Opening speech by PIONEERS COLLEGE (University of Pioneers)

And so it is. Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters, I am Ekara. It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the home of Pioneers College after a trip that took them many lives to complete.

My heart does not try to welcome you to any type of organization, nor does it signal my hand to tell you to enter the walls of restriction or modalities of guru. I, Ekara, greet you in a place that recognizes the condition of equality and race, in the hope of activating within you the rebirth of your own deeply rooted potential, your own sense of power and mastery.

As Adamus Saint Germain said, who is in a very close creative connection with this school, sometimes: Pioneers College is an ascension school that is not in search of followers, but of activating leaders, road counters and pioneers of conscious expansion.

Near Adamus Saint Germain and myself, it comes from this approach from the heart of us towards you, it comes from many who have walked with you on the trip, but someone whom I would like to mention especially with regard to all this, is the beloved Kuthumi lal Singh, the one who, as always, often remains silent when it comes to these things ... but whose unstoppable enthusiasm is probably, if not definitely, the greatest driving force of this project related to the rise of humanity towards an existence of The new energy

I do not think I have ever met, or entered into a process of creation with two beings who have a greater love for the purpose of humanity, as I have witnessed in my passionate and co-creative embrace of Adamus Saint Germain and Kuthumi lal Singh . I felt it was appropriate to mention at least all this to you, and since I know that there are many connecting with these words at this time and that you agree with the gratitude I am expressing, I invite you to take a moment to celebrate These beings, along with you, for the many choices that they and you have made and continue to make on behalf of humanity and evolution based on a personal and cosmic scale.

Having said that, of course there are countless others that I will not mention at this time but with those who will connect personally during their experiences here at the University of Pioneers, since they will share their wisdom, insights, love and humor with you .

The ascension project of the University of Pioneers arises in a time of extreme changes. Whether humanity is aware of it or not, everyone is going through intense changes that take people out of their current life cycles. This is felt everywhere and by everyone, although many pretend it is not so and continue on with their day-to-day lives as if nothing were strange. Everyone is perceiving, but pretends not to notice, the elephant in the room, the man behind the curtain. Everyone is feeling uncomfortable about life right now, in one way or another. Each one notices the pressure of their own life cycles that have generated some stuck and harmful patterns, if not eventually deadly, a causality that for years has been 'celebrated' under the guise of singularity as the result generated by a conscious identity or subconscious, and personality formation.

It is not necessary to remind them that these personalities, which have become the core of what they are and that they think they are, are not real. They have nothing to do with your I AM presence, and they only form around you as a strict framework of recommendations of what to do and what to avoid, to benefit those who have had power over you for so long., manipulating the requirements, needs and desires of this strict framework.

It is not my intention that this introductory message becomes tiring, nor does it wish to flood its portals with monotonous information about any vision of the past or future; but I do want to remind you that humanity, and many other races along with it, have been mentally ill for a long time. In many cases this has led to a sustainable paranoia and this, in many cultures of their land, is the normal blueprint of a person's identity.

Many people have been entangled with a hidden but chronic form of manic depression and many others are at least on the brink of an emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual and spiritual existence. Dysfunctional music. Many, however, would not agree with me since they would not see the evidence of this when they look around in life; however I tell those that the evidence of this is in sight when they look around in life; However, I tell those that the evidence is right in front of you but has been disguised under a social veil of normalcy.

It is happening today and it has been happening for a long time, but I am here to say that this massive mental illness will not continue much longer. Life on Earth, and life on many other planes and places with it, has not always been in the way it is now. I do not speak of a difference on a technological scale; I am talking about an intelligence scale and this would be a word that you may not be waiting for: an intelligence that during the course of the last hundred and a few generations has become the fundamentals of a mental prison system.

I raise this idea of ​​ intelligence because it is not only in mystical circles that these truths of unity versus illusion resonate. It is not one of the intellectual brains e highlighted in this dimension that you know by the name of Albert Einstein himself, who has said, and I repeat it:

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest a kind of optical illusion of his conscience.

This disappointment is a type of prison for us, restricting ourselves to our personal and affection desires only for a few people close to us.

Our job has to be to free ourselves from this prison by expanding our circle of compassion and embracing all living creatures and all nature in their beauty.

