The Mature Man

  • 2010

The Mature Man

Yolanda Silva Solano

Maturity in the human being is synonymous with understanding of one's life and its circumstances and also that of others, because knowing our brothers, understanding their problems and learning To love them is one of the sublime experiences of life. And for this reason, the mature human being begins soon, to look at all other mortals, with feelings of tenderness and emotions of tolerance, because he knows that in each human being a brother hides, because all without exception are children of the same Father.

As the mature being becomes aware of himself, of his limitations and also of his possibilities, he becomes much more understanding with his peers, he knows from his own experience that each being must find by He himself is his own semi-truths, which are growing and being more certain as he is able to evolve, because THE TRUE RELIGION IS "VALID ONLY WHEN DISCLOSURES GOD'S PATERNITY AND INTENSIFIES THE BROTHERHOOD BETWEEN MEN". INDISPENSABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE RELIGION TO BE SOMETHING LIVING AND NOT A SET OF STERILE BELIEFS.

Spiritual maturity allows us to be tolerant of all who do not think like us, tolerance that is full of understanding and tenderness because we stop making "the mistake of judging the religion of another, with our own actions of knowledge and truth." And because the teachings of Jesus come to life in us, when he advises us: “YOU SHOULD NOT ATTACK THE OLD CUSTOMS, YOU MUST MORE SKILLLY MIX THE LEAVE OF THE NEW TRUTH, IN THE MASS OF THE FOREIGN BELIEFS. LET THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH PERFORM ITS WORK. DO NOT FIGHT WITH MEN, NOT EVEN WITH UNBELIEVERS ”because“ THE MAN KNEW, WHEN TRYING TO ENTER A CLOSED DOOR, DO NOT DESTROY THE DOOR BUT LOOKING FOR THE WRENCH TO OPEN IT ”. Too often we get involved in a struggle just to convince ourselves that we are not afraid. ”Fear that they will make us doubt what we believe to believe, ignoring that belief, when it reaches the level of living faith, no one can snatch it from us because it has made part of our spiritual DNA.

Maturity is being able to go beyond appearances, beyond the media because “in the maturity of the developing self, the past and the future come together to illuminate the true meaning of the present. As the ego matures, it seeks the experience more and more back in the past, while its predictions of wisdom try to penetrate deeper and deeper into the unknown future. As the being he conceives extends his reach further and further in both the past and the future, in the same way his judgment becomes less and less dependent on the immediate present. In this way the action of making decisions begins to escape the chains of the present transitory, beginning at the same time to take aspects of significance of the past and future. ”

“Maturing means living more intensely in the present, at the same time escaping the limitations of the present. Maturity plans, based on past experience, are being materialized in the present to thereby enhance the values ​​of the future. Mortals, whose units of time are short, practice patience; true maturity transcends patience in a restraint born of true understanding. ”

Being mature does not deny the past because he knows that the Causes of the Effects that he lives today were created in him and for that reason he looks for in him the experiences that allow him to follow the path of past success or, on the contrary, learn from mistakes committed not to repeat them. The future serves to blow up your imagination and your will but aware that to achieve what you really want you must sow today and continue watering and taking care of your planting, because nothing is given to us for free.

“The unit of time of maturity is sized to thereby reveal the coordinated relationship of the past, present and future because the self begins to gain insight into all events, begins to visualize the landscape of time from a panoramic perspective of expanded horizons, perhaps begins to suspect the eternal continuum, without beginning or end, the fragments of which are called time, because at the levels of the infinite and the absolute, the present moment contains all the past, as well as all the future. I AM also means I WAS and I WILL BE. And this represents our best concept of eternity and the eternal. ”

But we have to gain eternity every day with our effort, because maturity is not a gift, it is a consequence of the work done, but “where will the power to do all this come from? You can see physical things as obvious, but the Master has well said: "Man does not live by bread alone." Once we have a normal body and reasonably good health, we must look for those attractions that act as stimuli to awaken the sleeping spiritual forces of man. Jesus has taught us that God lives in man, but how can we induce man to release those powers of divinity and infinity from within the soul? How to induce men to free God so that he can move forward and refresh our soul by passing out and then clarifying, elevating and blessing innumerable other souls? "

