Foods that contain Zinc and the benefits of including them in the daily diet.

  • 2014

This trace element (an essential substance for the organism that is found in small quantities) is found in the composition of bones, muscles, skin, teeth, hair and organs. internal

Zinc is involved in essential processes such as cell recovery as it facilitates the synthesis of DNA. It promotes the processes of healing of the skin and internal wounds, the ability to contract the muscles and protein synthesis.

Zinc is a mineral that acts as a hormonal regulator in different hormonal axes (necessary for the proper functioning of sex hormones) and is necessary for the manufacture of hormones such as insulin.

-The minimum dose required is 15mg (somewhat higher for pregnant women and nursing mothers).

It promotes growth, brain activity and corrects mental disorders. When it is cold it helps to establish the immune system of the respiratory tract, especially in those children who usually have frequent diseases in the respiratory tract.

-Among the plant-based foods that contain it are pumpkin seeds, mustard, brewer's yeast and wheat germ.

-Its intake helps the proper functioning of the intestine for the digestion of some nutrients in those patients who have malabsorption syndrome.

It helps remove nail stains and is used in infertility treatments. It is considered a natural antioxidant, as it acts against free radicals and is of great importance for the production of ovules and sperm.

Combined with vitamin E and selenium, its effects are enhanced.

What foods contain zinc?


Among the nuts, peanuts stand as one of the foods rich in zinc. In a 100 gram portion of dried roasted peanuts we find 22% of the necessary daily amount of this mineral. Peanuts are a healthy food, as long as you consume it in moderation because it can provide you with many calories. And consume it naturally, without salt.

Pumpkin and its seeds

Do you like roasted pumpkin as a complement to your meals? If so, already consuming a portion of 100 grams gives you about 70% of the recommended daily amount of zinc for the body.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ is another major supplier of this mineral. In fact, in 100 grams of roasted wheat germ we have more than 100% of the amount of zinc needed in one day.


The high zinc content of almonds makes it easier for our body to assimilate and store insulin. The zinc contained in this dried fruit contributes to sexual maturity and helps in the growth process, as well as being beneficial for the immune system and wound healing and helps metabolize proteins. Being rich in zinc, this food also helps fight fatigue and is involved in the transport of vitamin A to the retina.


Kiwi, in addition to providing us with zin, also provides other minerals such as calcium, chromium, copper, iron, potassium.

Sesame seeds

Sesame is an oily seed loaded with nutrients that help us stay healthy. Among all of them is zinc.


This bulb provides moderate levels of natural zinc. It is easy to incorporate into the diet thanks to its use as a seasoning in almost all food preparations. In addition to being rich in zinc, garlic is also an excellent food for detoxification thanks to its high content of manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C and selenium.

Sesame seeds

Whether raw, roasted, or ground and converted into tahina butter, sesame seeds contain approximately 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. Try adding more hummus to your diet (a tahina butter-based sauce originally from the Middle East), or even consider replacing wheat flour with sesame seed meal in your baked goods.


A 7-ounce serving contains approximately 2.8mg of zinc. Chickpea also contains folate and has a high protein and dietary fiber content.

Foods that contain Zinc and the benefits of including them in the daily diet.

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