In fact, has humanity's pride itself, that is, intelligence, which supposedly separates us from animal life, become a device of the day of final judgment? If what Albert Einstein says is the truth, and it is one of the fundamental principles of this university of ascension that is so, then the very presence of a separating intelligence is part of the optical illusion of consciousness, such as Einstein calls it, if not the reason for the illusion of separation.

Einstein knew that the knowledge he was discovering did not arise from himself, nor was it miraculously discovered due to his greater use of brain potential; it came from the universe itself and could only reach Einstein as long as he realized that he was, in fact, meticulously connected to the universe if it did not contain within himself the universe in all its infinite dimensions of potential.

Einstein knew that his mind and brain could only take him 'so far' and that, from a certain point on, he had to exchange logic for intuition, knowledge for knowledge, and wisdom for imagination. Whenever he reached that point, where mathematical logic was no longer enough, literally Einstein put his head to rest and plunge into dimensions of expansive consciousness. His favorite vehicle for this was the dream, in fact in front of his dashboard.

Typically, when resting in his comfortable most used seat, he used to have a joking stone in his hand called his philosopher's stone. At the moment of really falling into a deep sleep, the stone fell from his hand waking the Einstein with literally the answer in front of his nose. He had connected with the entire universe and knowledge was simply available.

Often there were times when Einstein did not hear the stone hit the ground and when he woke up hours later, the answer was written on the board! Einstein was a subconscious channel that later became aware of its constant connection with the universe and the creator.

So, in Einstein's case, personality was not present in as the dominant operating system in his consciousness. His "major brain" as it is often called, with increased neurosynaptic activity, allowed him not to connect at the level of neurosynaptic patterns when an interdimensional incursion was needed to make his concepts meaningful. Instead, it allowed him access to the universe itself and was in fact a brain with an active pineal gland and Akonai.

This is what I, Ekara, call a "sharp mind" (awakened) and the kind of intelligence that will be sustained in these New Energy times. It is the “sharp mind” that you will also develop in the coming years even if it is a smaller image of the total spectrum that your ascension training will give you, training that will result in the ability to no longer be limited to a specific set of values ​​but to be free from experience infinite varieties, called attributes, in the context of a non-specific continuum.

Although very few people came to know, in the last 10 years or so of his life, Einstein became what is said "the guardian of myself", that is to say he was responsible for maintaining a certain series of crystal disks that they contain cosmic knowledge experienced from the earthly point of view. Those crystal disks were handed to him by no less than Adamus Saint Germain (by none other so Adamus…) who worked closely with Albert for years, becoming a constant guide in his investigation of the expansion of consciousness and his desire to explore the indefinite.

Of course, when I mention those crystal discs, do not think that I mean a material manifestation. These discs are in fact vibratory spaces with frequency sequences at crystallized level, which allow to store infinite amounts of information. In this information, there is knowledge that has not been discovered for hundreds of thousands of years, even in the days of Lemuria or Atlantis. Time was not prone to it, but now it is. Now, all Exploration Masters, you included, have returned to Earth in all its beautiful dimensions to take this unprecedented next step of quantum dimensional ascension.

When Einstein left Earth at the end of his most recent incarnation, he did so with a fully activated Akonai (pineal gland) but an Akene (the definition of divinity) almost asleep and basically with an almost nonexistent Adonai. If you are looking for a greater understanding of these principles and concepts, I refer you to the introductory talk and the first few parts of the Ascension Alchemy series, available in the vibratory space of this university.

Einstein left Earth to continue his exploration of personality and activate the two remaining centers of power of his being or essence. In the meantime and with the cooperation of Adamus, Kuthumi, Tobias, myself and many others, Einstein has gone through the necessary intertwined and interdimensional experiences that have allowed them to put the final touches on their last life cycle in order to take control of those centers of power and now he has graciously offered his services as a teaching facilitator in the field of this university of pioneers of the ascension. He is one of the teachers you will get to know.

I have used, with his gentle permission of course, Albert's most recent life as an example of the opposite of personality-based intelligence, hoping to allow you a better understanding of the potentials you commonly possess. Let's take a moment to deepen the origin and philosophy of all this. Why have mystery schools been created in the first place? Why were they a necessity and why are they reappearing now? To understand it is to understand the present situation of human consciousness and this is what I would like to talk about now, perhaps metaphorically but definitely based on current planetary, personal and interpersonal issues.

