Signs in the Sky of December 2013 / Shamanic Chakras of the Earth / Gaia and Sanat Kumara

  • 2013

Dear readers of the Signs in Heaven,

My heart rejoices with the response received by many of you about what I write monthly for a few years called Signs in Heaven.

This experience forces me to sit down regularly to listen to the Masters, to feel Gaia, to translate their frequencies, their messages. At other times they just don't expect me to feel and talk to me in the shower, while driving, during my walks.

At this time many channels are open, many people are experiencing resets, soul changes, miraculous healings. I invite you to pay attention to what you feel and think, there are the answers.

I apologize for the delay, personally as many, I have been in very deep processes of transformation that required my full attention.

On the other hand I have taken because the Sanat Kumara and Gaia terrestrial logo have required me to write this information and transmit teachings that has to do with the energy of the earth and the great changes.

Thanks to the fact that we are in very intense processes of change in my own country Venezuela, which have accelerated in recent times, with the ultimate goal of opening our consciousness, I have taken the liberty to ask about how the farms of this portion of land we inhabit.

I ask my readers from other countries to read these Signs for themselves because although they are focused on a single territory, they will find similarities with their own countries, as well as moving synchronicities.

They are called the shamanic farms because almost all of them refer to places of nature, more to the memories located in the nine vortices or chakras that are found as the vertical axis of the earth.

I still have a lot of information to write and expand, this is only part, little by little I will be giving them lovingly.


Gaia and Sanat Kumara talk about the Shamanic Chacras

Question 1: Dear Gaia,

What are the shamanic chakras of the Earth?

The shamanic farms are the energies of the countries, which form the collective unconscious, which are anchored in the territory that has been delimited with borders and a specific name and make up a country.

The earth's farms are also the places where memories of the most remote past have been impregnated, they keep the biological matrix of nature, the multidimensional collective memory.

These places are places of power, sites that have been cared for by the inhabitants with the awareness that everything is connected, these combine a series of characteristics that produce an invisible whirlpool that radiates energy while also collecting it transforming it into its center, the point of zero frequency

This system of shamanic farms has 9 different energies or frequencies being the two extremes, the Omega or Earth Logo and the Alpha or Galactic Communication Center. The rest those who are in the middle follow certain patterns that make up the different levels of consciousness of each country.

When visiting these centers of power or sacred sites, people generally feel more alert and receive messages of other dimensions more easily.

Each farm projects a color according to its characteristic, each color is a frequency, an emotional energy, a collective memory, a function.

The chacras of their bodies are a scale model of these shamanic chacras, one difference is that these are collective, both feed each other creating the energy of the territory.

Beloved teacher:

Could you explain to us what are the characteristics of each of these 9 shamanic farms?

Millennium ago the lands of the South American continent had no borders but those established by natural geographical accidents, each area was inhabited and cared for by a group of inhabitants or native tribe.

Later, by setting borders and beginning contemporary history, these original farms were transformed and constitute the territorial spirit of each country.

In their higher dimensional frequencies they connect with light, with the enlightened mind, unconditional love, social creation, angelic hierarchies and ascended masters, through the energies of planetary geometric networks. The highways of light created by the great crystal network, the cities of light in perpetual snows and the cities of the intraterrestrial world.

That is the next frequency at which you already have the ascension permit on this planet for the next times.

The shamanic chakras are connected with these enlightened chakras, but this communication has become contaminated, for various reasons: negative thinking, astral energies, egregores, manipulation of the archetypal world, stagnant emotions that repeat patterns of sadness, hopelessness, fear, suffering, pain, revenge, rage, violence.

A great job of you my is to help purify these centers of power through conscious collective transmutation, starting first with each of you and aligning collectively with this purpose.

As for the colors of the farms and their characteristics, we are going to ask Sanat Kumara, who is the male part of my spirit, to explain their operation.

Sanat Kumara says:

You are from the planetary logo that I represent, much happiness among all of us who are at the service of the ascension of the Earth in communicating with you.

