Living in fullness, by Francisco de Sales

  • 2012

The depth of what we live does not depend on what has been lived, but on our ability to transform the most trivial aspect into a religious experience.

(D rckheim).

This is an article that you have to write t .

I only write down some thoughts of mine, but I will not give you guidelines or guidelines, nor will I highlight anything other than what you can read; I am not going to do your job, which is to reflect and feel inside of you.

And, of course, prevent your life from being a life that only fills with emptiness.

I recommend a slow, very slow, but very slow reading

There is nothing more dramatic than a life full of emptiness, neglect, dead time, lost dreams, repressed hugs, kisses that were not born, unnecessary sufferings

Life is a blank page and we only write obituaries.

Life will happen even if you are distracted.

And living is, always, the most indispensable obligation.

You cannot extend life, but it can widen.

Life is composed of unrepeatable moments. The moments, indolent, impatient, implacable, flee one after another and only in fleeting occasions are we attentive to live them. Living life is the sum of living every moment. To leave without living one is to live an incomplete life, because even when we are doing nada, we have to be aware that it is nada, precisely, what we want to do and are doing.

There is nothing worse than condemning life to death.

Life is composed of unrepeatable and unrecoverable moments.

To live in fullness is to know how to appreciate and grant, to each thing and every moment, the importance they have.

The great danger of life is non-life.

We are not aware that we are writing our history at all times.

Our life has as much or as little meaning as we infuse it.

Life is an unstoppable being, a void that we have to fill. The quality of that life depends on what we put into it.

It is a great sin to end life without living it.

God gave us the responsibility to administer the only, unrepeatable and unrecoverable life. On the day of your own final judgment you will wonder what you did and what you did not do in life.

To live is not just to breathe. To live is, essentially, to be aware of each moment.

In the act of living there is no vacation.

Living life lasts a lifetime.

I let the world live as I want and let myself live as I want.

The real significance is to live your own life, why are you looking for something else?

Life is there, even if you look the other way.

And he went to live in a cabin, on the edge of a lake, to face the essential facts of life and try to learn from it, instead of waiting to die and discover that he had not lived.

I am not simply me: I am Life.

Life must be taken away, if necessary, how much it can give us.

It is a tree full of delights, and we just have to reach out.

Living does not admit deferrals: you can only live now.

The most valuable thing in life is not what you have, but who you have. And, above all, that you have her.

Living is also that: the everyday and nothing special happens.

But you better have a little more sauce. Put it on.

The responsibility of procuring a good life cannot be delegated.

It is a miracle: life begins every day.

And it is not a bad idea to read it again in a slow, very slow, but very slow way ...

(Francisco de Sales, is the creator of the web, for people interested in psychology, spirituality, improvable life, Self-knowledge and Personal Growth)

Living in fullness, by Francisco de Sales

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