now work begins. There is only one reason for the Masters of the planet to have settled back here: so that you could receive their consciousness as yours. They are moving on to a new dispensation of mastery; it is expected that, very slowly, they have the attributes of the Masters. Not the spectacular ones, not those of walking and healing people (laughs). The difficult, the greatest: compassion. They will learn to be like them. This is where work begins. Ancient soul, I ask you a personal question, from me to you: How do you feel about people you don't like? I want you to visualize someone you don't like. Now, your brain will immediately tell you why you don't like it. I want you to discard that. It will be difficult. The Masters arrive with the white light; of a white as pure as you've never seen, and they pass it to you, they share it with you. I ask you: what color of light are you giving back to those around you? Who do not like. I want you to visualize them right now. Not why you don't like someone: I want you to see him as a person and visualize his light like yours. Does it really make a difference what did they do? Really? You see: they are family. The Masters who walked on the planet saw every human being as a family. And you? And you? How easy is it for you to harden your heart? What paradigm have you got used to? When you pass by a refugee on the street, do you look away? Is it too much trouble? Do you have empathy? Do you see the same light in it, or is it different? These are difficult questions; You are about to live your life in a new paradigm. The compassion of the Masters will flow to you - if you allow it. What group of people do you not want to be with? (laughs) These are difficult questions because you know there are some you don't want to be with. Maybe they don't believe the same as you, or maybe they do things you would never do. Perhaps you feel that they have a lower standard of consciousness than yours. Did you realize that they are family? Did you know that they have white light inside them too? Do you know what compassion really does? It is an energy of invitation to those around you to take your hand, the hand of God that you have within you. As an ancient soul, you have the responsibility of the Masters of this planet. Towards you flows this energy. What will they do with her? It's nice to know you're special, isn't it? It comes with something called responsibility. But it is the kind of responsibility you asked for and expected. For lives I have heard you praying and wringing your hands when you say: “When will this improve? Why does it have to be this way? Why is it so unfair? ” Now, here you are, and everything is different! This is what you had expected, it is the beginning. It is what you had expected; it is the hard work in front of you that says that this light of yours must be spread evenly so that you see the light of God in all who meet you; the ones you don't like; those with whom you don't want to be; those who did something to you; Those who betrayed you! They even hurt you, maybe. They also have the light! You are the bridge of humanity, you are those who are receiving this energy from the time capsules. Five pairs of a total of twelve have been activated. The more pairs that are activated, the more responsibility you will feel. It is everything you asked for; Everything you asked for! Dear ones, I want you to relax with this. Intuition will show you how compassion should work in you. All very different. All driving along paths that are unique; Each of you will receive this message differently. Deep, right? They are all back . A wind is blowing, a sacred wind; it's refreshing; It is what they expected. Can you feel it? Dear, we close without saying goodbye. If you really understand what is happening here, you understand that you are eternal; The soul was never created: it has always been. It never goes away; always is. A soul is like a circle of life: without beginning or end. When my partner leaves this place, he only leaves, his body, his name; because the essence of Kryon that is simply an angelic essence that loves them, remains. He never left. Never arrived! He has always been here. That is the beauty of the family! Can't you feel it? Even those, who you think you have lost, are still here. This wind blowing is refreshing; it is wise; bring information for you - if you want it. Free will is still needed. But I know they have it. I know you are ready for this and I know you worked for this. Dear ones, there is no goodbye, and we will not accept a goodbye. If it is a life cycle, at some level they are always alive. You are my family, you are family for each other. What color of light will they radiate when they leave here? To those with whom they do not speak. The old energy is leaving. Radiate a light that shows the way to the future and begin with compassion. I am Kryon, in love with humanity, and I don't say goodbye. And so it is. Kryon Description and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro Source:

Kryon Channeling by Lee Carroll

The return of the teachers - Introduction - Kryon

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