Transmission of Love and light: Ares. The Great Cardinal Cross, Dissolving, Harmony and the Joy of Contrast

  • 2014
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* This is an energy transmission and the words below help translate it for our minds. They have it available constantly, no matter when they read these words. You can receive this energy at any time simply by intending it and opening your heart to receive it…. *

ARES, GOD OF CONTRAST: The Great Cardinal Cross - Dissolving Distortions and Opening to the Freedom to Experience a Harmonious Contrast

Dear friends:

Bold creators! Regards! I AM Ares, frequently known in his conscience as the God of War. And yet, his Sun, his conscious Light, moves through my astrological sign of Aries to reinspire the conscious understanding of existence ... so even though the God of War might well be the most accurate way to describe the energies that I represent within a paradigm and experience of duality and masculine distortion, from a unified perspective it may be more accurate to describe myself as representing the God of Contrast. Let me take you on a path of exploration of this subject, while you open your hearts to receive what YOU want from this transmission. Let me bring you more of your joyful adventures and loving selves! That which so deeply desires all that you are summoning in this transmission and in your collective reality on this beautiful planet.

Dear ones, I come today to enlighten you and help to transmit to you what you as a collective are summoning, what you are wishing to come to a greater conscious awareness, which is the freedom to experience EVERYTHING as something innate and harmonious by nature to become increasingly aware of his natural BEING of harmonious and unified LOVE. This Great Cardinal Cross that you have collectively harmonized so that it exists in your skies tells you a lot about what you are calling in these accelerated times, and I want to give you something about the way the symbol of the Great Cross is assisting you in your ability to remember its sovereignty, its neutrality centered on the essence of its BEING.

Let me enlighten the concept of contrast to your minds and how an expanded perspective of harmony can serve to raise and release your conscious consciousness even more, opening you to an even greater freedom of self, to know the self in this glorious and creative pot of a planet! Well, this, my dear friends, is the reason you are here.

For many eras of humanity, contrast has been experienced through the construct of duality because you have increasingly forgotten as a collective your innate integrity and creative connection to all things; Survival became the normal human way of existing in Gaia. This means that your conscious judgment became fixed on the 'good and the bad' in order to avoid the bad and allow the good - and the pain, fear and unpredictability became something bad because you forgot that you could choose, you forgot that it was all really YOU, so you felt persecuted by an insecure and restrictive world Security, comfort, peace and material abundance of all kinds became a good thing because they allowed you to survive and avoid the bad, and depend on something stable . So the difference, the new, became somewhat threatening because your forgetfulness meant that you could not trust that that was good because the world consistently demonstrated to your restricted conscience that you were not loved and cared for innately, and in fact the only thing What they could trust were death and absolute physical things.

Consider now, my dear ones, as you breathe and allow your experience of this perceived separation to soften, how you are remembering that EVERYTHING is LOVE, that there is nothing but LOVE, that everything is exactly perfect. Now, how does this fit in with the painful and frightening experiences of lack and separation that you have had on this planet and that you yearn to solve? Dear ones, all this revolves around what you perceive as harmony, and the beliefs and stories related to it. Most minds consider harmony to be an experience of what feels good - being at peace with everything, experiencing beautiful sounds together, different elements flowing together beautifully. Harmony is exactly this, my friends! But his perception of her has been very limited. As you have been experiencing duality, of course, everything that didn't feel right was bad, so you have an understanding of an opposite of harmony - dissonance, or when things don't work well together.

Now, dear ones, how does this fit in with a harmonious and unified LOVE One? Well, this is all about a belief. As described, felt, lived and experienced in infinite ways throughout the collective experiences of the Earth, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING-WHAT IS, is simply LOVE wanting to know more about itself, BEING LOVE, LOVING THE LOVE. Inhale this in your hearts, my dear ones, for this is YOU. Now consider that there are no stories in this, that there are only ways to know more LOVE, to experience MORE yourself.

