The Quantum Awakening "It's time to let go of the pain in your heart" by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - September 2011

  • 2011

The Quantum Awakening A Thought, A Way of Life, A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin



More than 12 years of online publication and distribution

Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love since 1986

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


*** It's time to let go of the pain in your heart

*** The Phrase of Light

*** Let go of all excuses and delays

*** Entering the Merit Sector

*** The Fulcrum of the Future

*** Imperfections, Weaknesses and Failures: For the Universe they are a Place of Possibility


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are messengers of the Star and the Light System known as Arcturus. We hold the keys of the Time Portals that are being given the order to open. These Time Portals announce healing situations for all mankind. The Portals of Time occupy a space that contains everything that serves. As the Time Portals open, what once served you will be released in a stream that moves away from you. Everything that they have held on emotionally, physically and mentally, now receives a decree to be released.

It is time to heal. It's time to let go of the pain in your heart. It's time to let it go. It is time to forgive. It is time to love more deeply, more fully, more beautifully than you have ever thought. The Portals of Time have kept their thoughts in a formatted structure that has served humanity so far. While they were confident in the safety of the four walls and the ceiling, they were not afraid. As the invisible wall and ceiling constructs detach from you emotionally and mentally, you are then free to fly home to your thought of the original source.

The walls in his heart, the walls in his life, in his car, in his house, in his thoughts, all have served them. They have been served with love and limited. They have kept looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never renewing what they believed in the past, always bringing it to the future, now chewing and ruminating what they created as truth.

Imagine a world in which you did not own anything and yet you had it all. There would never be envy or jealousy of others, because each person would have the same inherent ability to create. A place where every passing thought created what they need. Imagine a world where nothing was hidden and everything was seen. Imagine a world where you as a community decided on weather patterns, where as a community you decided how to grow crops, trees, flowers, how to grow and what elements they will be. No intrinsic in them. This is a scene taken from Arcturus. This may be your future if you choose wisely.

Imagine a world where with a single thought you could create any healing action you needed or wanted. Imagine a world where you could see your past / present / future all at once. See again and again all their expressions, all the culminations, all the mistakes, all the loves and anger in the situations, allowing them to choose with the next knowledge and full heart the next expression of yours. Imagine a world where you were thirsty for knowledge as if it were water. Where they had explored and experienced all the knowledge of their kingdom and sought knowledge of other dimensions and spheres of existence, seeking knowledge, seeking wisdom, seeking truth from place to place, star after star, experience after experience, creating love in places that never knew him, heart in places that had no heart, joy in places that never felt it.

Their bodies were formed from the stars and they yearn to return home. Let us lift you back to the stars while your feet are still on the ground. Let us expand your humanity beyond its limits, its complications, anger and sadness. Let us recover for you the knowledge you seek, the answers you need. See us as a kind of cosmic search engine.

We strive to answer what needs answer. We are not gods. We are not greater than you, but your potential, just as you are our past. Strive to be more, and in that effort, you will expand your awareness and your ability to perceive worlds beyond the worlds. See us as those who come to help you heal. It hurts us to see them stumble. They have so many blockages in their conscience that they stumble day after day as if they stumble upon land mines. They explode like fury in his heart.

They have forgotten the statement: We the People . You, the people of the Earth, must defend your future. Stop bowing to the needs and desires of a world that manipulates you at all levels. Receive your power. At this moment, today, ask to be empowered with your divinity, with the pinnacle of your humanity and with the star that lives in your heart. Do not let others decide your future.

The reason why so many star systems will finally come to Earth at every level is that there are many cracks in your world. Not the original cracks of Earth's fault but cracks in their relationships, their marriages and their integrity.

Your Earth declares its vulnerability. The Earth is open for all to enter it; having not healed inside, it is falling apart like you. You are not united in your hearts, you are not united in love and you are not united in peace as a world or as a family. There is separation, as a state, as a country, as a continent and as a world; there are large and deep separation slits. That is what attracts others to Earth to dominate it, to use it.

