Winds of Changes - Message from Ptaah through Jani King (April 2011)

  • 2011

The winds of change are blowing through your universe. Well, in

In a way you are the wind. And it will be you who will be changed.

It comes from a desire of the heart to realize, the potential called human. For

manifest the new paradigm, of being what you have created, thousands and thousands of years


You are at all times, a perfect and eternal expression, extension of the Mind

of Creation That's the truth. You all said at some point, of

this trip in which you find yourself: “If I created everything, why? Why

would I create oblivion? ”Well, as I have said so many times, you have created it

simply for the experience of that situation.

You are a great and very, very powerful spiritual entity, who has come to play

this game called: "Human beings in this reality, of the 3rd dimension."

You choose everything. Choose your birth, choose your family, choose your general life plan.

You have chosen this and all your other lives. You came here, just for the

emotional intensity, of the human being. The emotional intensity of this

Adventure and now is the time to remember.

What a joy, mmm? And what an adventure it will be. You have forgotten these great

truths about who you are, because you are still emotionally trapped

old beliefs that you have no power, that you are not worthy, that you live in

a hostile world and that love equals pain. The type of beliefs with are

almost superstitions, which were established when you were little in your patterns

of behavior

What has become terrifying for many people, is the fact

That this pattern has been upset. There is nothing stable anymore, as far as

I can trust It's not like in other lives, where you were born in a situation, in the

what could be known, what was expected to be your life and what

I was going to convert.

But nevertheless; Now is the time when everything is subject to change without

notice. You can no longer trust your work. The weather is not stable. And everytime

more and more, while you take over your inner power, suddenly even, your

Relationship with your best friends is no longer as stable as it used to be. The

You understand?.

Relations in which you supported yourself, you can no longer do it. You can only live in

the now, and the only thing you can really rely on, is in the

fact that you are a Perfect, Eternal expression of creation, and that you have

created your reality, exactly the way you wanted it.

So here we are. On the one hand, you can't rely on anything, on the other,

you don't need to trust, or depend on anything, because you know, or are learning,

that you can have everything you want, everything. And you know there isn't

absolutely nothing, that you would create for your life, that is not in concordance,

with the fact that you know more who you are and that you know more, about love and

why are you rarely here. Especially why are you here in these


Of course you are here, to have an intimate heart experience.

You are here to have fun and laugh. You are here to learn to open your heart and

say, "Here I am." You are here to know, how to heal a wounded heart and

How to heal the body.

We ask that, in whatever you do these days, pay attention

to your emotions; those feelings of discomfort, frustration, anger, and

even of joy. Pay attention, because you're really here, for the

intensity of emotional experience.

What keeps you trapped, stagnant, what keeps you unable to be

free, is your inability to accept and allow the integrity of your own

feelings. Anything you feel is valid. While more and more

you can put into practice, what we have said so many times, “embrace the

fear, embrace the pain ”more you can afford to transcend those limitations, of

fear and pain and just be who you are.

And dear, face the fearful child that dwells within you. See what you

keeps you stuck, which keeps you from allowing elegance and

grace, to keep on playing, with the winds of changes. For

allow you to move on, you need to pay attention to those old

belief structures, which keep you in prison. Do you get it

Well dear, get going and have a lot of fun. Allow yourself to navigate in the

wind of change. We love you immensely.


Jani King, 2011


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