The thoughts of the universe are yours, they always have been. In the course of the last many thousands of years, life after life, many have simply forgotten to listen. The silent voice that radiates from one's true being is no longer heard, the attributes of individual own thoughts are no longer observed.

Instead, many listen to or are caught by "impulses" generated by institutions, corporations, marketing schemes and even governments, both consciously and subconsciously. From the moment we learn a language and frequent the school with knowledge and history generated by these institutional forces belonging to cultures and societies, those impulses slowly but surely close us to the natural vibrations and frequencies of the self-creative universe ... ... and we lose the knowledge of the god who lives from part to part of everything, including the infinite dimensions of oneself.

Humanity, and so many races with it, have been in prison for a very long time. He will continue to be in prison until enough people discover the truth of the illusions they have believed and in which they have existed for thousands of years. 100 years or so ago, the creative impact of these illusions was subtle enough for their parasitic (parasite) qualities to go unnoticed.

The parasite, so to speak, did not immediately make the host sick but gradually took control of his new areas of nutrition. Now, those illusions have become so squeakily obvious that day after day I am amazed by those who do not see the construction of illusions in which they live their lives. This prison is not made of metal bars, but of mental waves of thought, belief systems and much more; a world where the consumer has in fact become the consumed one.

The systematic and recurrent presence of these belief systems from early childhood, life after life, creates a type of energy pattern that manifests itself in matter as a normal model of neurosynaptic paths in the brain. The aggregation of these paths and their ability to interact with each other is powerfully entrusted to the cultural and social imprints of the emotional field, also from a very early age onwards.

All this means that the parasite has completely penetrated the building blocks of life, the biological DNA, with a predetermined field favorable to the formation of these neurosynaptic paths as normal modus operandis (way of functioning) of the brain. Another attribute of the depth of this penetration, is the DNA level predetermination of the human brain to obey certain types of energetic expressions and vibratory fields that has to do with authority.

In the end, the parasite manifests and takes possession of conscious perception, in the form of what is now called a "personality" or "identity." At that time, exponentially, the conscious and free human being has become an intellectually enslaved human animal that thinks he is an independent "person" but has now forgotten the part of himself that is the fundamental, sovereign I AM, the reason of life itself.

The good news is that the damage is definitely not irreversible and exists only within what has been classified “the subfrequency (subfrequency) bags of reality. The subfrequency parasite can be removed or, rather, it can be discharged, neutralized and integrated. Humanity and many other races have reached this point in an apparently unconscious way, when many people think that we have reached a critical moment of choice. However, it happens that I know that at the level of consciousness of inter creative mass, which is also inter expressive, this choice has been made.

You can discover much more on the subject in the bookstores of this ascension school if you prefer to know more details and I encourage you to do it at your own pace. The point I want to reach in this introductory talk is that everything I have talked about here is not as unknown as you might think, nor the arrival of this so-called personality parasite, the vast knowledge that you instinctively bring about the reality, this "active ascension school" and this moment of choice, are a simple coincidence.

For you to understand, I have to ask for your trust and discernment since I am going to share with you some akenéic memories that you are not carrying in your present physical brain; they are memories of very old times, before this body in which you are sitting was now created.

I will delve a little deeper into the main theme of this talk, a topic that has long triggered the fantasy of many people: the great Mystery Schools of the past that have been present in a different way for thousands of years. You who are hearing or reading these words right now, have also been present for thousands of years, connecting with those schools of mysteries life after life in your search for meaning in a meaningless world always increasing.

When you originally entered this vibrational space / time that you call the third dimension, you arrived with the heart and soul of the explorer. Your chosen task was to be the definition of the indefinite space / time that existed here, starting with the most exposed layers and digging your path always deeper into them until you reach the bottom.

Your entrepreneurial spirit quickly noticed, however, the veil of oblivion and your strong desire to remember who you are, where you come from and where you are walking. That's where your connection to those schools began, a link that would last for an incomprehensible amount of time. There came a time, however, when you had learned everything you could learn, a time when you had mastered the art of retaining the memories of crossed lives.