This would not happen if they were held together as a planet. A microcosm of that macrocosm that needed to start by staying together was officiated in its emergency situation on September 11 (9/11). The world joined for a moment, for a day, for 24 hours. Everything stopped and life became holy, it became sacred. We don't want to see them reach that point as a planet, not just two buildings, but as a planet. Join constantly in your mutual effort. Take that extra step towards a neighbor, towards a friend who betrayed you, towards a family member who disagrees with you. Take that extra step, starting simply with the hands of those who read this; Begin wrapping around the Earth.

We are the Arcturians. Our message makes them frown, but it brings the truth to their heart. This is the place where you must live. Ask us to help you heal. They are blessed. Long live that!


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Through time and incarnation there has always been a theme; Again and again we hear the words resonate in our mind and heart, just love. Just love these people, just love this planet. Son, remember that you are here to love. From time to time we would get off our mountain and venture into the real world. We tried to show others what was true, what was light, what was love, as we knew it, as we remembered. Our words and actions fell mostly on deaf ears and blind hearts; They were not ready to hear the truth, to see the light, to accept love and let us know very loudly and very clearly. Throughout our journey the Universe sent angels and beautiful visions to relieve the pain of humanity. As we matured, our gifts began to amplify; No matter how much we tried to push them away, they stormed through the crystal stage of lethargy demanding more of us, pushing us closer to our light.

The visions told us about a time on Earth in which the inner God of each one would finally cleanse the eye lizards and wake up by remembering his divinity. The visions told us that we were not alone on Earth, the visions told us about the truths that were about to be discovered and revealed. The visions spoke of a time where we would be the leaders of light and lead the people of Earth back to the source, to the first light, to the singularity; A light, a heart They announced a time when every face we looked at would reflect the light that lives in their hearts. A time in which our light would become a catalyst to ignite the latent divine light in every person we met. We cling tightly to those visions knowing they were true. They were given to nourish, love and sustain us until the time came for them to be born in the now. In that waiting time, we met with our own divinity, contemplated our own light and learned to love this human body. In 1987 the first call to humanity was issued. All the hearts of the Earth lined up and exclaimed: it's time. The children of the Earth took their first steps in conviction.

In 1992 another call was issued through numbers. The constellation Columba and the Star of the Dove emanated the Christ Consciousness towards Earth, awakening the sleeping prophet within all mankind. The portal opened and there was no going back. Since those times, millions have woken up and have seen the light within themselves. They have awakened to their divinity, recognizing the face of God that they represent. Day by day we receive glimpses of what is to come. You sit anxiously awaiting the promises of a loving creator.

We know now that nothing in our journey has been in vain, that everything was part of the phrase of light. We were nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives. We know now that we never really forget that everything was an illusion, as is our humanity, as is our limitation. We know now that the Light lives in every molecule of existence, always.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Upon entering the fullness and holiness of the expression of those who know they are, they will discover that the lines that divide and split their being begin to fade over time, with wisdom, with love. You will discover that the expressions of your self that you know as the beginning and the end of this life are no longer divided components. They are energized in the natural sense of the word, flowing forward naturally, announcing a cleansing, a clearing, becoming aware of the various octaves of knowledge, of wisdom, of strength.

Open the door to the Wholeness they had forgotten they were. Open the door to everything that is kept separate in thoughts, fears, yearnings and desires of your heart. Open the door that separates you from a future in which you are totally healthy, with love, with joy, beauty, youth. Because only your belief system corrupts your body. Because only their belief system prevents them from advancing by leaps and bounds. Its gorge seems endless in a sky that seems cloistered. Open the door and release everything that once served you to learn to fly, to learn to swim, to learn to dig a tunnel deep in the ground. Open the door to everything your parents, your teachers and your lovers told you that you could not be, that you could not achieve, that you could not experience.

Experience the flow of truth from its endless beginning, from its endless beginning. Let go of all limitations and self-imposed programs. Let go of all excuses and delays. Dig up the potential you have kept hidden. Open to see everything that is happening in a single moment anywhere in this universe. Because they have that ability, but they must announce themselves in remembrance. "I can see through space and time, through the sky and clouds, through the dust." "I can walk through the stars and the air with the greatest ease."

