David Topí: Introduction to sacred geometry and symbolism - part III - Everything is born from a point

  • 2015

“Before omnia Punctum exstitit…”

[Before everything existed, there was a point ...]
Anonymous, S XVIII

Now that we have made a small generic introduction to the GS in the first two articles, let's see how it starts to be used, from the metaphysical and esoteric teachings, to explain the patterns, structures and movement of everything that exists in Creation. To begin with, the GS, in order to be appreciated and experienced, must be taken as an exercise of contemplation and almost meditation. And so, to understand Creation, one can do it through understanding its geometry, since the emergence of the universe from an impenetrable and unknown Source, infinite and at rest, was an act that we can “draw”, and therefore, can be explained through the GS. The ancient philosophers and mystics believed it so much that it is not surprising to find works of art showing the Creator working as a geometer. William Blake, in one of his most famous paintings, painted in 1794, and called "The Ancient of Days", shows us the "creator god of the universe" using a compass to tidy up the chaos and lead to creation.

To start any exercise of GS four things with necessary: ​​a blank paper, a ruler, a compass and a pencil. With these tools, and the appropriate state of mind, the geometer can mimic the primordial process through which the universe of space and time emerged into existence. Through the compass only, we already symbolize the initial duality of the potential energy at rest and the creative energy in motion, as one point of the compass moves while another remains static, generating the center and circumference of a circle, matrix generator of all other forms. For starters, it couldn't be simpler :–)

Then, thanks to metaphysical teachings, we can develop models that help us explain and understand the fundamental process of this Creation. This process always begins with a simple dimensionless point, as we said in the first article of this series, but, of course, of infinite potential. A point is always dimensionless, because if you place it in the center of a line, dividing it into two, the sum of both sides of the line is exactly the total of the line, showing that the point does not take up space, nor, of course, weather.

Therefore, from the point of view of Egyptian mysticism, the point from which everything comes out is described in this way:

In order for a force to emerge from a dimensionless state and manifest itself, it needs an exit point. A point that has no dimension, that has not left the unity of the All that contains it, but that is necessary to be able to manifest it. When the force that initially created a point emerges from the dimensionless state and remains active for a period of time, the point moves in a line and thus begins the process of manifestation ... "[Elisabeth Haich, " Initiation "]

In this way, the process of transition starts from the dimensionlessness of Creation to its dimensionality and structure. It does not matter that the line that forms that point in motion is straight or curved, in both cases, it results in the first geometric act by moving the dormant potential at rest of the point, to the creative energy of a line in motion. When the geometer makes this gesture with the compass, a circle is born, and the radius of it, is what represents the first phase of expansion of that creative energy.

Giving rise to the region of Creation, to everything that exists, to the absolute, where the point symbolizes the primary Source, the infinite primordial energy at rest, and the circumference the Scope of everything created and manifested, from this Source, by the displacement of it.

This simple symbol, also in many cultures is considered the symbol of the Sun, as a giver of life and creator, but it goes much further there, on a larger scale., because it represents the first act of Creation, manifesting itself. The circle, then, has neither beginning nor end, symbol of eternity, and represents the All and nothing at the same time, the movement and rest, hence its deep symbolism.

Black holes, geometric singularities

Stephen Hawking, in collaboration with the mathematician Roger Penrose, proved a few years ago that the equations of the theory of General Relativity, in their classical form, absolutely need a singularity at the beginning of the creation of the universe and in its structures to be correct, a point from where all the rest could emerge and rely on the steps of its manifestation, something that, on the other hand, Platonic philosophers, hermetic teachings, or scholars of ancestral mysticism tell us since ancient times.

Perhaps that is why, to those who put our heads in both worlds, we are not shocked to realize that the scientific theories that explain the [physical] universe are perfectly consistent with the principles of sacred geometry, that the proportions of any structure are reflected in its parts and vice versa, and that, as Nassin Haramein and others have proved, in the center of each cosmic body, be it a planet, star or galaxy, there is a singularity, in this case a black hole, surrounded by a horizon of events, reflecting the structure that presides over the birth of everything manifested.

According to an initial definition of what a black hole is, seen from the astronomical point of view, we have that a black hole has formed once a dying star has contracted within its own event horizon. But there are no forces in nature that can withstand that star, so it continues to contract under the increasing force of its gravity. The pressure of gravity and the curvature of spacetime around the star continues to grow until the star becomes a single point. At that point, there is now infinite pressure, infinite density, and most importantly, an infinite curvature of spacetime. Each atom and particle of a star is completely concentrated and crushed, free from all existence in this infinite curvature, which becomes the heart of the black hole, and is called a singularity.

And what is the event horizon? The event horizon is the name given to the edge or boundary of the black hole from which the gravitational attraction is so strong that nothing can escape from it, not even the light, sinking into the total darkness that gives name to this body cosmic. Following the definition, then, we find that a black hole is nothing more than an infinite singularity surrounded by an event horizon, the same geometric design that we find in the traditions about the beginning of Creation, and that, we know, already exists in the center of every celestial and cosmic body in the universe.

The structure seen from our evolutionary level

Like the dream I had a few months ago and that I told you briefly at the end of this other article, where it said:

... I saw myself in a school, I don't know in which plane or dimensional level, and the teachers of the school told me: finish studying now what you have left in this course, but, that you know, that from the next, when you the evolutionary change, you will have to start from scratch again with all the knowledge that you think you have about how things work, because nothing is perceived equal and everything you know now is only valid for your way of perceiving current reality, then, you have to use "new textbooks". And as such, I saw myself closing the "textbooks" of this evolutionary level, and thinking to myself, "So, I'm worth nothing of what I learned so far? ", And the answer came, " they were only part of the path that helped you climb another mountain. "

And we have to understand that we talk about the laws and structure of the physical universe from our three-dimensional perspective, since each level of consciousness, on an evolutionary level, allows us to observe a broader reality, with other laws and properties, so that, For us, what we know of Creation is only what would be represented and encompassed in the innermost cube of a system of increasingly wider realities.

That is, by taking this model of realities within other realities, and assuming that we are encapsulated in the innermost of them all, the birth of our " cube " can be explained by the model of the singularity that expands. But where did this point or singularity come from then? For those of us who study the metaphysical part of Creation, the infinite and dimensionless concentrated point that gave rise to our universe comes from the "level" of the greater order that surrounds us, the larger cube immediately above our figure, which, at its instead, it comes from a cube of greater order, to infinity, which leads us to the unanswered question, where did the initial singularity that created the first cube come from? Where did the primary source come from? The only answer is: he did not leave any place, he was always there, at rest and in power. Somehow, everything starts and ends with the same singularity, in infinite processes of expansion and contraction, so that, possibly, there is no way to ever speak of a beginning or an end, but of a constant, cyclical change, and perpetual

So, to begin with, these are the concepts that are part of our introduction to sacred geometry, since, as one delves into this art, one begins to see how transformation takes place. Den of simple figures, such as the point and the circle, moving towards greater complexities, just as the universe does in its evolution, and as nature does from the cell more tiny until the manifestation of the millions of species that populate the planet, including of course the human being with his cognitive capacity. As we grow in our understanding of the proportions and harmonies expressed through the geometric processes, we begin to perceive and understand the hidden patterns of creation, and we see with total clarity as what is inside is outside, as above it is below, and how inner reality and outer reality are nothing more than mutual reflections of one another.

Author: David Top

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