Back to basics - Kryon

  • 2016

Introduction to: Back to Basics - Kryon

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service .

Do you know what the man was made for? Do you know why you exist? Whether or not you believe this message is correct or true, do you know why you exist? You exist in order to amplify the Creative Source in you. To capture all that is God in you, and more. That is why you exist. You do not exist to climb stairs or to suffer, or to go through all kinds of things to be worthy. You are part of God; there is no question of being worthy; Not before the eyes of the Spirit.

For you, dear ones, for many of you, this is the first time; My partner was never in this country, he never felt the energy here, he never felt the light workers in the room, it's his first time. But it is home; It is always home . Many hear this voice and, as I said and repeated, have a question: Is this real? Is the man in the chair just giving a lecture? I will say it again, and another, and another one. There is a logical box in which you were born and live inside, which will tell you that this special process is not happening. That is because they were born in a survival mode, even in the spiritual. They had to tell them what to do, how to do it, conform to the rules and do it. They grew up with a perception of what is right and what is not, and that is fixed, no matter what.

At this moment there is an energy here that you can feel. I am very aware of where we are. I am also aware of who sits on the chairs in this great country. There is a sense of novelty here, an excitement. Here are ancient souls that are really ready to start, and who have picked up the glove since 2012 - saying they picked up the glove means they have chosen to accept the challenge of change.

Is this real or not? I will say it again; Either they have to conform to what others told them, or they use their discernment, right now, for themselves. Is it possible that my partner has stepped aside? He even told them where he is going and what happens. This is the voice of my partner, using his intellect, his brain, his body, his voice, to give them a message from the other side of the veil, which tells them that they are known to God, deeply loved; They are in the middle of a big change, and they are not here by accident. We invite you to feel and discern whether this is correct or not. We throw this at them and say: Will they remain in the box of what they were told is the truth, or will they discern the truth for themselves?

If you can, for just a moment, open that box and begin to discern, I want to tell you that it is very safe to feel God's love differently than you ever felt. And you can say: “ Well, I believe in something slightly different! I have a beautiful prophet whom I love! ” I want to tell you something: this will not take you away from your own; God gets bigger, love gets bigger, compassion will fill your life like never before, and everything you are doing now will just get bigger. We are not trying to convince them to change to another belief system; We just want them to perceive God within themselves, that's all! And when they do, there will be an awakening and they will know what to do next. They will begin to understand that they are empowered, greatly empowered.

How many of you are here today, do not raise your hand for a healing? Good; I will tell you that it is a good time. It is really a good time, because the discovery of the inner God is for you to capture the healing template that has been latent all these years, ready to be activated through your belief, in the change of energy To on the planet. Things are changing and transforming. It's a good time, this weekend, to claim the healing they need and they came to look. Some need to heal the heart I know who is here, s who is here! They wake up every morning and feel the pain or the loss or anguish; they don't need that anymore, they just don't need it; they can already feel, instead, the peace regarding the situation that afflicts them.

At the moment there are some I know who is here who have recently lost loved ones ; I know who is here! I want to tell you: They are here! Can you believe that the soul is eternal? That is what all the Masters have told you, it's like that! Where does he go when he leaves the planet? I want you to forget for a moment what you have been told and use spiritual logic. If the soul is eternal and is in your body, why does it have to go and remain unattainable, inaccessible? It is not like that; part of it stays, it remains! Part of it remains for a reason, a reason! So that they are at peace with the loss, did they know that? They are still here; They still remain. There is much we would love to talk about, which is beyond the Physics that you know, but it is part of a great Physics! Multidimensional quantum physics is the way the Universe works. Three-dimensional physics in the way you work, because you have not yet discovered the rest. And part of that explains many things that you believe are mysterious or ominous, or that are not true. Are you sorry? Do you already feel that this can be right and true? That the love of God is much greater than what you were ever told? And he is right here in this room, ready to meet you in a way that you never allowed.

