Archangel Gabriel "Love and Acceptance" channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

  • 2011

Dear ones,

In my speech this week I want to talk about the quality of Love called "acceptance." Many times things happen in their lives that arise suddenly, and these events can leave them feeling as if their sense of the Divine Order of things had been distorted, leaving an energy of chaos in their place. It is time that the quality of "acceptance" of what it is can be brought to the surface to allow them to handle this situation.

As you work through your emotional aspects in this situation, you will find that you are balancing these emotions by employing the quality called "acceptance" as a way to release related feelings of loss, pain, separation or fear that the situation may have caused you. could cause, and as you do this, the emotional burden is dissipated and you begin to heal and feel better about the new direction in which this event has taken you. It is necessary to use this quality in order to move to a higher space from which to focus and live your daily life.

Acceptance is a key issue also when they observe near beings and see them involved in activities that could cause them great sorrow later. In this case, after sharing their intuition and wisdom with them and having made it clear, allow the other to make their choice: if you want to continue with that activity or want to reflect on the wisdom you shared with them and pay attention to it. This is a higher form of Love known as acceptance, knowing that the only person we can change is ourselves.

Each of you practices this quality of acceptance almost daily when doing your daily activities. The root of this is the understanding that you have before you a choice to make: proceed in a direction that can cause you discord, disharmony and misunderstanding, or accept the other person's right to experience life for yourself and learn your own lessons in their own way and time, letting go of the need to control the situation. This is another form of Love infused by the energy of wisdom.

In your lives in the present moment, each of you employs this quality of acceptance from moment to moment, as you flow through the energy flows with the ups and downs that are occurring on your planet, and when you involve your awareness in the need to transcend situations, occurrences and events trying to find a new way to do it, instead of using old world methods where there is a clash of wills to get the last word, trying to change the other because they feel that you are right.

Now you are seeing this quality of acceptance manifested in all the people around you, and it is certainly very remarkable when a person does not use this quality of acceptance. This person stands out as dogmatic and unreasonable in his views, and is rather 'outdated' in his approach because in these present times everything that belongs to the old world is falling apart, being replaced by a new and often better way to solve things.

Many people are finding that life is easier and more enjoyable as, when they interact with each other, there is a greater willingness to accept each other anyway. We see this as another positive step in the ascension process, and we applaud all of you for continuing to sustain and transmute old energies to the new energies of the New World while flowing through you to Earth and everything around you, anchoring them. more firmly to your planet.

When all humanity on their planet can accept and honor each other as the Divine spark of the Creator that each one is, then there will be a way of life and of being more harmonious and peaceful for all. I leave you now to reflect on these thoughts, and I spray you with my Love and acceptance, to you, perfect Sons of Divinity.

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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