And how is this achieved? How does LOVE manage to know more LOVE when he is simply LOVE? He creates different and CONTRASTING experiences again through the illusion of individuality in order to learn more about LOVE through what is new, different, contrasting, other. There can be no expansion without a reflection, without a perceived other ; there can be nothing new without a contrast of greater or lesser intensity. And what could be a greater contrast to BE LOVE than to forget that YOU ARE LOVE? Feel apart from LOVE? And create from that belief?

Do you see it, my dear ones? Although you continue to expand and remember your way out of this enormous and unimaginable experience of separation, as this cycle of creation of an INCREDIBLE CONTRAST reaches a end and start a new one of an innate harmony remembered in physical beings, you are beginning to remember the truth of this. EVERYTHING is LOVE, and each one of the experiences on this planet, in this universe, in all the multiverses, all this is LOVE, in a harmonious creation of contrasting experiences. Your perception is simply what has allowed the entire experience of the duality cycle, and your beliefs and stories created through this perception are beginning to dissolve. making way back to the infinite space that is the understanding of the harmony of LOVE.

Dear ones, consider how perfectly the universe has created each of the experiences that you have considered bad or dissonant. All the painful, frightening and destructive experiences of mankind throughout these ages. There have been no technical failures the illusion has never been broken or suspended. No, all of you have been able to create and fully believe in this experience of duality at each end because the universe has been innately in HARMONY with what you have created through your belief systems, providing each particle of what you needed to experience that particular realm of contrasts. The harmony of the UNO simply shapes itself effortlessly according to what has been called without judgments or beliefs or restrictions . LOVE is unconditional, and now you are beginning to remember this again and prove the incredible freedom that this brings. Harmony is innate and it is simply LOVE giving form to itself continuously and without problems in all the myriad forms of contrast that LOVE wishes to experience now and now and now. There is nothing outside of him, there is nothing exempt from him, and the only thing that restricts his ability to KNOW the innate peace of this neutral and unconditional harmony is his beliefs and stories around what you want and don't want, and the judgments of what unfolds in your experiences at all times.

Consider, my friends, that when you can accept EVERYTHING as LOVE, that everything is innately harmonious, what freedom will bring you this! Not only will they not have any NEED to change it because they will no longer resist it, and they know that it is perfectly you at that moment; Whatever it is, you can create again with LOVE, with your pure essence vibrating at the frequency of what YOU want the following to be. And through the innate harmony of LOVE, the universe forms itself according to that frequency, and you experience it purely because you do not resist the flow of that harmony by manifesting what you resonate with. See, my friends, how important it is now to allow, notice and love each other? This allows all that you have been creating from restricted beliefs and the distortion of your essence to flow through you without hindrance, transformed back into unconditional LOVE, and that your conscious creations become more purely what is innate in you - LOVE. A peaceful, harmonious LOVE, whatever it is that is unfolding - unconditional, beyond judgment, beyond restriction, simply open to what brings you more joy and delight now and now and now. Because that is truly who YOU ​​ARE. THEY ARE the New Earth ...

My friends, do not worry if you do not feel this or if you cannot receive it consciously now because this is simply an energetic transmission that all of you will receive in your hearts in perfect alignment with yourself. That is why the whole focus of this time is allowing, noticing, loving oneself and allowing oneself to unfold, because this places them more and more naturally and more easily in the experience of their essential self, WHO knows the harmony neutral and unconditional LOVE, which knows that EVERYTHING in your experience is simply bringing more of YOU to LOVE, no matter what you might think about it. Feel everything you feel about your experience, let it be, and know that any resistance you feel to these words is simply what restricts your freedom today, and allow this too! There is nothing wrong, nothing bad, there is nothing in need of fixing something; there is only the process of consciously vibrating back to its pure essence of LOVE

My friends, this is not a new way of being for all of you - you are simply remembering and becoming familiar with LOVE that you are, and as such there is nothing to do but remain open to YOURSELF, to LOVE flooding the experience of Everything on this planet. You will know more and more of what I have described here, and these words simply serve to loosen your minds so that you notice what is coming. Well, dear, that's why they're here on this planet. Gaia holds the greatest potential for contrasts, the greatest spectrum of differences of all Creation; The experience of LOVE expands magnificently as you expand and raise the spectrum of LOVE by transcending it and raising your consciousness.

