Bitacora de la Tierra of February 14, 2009, by Celia Fenn

February 14: A Higher Vibration of Love… .. Valentine's Day 2009 : Yes, again is that day… .the day that is associated with Romantic Love. I usually enjoy all those roses and those hearts, but this year something happens with the energy that seems to be very different. Stores continue to sell the usual things, but this does not seem to reflect our current position. Since the last two eclipses and the activation of the elementary codes, we have been feeling the energy of the elementals on the Planet for sure. We are feeling disrespect and balance at all levels, including that of the human heart. We seem to have forgotten to love and respect each other from the Heart.

However, it seems a wonderful synchrony that, according to a certain inspired Canadian astrologer, we are now entering, on this day, the "Age of Aquarius." Apparently, as mentioned in the musical " Hair, " In the song " The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius ", the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter is aligned with Mars, so that Peace and Harmony have come to stay. Well, it's just a song, but it seems to indicate that this Valentine's day is really different and that it is bringing a Higher Definition of Love, a Higher Understanding of Love, a Higher Vibration of Love.

When I went to school I remember being taught that the Greeks, I think they were the Greeks, had 14 different words to name love. Romantic love was "eros", spiritual or superior was "agape" and there was another word for humanitarian love. The Greeks believed that love was complex; It may be, but it may also be very simple. Love is Love when it flows from the Heart and expresses support at the highest level of good. On the New Earth, Love is "One." It is the Law of One.

So, linking both issues, the elemental imbalances seem to have caused devastating fires here in the southern hemisphere in Australia and, to a lesser extent, in the area where I live. In both cases, the devastation caused by the fires has created opportunities for love and help to flow from the Human Heart and for both to express themselves in wonderful ways. I am sure that many of you have seen this photo that Helen Matthews sent me from Australia, since it has been widely published in the press, but here it is anyway:

According to Helen, this little bear escaped to hell and a fireman went to his aid giving him water. It is an extremely moving image of how love and compassion are shared. Does a disaster of this magnitude have to occur in order for us to enter collectively in the Compasi and in the Higher Forms of Love? This is what Helen states: Tell them what's up. It is true that there has been a great devastation, with the loss of at least 200 lives, but it is also true that what we are receiving from all Australians and other parts of the Planet It is a Great Great Love. The whole country is pulling one car, demonstrating to all those who have truly lost their possessions and their loved ones that, with the loss, they can also arrive Hope, Compassion, Peace and Comfort. I am very proud to see such a demonstration of healing love. There are many Lightworkers in the Melbourne region, we truly maintained the balance for all of Australia and for many parts of the Planet. The Lightworkers are truly uniting to sustain the Light so that miracles occur. It is a joy to see and feel the energies created to enable the area to begin, which may be a long way to regeneration. Yes, we invoked the elementals and the Divic intelligence to help us in the process. You can be sure that the small cities of light will be rebuilt from this event . ”

Here where I live, in Cape Town, South Africa, we have also been experiencing hot weather with strong winds, with the result that, during the past week, we had fires in the mountains that surround the city where I live. We have been breathing their smoke for a while, although it finally seems to be extinguishing. But this week, in the community where the Starchild Foundation for Children works, one of the homes we support was burned because Grandma was cooking outside with firewood, an African tradition, and the fire lit the house due to the strong wind. The structure of the house remained intact, but everything that was inside was destroyed and the smoke also caused damage. The community helped put out the fire, but then they stayed on their own. These are poor people who have no insurance and cannot afford to pay others who work for them. I am very proud of the way Wilma went into action. He organized a team of young boys, including our Dominic, to help clean the interior of the house and remove the debris. He contacted all the organizations that work in the area, and managed to replace all the basic essentials that were lost in the fire. Our Starchild Project was responsible for transport and we replaced the kitchen crockery, other organizations replaced clothing, electrical appliances and school books for the five children.

This is the mother in front of what her house was before the fire.

And here she and her five children are with the gifts that the Starchild Foundation donated to the family:

Therefore, thanks to those who donated to our Project; this time they helped give new meaning to February 14 as the day of Love. These people have truly felt on this day their Love and Support!

So for me the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius has certainly started with many lessons of the Higher Vibration of Love. This does not mean that Erotic and Romantic Love is not part of our lives, but in the Aquarian Age it will be This Higher Definition of Love is the one that gains increasing importance. Love as Support, Love as care… .to drink a bear or help a family in disgrace. It is Love within a community, it is love that honors and respects the needs of each one of us in the Network of Love and Life. It is the Flow of Love along the lines of the Network, of the Grid, because all living beings that exist in the Web of Life are loved, supported and fed by the Divine Intelligence that expresses itself through Miracles of love and affection. And my heartfelt thanks to each one of you who has helped to create a Miracle in the lives of your Neighbor! Next time ... it may be your turn to receive a Miracle of Love. After all, we are in the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius!

So, to help them celebrate with a kinder note, here is a video of the sixties of a group called "Fifth Dimension" (yes, really) singing "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius", of the musical " Hair. " I've always loved this song, and all those of you who were too young to remember then (hey, I was a girl!) I hope you enjoy it!

Click here!





This year we will start in South America. We will be in Buenos Aires and Mendoza, Argentina, and in Montevideo, Uruguay; but first, we will go to BRAZIL! We will celebrate another wonderful event at the Iguazu Falls, and then we will be in Foz do Iguaçu, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. We look forward to meeting you to share the Energy of the "Harmony of One" in 2009!

The Starchild Team: Celia Fenn (Channels, Activations and Meditations); Mohammad Eshtehar (Activations and Healing with the Christ Light); Blue Space: Sebastián and Marcela (Music and Meditations); Organization in charge of Angela, Silvia and Paloma.


INFORMATION ABOUT THE TOUR IN BRAZIL CLICKING HERE (now in English, very soon in Portuguese and Spanish)

You can download the channels of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, at and in.

© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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