I am Kryon, a messenger; that's it. I don't have a job for you to sign up. I have information to make them feel: the truth; that God is in every human being, and that he can be accessed to improve life. This is the energy that had been predicted for that.

I will return later.

And so it is.


Return to basic

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

The human being is beautiful, and he is becoming more compassionate. Sometimes we ask this question: What has brought you here? It's still controversial, right? Is it really possible for the Spirit to speak to you in this way? I will say it again: this is the way the Spirit always spoke to mankind. Everything that has been written, every piece, every part of the writings of this planet, known and unknown, for eons, has been written by men and women under the influence of their Higher Self and the Creative Source. It means that all existing scriptures come from men and women. You see, the word of God is the word of men and women under the influence of the Creator. It has a name: it is called channeling. What they see and hear at this moment is no different from what it has been. What if I tell you that this same process that you see now - my partner sits in a chair and invokes the influence of the other side of the veil, is put aside - what happens if I tell you that this is what happened through of the ages? Small groups gathered and heard what you are hearing; They heard a basic truth that has been known for years. It is the first time I feel in front of you; It is the first time that my partner brings me to this place. And then I want to be with you and give you a message called “Back to Basics.” For me it's a little fun: I love talking about these things; They are so intrinsic, so beautiful, so full of truth and beauty.

Back to basics: humans, you love linear lists (laughs) so I'll give you one. We see the lists in a circle, they have nothing linear, because the latter always engages with the former; This is how Physics works, there are not many straight lines in Physics. Almost everything is wrapped, recreated in a circular way. Humans have spiritual systems, you need rules. All the spiritual systems that exist seem to start with the rules: this is the right thing, this is what you should do, this is how you should dress (laughs); Then we are going to give you a little of that. And let's start with number one.

Number one. We will describe a beautiful belief: it is not a system, it is a belief. This belief is a paradigm different from anything on Earth. Number one: there are no rules (laughs). Here is why: it is not a doctrine. Belief summons an intuitive energy within the human being that says: within me is divinity. When the human being sits down and says: “I feel it. I feel!"

Some of you love music. What is it that, when a certain melody is played in a certain way, appeases your soul, you feel God within you, you know there is more? Music does that. Sometimes art does that. Sometimes nature does it, when they sit in the great outdoors and see a beauty that amazes! And what do they do? They feel within themselves: there is more for me! Remove something inside, and you know that God is there.

Dear ones, if you look at the history of mankind and go back, and study what were the first intuitive thoughts about God, what was first, what was written, maybe there would be disagreement between the Hindus and the Buddhists about who was first, but look at that first intuition, thousands of years ago. More than 80% of the planet believes in life after death; There it is for you to study. Why?

And the ancients, what do they believe in the first place? They believe that God is inside. Second, they believe that you return, that is, you have the ability to return, that a soul can return again and again. Thirdly: they have the capacity to ascend in each life to a higher level of wisdom and existence. Fourth: they could even ascend, if they keep coming back long enough.

How does this sound to your modern religions today? You can discard the four: today you are born dirty and from there it follows.

You are not born dirty; Within you there is an intuitive book of rules (laughs) that says: God is good, God is within me, God is part of me. All the Masters who once walked the planet have spoken of the inner God, have given beauty and credibility to the fabulous thing that the Creative Source is within the human being. That is number one, and being intuitive is unique to each individual; there can be no rules when each person has a different set of experiences, slightly different, with the Spirit.

My partner has taken me to many cultures, with many languages, to all kinds of places where God was celebrated in different ways, traditionally, and in every place he goes there is a room like this, full of ancient souls, and they don't They have rules. The established says: “That is ridiculous; you must have rules, you must have a prophet, you must have someone who has done something that justifies what you believe. ”Dear ones, I will tell you who that is: It is you! You are the ones who did something; they came to this planet once after another, they did something! That is the prophet: he is the Higher Self. Is it possible that they could love themselves as much as they would love a prophet? Is that blasphemy or is it common spiritual sense? It is up to you to determine, decide, discern.