Once this was achieved, many did not know what to do or where to go next, With the theory already well affirmed and even put into practice, some decided to found their own schools, with good intentions as well, but soon discovered that this effort (effort) I could not take them to a space of enthusiasm and delight for life. Something else was needed.

It was at this moment that one raised his head and stood up to face the inevitable; many knew what should be done, but only one had the audacity to do it. This "one" whom I refer to has come to know you as the promoted being Adamus Saint Germain. Director of many schools of that time and former student of mine, Adamus has held a seat in the Council of Mysteries for a few years. The Council of Mysteries was devised as a protective organization to unify and at the same time maintain the secret nature of schools.

Adamus, in a powerful telepathic connection with the conscience of all the pioneers of that time, issued a message asking that the mystery school system "sink into the metaphorical depths of the ocean, penetrating the kingdoms of Lemuria and Atlantis" in order to “Disappear in the mists, such as Abalón, until the time comes when the veils of oblivion, which have become an obstacle for us the enlightened ones, can be lifted.

Adamus continued with what for me and those like me has become a time independent discourse. I quote: “In the meantime, I encourage you to look for all the most normal life you can and do what you could not do in all the years of connection with your school: pass the last test, deeply bury all your wisdom and the acquired senses of personality in the gaps (voids, crevices) of your essence that is shining through you. In short, I invite you to end the Light one last time to dive and see if wisdom has settled so deeply in you as to re-emerge even without encouragement. ”

Adamus, in continuing his telepathic discourse, reminded each of you of the importance of this "final test" not only for yourself, but for everyone you meet. In short, you would become a beacon of light at night without any memory or association to your enlightened past. Of the utmost importance, however, and where Adamus's point of view won them all, was the fact that you could explore the realms of non-ME one last time before fully emerging in the land of the I, whose boundaries you have now reached … Everyone saw the validity of this idea, which was carried out shortly thereafter.

From that moment, Saint Germain would take in his own way the responsibility of keeping the wisdom and memory of those schools on Earth to the fullest extent possible. Following the fact that he had reached the ascended state at the time of these events, he chose to leave the human shell because he was convinced that he could be of greater assistance elsewhere and joined the ranks of my kingdoms.

This story is not intended as a history lesson; rather it is yours (history) and if you want you can feel its truth within yourself right now. Wear it with dignity. In your “final test”, that is, this life that you are experiencing at present, you have chosen the task of collecting the pieces of your puzzle once and for all; all the knowledge that you had reconstituted throughout lives, now found in one life. Achieving it has been the goal of your life, until you have reached this point, this moment. Take some time to reflect on it. I think many events will start to make more sense, or not?

Knowing all this, I want to bring up a very important reminder that you may need now that you are in the process of adapting your ongoing life cycle: do not confuse about 5 years of personality history with the importance of thousands of years of experience. People often do it because it is part of the parasitic personality program that works in the brain. All in all, I don't need to remind you that humanity is not a race, it is an attitude and this attitude is what is changing now. You, very certainly, mark the beginning of this since you are in the process of freeing yourself, or have already done so, from the parasite program.

Before proceeding to the next topic of this talk, there is one more thing I wish to mention. I haven't finished telling you about Adamus's telepathic plan. There was another part, that is, the idea that this act of all of you would lead to a kind of drilling effect. Which means that many of you, if not all, have freely chosen to drill as deeply into the sub-frequency reality as humanly possible, quite literally, so that the rebounding effect of humanity that awakens from the personality dream can reach the maximum momentum (drive) possible. (The maximum possible drive).

Imagine an elastic band extended to the maximum and you will know that releasing it will release maximum energy and speed by restoring the elastic band to its original shape. The rebound effect has happened for you and is about to happen for all mankind in the coming years. It occurs at the moment when the call of the heart and soul to become an explorer can no longer be ignored.

This idea is rooted in the essence of Explorismo, which is the main philosophy of ascension schools such as this University of Pioneers. Exploration is an active, expressive and passionate mode of existence. It is the action of defining the indefinite. This idea was very much alive in Lemurian, Atlantean and Aramaic times and was the basis of the mystery schools we have talked about and that you have frequented during many of your life cycles. In different places, a little different things were proposed, but the core was always the same: you are the Heart of All Things and in that state of being you are the one who expresses and expresses it in All Things. When this central reason for being is recognized, the explorer spirit itself is recognized.

