Your ability to understand and learn has no limits Jesus through John Smallman

  • 2016

While humanity looks forward to an event of great importance - an event that the collective senses are about to experience without having any idea of ​​what it can be, or even if something is going to happen - to intensify your intention so that the collective Open, open your massive heart, to the divine field of Love that surrounds you and embraces you. He is always with you, offering you infinite love and acceptance, and all you have to do is open your heart and accept the offer. Many of you have already done so, and as a result, the group is increasingly tempted to move fully to Love, and therefore abandon all that is not in harmony with Him.

Because of the energies of darkness that still remain, many of you are still experiencing doubts and anxieties about the reality of the New Age, but you can be sure that it is totally and irrevocably established, it is only up to you, and all mankind, with unlimited assistance from everyone in the spiritual realms, becoming aware of it. They want it. You are really tired of the constant negativity and the lack of harmony of the illusion. You are ready and increasingly willing to wake up.

The lives that you have experienced, have been a preparation and a cleansing that guides you forward in your spiritual evolution - an evolution that has always gone divinely well and was promoted at the time of its apparent separation from the divine and always loving Source. You are and have always been one with your source, and nothing can change that divine and harmonious relationship of the Creator with his creations .

The reason why it seems that you are separated from that infinite Source of goodness is that at the moment in which you decided to separate yourself from it, your awareness of it effectively closed. The separation, unreal as it was, was only momentary, but you are still experiencing it because you have chosen not to be aware of reality. Most of you find this concept, at least, paradoxical, and in the worst case, totally unacceptable, since you don't want to believe that you were able to make such a disastrous choice. It makes no sense to your severely limited human intellects that you trust too much for introspection and even intuition to occur. Intuition is of the spirit, it is the divine guide that is always available to you, but its egos fear and do everything possible to distort the orientation that is offered, so that they do not take it into account and dismiss it.

Some of you have had mystical experiences, near death experiences, or moments of enlightenment in which it has become very clear to you, without the slightest place of any doubts, which are divine and eternal beings, infinitely loved by God. That knowledge is permanent and unforgettable, and those who have experiences like that, lose all fear and anxiety about physical death, some of them try to explain or describe them to others so that everyone can benefit. However, in general, people prefer to believe in the limits that their bodies seem to impose on them, for fear of the unknown possibilities and without limits that the elimination of these would entail.

However, in the last three or four centuries of the human era, an increasing number of you have refused to accept the limits that your cultures, societies, churches, or sciences have developed in their own way, and which they then treated of imposing on its members. During that time, there has been a huge expansion of knowledge throughout the world, which at first seemed as if it would lead to the complete clarification and understanding of the universe, but in the last two or three decades it has become clear that knowledge available is infinite, and that your ability to understand and learn has no limits either . In fact, their physical vehicles, their bodies, were designed for evolution without limits, and the real capabilities of their large brains have barely taken advantage of.

The future is truly unlimited, and as a starting point knowledge continues to grow exponentially and the creative possibilities with which we are all born will be fully recognized and development will be promoted in a way that best suits the needs of each individual. In very recent years it has been found that children with autism have incredible gifts to offer when they are not diverted, manipulated and forced to adapt to rigorously restricted academic curricula that totally disagree with their true needs. Some enlightened among you, have been doing incredible pioneering work in areas like these, and are greatly honored by the Light that they are bringing to what once seemed to be desperate situations.

Waking up will be an incredible stimulating experience, and it will not be temporary, since it is destiny - the stage of evolution towards which you are being guided by your own inner wisdom, intuition, information and events that occur in your daily life, and for your spiritual guides and mentors who are with you at all times to help you in this wonderful process. Call them for help and guidance in any situation and they will respond. Meditate regularly, and whenever you want spiritual guidance go to your quiet inner space so you can “listen” to what is offered to you. Your success is inevitable, but it can be delayed if you choose to do so. Some of you may feel unprepared, nervous about leaving the familiar behind, no matter how unhappy or unsatisfactory it may be, so ask for help to overcome that feeling or feeling so that your fears or anxieties disappear, allowing you to wake up. Surely you will not regret it!

Your brother who loves you, Jesus.

AUTHOR: John Smallman

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