What they are looking for is inherent in everything. What is valuable to you? Are they diamonds? Gold? Timber? Water? It depends on the sector of the universe in which they park. You can attract to you all the things that inherently contain the wealth you desire until you can manifest it vibrationally in your own earthly world. Getting rid of the perimeters, the expectations, the limits, the containers, the ways of thinking, frees them to be all that.

Imagine they are the Earth, what about the universe. Are you ready for such an expansion? Are you ready to open your arms, your heart and your mind to such a place of totality? Are you ready to become what you are really capable of being, conceiving, perceiving, begetting, creating, manifesting?

When God, the Almighty, the Source, the Creator First desires, that desire is enough to make it happen. Your wishes have great potential within them. God does not strive, but desires naturally and it is done. Look at your world more closely and you will see that what we say is true without dividing or diluting; These skills are yours to recognize.

Free yourself from the way you define yourself and allow your soul to redefine them in a way that serves the Light. The soul is destined to expand, recreate and redefine the lineage of light they dress as a physical body. We are the Pleiadian Council of Light and we come to start you in new understandings.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The opulence, prosperity, the role of the Creator they seek is within the cellular structure of their being. It does not dwell in a thought, it does not dwell in a meditation, it does not reside in a way of life, but it lives in all potential used and unused within the multidimensional structure in which they exist.

When they feel a lack in their life, they immediately take their presence to that place and meet within that structure of lack, not as punishment, but as learning. When they have a need in their life, they enter the situation with the potential for that need to be met, as well as with the potential that it not be met.

When they are placed in the deserving sector, then they become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of their dimensional perception, beyond the limitations of what their earthly mind forecasts, and beyond the limitations of what that I think I can achieve. You look for what you are. They seek to learn and in that expression of expansion, it serves everything. They seek to be blessed. They seek to become love. And yet, all these qualities are inherent in their own field of creation.

It is for the understanding of accepting what they believe they need to be, that they need to receive, that they need to know, that they will enter fully into the earth not so distant that it contains these truths. Being human, you adopt the island of division.

The mechanics of manifestation, the mechanics of creating, will be redefined for you in the near future. The words 'lack and need' will no longer be a logistics that describes what you are. The words 'lack and need' will no longer describe what you are. They will land on the words "have, create, deserve" when they fly through this universal understanding of who they really are.

We exist in conscience beyond a Portal of Time. The world has just recently seen that Portal of Time. When viewed visually, then we can be energetically heard. We do not come to conquer your thoughts, your world, your crops or your children, because we are beyond the way you are internally in the essence of your being. We exist as you exist, in a multivolutive sequence where you are growing to lugs and jumps in many different dimensions and worlds.

That is why there is often so much confusion in his human heart, inviting an inquisition of thought. There are places where they exist as pure light without dividing. There are places where they exist as color. There are places where they exist as bacteria and viruses. In some places they are just sound. In some places they only exist as a dream landscape. Your brain perceives much of this confusion as interdimensional aesthetics.

Multidimensionally, they enter a place where they can become all this. When they sleep, they enter a place where they are a planet, a moon, a star, a fairy, a shadow, a light. Their earthly dreams bring back this reality to them more and more, but their brain sifts the garbage in the morning after waking from a hard night and filters out what seems to be unintelligible.

You are everything you think you are at all levels of your life. Now take that knowledge and create a collage with it. Take all the pieces of the broken vase from your universal self and put it on to see who they really are. When they accept the complexity of their totality, then there is nothing they need or want. Everything is created with a thought, as was the original intention. We leave your presence at this time. It will come more from our part of the universe.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are the energy of the One Light Council. We are exemplified and animated in the energy field of each of you on the upper levels of your own light and your own heart. We exist for you in the 13th vibration of your own light. If only we were inhaled at this moment we entered and allowed us to bathe them in potentials. Let us take you to the remembrance frequency. And let us bathe you in the fluidity of future perspectives.