When this becomes apparent, the surrounding interactive and holographic universe receives a tone from your 142 strands of DNA energy. This tone warns the holographic universe, which is an expression of yourselves, that you are ready to continue at a high level the game of exploratory existence and the universe will respond by manifesting realities in support of this effort as long as it remains pure, that is while that is experienced from the point of advantage of the highest frequency velocity of the vibratory space.

Although you could imagine it in another way, this cycle of life that you are experiencing is considered by your soul as the maximum of Explorism itself; the biggest challenge you have proposed and, beloved brothers and sisters, you have managed to master it! Now is the time to realize that in fact you are not a human of flesh and blood, rather you are a being of 12 vibrations existing in a spectrum of 144 frequencies, 12 for each vibration. He has told you so often, but now it is really possible to feel it, live it. These 12 vibrations, of course, are connected to your 12 senses and in the series of the Alchemy of the Ascension I, Ekara, will discuss this idea with you in a set of exploratory talks designed to make you remember and use these senses again.

The parasite pattern of personality and emotion that we have talked about in this talk has been installed to keep you locked in the lowest possible frequencies of each vibration. This is why I have allowed others to control your choices and potentials; It was the basis of existence in the Old Energy, the notion that made it possible, to begin with, the "follow the leader" paradigm. The reason is simple: awareness and perception at that level are slow and do not know how to make an appropriate choice, so they willingly accept any “logical” choice offered to them. The personality / ego / mind compound is a creation to fight with this perceived lack of frequency and now it has come to replace, in some cases the totality of, the energetic senses that connect you to this interactive experience in a holographic universe that we call life . Again I and others will deepen all these issues as the curriculum of this university is produced.

At the beginning of this talk I started by saying that humanity has come to a time of great change and of course I, Ekara, am not the only source that declares it. You feel and talk about it all over your personal lives too, but it is even measurable. Today science begins to agree with the knowledge of your soul as its experiments and observations have shown that this solar system, and the universe with it, is always increasing the amount of particles that are being generated by the sun, while the vibratory speed of these particles has increased.

Simply put: science now understands that what was once considered a vacuum is no longer an empty space. This, lady and gentlemen, announces the arrival of the New Energy, It is actually so simple. This increase in the presence of particles and their speed also demonstrates the scientific evidence of the incoming quantum ascension, as explained above.

From a scientific point of view, ascension is the reach of a higher level of energy-vibrational existence on a personal and universal scale. It is happening and is inevitable, since it is a universal and healthy phenomenon. In addition, it is where you, dear Explorer Master, intervene,

Everything I have said so far in this introductory talk in honor of the beginning of this ascension university, leads me to the following: anything that all my colleagues, myself included, have shared with you was in preparation for what is to come now. Whatever you, as souls, have ever done was never in preparation for what is in front of you. The time of theory as you have known it has come to an end. You are awake, ready and capable. You are exactly where you have to be and you should celebrate this fact.

The only thing that can hinder you now, as I have already pointed out, is the small problem of your past experiences in this life and your conjunction with them. It is the only thing that could retain you at this point and you have prepared for this eventuality also for a long time. Now is the time to claim that inexplicable force that rests deep within you and only wakes up once in each life span allowing you to do what you and others before thought was impossible.

Nosotros, esta universidad y todo o que significa, estamos aquí para asistiros a continuar con vuestra elección de la ascensión, sabiendo que lo estáis haciendo por unas buenas razones. Seremos vuestra comunidad cuando lo necesitéis, abrazándoos en vuestra soberana diferencia. Como dije al principio, no somos una organización. Nosotros, a una con vosotros, somos simplemente lo que se necesita ahora, siendo la continuación de nuestro camino hacerlo.

El advenlo de la Universidad de Pioneros llega al momento de una perfecta alineación holográfica. Hemos elegido el 11 de Abril de 2009 para hacer el sello de la universidad en la realidad linear por razones numerológicas, porque encaja en el desarrollo del universo y todas las cosas. En teoría numerológica, esta fecha se iguala a 8 con en su centro un 11 como año del sello. Estas son la cualidades holográficas perfectas para estimular los atributos de infinidad y maestría tanto a nivel interno que exterior: el momento en que dios (tu) encuentra a dios (tu) y realmente reconoces quien eres y te enamoras, por así decirlo, de todas las cosas a tu alrededor y dentro de ti. Es en este instante que esa “fuerza inexplicable” de la que he hablado antes se dispara en su sitio. Vosotros simplemente…………activáis y sabéis en vuestro hondo interior, que no hay vuelta atrás. Comprenderéis exactamente lo que quiero decir si ya lo habéis sentido o soléis sentirlo.

