Archangel Michael - Rest in universal energies accelerates your evolution

  • 2016

Greetings Divine Beings.

Today we talk to you with huge Love and appreciation.

It is easier for you to hear us when you have a state of spaciousness. Relaxation softens your field and opens your energies to admit more Light into your Human energy system. So please, take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment; Feel your body and intend to relax and soften and open yourself, so that you can receive deep nutrition from all that you are.

When you make many changes in the material, you often feel tired. At any time you can connect with a state of being more energetic, admitting deep nutrition through your connection with your Almic Self. We invite you to open yourself now and receive this renewing energy; as you allow yourself to continue being refreshed and renewed while we share this communication with you.

The Ascending Humans are moving to a new playground. The game has many layers that are defined by the dimensions. As you ascend you go to different layers of the game, because your basic frequencies change. Within the 'Earth Game' a large number of you are changing to a platform in which it is considered that the norm is the incorporation based on the Soul. You are not yet there in a stable and sustained way, but you are tuning in to this location of space-time within your own totality; and you are being helped in this by your future versions.

Although we are talking about your future versions, we want you to know that this has nothing to do with time. Your future versions appear along an evolutionary timeline, not along an earthly timeline based on the clock. What we mean by this is that as you ascend you begin to transcend the limiting paradigms of three-dimensional relationships over time; and you begin to realize that the development of your trip is not linear, but that it is evolutionary.

The trajectory of the development of the Human life that you are experiencing makes you more and more complete and Almic. Your Human life is a part of the development of your Soul towards the complete conscious meeting with All That Is . This means that all aspects of your Field will consciously remember all that you are. The interesting thing about realizing that your trip is not based on time but that it is evolutionary, is that you can go back to the past on Earth and have access to future aspects of yourself. Because there are past civilizations and cultures that have ascended, whose presence gives you information from a fuller and more coherent expression of Humanity; and some of you, even from your own embodied expressions.

When you allow yourself to realize that you may have ascended before, or that you can connect with ascended earthly civilizations to download the coherence templates associated with them, you begin to think differently about your relationships with time-space . You feel less bound by the dates and things you feel should happen at a certain time; and you begin to realize that life and manifest experiences happen in waves and gusts, like all natural cycles. That things can be created explosively; and that apparently can be displayed without an amount of waiting time for changes to happen inside; and then they tilt the state of new energy towards a flow of form, which is what you experience as manifest circumstances of situations or appearances of what you wanted to connect with in your life.

The inner knowledge from which you are living will continue to open in amazing ways as you resonate more and more stably with the soul-based timeline. The ideas that you are not worthy and that you do not deserve that your joyful desires come true will seem like a thing of the past, merely a memory. Nothing sad or disappointing, no shame for the past tense, because in the present you will be very clear that you have the ability that the moment will fill you. Because you will resonate with the loving gaze of your Soul towards you ; and in this state of spiritual alignment your Light will radiate and flow easily into the form ; and it will provide you with the knowledge, connection and clarity that you all seek.

Living in this realm of focus as a Being in Ascension, is beginning to be more common. Although many may not use the word 'Ascension', this does not change the fact that many Human Beings are embracing the clarity of expanded consciousness. The ability to feel Love for others and for themselves is growing in many Human Beings. This loving generosity is also beginning to spread to other living creatures and the Planet; and this is making people even more aware. It is a gradual process that, like a snowball, accumulates energy as discernments and clarities; and sweeps limiting thinking forms and cleans congested energy patterns.

The Chinese New Year reflects quite perfectly the internal changes you are feeling. This year's energy that emerges is a step to action and higher energy states. Even if you are not ready, you will also feel this. Trust yourself and do not put pressure on yourself, allow energy to accumulate and rise within you, while lovingly attending to your needs and your inspiration, trusting that your Almic Self will guide you perfectly. When you allow yourself to feel an innate connection with your future Self, a Penta-Dimensional Self that lives an experience of the 5th Dimension Earth, you allow yourself to ride in the ascending energy arc that your Planet is granting and emanating; and this will make your experience not only full of grace, but abundant. You only need to learn to let what you need come, to believe that you are worthy of it; and realize that abundance is not based on doing things and transactions, but on our inherent Uniqueness. You experience abundance based on your ability to let more arrive; and the easiest way to learn to allow more to come is to learn to see and see your life from the point of view of your Soul.

We would like to make a suggestion to cultivate this state of consciousness ; and we want you to know that it really can be that simple.

Close your eyes and open inside. Feel the point of stillness that is in your center; and intend to open yourself to your Universal Uniqueness and connect as Soul.

Allow yourself to feel the warmth and breadth of this opening.

Intend that the warmth and breadth expand.

Enjoy these feelings

Again allow you to invite this feeling to expand, then take time to enjoy it.

Repeat this for as long as you want, but without trying; smoothly and easily.

When you feel that it is complete, have the sensation of bringing to your Human energy system all that energy with which you are connected.

Declare your intention to radiate this energy in your present state, empowering you to change to a more universal state of being based on the Soul.

Renew yourself with the Universal communion based on the Soul. Realize that resting in the Universal Energy Fields accelerates your evolution!

When you do this regularly, you will discover that it is much easier to be your Almic Self. If you do it without expectations, simply for the pleasure of doing so, you allow yourself to be pleasant and believe it in a way that feels good, you will let in more and this will move to all areas of your life.

We know that you are tired of all the integration you have been experiencing . We encourage you to rest deeply in the loving and nutritious field of Light of your Universal Self, your Almic Self ; Renew yourself and refresh yourself.

There is time for everything you want to experience. Now, light up and feel at ease.

I AM Archangel Michael.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Meredith Murphy


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