Bruce Lipton: Thoughts heal more than medications

  • 2015

Scientist Bruce Lipton claims a new medicine, which takes into account energy for its ability to heal. They give us medication for the disease, but this causes many problems in the body. Because this medicine based on pharmacology does not understand how the whole biochemistry of the organism is interrelated. When I take a chemical tablet and put it in my body, it not only affects that place where I have the problem, but it affects many other things at once. They are called "side effects."

But, in reality, they are not secondary but direct. They do not understand that the effect of drugs not only creates an effect but multiple. According to statistics in the US, drugs kill more than 300, 000 people every year! There is something that does not work in medical science. It does some things well, such as traumatology, but it is killing many more people than it helps.

And what have you discovered about cells but that does not take into account medicine?

I already worked with them in the 60s. I was a pioneer because at that time there were very few people working on it. And an experiment I did at that time changed the idea I had of the world. So, the question is very simple, what controls the fate of the cells? All were identical, the only thing that was different was the environment. When I pick up healthy cells and place them in a harmful environment, the cells get sick and die. If a doctor looked at them, he would say, "What medicine should be given?" But no medicine is needed! You change the harmful environment, place them in a healthy and healthy one and the cells heal. Humans are a community of 50 trillion cells, therefore, the cell is the living being and the person is a community.

What is the environment of the cell to be taken care of?

Inside me there are 50 trillion cells and the cellular environment for us is blood, so the composition of the blood changes the fate of the cell. And what controls the blood? For the nervous system, which creates a different chemistry according to the external system. The cell and the human being are the same thing.

Therefore, medicine blames the cells for the disease and tries to change the chemistry of the cells, but that is not the problem, the problem is the environment. And if you change the environment person, without medication, the brain changes the chemistry. The brain of the cell and that of the person read and understand the environment.

In a healthy environment, do we heal automatically? That easy? It is not so easy, because the mind interprets. It may happen that we are in a very healthy environment and that the mind reads it as a negative or harmful environment. Then create a chemistry that will make my body sick. The difference between the cell and the human being is that he has a mind that makes an interpretation and the cell reads the environment directly. If you put a program with errors in mind, then the chemistry it generates is not in harmony with life. And this helps us understand how a placebo works. I change my belief and I think that this is going to heal me, I take a pill because I think this is going to bring me health, and it improves and heals me, but the pill could be sugar, in fact it has not done anything, it has been my beliefs And we call that positive thoughts and placebo effect.

Are you saying that the placebo effect "believing that something will heal us" is more curative than a medication? But there is almost no research on that .

If you're right. Are you aware that there is more than one way to make energy without having to rely on oil? But we continue to depend on oil because we are not interested in the change to those who control energy. The same goes for pharmaceutical companies. They sell drugs and is being able to heal without drugs good or bad for the pharmaceutical industry? They don't want you to heal without buying their drugs.

Can you put energy in a capsule?

If so, the pharmaceutical companies would try to sell it to you. If I can heal without using medicines, the industry that produces them does not earn money. Money controls science.

Explain to us how that power that says the mind has for self-healing works.

I have spoken that the mind controls: if it thinks in one way, it goes in one direction and, if it thinks in another, it goes in another. For example, I close my eyes, open them and see someone I love. So my brain secretes dopamine, oxytocin, etc. I can feel it in my body, I can feel love, and that chemistry brings health to the cells.

That's why who falls in love feels so good. But if I open my eyes and see something that scares me, I secrete stress hormones. And these do two things.

The first is that they slow the growth of the body. Because if a lion is chasing me, I need all the energy to escape, and my body turns off everything that is not essential to run faster, so everything that has to do with growth is paralyzed. People do not know, but you have to grow every day, because, if not, you die. Every day hundreds of billions of cells die and you have to produce new ones. Every three days, the digestive system renews its cells, but if it interferes with that growth, then I cannot be healthy because I am losing too many cells a day, so chemotherapy causes hair loss and creates digestion problems, because it kills All cells, not just cancer cells.

The second consequence of stress hormones is that everything that uses energy is closed, and the immune system uses a lot of energy: when you are sick, you feel very tired because your energy is being used by the immune system.

Explain to us what is quantum medicine or energy medicine. Stress hormones turn off the immune system, even medicine sometimes uses this effect. For example, if I had a heart transplanted, my immune system would reject it. In those cases, doctors give stress hormones and that prevents the immune system from functioning. It is so clear that it suppresses the immune system that we use as a medicine. When the person is under stress, it affects in two ways: the first is that there is no growth and the second is that the immune system is turned off.

In this way, harmful viruses can easily attack me. When you are under a lot of stress, you get sick. And I must say that, if we take a blood sample from each person, we discover that we all have cancer cells. We always have them, but if the immune system is working, they cannot grow. Once the immune system is turned off, they proliferate. It's like the cold: you don't have to catch the virus, you already have it inside. They are opportunistic organisms.

As I said, the first reason why today's medicine is questionable is because doctors don't know how cells work.

