Wake up your heart: We are one energy

  • 2015

By Claudio Alvarez-Dunn *

We are all energy in motion and we are connected to a divine matrix that unites us in a whole that we call universe. This concept of quantum physics invites us to visualize that matrix as our world and to us as the artists who express in it their passions, fears, dreams and deepest desires. According to Gregg Braden, we are the canvas and also the images; we are the paintings and also the brushes, we are the bridge between the creations and also the mirror that reflects them.

The Chinese speak for thousands of years of meridians in the body where that energy or chi runs. Hence, there are disciplines dedicated to aligning those sources of energy in the human body, such as Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Reiki and Yoga, to name a few. But, following the principle of how it is above is below, Mother Earth (which is also known as Gaia, Terra or the blue planet) also has its own meridians which are called Ley Lines.

On these lines of law many times ancient monuments settle and in many parts of the world, such as Ireland, Scotland, England, Mexico or Peru, the conquerors established their churches to cancel the ancient ancestral knowledge and force the inhabitants of that area to worship there To the new gods.

These energy alignments also serve to guide birds and many other animals in their emigration as a navigation system, something that ancient humans also used to facilitate their walks on land in Neolithic times.

Some spiritual and mystical theories identify these alignments on the ground with the Chinese concept of feng shui on this mystical network of energy or Ley Lines.

The possible origin of these energy sources or vortex is also associated with Sacred Geometry and the crystalline crystalline grid that surrounds the Earth. It is noted that these energies (one on Earth and one in the ionosphere) are the walls of the hologram that sustains us in the third dimension.

Recently, some energy experts have warned that fracking is a form of destruction of the Ley Lines.

The origin of the Ley Lines

The legend of these lines of power goes back to Ireland, where the Druids (before being persecuted and eliminated by the Roman Empire and the British Crown) held that this energy slides like a snake through the ground in the form of telluric currents and which are spiritual paths that cover the entire planet .

The Druids also believed that these energies were born from the aquifer transit of the subsoils or from the cracks of the frictioning soils, as well as from the underground magmas of the planet. So in Druid belief; these energies would be the very manifestation of life on earth and the origin of its fertility.

Some of the sacred places associated with the Ley Lines are the hill of Tara in Ireland, the Glastonbury Tor and the Chartres Cathedral, erected on an ancient sacred forest of the Celtic Gauls (the forest of the carnutes).

In the same way the Druids believed that these energies crossed the skies and the interior of the earth, by way of energy channels that, in certain concrete places, gave a specifically beneficial condition to the action of the telluric currents of the subsoil, and created there a privileged place, which the Druids marked by menhirs or dolmens.

Subsequently, these places became ritual and ceremonial centers, where to increase or favor these energetic manifestations, they danced and invocations were made to Mother Earth . Thus the belief was that these places were favored by Mother-Nature, and the groundwater symbolized by Dana, the primal Goddess, bestower of Life, and by the Cosmic Serpent, who bore the cosmic egg, full of new Life and Energy .

Thus the Druids considered themselves as Children of the cosmic Serpent, (Naddred, Adder) who in their beliefs were directed to these areas of power to receive the physical and spiritual benefits in these spaces. It was there that the Celts worshiped the Earth-Goddess and other divine entities that house the fountains, lakes, rivers or springs, all of which were considered pagan and eliminated by the church after The arrival of St. Patrick .

The holistic view of a single energy

Now, understanding this holistic view, we must open our minds to analyze and understand the human being as a whole: as a body, mind and spirit united in energy with the Earth's current.

Therefore, many times a physical pain could correspond to a blockage of energy in our subtle bodies, or it could be associated with a thought that afflicts us or a situation No stressful in our family or work environment.

To find the right answer, we must allow ourselves to recognize our energetic part and find the divinity within ourselves that allows us the joy of understanding that we are part of the All.

The thoughts that one creates affect both our reality and that of the entire world, thereby influencing direct actions based on the thoughts not only of the individual in question but of the Universe as a whole.

Therefore, it is extremely important that each of us recognize the Divinity of our own thought processes or in such a way that we can create the greatest amount of harmony, peace and joy within our own sphere, and in doing so influence then to the people with whom one vibrates, sending, in addition, the good energies of our conscience to all who inhabit beyond this cosmic door.

This exercise is done by coming into contact with our Divinity in the sacred space of our heart, for only there will we find the door with the universal space where We Are All One.

In your next meditation, prayer or whatever your way of speaking with God or with the spirit of Creation, connect your energy with the love of the Mother Earth in your heart and then with your intention unite that connection with the love of Father Sky, so the Divine Trinity will emerge in your heart and you will have an experience m It's deep.

Until next time and have a good trip to your interior.

(* The author is a Yoga instructor, Reiki Master and teacher certified by The School of Remembering, to offer the workshop “Waking up the Illuminated Heart” with the techniques of Drunvalo Melchizedek. For more information contact )

AUTHOR: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn , editor of the big family of hermandadblanca.org

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