From Las Pleyades the Peace Council and the Earth Alliance Channeled by María del Carmen Vila

  • 2012


Children born during the eclipse

Channeled by María del Carmen Vila .Anikha

The strong energies of this eclipse are great elevations of energy that have descended to the planet from an early hour. These waves will reveal to each being that their presence is in itself an opportunity to exalt Life and existence to enlighten all obscurations. The presence of the spiritual hierarchies that sustain love here and on other planes are surrounding you to balance the struggle of forces that operate in great waves within each being and in its environment.

To say that an eclipse is synonymous with darkness is not exact but an obnubilated vision of a process of DEVELATION. Each one who in his being reveals, reveals and shows in his surroundings who he is. The stronger the delivery of each person is and the more clingy it is in its mission and more intense expression is the change it experiences.

Many beings will have in this annual period great manifestations of Change, Moving and renewal. The expression of new energies implies solving great inner doubts and modifying strong encystments of thought that each one houses in itself and that at the same time is a reflection of a humanity in the process of ascension.

Aligning, focusing on this galactic party is focusing on purpose and intention. Not to remain in fragments of time in which each being could have been delayed. In short it is to stop empowering in temporary sequences of fear, resentment, etc.

Full love is evidence that all of you are walking along a milky way of manifestation: the "crystal river" that sustains millions of beings in great expressions not only as humans but cetaceans, animals in human evolution of all species .

The earth - Gaia and her conscience - is giving birth to an in-manifested hatching previously of FLUIDITY so that in the next times you will not stop in old schemes. The sequences of time in which these long-awaited strong effluviums will occur will be welcomed by you between September, October and mid-December. These are times in which the great waves of divine Presences in your lives will produce explosions of joy, changes and especially visible modifications in its cosmic vision and its surroundings.

The garments of each being are being renewed. The physical costumes that were damaged are transferred to other planes, those that are still here, are living great transformations in their psyche (changes of thought models) and in their cells, yes, in them a strong transmutation is operating. Where all the possibilities are being given so that those (cells) that at some time could sustain old diseases and ancestral designs have the opportunity to make a substantial turn in beliefs.

The presences of teachers, guides and observable hierarchies in the heavens are a sign of the change in your vision. You will see more each time. You will find more meaning to the signs in fields, plants, water and molecules. Because the long wait for transformation is taking a substantial and epic turn.

There is no chance of going back, each being has the fulfillment of his mission to continue in this phase of time, if he considers his soul, while, on the trip he is led to recognize himself and even more so he is accompanied to see Multiple aspects how it reflects your Divinity.

The ego ceases to be the owner of its being and you cease to be servants of your energy. The hierarchies Sow new seeds today. The Pleiades bows to your being and sends emissaries of consolidation of an ancient Alliance manifested in many arts, in children and in the crystals of the earth.

From the awareness of that sacred space in the Universe you are greeted. The presences of many children who are being born on this temporary frequency will bring them the seeds of a profound change in their level of thinking. They will attract the force of the Presence to be emissaries of Peace on your land. Children carrying pristine glass vehicles where their bodies adjust to change their frequencies. In this time segment you tremble before your presences. They are guests in a wonderful sanctuary, the body of light that the Divine gives them.

The Pleiadian Peace Council and the white brotherhood merge this force and presence of planetary confluence in their hearts with medals that are Jewels in their hearts and in their Vision.

At this time they will attract a lot of light and also a lot of expression of Trust, believe in your own strength as star beings that you are.

The alliance in the Truth is typical of your planet. We share this expression.

Truth, light and art are banners of divinity.

Pleiadian Peace Council and White Brotherhood.

Channeled by María del Carmen Vila-Anikha.

NEXT EVENTS: Organized by María del Carmen Vila.



Dictated by María del Carmen Vila

Creator of Essences Anandaflora®

June 9 and 10 from 14.30 pm to 7.00 pm.

Cordoba Argentina.

A liquid light supra light reflected in Essences of Lotos with

colors and gematrías of 5th Dimension.

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