Dear ones, your greatest gift to Totality is to remember the innate harmony of your essence, the silent peace of LOVE within your hearts because this allows you to look at each moment, each version of the experience on this planet as something perfect, as LOVE, No trial, no restriction. As the world awakens to this remembrance, its authentic BEING of this innate truth allows everyone to remember their own sovereign creative ability and begin to move into this new era of remembered LOVE. Not because everything is not innately in harmony and needs to be healed, but simply because you now collectively want to move beyond a separatist and distorted experience of LOVE to a fully conscious experience of an innate harmony, of freedom and co-creation with the entire spectrum of contrast that this planet puts at your disposal.

This is part of what this Great Cardinal Cross brings you. Consider the eye of the storm - the central calm point in the midst of enormous power and change. You are becoming familiar with this again - the sovereign neutrality of each Divine Spark, of each unique focus of LOVE. The energies of this Cross are powerfully transformative, and as they allow and notice and love themselves more easily, the energies of this Cross allow the dissolution of all that no longer serves them in their LOVE experience. Consider the center of this Cross as if it were a sight on which any belief or history of restriction, lack and fear dissolves with total ease and grace, and as you allow, remain at the center of this sight and are purified by His Light enormously powerful and focused.

This time is sending the greatest Light and energy for the change that your planet has ever known because YOU are now able to be the channels for this New Era of LOVE. And your loving and allowing attention is what creates an experience of ease and grace that escorts the profound changes available in the most consciously peaceful way to you, and therefore, to ALL. Allowing, BEING simply, you focus on this flow and allow the deep energy of this formation to flow through you, dear ones, an open channel transforming and dissolving all that you are releasing, amplifying everything new that you are ready to manifest, settling this amazing Light in Gaia to permeate your physical and collective reality with ease and grace ...

My dear hearts, you will discover that many of you are discovering that within your hearts there is a passionate and joyful desire to experience this. Within you, LOVE is ecstatically excited for EACH ONE OF THE MOMENTS of your experience, the painful and the happy, the frightening and the peaceful. This essential self of YOU has expanded powerfully while being in a body, experiencing every moment of conscious change through the potential of contrast, so it is becoming increasingly available to you a greater awareness of yourself in the conscious awareness of each One of you. This YOU is beyond belief, beyond restriction, beyond history - this IS YOU and it already is, and is always present within you - it has always been that way, and every potential, every manifestation, every form to experience more LOVE is already present within you, dear ones, and when you allow and love your flow you are remembering it, and you are aligning your consciousness with that which is inner LOVE and KNOWS EVERYTHING.

For when you allow yourself to be aware of the neutral and harmonious consciousness that is YOU, you begin to see when she is at the moment of the greatest contrast that you offer yourself and that offers you the greatest expansion. When you allow YOURSELF to flow without judgment, you give yourself a space to learn. notice WHO YOU ARE in the contrast, at the time of the novelty, and it becomes available and begin to remember WHY you created all this in the first place and WHAT is showing you your essential self ... allow, allow, allow everything, dear ones, and get to know the great space that opens when they stop resisting the life in which they find themselves and know more about LOVE ... because the more they open, the more they allow, the more they notice, they are not only allowing everything that they no longer You want to experience dissolve - collectively and personally - but you are also being the novelty, LOVE as it manifests through you more and more purely. The more you can relax in YOURSELF, the more powerful will be the gift for the All, my brave friends. Relax and expand and LOVE. That is a great description of 'work', or not ...?

My dear friends, I AM Ares, in the joy of contrast, novelty, inspired action and passion, and it is my pleasure to represent what you wish to know more at this time. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to create with you, and if any of you feel the joyful desire to experience more of my energies or the energies of this transmission, of YOU, more deeply in your consciousness, open your hearts to me and we will create more together !

With the deepest LOVE, and with the greatest enthusiasm for everything that is unfolding in this collective approach in Gaia, I am with you and I AM Ares.

LOVElight Transmission: Ares - The Cardinal Grand Cross, Dissolving, Harmony and the Joy of Contrast ♡

Light LOVE transmission: Ares. The Great Cardinal Cross, Dissolving, Harmony and the Joy of Contrast

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