Biodecoding: a therapy that activates your true healing power

  • 2015

The body is not separated from what we think and feel. Our organism is made of energy, and what we think and feel is energy called vital force which circulates at all times throughout our body.

That is why many times, for more medicines, massages, doctors and remedies we make, the body does not heal or continues to get sick, or heals for the moment and then relapses again. What is lacking? Go to the root of the problem: what we feel.

The disease is not something neither bad nor good, it is just a way in which the body makes an effort to adapt to some circumstance of our life. When the body hurts or has an impediment or problem to function harmoniously, it warns us in some way that we have to take rest, rest, get away from our life routine, and reconsider the way we are living. If we ignore this and do not reconsider, then the body will say it again in the form of illness, tiredness, weakness, etc.

A biodecoding therapy helps us to enter into ourselves and find that profound cause of what is making us sick: attitudes and the way we react to everyday experiences, people and situations.

The body only reveals what we feel. And its reading can really be simple and even obvious if we take into account that each organ, system, tissue and even cells have a specific function in the body. When some of them are in disharmony, weak or sick, we can easily read what is happening in us if we have in mind that this organ, tissue, system, etc. is useful.

Examples of Biodecoding Joints

The joints serve to move, make gestures, postures, etc. When the joints are weak or sick we can understand that the disease is revealing a lack of flexibility and a feeling of impediment or fear when moving through life. If we take into account the area of ​​the body where it hurts or is impeded, then the reading will be more detailed and accurate. For example: if what hurts are the legs, or there is arthritis in the knees, we can first see what this part of the body is for.


The legs take us forward, help us move where we want. Any problem in them indicates that it is difficult for us to move forward, take new directions, or we feel that there is something or someone that does not let us move forward or move forward. If it is the knee that bothers, then we can be even more precise. The knee serves to “bend”, which may indicate a lack of flexibility, or humility if we consider that with them we kneel, which can speak of proud people, who do not give in or who are afraid to give in their authority or sense of perfection because they fear that with this they lose power or influence over others.

Stomach ache

On the other hand, a pain in the stomach would indicate that the person is having trouble shredding a problem or situation. Then the stomach automatically gets stressed and starts to hurt. If the problem worsens, we can generate more severe stomach problems, and if the situation turns out to be "very large", and it is really costing us, more severe problems can be generated, such as ulcers or even cancer.


A cancer would indicate that the situation is severe, and that the person really needs to consider what they are feeling. There are many times that this happens intuitively, and the person, with rest and reflection, realizes things and situations, focuses them differently, and then simply heals. And heal because the body no longer has to say or somatize what we are feeling.

How to do Biodecoding Therapy

If you change the way you see things, change reality. And a biodecoding therapy can not help us enter and focus differently on something that is hurting us, because really life out there cannot be changed, unless we make a profound change within ourselves, understand things and change . If one changes their attitudes, life changes, the body feels better, more fluid and powerful, and then the disease goes where it came from.

Learning to read our body is learning to read our deepest feelings and attitudes or ways of reacting to our lives. This is biodecoding. When our attitudes or ways of seeing are inflexible, limited or lacking in understanding, and we keep them long enough, the body will certainly get sick. Sometimes it is not so easy to go inside us and find what is making us sick, so we need some guidance from a professional to help us scrutinize the body and its ailments.

The greatest cure is within us, it is there that we can make a real change and a broader consciousness so that our healing power, which we have always had and is sporadic and natural in the human being, be activated and can circulate with more power in our organism. A fluid, comprehensive and conscientious attitude will certainly bring our health back to the body and our life, and permanetically.

If you have any medical condition, weakness or health problem, write to us and here we can guide you, from the point of view of Biodecoding.

AUTHOR: H Laura Garc s


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