The second is that medicine is based on Newton's physics. It does not recognize the energy, that invisible part, the electromagnetic signals. But, at the beginning of the 20th century, quantum physics appeared, which says that everything is energy, what we can see and also the invisible.

If you look inside the atom, there are electrons, protons, neutrons.

And what is inside?

Energy More recent science indicates that the body responds to quantum physics, not Newtonianism. The medicine says that it wants to change the chemistry of the organism with drugs and the new medicine says that the energy must be changed. And this new medicine, the quantum one, is much more powerful, because the energy field responds first than the physical one.

And that links to quantum physics. If everything is energy, are the thoughts also? How do they influence our health?

The mind is energy. When you think, you transmit energy, and thoughts are more powerful than chemistry. So this is worse for pharmaceutical companies because they can't sell it. Therefore, they are not interested in a connection between the mind and the body. But it is true that beliefs themselves become an energy field, a transmission, and this is transformed into a signal that is capable of changing the organism.

And that's how healing worked before the development of medicine. People healed with shamans, with their hands, but that can't sell and that's why medicine doesn't want to go that way. And that is the reason why I changed my career. I was teaching in college that you have to continue with drugs and I knew that was not true.

Medicine knows him, but he doesn't talk about it. He knows that positive thinking, placebo, can heal, and also that negative thinking can kill. Actually, it's not that it's positive or negative, it's the way of thinking. If the doctor tells you that you have cancer, even if you don't have cancer, if you believe it, it will create the chemistry that will generate cancer.

Therefore, the problem is not so much the real environment but the one that you interpret. That is why medicine does not work, because it does not recognize quantum science. He doesn't look there because the money is somewhere else. You have explained that, in the mind, who really has the power is the subconscious, why is it so difficult to change habits of thought? It is millions of times more powerful and more important than the conscious mind. We use the subconscious 95 percent of the time. But we can't control it.

You can reprogram it. Information from the subconscious is received in the first six years of life. What you learned in those years becomes the fundamental knowledge of your life. Therefore, there are many studies that show that the diseases we have as adults, such as cancer, have to do with the programming and the environment we live in the first six years of life.

That is to say, children also absorb their illnesses or their negative attitudes, and thus they "program" their subconscious. What a great responsibility for parents!

People, when they hear this, worry, blame themselves. But you are not guilty if you do not know that the subconscious works like this. We did not know our parents, or our grandparents or great grandparents. Now, when you understand it, you have to change the way you live, because then you are responsible. It is demonstrated that if an adopted child lives in his family cancer cases, in his maturity he can suffer cancer although his genetics is different. If you were taught to mistreat your body with bad information, you will destroy the vehicle of your body, whose driver is the mind. The future is a better education for children, even in the prenatal stage.

Can we reprogram the subconscious to be healthier or happier with our life?

The behaviors that come from the subconscious do not perceive them and may be harming you. Maybe you feel sick and blame something else. By changing these erroneous programs in the subconscious, you can recreate your whole life. There are several ways to do it. It is thought that, when the conscious mind registers something, the subconscious also filters that information, but it is not so. The conscious mind is creative and the subconscious is about all habits. If you teach the subconscious something different, you also teach it to the conscious, but not vice versa. Therefore, the way to reprogram is to repeat and repeat until a habit is created. If I read a self-help book, my conscious mind says: “I know everything in the book and I apply it, but the subconscious doesn't know anything. So, you think, "Why do I know so much and my body still doesn't work?" Positive thoughts, knowledge ... only work 5% of the time, but 95% are the habits I have since my childhood. And that is the reason why positive thoughts are not enough.

They help, but you don't see many results. Everything remains the same until you change the subconscious.

Absolutely. No two people are the same, and I say it from the biological point of view. If I take my cells and treat them to your body, it's not me, the immune system rejects them. In the cells there is a kind of miniature antennae. They are receptors and some are self-receptors. You have different self-receptors to mine. But the receivers receive the signals from the environment.

If I cut those receptors, the cell has no identity, because it does not come from within but from outside. To explain it graphically, I would say that the body is like a television: my antennas capture and reproduce Bruce's television program. Those receivers pick up that transmission. If I am watching TV and the image tube is broken, the TV has died, but the transmission continues. If that being has the same receptors that you have, you will be transmitting the same thing again, but in another body. This explains reincarnation and means that the body can come and go, but the transmission is always there.

I had never believed in the spirit, but when I found this in the cell, it changed my whole life. The question I asked myself is: why this duplicity? Why have a spirit and a body? And the answer came from my cells: if only the spirit existed, what does chocolate taste like? Only with the spiritual part, how to live a sunset? What does it feel like when you are in love?

All these sensations come from the body's cells, which can smell, feel, have experiences. Collect all that, transmit it to the brain. It becomes vibrations and transmits it to the source of being.

If my body dies, my source of being and my spirit have the memory until I have another body. The most important lesson is that being alive is a gift, a joy for all we can feel. When we do that, everyone will be healthy.


Bruce Lipton: Thoughts heal more than medications

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