Energy system: How are the chakras formed?

  • 2015
Table of Contents hide 1 1: 2 Chakra 2: 3 Chakra 3: 4 Chakra 4: 5 Chakra 5: 6 Chakra 6: 7 Chakra 7:

In today's article, in which I greatly appreciate the generosity of the White Brotherhood for allowing me to publish this article, I would like to share information from Kean Eagle Feather and other authors, on how our chakras are formed. I think it is important to know at what stage of development it was developed, what peculiarities each phase has and especially when working on the blockages of the chakras, either with various energy therapies such as akashic therapy, reiki, between others, reflect on the origin of the blockages because many of them have been able to originate in childhood. In addition, for those who also do regressive therapy, it helps us identify times or stages where there is a painful memory that struggles to be opened and healed.

We are all born with all the chakras, but the complete development of each of these seven main chakras is brewing at various times.

Chakra 1:

It is the starting point of the manifestation of the body and the physical world. It is linked to prenatal and early childhood development. Here the main objective of the baby is survival and physical well-being. The period covers up to 9 months.

Chakra 2:

The baby experiences otherness, sensations and emotions. It goes beyond mere survival, you need to feel loved, and enjoy all the sensations around you. It is the research phase. This period includes from 6 to 24 months.

Chakra 3:

The baby-child begins to develop his ability to compare, and to see the differences. It is the phase where it affirms its autonomy. The period ranges from 18 months to 3 years old.

Chakra 4:

The child understands the connection with the outside world, and the feeling of relevance to society, to the world appears. Here the child seeks his place in the family, and "seeks his place in the world." Imitation patterns appear, and he develops his own style of relating to others. In this phase it is very important that the social roles that exist in the family are healthy since the child will learn from them affectivity and affection. This period includes from 3 to 6 years.

Chakra 5:

The child goes on to communicate and express his identity abroad. After asserting oneself as a person, he creatively expresses his identity. This happens between 6 and 10 years.

Chakra 6:

The child configures an internal image of the world and its place in it. Openly perceive what is happening and develop intuitive skills. This period includes from 7 to 12 years.

Chakra 7:

The child enters the phase of wanting to know through the learning and relationship of information data. The basis of what will be our toolkit to assimilate all vital experiences is formed. This period begins at 12 years and lasts a lifetime.

The combination of the 7 chakras is what allows energy perception. In general, we point out that the first 3 chakras are related to the physical, emotional and mental, and the rest of the chakras point to the middle and the outside, with the 7th chakra being the entrance to other worlds beyond the physical domain.

Monica Roset

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