When they are in this Transportal of their future selves, they maintain a dialogue about what is to come and what their experience will be. Each of you stands guard against the fulcrum of your future. They contemplate their current circumstances, contemplate their past and yet see very little of their future. They feel that seeing the future is for seers and psychics and not for poor mortals like you. They have chosen to wear thick veils and a blindfold that prevent them from fully experiencing the potentials that have not yet manifested. The gestation period to give birth to the future event is only a few weeks compared to the past in which it was as long as the tube and the pregnancies of the elephant.

This past year, thought and manifestation accelerated to a point in time and space that hastened all the results. Being at the peak of their life contemplating future events, they have a certain knowledge that as long as they follow the path from A to B, the result will be predictable. If they turn their consciousness away from the 27 letters of the alphabet and add a new language of light, then the results will exceed their expectations and their increased potential. In other words, you are predictable. The path you will choose is predictable. The path they took in the past was predictable. Your reactions are predictable. Their outbursts are predictable, because they follow the same path and emotional pattern they have always followed.

In this time of numerous celestial alignments and dimensional potentials, we ask you not to take the same route you have always taken. Go beyond the limits that once had them as a captive audience, always keeping them in a very small theater pigeonholed in the pegs of the past. You are much more than what you have been able to understand or appreciate.

Each of the thoughts you have ever had exists somewhere simultaneously. Every desire, need, prayer, has been fulfilled and they live somewhere in time or in a parallel existence. Thoughts and manifestations are not wasted. They are not discarded. They are recycled energy. In some parallel existence of the continuous time / space you are living all your dreams. In another, they are living their perfect body shape. In another, they are living their perfect hairstyle or perfect health. Every thought stays in the Now or goes to another plane of existence. The portal for that exit is opened and closed with your own thoughts.

When they want a certain result, it begins to grow within their own energy field. If you fluctuate in that thought due to doubt, with fear at any level, then it 'leaves' the earthly experience and enters another probable universe where you also exist.

Now think about this: you are creating days of perfect hair in other dimensions. They are creating and have the perfect body in probable realities where they have not given up! With their initial prayer and their request they were creating the perfect soul mate, the perfect marriage, the perfect relationship, and then they gave up! If you lose hope in something or renounce it, leave by a transport and enter another kingdom where you also exist simultaneously. Their dreams went to another version of you in another place and time just because they didn't believe enough.

You have the ability to create exactly what you want by keeping it in focus, with certainty, and knowledge. The moment they surrender, they leave their world and enter another where they live happily ever after. Do you not understand that a single molecule of doubt can become a lethal toxic weapon when you are trying to create the desired result? Wrap yourself around your creations / manifestations as a mother who protects her young. Do not let anything harm these newborn desires, keep them safe until they are old enough to stand on their own feet.

You are not allowed the luxury of giving up anything or anyone, especially yourself. As soon as they give up something, that leaves this dimension and enters another. Often in their dreams, they enter those places where there is perfect love, perfect family, perfect life. You are living it simultaneously. The “I” that continues to inhabit this earth plane is not receiving any energy benefit because they let it go, they gave it away, they renounced it.

So we ask you to hold the vision of what you are looking for and it will manifest for you in the here and now. Time collapses. Space expands and so do you. It is no longer necessary to wait one to five years at the door of your life for something to come in. It only takes a few weeks. You can believe for a few weeks, right? Keep the focus, keep certain enough time to get here. Keep the focus every time you think about it, renew faith, renew knowledge and don't let anyone separate you from your creation and that manifestation. We are the Council of Light of One. We leave you tonight.



Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Everything is changing and updating, it is demanding that you listen. Like an old nurse, the universe is pulling them by the ear and twisting their arm to get their attention. He is demanding that they listen with their hearts and not with their hard heads. The brain, which kept things secret, is now willing to talk. You are ready to tell them about yourself. Who are they really? Why are they really? They are very afraid to look at themselves. They are busy with their relationships, in cleaning the house, they are engaged in insignificant tasks. When they finally stop, they sleep. When they dream they deal again. They don't spend much time or energy thinking about who they are. They are running away from it inside.

