Female Healing Workshop ~ Healing our wounds as mothers and daughters April 11, 2015

  • 2015

Healing our wounds as mothers and daughters

Explanatory video:

Purpose of the workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to sow a seed of consciousness in the woman so that she can transit through her unconscious ancestral pain, take a look at your feminine essence through your mother and your female lineage, your roots Times.

Only by healing our roots can we regain love, strength and power towards ourselves.

In this way you can love life, the earth, your body, feel inwardly that you belong to the world and that it makes sense that you are here incarnate (in-flesh).

Workshop Benefits

If you want (it's up to you) you can recognize and take your inner child

and be able to cultivate your inner mother. By healing your inner mother, you transform your life.

You can connect with your power to take responsibility for your own life.

The woman has to connect with her own power.

To be a WOMAN, you need to heal your wounds with the feminine and turn the pain into sabidur a.

Many times we women have problems to materialize the work we want, find our way in life or we can live life with a lack of meaning, melancholy or sadness. We also have tensions in our relationships with our mother or our daughter.

It is not a self-help workshop, it is a workshop to empower you, to start or continue the path of loving yourself.

Practical tools

You will learn techniques and receive resources to boost self-esteem, power and confidence in yourself. And most importantly, you can apply it in your daily life.

Workshop methodology

The workshop is divided into two parts, one dedicated to healing the female lineage and another to practical tools. We will work from the body, mind, emotions and spirit through meditations, dynamics, constellation movements, among others.

Scheduled day

Saturday, April 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Barcelona



Telephone: 675 09 25 55


Female Healing Workshop ~ Healing our wounds as mothers and daughters

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