That is number one: there are no rules, because each one has a plane of sacredness that has the same structure, the same compassion, the same love, and now they begin to coordinate it. A group like this: there are many, without a plan, without a structure, without a hierarchy, without a prophet, even without a book. There are no rules, because they are within you. That is very basic.

Number two. These are the attributes of the Spirit, basic and beautiful. The Creative Source of this Universe, of this Galaxy, knows you. Some say it is a system. It's hard to call love system; It is simply love. A system has variations; love no Compassion can be measured in a certain way in humans, with certain rules, and simply not! Love and compassion are the essence of the atomic structure of the mass. They are in you. They are pure, they expect you to discover their purity, their essence. That is the Creative Source!

People say, "Well, if it's so great, who are we, little human beings?" I tell you: you are great little human beings! Because they are multidimensional, they are as big as the galaxy, and they don't even know it. Did you know that human consciousness can be sent instantly to places far away? Did you know that this transcends all the Physics that you know? We have talked about all these things before; How great of you. That is the Creative Source, in love with humanity.

Number Three. Don't take it wrong; This must be said, verbalized. Number three: God is not a dysfunctional, angry, critical, and punishing force! And if you believe it is and have told you that, I will tell you this: you are seeing a reflection of yourself! Through the ages, they repeatedly decided that God has human attributes. Wars in the heavens; punishment if they don't do things in a certain way. Do you really believe that the Creator of the Universe would do this, really? How many times do I give you the metaphor of the mother and her son? Mother, if your child does something strange or strange, contrary to what you said, do you send it to a horrible place, do you burn it eternally? Or do you pick him up, love him and hug him and tell him he's beautiful? What are you doing, mom? Do you think the Creator of your soul would be less than that? Really! It is time to make common spiritual sense. God is not a vengeful force; The Spirit is love. You can sit and feel it, right?

In this room there are some who would like this to end soon so they can leave. I know who you are, and I want to tell you something, sir: You are very loved! Can you feel it? (laughs). We do not need you to make any decision; We just want you to relax and feel loved. Would it hurt you, for just a moment, to know that there is no agenda here? None! Take a breath and feel it, that's all. And when you leave, the same number of angels will leave with you as with the healer and the channeler. That is love! Unconditional, beautiful, compassionate love. That is all there is here!

Number four. We talk about it this morning: the purpose of life. The reason why humans are here is to see how much of the Creator they can discover within themselves. We told you that there is certainly an evolutionary system of planetary graduation. It is hard for you to believe, but out there, in the galaxy, there is life that resembles you, which you never found or saw, and yet you did. Many of you are visited and helped, either by the Arturians, those from Ori n, the Hathors; They are everywhere. There are rules: they cannot interfere, but they can help. It looks like what grandparents do, when they come to visit and love their grandchildren (laughs). It's hard to imagine something like that. I will say it again: Do you realize how old the galaxy is and how young are you still? Have you been able to assimilate this? How is it that humanity can be so young in such an ancient galaxy? (laughs) Is it possible that you are the new neighborhood boys? It will be possible that you are the last sown, the only new planet with free will for the moment, as others were before you, and others before these, and others before. n. Thousands of millions of years! You have only been here for a couple of hundreds of thousands of years! They are so new! And this is why: they are just growing; They passed the score and now they begin to feel what we are talking about.

Is it possible that the attributes of compassion and love are really measurable by physics? And the answer would be yes. They are going to see it. Could it be that consciousness has patterns of quantum physics ? And the answer is Yes. Eventually they will see it too. The human is here to solve a puzzle: can they discover God within them, with free will, or not? That was number four.