Es por este equilibrio 8/11 que el primer año de esta universidad de pioneros se ocupará de devolveros las necesarias percepciones y equivalentes para permitir que los muros de vuestra vida se derrumban y traer de vuelta desde lo profundo de vuestro interior la herramienta di retenci n de memorias de ciclos de vidas entrelazadas. En otras palabras, este primer a o se enfocar en recolocaros en la pista hasta el punto en que pod is empezar a entrar mas en vosotros mismos y en todo lo que va con ello.

Los a os siguientes, cada vez el 11 de Abril traer n los patrones numerol gicos de un 1, en 2010 con un 3 en el centro; en 2011, un doble 11. Finalmente, por supuesto el 11 de Abril de 2012 trae la totalidad de este holograma numerol gico con el 1, un 5 en el centro y un total de 11 como la esencia de ese centro.

Traducido, esto significa que la Universidad de Pioneros, hablando hol sticamente, se ocupa de mover la teor aa la pr ctica, una haza a que opinamos hace mucha falta en este momento. El plan de estudios de este a o 2009, que ahora de veras se lanza con la descarga de este mensaje introductorio, traer una reconstituci n de teor a no antes divulgada, mientras la pr ctica y la experiencia entrar n en vuestro campo de experiencia de la manera m s suave. Lo dos a os siguientes luego sufrir n un cambio gradual de enfoque a medida que nos moveremos de la teor aa la practica con mas fuerza. Esos dos a os traer n la vuelta al calendario sagrado de 360 d as o sea el espectro de experiencia completo de 360 grados que ser explorado en totalidad en las clases ofrecidas por la esencia aken icas conocida como Solaris.

A medida que regrese este espectro completo, se os ense aran todas esas cosas practicas que siempre hab is sabido ser posibles mas solo hab is podido experimentar como teor a hasta el presente, tal como viaje a portal como ser ense ado por Lemuaya del servicio taqui nico. Estas cosas se volver n necesarias puesto que vuestra asistencia como ense antes y monitores ascendidos har falta para muchos a principios de 2012 en adelante.

Finalmente, con el advento del 11 de Abril de 2012, abandonaremos todos conceptos de teor ay entraremos plenamente en la expresi n practica del Ser; un sendero que ser explorado mas profundamente a medida que entr is plenamente en el tiempo c smico tal como aquel que ahora conoc is te ricamente como un se ascendido de luz y vida. Despu s del 2012, naturalmente, no solo la natura de esta escuela, sino la natura de Todas Cosas cambiar a tal punto que es in til que hable mas de ello.

Lo que es de la m xima importancia al presente, es que entend is que seg n vuestra propias elecciones en este momento mismo, en Abril del 2012 pod is estar a la etapa del juego donde pod is de veras ayudar al Gran Cambio de Diciembre ..lo que ha sido el prop sito de vuestro crecimiento y un momento de elecci n consciente en vuestro sendero desde el mismo inicio de vuestro despertar antes de la ascensi n.

Comprender que, a nivel lmico, esta elecci n de asistir y ascender al mismo tiempo es una pasi n que vive en lo mas profundo n cleo de vuestro Ser, es entender realmente al querido Albert Einstein cuando hice la declaraci n que terminar a siendo el lema esencial de las escuelas de misterios en todo el cosmos. Cito: La vida de un individuo tiene sentido solo si ayuda a hacer la vida de cada cosa viviente mas noble y mas bella. Acordaos de este simple hecho a menudo durante los pr ximos cuatro a os de vuestro viaje con esta universidad de ascensi n, pues entenderlo significa entender la vida misma.

Ha finalmente llegado la hora, amad simos exploradores de la conciencia, queridos m sticos, de cesar de combatir el ego o cualquier otra cosa por lo visto. Deponed las armas hoy y empezad a alejaros de vuestra personalidad del pasado. Dejad ir los apegos que hab is levantado en el curso de este ciclo de vida y reconectados a la misión y el camino de vuestra alma. Uno es lineal, el otro es eterno.

