When we yield our power, by David Topí

  • 2014

Human beings are quite comfortable. We like to save us, fix us, solve our problems, and put things in place without us moving a finger for it . I don't say it as critical, it's that we really are like that. Somewhere in our psyche, because of the formation, origin and structure that we have, we have the tendency to expect that every change comes from outside, is executed by others, comes as a gift, and everything changes, to Well of course, for the action, work and execution of others. I totally agree that this facet of ours has been enhanced and used by the elites to have control of the masses, since, evidently, something that does not exist inside that person cannot be used against anyone, but on the other On the other hand, sometimes I wonder how we can give up our power to others so much, I first, and not realize that it is the easiest way to lose control of our destiny.

How am I responsible for that?

Every time we expect wars, crises, conflicts and other stories of the world, or our personal stories, to be solved by others, mainly our politicians or characters in apparent control, we are giving more power to those in charge to continue generating wars, crises, conflicts and so on We have the system of life on Earth that we have because each person has contributed to co-create it, and even if all the alarms go off and the ego turns around saying “how do you accuse me of having been able to create so much misery, violence or evil?” Basically, the answer is very simple, the sum of every grain of evil, violence or misery that we have inside us, contributes to the creation of a global macro reality, which is enhanced, exploited and manipulated to maintain the situation in which we live. . You are not directly responsible for everything that happens in the world, nothing else would be missing, right? However, we are all indirectly responsible because physical reality is born from energy reality, and energy reality is formed by the sum of what we all project mentally and emotionally. It is curious that it costs so much to understand this, but I know it costs because we have believed, for so many millennia, that we have no personal power, that when someone tells you that you are responsible for your reality and a portion of the common reality, the first thing that comes to mind is to break it to the person who tells you with the book of "The Secret" in his hand :–), and it makes no sense to us that any of the things that happen in the world are a consequence of the mental and emotional sand granites that we have generated, that have left my emotional and mental body, those that I have 20cm from my physical body, since they have repeated to us a thousand times that, in general, we are beings that depend on others direct our lives for almost everything, because we do not know how to direct ourselves and, therefore, we have no power to generate those things and situations that we see in the news every day.

It's the same as always, to change something out there, you have to change in here

He said, recently, in a regression session one of the guides with whom we talk from time to time that, our elites, seen from a very high point of view (not the human, of course), are only souls that do not arrive to realize that fighting for resources, for control, or for a piece of the planet, makes no sense. By living rooted in the intrinsic fear of losing their position, control and power, stoke the struggles, conflicts and fights between them, which become wars, conflicts and other events on the agendas of each of the sides that, in this planet, influenced by outside races (who behave the same, because their soul, their concept of creation and point of view of how to move forward through life is equally closed and obtuse, even if they come from another planet), give rise to to the chaos that is currently perceived, especially in the densest and "negative" time lines or reality that currently co-exist on Earth.

Fortunately, we are becoming a little less manipulative, or rather, we are becoming a little less comfortable and awaiting an external salvation, arrangement or solution. That is, more and more people realize that nothing changes "out there" if one does not change "in here, " although they are still a minority compared to the 7, 000 million humans we are. However, those people, who no longer expect the system and the environment to change to change them, are the ones who meet the fixed course and sailing at full power towards the evolutionary level change, and are, and will be, the pioneers that will begin to transition from “course”, connected to the ideal and positive timeline, because they will have left behind the need for them, so that they can move forward or evolve, or live the life they want, others have to do things, solve problems, fix pending issues or make the economy better or whatever. But, of course, first one has to realize, and this is not a matter of intellectual knowledge, but a personal and deep observation, that this is so, that is, it does not help you that I am now telling you in This article will only serve you when you realize in the depths of your being that, really, the outside world only depends on the inside world, and no one but you has control over that world, the inside.

We do not fight against anything, but in favor of something

One of the most important lessons that I have received since I was on this path of trying to grow and evolve as a person and look to see how I can lay a cable in the meantime, is that working against something makes no sense, but that You always have to work for something. Working against the current system does not produce results, working to mount a better alternative system produces them all. Putting energies in facing something we don't want is much less productive than putting energies in building something new than if we want. Buckminster Fuller, American designer, engineer, visionary and inventor, said a quote that for a long time was my reference phrase: “ Never try to change things by fighting against existing reality. To change something, you must build a new model that makes the current model obsolete. ”

As we go along some of the time lines, and possibly with the desperation that many people have, there will come a time when, paved the way by the media, the manipulation of people's minds and the generation of events on the planet using the available energy of the creative potential of human beings, that the masses, perhaps, only in the most negative lines, go out to the streets to demand for millions that someone save us from so much horror and chaos. That moment, if it arrives, will be a critical point where those who wish to be saved, will have no problem accepting any solution that our elites offer for it (it is the technique of the problem-reaction-solution, you can search for information on the network about it ). If for this it is necessary to stage that extraterrestrial ships arrive to save humanity, the people will be open and willing to do so, and they will rise by millions, if for this it is necessary to stage and prepare the coming of a second messiah, there will be no obstacles to it and they will follow it with their eyes closed, if for this it is necessary to offer an open and much more restrictive control system, because in this way life will be safer, people will accept it without questioning. Because the idea is to keep trying to generate more fear, and continue to enhance the idea that change comes from outside, and not from within, whether they are extraterrestrial ships, saviors and messiahs, or new "management" systems for all.

Anyway, do not worry, this I tell you are only hypothetical events in very low frequency timelines, none of those who are reading this blog will be hooked on them, at least that is the objective. But it is a reality that may be manifested somewhere, because they keep telling us that we have no control over our destiny, and we continue to believe it. There is nothing that a human being cannot co-create when he is clear about the power he has. That we are not worried about saving the world, but rather making changes within ourselves to gain control of it, of our particular and real world. Society is not changed by the external action of those who govern it, but by the internal and particular action of each person. Millions of personal changes produce global changes, and it is the only way things work and evolve.

When we yield our power, by David Topí

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