"LIVE", by Louise L. Hay

For the past five years or so, I have reduced my lectures and trips and have become a kind of agriculture. I spend most of my time in my beautiful garden and garden full of plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables and trees of all kinds, and I really enjoy putting cats to cultivate the land. I bless that land with love and she produces for me in abundance.

I am organic agriculture, so that not a single leaf ever leaves my property. Everything goes to a lot to become fertilizer, and little by little I feed my land to be nutritious and fertile. I also eat as many products from my garden as I can, and I enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the year.

I speak here of my horticultural activities by way of introduction to some of the things that I will present in this book. See, your thoughts are like the seeds you plant in your garden. Your beliefs are like the land in which you sow those seeds. Fertile and nutritious soil produces strong and healthy plants. But even good semi-hard ones find it difficult to grow in impoverished land, full of weeds and stones.

Gardeners know that to plot a new garden or redo an old one, the most important thing is to prepare the farmland. First it is necessary to eliminate stones, weeds and old and damaged plants. Then, if he is a responsible gardener, he will dig the earth to a depth equivalent to two shovels, removing more stones and old roots. Then I will add as much organic matter as possible. I am in favor of organic fertilizer, horse body and fishmeal. On the loose and clean earth, between seven and ten centimeters of these fertilizers are put in and then the earth is removed with the shovel and mixed well. It is a job worth doing to plant. Anything that arises in that land will sprout and become a strong and healthy plant.

The same goes for the earth of our mind, our basic beliefs. If we want our new and positive affirmations, that is, the thoughts we have and the words we speak, to become reality as soon as possible, then we will make the extra effort to prepare our mind to be receptive To these new ideas. We can make lists of all the things we believe (for example, what I think of work, prosperity, relationships, health, etc.), and then examine those beliefs to detect what is there. in them of negative. You may ask yourself: Do I wish to continue basing my life on these limiting concepts? Then dig deeper to eliminate the old ideas that will never support your new life.

When you have eliminated as many negative beliefs as you can, add a great dose of love and work in that farmland of your mind. Thus, when planting new affirmations in it, they will sprout and grow with surprising rapidity. And your life will improve so fast that you will be amazed at what happens. You see, it is always worth making that extra effort to prepare the earth, either from your garden or from your mind.

Each chapter of this book ends with some positive affirmations that have to do with the ideas we have examined. Choose some that make sense to you and repeat them frequently. The treatment that appears at the end of each chapter is a wealth of positive ideas that will help you transform your consciousness into a belief system that supports and affirms life. Note that all treatments and affirmations are in the first person and in the present tense. We never use the future, neither the conditional “yes” nor the “when” that indicates a future possibility, because those are statements that produce delay. Whenever we make a treatment or an affirmation, we say "I have", "I am", "I always" or "I accept". These are affirmations of immediate acceptance, and the Universe will take care of them right now!

Please keep in mind that some of the ideas you are going to read in the following chapters will make more sense to you than others. You may want to read the entire book once and then go back and work with the concepts that make sense to you or that are applicable to your current life. Repeat the affirmations, read the treatments, make those ideas part of you. Then you can read the chapters that particularly affect you or those that you think you cannot apply to your life.

When you are stronger in one aspect, you will see how others are easier for you. And suddenly you will know, you will understand, that from a small seed you are growing until you become a tall and beautiful tree that has its roots firmly rooted in the ground. In other words, you are growing in that complex, magnificent, mysterious and incomparable thing we call LIVE!

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Live Louise L. There

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