The path of Spirituality, by Jordi Morella

We move through life between challenges, failures and even joys.

We move along different paths after making a decision at each fork we meet.

Going into them we can complain why we didn't think it would be that way, or at other times, we delighted in our right choice.

The road is One and the bifurcations many, it depends on each one. Every choice we make in the midst of an anomaly in our lives represents an opportunity to get closer to our integrity, to our true essence.

Not always what we decide brings us well-being, but the road is One and in the end, we will all meet again remembering these moments with the satisfaction of having done at all times, the best for us as we needed. The surprise that we will take will be when this moment comes, and that what we will have done will even be the best for the people around us. Whatever it is. We will understand that day.

Each one has a path to follow, which, seen from the eyes of the heart, is the same for everyone, bearing in mind that how we go through it depends on the evolutionary process of each one.

What is spirituality? Our path of self-knowledge to connect with our true essence. We are much more than a body. The human being is not who he thinks he is living in a duality. Our biology baffles us and distracts us from thinking that we are what we see of us.

Spirituality is the way of searching for our divinity, of being able to fully show the loving essence that we all are. Yes, even those who seem to enjoy making others suffer, even these, harbor the seed of love in them. Do not criticize them, do not judge them because they are frightened beings, lack of love. Their insecurity and lack of affection leads them to behave in this way. Do not judge them because they are also children of God moving along the same path that you found. They play their part according to their evolution process. Accept them and love them because they are part of the Great Divine Plan.

When we know each other more, and that means being aware of our spiritual essence, of our divinity, we will be more guided by the world of Light and Love will be our guide, our protection And the inexhaustible source of prosperity at all levels. We will be One with God. He will manifest in our actions, our words and our thoughts.

Someone may think: yes, but we are human and this humanity does not disappear from us, and therefore, can manifest itself at any moment. I tell you that he who lets Love (God-in-him) manifest, nothing has to fear for his humanity. This will be the vehicle that will allow you to reach all those who need it.

When the most earthly part of our current existence wants to be noticed, our divinity will know how to detect it and "return it to its rightful place." We are spiritual beings within a body and it is this spiritual essence that allows us to live in peace, calm and inner well-being. It is this essence that allows us to be happy.

Spirituality is not religion. We are all spiritual beings, although some manifest it more than others and are more conscious. Spirituality is our true essence, that invisible part of us that makes it worth living and understanding everything that is visible. It is that non-visible part that gives meaning to what is visible. It is the engine of our current existence.

We follow a path to evolve our soul and our spiritual essence will allow us to help it if we let it manifest. We are much more than we think we are. We are love, and only from love can we create life. This is our true source of well-being.

What is the way to connect with the engine of our life? The awakening of consciousness and opening the doors of our heart. He who opens his heart and mind will see and feel the truth in him.

The time for Spiritual Awakening has arrived, and the planet and all its inhabitants are restless at these crucial moments in history. The time has come to let our true essence manifest itself and the Light and Love can radiate beyond where we are. The time has come for change. Our souls know it, that's why they are restless and altered. Sensations of change appear inside each one. Things are no longer as before, and by the same process of life, we are driven to take new steps to a new life full of love, peace and prosperity.

Let's connect with our spirituality and she will lead us to feel the purest love you have been able to feel so far. The Love of the Father will manifest in you.

Now you are at a crossroads and you have to make a decision on which path to take. The decision is yours. Listen to your heart and he will guide you. Do not fear and do what you feel you should do. Do not be afraid why you are not alone. The world of Light is with you. The spiritual family supports and protects you.

By awakening the spiritual consciousness you can reach you and manifest your magnificence. You are spiritual beings from the Light. The time has come for you to show the angel that you are and carry inside.

Your spirituality is the connection with the Source of all Life, with God. Open the door so that He can manifest and you can materialize what you have come to do.

Jordi Morella

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