Reiki Therapy Your healing voice, by Ivan

  • 2013

A stone is frozen music . Pythagoras (580-500 BC), in Ancient Greece, said that he knew how to work with sound. Pythagoras taught their students how they can produce certain responses and physical modifications in the body using certain musical chords and melodies. Thus he showed that thanks to a specific sequence of sounds played with a musical instrument (such as the voice, for example), you can change the behavior patterns of a person and accelerate their healing process.

Anyway, it is not necessary to go back so far back in time, because from the most recent scientific research it has been discovered that sound forms us. All our tissues, our organs, bones and the cells that make us up are all composed of sound . That is why we can say that our bodies are united by sound, since each part of us has its own sonic frequencies that travel and palpitate like a wave, every time we inhale and exhale breath.

In fact our own voice is a living instrument that is totally immersed in our body and mind, therefore our state of health and physical vitality, as well as our psychological state will be reflected in the timbre and vibration that our voice projects. We all know that our vocal record becomes more serious when we commit excesses, be they of any kind: scream, sleep, drink, smoke, etc. That is why people who are more consistent and responsible and who care for their health maintain the same voice throughout their adult lives. On the other hand, those that do not, when they reach a certain age, verify how their registration is going down, that is to say their voice becomes much more serious, thus reflecting their new baggage of excesses committed.

Therefore our voice is the first and most important and natural of the instruments. It is also a musical and sound wave that is a carrier of consciousness. What do i mean? Simply that if we feel positive emotions and feelings while we emit the sound, those good energies will reach the people who are listening to us. In the same way if you emit a sound, whatever it is, and in those moments you are feeling pain, anger, anger, or any other negative emotion, that energy will also reach the auditorium and will be captured, even if subtly, depending on the receptivity of who listens to you. This is applicable not only to singing, but also to spoken voice. Speaking from a personal situation of pain, anger, sadness or rebellion ... is perceived by our interlocutors in our day to day. It is information that, depending on the intuitive reach of each person who receives our sound, can decode and recognize our emotion and our present situation.

That is why the voice has always played an important role in the healing rituals of all cultures, because it represents the true being, joining together with the breath, our interiority with everything outside. This healing power of the voice is based on the fact that it is possible to change the rhythm of our brain waves, the beating of our heart, our breathing and the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, as well as dissolve energy and emotional blocks, thanks to certain tones or melodies that "tune in" with us in our innermost Being. Today it is known that a percentage of 70-80% of diseases are caused by our way of thinking, seeing and feeling life, is what is known as the psychosomatic or metaphysical origin of the disease. Thanks to our own voice we can project sound to our body with which we will be able to modify the unhealthy frequencies thereby conquering health. It is what is called INTONATION. Intonation is a healing system that uses the sound of the vocal cords to alter the vibrations of each molecule and cell in the body. It is the use of the voice to express sounds in order to relieve and release. The human voice emits a musical frequency and is itself, as I said, a carrier wave of consciousness. Our body, which is intelligent by nature, resonates with the frequencies it needs to harmonize and balance. With simple intonation it is enough, because it is an activity that releases the natural flow of energy from our body and allows it to circulate normally. To use the sound of our voice as an instrument of healing it is not necessary to know how to sing, or have studied solfeo, or even have a beautiful voice. In fact, no one better than oneself can emit the adjusted wave frequency to his own organism; Each and every one of us are the ones who can best find the appropriate tone, timbre and sound frequency to put order in our physical body ... and therefore in the mental and spiritual. Beauty is not sought according to canons or according to the ear (which is still the result of the musical education of the culture in which we were born). It is simply that with your intention you look for the sound that makes you feel good again, the tone in which you feel it more and better and the music that your body needs to hear and receive. Hence the familiar equation: Frequency + intention = healing.

And how does the sound of our voice heal? There are different brain wavelengths that have been related to different states of consciousness. They are 4 basic categories of brain waves, expressed in cycles per second (Hertz or Hz, which is the way sound is measured).

Beta waves: from 14 to 20 Hz, are those that are in our normal state of consciousness, awake.
Alpha waves: from 8 to 13 Hz, are those of the states of reverie and meditation.
Zeta waves: from 4 to 7 Hz, they are present in states of deep meditation and sleep, and also in shamanistic activity.
Delta waves: 0.5 to 3 Hz, are those of deep sleep and in very deep states of meditation.

Well, using our own sound to change our body sound frequency. Changing this frequency of our brain waves produces changes in the general consciousness of the person, inducing spontaneous healing states or mystical states, and also making us more receptive to self-healing.

In essence, sound is a powerful tool for healing and transformation, and is much more powerful and effective when we are using our own voice. When we use our own voice, we are accessing our direct source of energy, our repressed emotions and the essence of our soul. This happens much faster after listening to another person's music or voice, since our voice contains all the information about us.

Our voice reflects all parts of our being, including our soul. For this reason, it is an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to experience their true self and live an inspired life. Our voice through this method improves our ability to communicate, more clearly, happily, in a more lively and more present way in our lives. We have places we have not visited before, since the voice also contains our unexplored potential.

A few days after celebrating International Music Day I wanted to share with this post so that we become aware of the importance of sound in our lives ... also at the therapeutic level.

Reiki Therapy Your healing voice, by Ivan

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