Weaving Intentions of the Goddess Mother Creator, by Mother Mary

  • 2012

Channeled by Natalie Glasson- 07-27-12

(Translated from English by Eugenia María Aguirre)

'I am the love and magic of Mother Mary'

This is an affirmation that I share with you now while I channel my energy, consciousness and enlightenment. This

affirmation is born from the purest place of my heart and soul; it is not to be praised in any way but to honor the

love that you have within your being, realizing that with the presence of love your reality becomes magic or

magic Each experience brings joy, joy and more creativity to your reality allowing them to be a source of magic on Earth

for your reality and the reality of others. In the affirmation they are also recognizing the energies, qualities and vibration that I

I represent the energy of the Great Goddess Mother Creator. To recognize the aspect of Mother Creator in her being is to accept her energy

feminine of the Goddess with power, love and magic or the manifestation that each of you contains. Now is the time on Earth

in which humanity needs to contribute its energies of the Goddess, understanding that the energy of the Goddess of each person and of each

Soul is diverse, with numerous sacred qualities. The presence of the Goddess energy will allow the changes to be made

necessary and balance the energies, especially between the masculine and the feminine. There is a greater need for each

person adopts the energies of the Mother Goddess Creator which are the qualities of compassion, care, creative power and

ability to protect and nurture. These qualities, if irradiated by each person, will allow a new perspective on Earth to emerge, a

time in which compassion is given to the person instead of judgments, where each person is willing to be kind, to protect and

nurture others and himself all the time. And most importantly, it will be a time when creative energy guided by the mind

divine and the soul of his being can rise, allowing miraculous manifestations of magical circumstances. Through me

affirmation and my presence with you today, let me encourage you to accept your being of Mother Creator, applying these energies and

qualities in the way you want to understand and interpret, filling your being and your reality completely.

When the love of your being flows creatively, it truly creates magic. This is something that I wish you to explore and

Experience in your meditation. Please, if you wish, use my statement repeating it in your minds when you meditate, allowing

that the energy of affirmation activates the same within your being, emerging to be expressed and experienced.

I believe that your intentions at this moment of ascension could be focused on love and magic or experiences

magic When I speak of magic I speak of a reality and a perspective without limits. With the flow of the Creator's energy that

Overflowing in love from their being, they can experience the manifestation of whatever they wish.

The energy of love and enthusiasm about the present and the future is important at this time, when they begin to place their intentions in reality totally free from fear, thus turning them into creative manifestations. At this moment the Mother

Goddess Creator is weaving intentions of love and joy for humanity, of perfection and truth. Anyone who wants to connect with the energy of the Mother Creator Goddess can do so with a simple request, requesting that these creative intentions flow into their being and their reality. The Mother Creator Goddess is the highest feminine vibration of the Creator. Creative intentions created by such a force of divine light have the potential to be truly magical when experienced energetically but especially physically. This simply requires that you allow the energies to flow through your being to the Earth and your Earth Star Chakra under your feet. The energies of the Mother Goddess Creator are so sacred that the Masters and the Archangels stop simply to receive them. So I encourage you also to stop, consciously and openly to receive the sacred intention of Mother Creator Goddess for all.

Let this energy fill your whole being. It may be beneficial to do so after practicing the claim.

I have an additional purpose in sharing this sacred information with you. I would like to encourage you to weave your own divine light

in intentions for its reality and that of the Earth. You exist in times so energetic that everything you think and every

The action they take is magnified and full of energy. They are supporting you immensely and giving you wonderful

opportunities to be the leader of your own growth on Earth. Now is the time to follow the example of the energy of the

divine Mother Goddess Creator, weaving a source of light of intentions for you and in doing so you will claim your own inner strength,

his ability to manifest, as well as his ability to create magic and magical experiences in his reality. So many changes

It is happening that there is a need for you to create flexible intentions for you and your reality. There are many stages of

growth and transitions that are enormous in their own reality and in their reality united with the world. If you start creating

Intentions for yourself and the Earth, will ensure that everything flows with the divine perfection of the Creator. Remember nothing

it can happen really or receive life without first creating an intention. If your biggest dream is to experience peace in the

Earth, then weave a light from your being that carries your intention of peace. Many Earth chakras are being activated and

awakened, including the Earth Star Chakra in London. It is important that the intentions of perfect light activations

and protected are believed at this time to support the activations of the Earth Star Chakra and other chakras.

The Olympics that are taking place in London, in the United Kingdom, are supporting the activation of the Star Chakra of

Earth that will allow Earth's kundalini energy to flow and magnify each chakra and thus create a deep awakening to

everybody. Many other important situations and synchronicities are happening from now until the New Year, and each one requires

Your intentions, your support and your love.

The energy of the Mother Goddess Creator means that through a simple intention or thought full of light the creation is realized

of intention. The Mother Goddess Creator has absolute faith in her ability to manifest and have an impact on Earth and throughout the

Universe of the Creator. This belief gives an extremely strong emphasis and purpose to every intention. This is something that I want

from the depths of my soul that you have as experience and knowledge. The truth is that your thoughts

They really have an impact on your reality and the process of ascending the Earth.

To weave a divine intention it is necessary that there is within you the highest vibration of the essence and truth of the Creator that

One can recognize right now. Through meditation and focusing on your breathing, allow yourself access or focus

in the divine within you allowing it to emanate when you expire. You can then call the energy of the Mother Goddess

Creator and the vibration of the Creator to flow through his being, accepting this energy completely in any way

That feels appropriate for you. Allow yourself to embody the vibration, the light and the consciousness of the energy of the Goddess and the Creator,

experiencing divine bliss and energy freedom. Bring the attention of the mind to the heart and allow the source of divine light

Strengthen this area. When you exhale, imagine a strong and beautiful thread of light that emerges from your heart with each exhalation. This

thread continues to flow from your heart. Realize that this is your thread of creation.

Allow the intentions to emerge from your soul and catch on to the thread that makes your heart arise like a thread of light that enters into

your reality You can do this as long as you want. This is the process of weaving intentions. You are joining

thoughts or ideas inspired by your soul with pure light and thus allow you to manifest and flow where you are

necessary. With practice you can start weaving intentions of light wherever you are, no matter what

doing. This will be a great service for yourself and for humanity, as well as allowing you to take more

responsibility for their spiritual growth on Earth. I am here to guide you. Let Mother Creator Goddess guide you

to become loving, creative and careful beings on Earth as well as that at every moment weave intentions of

Love, emotion and magic in every moment of your reality.

With the love of the Mother Goddess Creator

Mother mary

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