The terrestrial chakras are a verticality that arises from the inner crystal, the original matrix of the planetary spirit established by the hierarchy of light that created this great planet, this is called the planetary Omega.

Also in the center of the earth is in the physical dimension: the telluric force of the molten iron that creates the veins of fire, which come out through the active volcanoes and It represents the vital energy of Gaia in the third dimension.

As everything is repeated fractally at different scales, on the surface, in the countries there are places that replicate that energy of these nine farms towards the surface, the frequency of Gaia in its most illuminated expression.

As well as there are geographical accidents that reproduce that frequency in the territories of the countries.

This scheme can help them understand the frequencies of each farm as they are distributed in Venezuela.

Chamras of Venezuela

Omega: Multidimensional, Solar Disc, Intra-Terrain Portal (Roraima)

1. Root: Survival, antiquity (Great Savannah)

2. Sacrum: Arquetipal: tero (Lake Maracaibo)

3. Solar: collective DNA (Plains)

4. Heart: Abundance, tree of life (Autana)

5. Vision: Saint Germain Ethereal Temple (Avila Waira Repano)

6. Communication: Crystal Cities (Bolivar Peak and Humbolt)

7. Spirituality: Original phenotype (Paraguan )

Alpha: Star connection (Gulf of Cariaco)

Day December December 2013

1. If any news alters you, if you feel fear of the future, uncertainty in the present, bring the emotion to your heart, breathe, transmit it.

2 Every day brings its challenges, its difficulties, you can resist and suffer them or live them in the present, without resistance that is called surrendering lovingly.

3. New moon. To create is to join the emotion with the thought to materialize the desired, if there is doubt it does not happen.

4. Look inside and you will find the most beautiful jewel that exists: your spirit!

5. When you are in the privacy of your home, do not forget to be with you.

6. Compassion is the highest form of love, it is feeling that you can support the other without asking for anything in return.

7. Taking responsibility for your life is to make yourself present in each of the details that form it, leaving the victim's attitude aside.

8. Letting you help is part of giving and receiving balanced, if you have trouble receiving your heart, it is incomplete.

9. The only mother you have to honor is Mother Earth who gives you everything you have.

10. Saying something and acting it is congruence, doing something without feeling it, by obligation is the greatest betrayal of your essence.

11. The biggest contradiction comes when your spirit inspires you something and your mind rejects it.

12. What has been learned does not repeat mistakes, unlearning is the ultimate goal.

13. When you feel that something alters you before repressing you, observe the emotion, then breathe, by calming it you integrate it.

14. The sadness comes from the past, from the unreached or from what you lost, it is okay to feel it to some extent, then it becomes addiction.

15. If you have any physical ailment remember that your body is giving you a signal about something that you have to heal, everything is cured, love is the key.

16. Noticing the details is important when you are doing something that needs your full attention, the magic of art is woven into small things.

17. Full moon. Take care today that your words and feelings are in harmony, this coherence is what brings the best communication.

18. Seek to live in harmony with everything around you, change your gaze towards the positive, honor what you eat and what you drink.

19. When you're in the habit of complaining about what you don't like, you're putting aside what you like.

20. There are questions that cannot be answered that fall into the category of the Great Mystery, if they are answered they lose the magic.

21. When we understand that everything is connected, respect for life, for all living beings is not discussed.

22. Apologizing when you feel you have made a mistake is the principle of healing.

23. An ancient saying of indigenous wisdom says: "Walk your word" this means aligning your thoughts with your action.

24. The collective unconscious recognizes today as a day of peace, cultivate it in your soul.

25. Spend a few daily minutes of your time to be silent with you, the teachers are waiting to communicate.

26. Healing occurs when you surrender to the unknown and your soul speaks to you.

27. Although external chaos is what stands out, remember that there is in you a place that is unswervingly still.

28. When you commit a clumsiness there is nothing better than laughing at yourself.

29. Pride aside, remember those people in your family and file harshness and disagreements.

30. Thanks to social networks today we are a great family of friends, celebrate !!

31. Celebrate life, give, dance, have fun, a new year awaits you, start it with joy.

Abjini Arráiz


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