Number five. You are in the midst of the greatest change that humanity has ever witnessed. It is not by accident that they were born at this time; Even if they are unbelievers, if they do not believe anything in this message, they do not want to hear anything else, it is not by accident that they are here. Many ancient souls present here do not claim to be ancient souls; we have called them workers inside the closet (laughs), because they will never admit it! But there is a part of you that wants light, integrity, honesty, and you are confined in your own circle. They know how light is; they generate it for themselves; Oh, they don't believe in channeling, they don't believe in past lives or healing, but they have their own system of God within them, which has to do with integrity, honesty, compassion and love (laughs). And we love them! I repeat: the fear of enlightenment is a great fear; You may never want to leave the closet, and it doesn't matter, because the light you carry is strong and it is for the planet as it is for you. We know who they are.

This change has a purpose. It was predicted. You knew it before you came here. Some even waited to be born in order to arrive at a time when the wisdom they carry as ancient souls could awaken and help the planet. "Kryon, you're talking in metaphors, right?" No. Dear, when you begin to see who you are, when you realize what could be going on within you in a spiritual sense, that process is physical: enter the grids of the planet, and the planet vibrates higher because of that. Its mere awakening changes the vibration of the Earth. It is physical! It is also esoteric!

Do you see a system here? But not a system of rules, but of vibration, of energy, of light. A circular system in which each one feeds the other. Did you know that the Earth's grids position energy for newborns when they arrive? If you change the grids by waking up and many others do too, they are changing the future of the planet. Turn around, it's circular! Its beautiful; is love.

On this planet what has happened many times on other planets begins to happen, and you are right in the middle of it, and you have expected it. They are here on purpose; They wouldn't have missed this party for nothing. Hard? Oh yeah! (Serie). It is change.

Now I want to talk to some who feel they have lost some gifts, some spiritual gifts; I know who is here, who is listening. I want to tell you that it is an illusion; that energy is changing and the gifts they have are simply being recalibrated to something stronger than what they ever had. Do not discard it. Don't stop it! Don't be discouraged, just because the old energy is not producing what you really are! Someone - you know who you are - needed to hear this here.

Are you one of those who have recently ruled out and thrown away many things that don't go with you? Or maybe they've been ripped out (laughs) by an old energy consciousness, and are you there maybe feeling like you're empty handed? (laughs) I dare you to celebrate it: the beginning of a new phase in your life. A start! You will not be empty-handed for a long time: your gifts are returning. The things you have wanted come back, if you look at them compassionately and without fear. Without fear! Why would you fear the love of God that is recalibrating you? That was number five.

Number six; he last - of the night (laughs). Your soul is my friend. Your soul is my friend! You are timeless, eternal. The soul of who you are, within your conscious brain, the soul of the human being, is forever. You were here before the galaxy and the universe existed. You have been part of other planets in your graduation; You have participated again and again for billions of years in this scenario of vibratory change. And here you are, again, and you will continue with it, forever! And you will love it! Because the vibration of the same galaxy changes, it recalibrates love itself! There is a reason for you to be doing this. Your soul is known to God because it is part of God. Your soul is my friend. Slowly you will be cleaning the waste in that glass that separates us, which you have called the veil. Whether you see dimly through or see nothing, like a fish in a fishbowl, there is a lot around you, and the glass is becoming more transparent instead of being reflective, and you can start to see what's outside. Then the glass disappears and the fish recalibrates and breathes the air of love. You begin to realize that there is something more than what they told you. Each in his own; whether you wake up slowly or quickly, believe or not believe, there is no criticism; only love. It is the way it has always been for all of you, in all the incarnations on all the planets, and you wonder why we love you as we do. Worker: it may be time to breathe and relax with everything, knowing that you are in the right place at the right time. Can you do that, can you give yourself that permission now? Whatever the thing that brought you here, whatever the enigma or the problem or the issue, you know we know what it is. Did you know that the solutions are there? They are! They really are. They are beyond what you think.

Maybe it's time to relax for a moment and say, “ It's fine with my soul, because I know who I am. "

I will be back.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll





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