Liberating God is much more than a phrase, it is a reality, because God with all his magnificence is a prisoner of the will of the human being, of his free will, because “man can approach Him or he can suddenly abandon the will Divine, as long as he retains the power to choose. ”It seems incredible but“ not even the infinite love of God can impose the salvation of eternal life on a creature that does not choose to survive. ”In this way, the spirit of divinity becomes humbly obedient to the choice of the creatures of the Kingdom. ”

The decision to evolve, to become mature people is therefore totally personal, we can receive the best advice, we can read the most holy and wise books, but if we sincerely and volitionally do not do it as an unavoidable personal work, of little or nothing will serve what the others tell us, it would be possible then to ask ourselves “How can I best awaken these latent powers of good that lie dormant in my soul? I am sure of one thing: emotional arousal is not the ideal spiritual stimulus. Excitation does not increase energy; rather, it depletes the powers of both the mind and the body. Where does the energy to do these great things come from? Contemplate your Master. The secret of all this problem is hidden in spiritual communion, in adoration. From a human point of view it is a matter of combined meditation and rest. Meditation puts the mind in contact with the spirit. Rest determines the capacity for spiritual receptivity. This exchange of: strength instead of weakness, courage instead of fear, God's will instead of human mind, constitutes worship. Without forgetting the fact that “adoration is the technique of seeking in the One, the inspiration to serve many. BECAUSE THERE IS NO POSSIBLE SPIRITUALITY IF WE ARE NOT ABLE TO LOVE AND SERVE OUR BROTHERS.

“Another requirement for obtaining maturity is the cooperative adjustment of social groups to a constantly changing environment. The immature individual awakens the antagonism of his fellow men; the mature man earns the sincere cooperation of his associates, thus multiplying many times the fruits of his life's efforts, because social maturity is equivalent to the degree to which man is willing to renounce the new gratification of passing and immediate desires, to shelter those higher desires whose attainment provides the most abundant satisfactions of the progressive advance towards permanent objectives.

“This new gospel of the kingdom renders a great service to the art of living as it provides a new and richer incentive for a higher life. It presents a new and exalted target of destiny, a supreme purpose of life. These new concepts of eternal and divine purpose of existence are in themselves transcendental stimuli, which bring out the reaction of the best that exists in the superior nature of man. At every peak of intellectual thought there is rest for the mind, strength for the soul and communion for the spirit. From such advantageous points of high life, man is able to transcend the material irritations of the lower levels of thought: worry, jealousy, envy, revenge, and pride of immature personality.

As we can see, the teachings of Jesus, spirituality is something totally tangible, it must bear fruit that is demonstrable in our daily lives, because “virtue is righteousness, it is conformity with the cosmos. Naming virtues does not mean defining them, but to live them is to know them. Virtue is not only knowledge, not even wisdom, but rather the reality of progressive experience, in the attainment of ascending levels of cosmic reach. In the daily life of mortal man, virtue is realized as the uniform choice of good over evil, and such ability to choose is proof of the possession of a moral nature, which cannot be promoted either by law or by the force. It is a personal matter of free will, which must be disseminated through contagion by contact of morally attractive people, to those who respond less morally, but who also have some desire to do the will of the Father. ”

Let us put all our effort into awakening our conscience, so that it is able to assimilate the teachings of Jesus when he “spoke to the group about the importance of having a well-balanced character. He recognized that most men have to devote themselves to the dominion of a vocation, but deplored the excess of specialization, a tendency that limits the mind and circumscribes vital activities. He mentioned the fact that every virtue, if taken to extremes, can become vice. JESUS ​​ALWAYS PREACHED THE MODERATION AND TAUGHT THE CONSTANCE AND A PROPORTIONAL ADAPTATION TO THE PROBLEMS OF LIFE. He noted that excessive compassion and mercy can degenerate into severe emotional instability; that enthusiasm can lead to bigotry. He mentioned the fact of a former associate of them, whose imagination had led him to visionary and print companies. At the same time, I warned them against the dangers of the monotony inherent in mediocrity that is too conservative. Then Jesus spoke of the dangers of courage and faith, and how these two factors sometimes lead a non-reflective soul to presumption and imprudence. They also showed how prudence and discretion, taken to extremes, lead to cowardice and failure. He urged his listeners to seek originality, but avoiding falling into eccentricity. Understanding should not fall into sentimentality, nor piety in beater a.

Based on the teachings of the Urantia Book.

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