Everything in your world jumps before you and yells at you and says: “Look at me! I am part of the hologram that you are not facing. ” One look and you turn your pretty head and walk away. For you, imperfections, weaknesses and failures are negative. For the universe, they are a place of possibility. They are his gifts and now they are demanding to be unwrapped.

Life is constantly giving them, it is giving them the miracles they need to stay afloat. The much needed magical message of approval in the form of a small rainbow, a small blue bird of happiness, or a beautiful rose. Something that is only for your eyes, your gift. When the magic of the moment is expressed aloud, it disappears. How to take magic and miracles and show them and tell them to another? It can not. Earth is supporting you in all your changes. The heart opens to a higher level of love. The notes that sing tomorrow will be sweeter than today.

It's time to stop running away from your humanity. The hamster doesn't get anywhere in a self-imposed cage. The limitations are self-imposed. The stages of the roundabout are self-imposed. You are honoring everything in the form of people and responsibilities outside of you and do not honor yourself. It is there where his heart will continue to close and he will remain sad inside.

They were taught that being a good person was to do for others and that it was selfish to do for oneself. They were taught to love their neighbor as themselves, but do they love themselves? Is this how they love their neighbor? Do they love him to the best of his ability, or do they only love him as much as they love themselves, which is very little or nothing?

They enter a time of loving themselves, but not selfishly, as it was superimposed on their DNA, but in a way that they love their experience of being human. They love when they have a headache because they know they are responding to something, that their body is giving them a message, a signal. They may have eaten something that doesn't suit them, or that someone is using their psychic phone line. Everything in your body speaks to you. Everything in your world speaks to you and reflects what you need. Answer that call. It is an SOS. It is in Morse Code. You practice what you preach, or so it seems to everyone and everything, except you. Do not give up what you are. Do not think that there is something wrong with you. They cannot get rid of who they are and become something else. They are what they are. Honoring who they are and being who they really will facilitate the transition. When they go in the opposite direction to the self, situations become immovable like mountains. Many of you try too hard. They are trying to BE. They should not have to try to BE. It should be something easy to do. It shouldn't be something that causes constipation and cosmic hemorrhoids in your energy field. Do not try so hard to BE. Just relax on it. It is what they do naturally; It's what they do best, ONLY BEING. They can't change who they are.

The new senses that come to you are of heavenly proportion, they are galactic senses, divine senses. Each invites them to a different level of knowledge, to a level of existence. Each gives them a little more every minute of each day until they are more comfortable with who they are. They accompany them where they can see themselves lovingly and laugh at their stupidity and the so-called falls and failures, while they get up again and do it again.

How many of the greats of your Earth did not give up? They would be sitting by candlelight if Edison had given up. What if everyone had given up? If they had simply ceased to be who they knew they were born to be? If only they had stopped trying? We ask you not to try too hard to be and at the same time, we ask you not to stop trying. It is like a river that meets an ocean. When meeting, the waters are agitated but in the end everything calms down. Don't try so hard, but don't give up either. At the point where the river meets the ocean inside, creation is born, and the new is given the freedom to fly.

Humans have struggled to be their true selves for too long. And now it's time to relax in who they really are, how they really look, how they really smell, and how they really feel. Know that at this point of origin they are very easy to love and are very acceptable. We ask you to go to the center of the wave. See it above you. See it below you and then ride it. Do not give up what you know in your heart that is right for you. Even if you don't see it manifest, see it as if you were watching a movie in which you are the protagonist. You are the visionaries, you are the prophecies and you are the future. You walk ahead of others. Thank God for that. Don't give up because others don't accept them or don't understand them. You are beautiful beings, very beautiful. It is time for them to see that and love themselves. It doesn't matter how they look or how they smell or how they feel.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee


Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

Official site of The Quantum Awakening in Spanish:

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