Si en cualquier punto de los tiempos venideros, soltar la 3-D – pues de esto se trata – se os hace difícil, os recuerdo de no tomar este tipo de dificultad como personal. Tratadla como impersonal porque esto es lo que es, y es lo que hará que la dificultad se vaya a una velocidad que muy seguramente os sorprenderá. Estáis a la vera de dejar un espacio de vibración subfrecuencial (de baja frecuencia) o sea una dimensión como habéis llegado a llamarlas, y romper saliendo por el borde mismo del cascarón de 3-D puede ser un reto si no estáis adecuadamente preparados.

Prepararos, entonces, solo puede ser el resultado de conocer vuestro verdadero entorno. En este caso, el campo energético, o espacio vibratorio, de 3-D tiene exactamente el mismo compuesto que una de las cosas mas comunes de vuestro universo material, que es el concepto de la célula. Pensad en los muchos trillones de células de vuestro cuerpo y como se crea su estructura celular: todas las células tienen un núcleo, o centro de la célula, y un límite celular.

El elemento fundamental que compone vuestro núcleo celular es exactamente el mismo que compone la pared limitante de la célula; no solo se trata de la misma estructura, tanto el núcleo como el borde de la célula conllevan un tipo similar de densidad! Esto significa que la sensación experimentada al acercarse al núcleo de la célula será tan densa y comprimente como la sensación cerca del borde de la célula.

Esto es el porqué la mayoría de la gente, aunque estén tan cerca de soltar el cascarrón de la 3D, se desmoralizan a causa de la densidad. La mayoría de la gente está en algún punto intermedio de estos dos grandes campos de densidad de los espacios vibratorios que componen la 3D, pues es casi imposible existir en otro lugar. Quienes existen cerca de ese núcleo se podrían considerar como aquellos que sufren vidas extremas en la tierra hoy en día.

La mayoría de los habitantes de la 3D existen entre el núcleo y el borde de las células de 3D porque es allí donde la dualidad es lo más “aceptable”. Vosotros, sin embargo, quienes ahora os habéis movido cerca del mismo borde, percibís es densidad que, básicamente, os ciega. Es por esta misma razón que seres como yo estamos en vuestra realidad justo ahora: para asistiros y permitiros navegar “ciegamente”.

Sabiendo esto, os permite entender algunos de los funcionamientos de vuestra existencia de 3D y donde normalmente estáis, yendo hacia más allá.

Luego de que estas muchas palabras mías hayan sido dichas, escritas, oídas y leídas, un gran estudioso de la conciencia quien estaba de hecho conectado con la última Escuela de Misterios antes de la aparición de esta misma – y que es conocido por el nombre de TSEliot – resumió todo esto al escribir:

“No pararemos de (dejaremos de) explorar – y el final de todo nuestro explorar – será llegar donde hemos empezado – conociendo ese lugar por primera vez.”

He compartido este espacio donde hemos estado juntos con vosotros como seres soberanos, con la esperanza de recordaros quienes sois.

He compartido este tiempo con vosotros, en este momento, como embajador de amor, alegría y libertad, con la esperanza de recordaros quienes sois.

Como siempre, es mi máximo honor ser de servicio y asistencia, ser vuestros ojos y oídos por un ratito a medida que os alejáis de lo que habéis sabido para activar la totalidad de lo que sois, a salvo sabiendo que estamos aquí y podéis contar con nosotros, poderosamente si necesario, porque esto es la verdadera naturaleza de los que significamos el uno para el otro. Es lo que nosotros siempre hemos hecho y es por esta razón que os llamo mis hermanos y hermanas.

Así que deseo cerrar mi declaración de apertura compartiendo uno de los grandes dichos Lemurianos. Es el saludo de despedida al final de día cuando en aquel tiempo tan lejano frecuentabais la escuela de misterios; es lo que juramos de alma a alma y lo que finalmente diríamos cuando volviésemos a encontrarnos.




Hasta encontrarnos de Nuevo, ojo a ojo, que podamos pulsar como un solo corazón en la matriz de la Grande Madre.

Yo soy Ekara y os amo.

And so it is

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