If we create our reality, then why do we age?

  • 2015

Within the spiritual circles, the power of positive thinking seems indisputable, almost sacrosanct, and we are even told to create our own reality. The authors who write on this topic promise us the most miraculous results. We are told that by thinking right thoughts and by repeating enough affirmations we can create what we want in our future and even transform negative and traumatic events from our past to positive. Having de-created the trauma means that we continue with our life as if the negative event had not occurred.

However, there are many people who try to use positive thinking as a way to create a better life for themselves but who do not experience improvement: it does not cure for diseases, not wealth or the life partner they are waiting for so much. Will these people be doing something wrong? And if positive thoughts affect our reality, would negatives have the same effect? Sometimes we have fearsome thoughts and concerns. Think about the worry and anxiety that many parents have for their children. Will they get home safely, will they stay away from the drug? Despite these fears, everything usually goes well. How many times do we have thoughts of panic about a slight discomfort we have, fearing that something is wrong with our health? As a rule, our negative thoughts fueled by fear do not become reality - luckily for us!

So, do our thoughts have any influence on the reality around us? Are we not the creators of our reality? Is the universe not worried with our positive and negative thoughts and only goes its way indifferently? No I dont think so. But the relationship between our thoughts and our reality is much more subtle than many theories propose regarding the creation of our reality. I will argue that an appropriate understanding of this relationship should recognize the role of our soul in the creation process, and address the question of how we can support the creation process by connecting with our soul.

Who is the creator of our lives?

To gain understanding in the relationship between thought and reality, we need first to understand what creation is. Creation is a force that has its origin at the level of total unity: the All - the Primal Source - the mystery we call God. From that Source emerges not creation, but creators, beings of a very high order that we could call Archangels. They are great cosmic beings, each representing an aspect of the original Source. Although an Archangel is a vast and magnificent being, it is not everything; He does not understand all creation, as there are many Archangels. Therefore, as with individual beings, they perceive a difference between the inner world (their way of experiencing life) and the outer world (the rest of creation). That inner world is unique, and therefore with the creation of Archangels, it becomes individuality. The experience of an infinite outer world, as opposed to a unique inner world that creates a sense of individuality.

The distinction between external and internal reality also implies the concepts of time and space. As soon as you experience something like outside of you, it means that there is space outside of you. And from the point of view of beings outside of you, you occupy a place in the same space: you share that space, so that way, space becomes objective. The same notion of space implies that there are different beings with their own subjective way of experiencing the outside world. If there were only unity, only uniqueness, the notion of space would lose its meaning; there would be no exterior or interior. Then, once they have several individual beings within a shared space, there will be interaction and communication between them. This introduces the notion of time. Communication affects the inner reality of individual beings; they change because of this, and the change involves the notion of time. Therefore, when they have interacting, conscious beings, they also have time - a sense of timeshare.

With the creation of Arcà © angeles, the Infinite Source created individuality, the distinction between inner and outer reality, space, time and the possibility of interaction and communication. With this step, the foundations of creation were laid. The Angels in turn create many new beings, new creators who carry part of the essence of the Angels themselves, but who also add something unique to themselves Each act of creation involves something new. And so on. Newly born creators will also create new creators. There are always new levels of creators, who bring new dimensions of time and space. On one of those levels the human being arises. Everything we create as human beings is finally part of the major process of the Source creating a wide diversity of creators who eventually all originate from the same Oneness site .

One of the basic rules of this process is that, as a creator, you can create everything you want as long as it is in harmony with the superior source that created you. For the Angels, their superior Source is God, for us, it is our soul. The soul is the creator of our human personality, and we as human beings reflect an aspect of our soul similar to how an Angel represents an aspect of God. The two most important factors that determine our human reality are: 1. Our soul and its intentions for us and 2. Our willingness or unwillingness to work together in harmony with our soul, the source that created us . Our soul has a life plan for us that may contain goals that differ from our ideas as to what is desirable in our lives. The basic creative force in our lives is our soul and not our human thoughts. We can work with the creative force of our soul or we can work against it. Positive thinking directed to desires and aspirations that do not fit our soul's plan is not effective . But the positive thoughts that are aligned with the intentions of our soul, sustain the process of creation and add a sense of grace and fluidity to it.

Our thoughts make a big difference, and we still have a lot of freedom, although the soul is the basic creative force in our lives. The soul plan provides a guide, a pitch, and we complete the details. The plan of the soul allows us great freedom of action, because we are expected to be creators in ourselves, adding something new to the reality of the soul. However, the soul gives each life time a guiding vision, a general purpose, and by using our creativity to serve that purpose and vision, we acquire the greatest happiness and fulfillment.

Creating out of sync with the soul
Imagine a beautiful angel that flutters over you, radiating joy and serene wisdom. This angel loves them unconditionally and never condemns or rejects them, whatever they do. Consider that your soul is that angel. As long as you are close to that angel and feel his presence, everything is fine with you and you feel safe and taken care of. They feel that there is something superior and full of love that sustains them on their journey of experience through life - they are able to experience joy and contentment even if things are not going well.

If they do not follow the path of their soul, they go against their deepest feelings, and try to control life too much, lose contact with the wisdom of their soul and begin to feel empty inside. As with many of us, they may feel overwhelmed by earthly problems and focus their attention on issues that they think are very important, but that do not essentially contribute to their inner growth: recognition, possessions, success, money, and so on. Therefore, you and the angel follow different paths and you begin to feel unhappy and lonely.

You try to solve this dilemma by trying harder, trying to get more success, money or power because the society in which you were educated has taught you that these things are very important. Or try to solve your loneliness looking for the ideal partner. They are looking for their inner angel in the outside world. That will not happen, because another person can never fully fulfill the role of his inner angel; The result will always be disappointing. Instead of restoring the connection with their soul, they end up feeling even more separated from it.

A crisis often occurs at this point that challenges them to wake up and realign with their soul: perhaps a disease or other adversities such as a divorce or loss of employment. It is vital that they now turn inside and actively seek ways to restore the connection with the angel. If you want to create a new and more edifying life, positive thinking alone will not help you. If their positive thoughts are only aimed at eliminating setbacks so that they can return to the life they were used to, they will fail, because they go against the intentions of the soul. And if positive thoughts or mantras are aimed at merely eliminating disease or adversity, they will be a way to deny or suppress the inner darkness that needs to be faced. Only when facing your deepest feelings and fears, restoring the conscious connection with your soul, will a true solution arise. Your soul will create that solution for you, if you are willing to face your inner darkness and listen to what your heart truly tells you.

You may wonder why we have desires that go against the plans of the soul, or why the soul has intentions that go against our plans. The reason why this gap exists is because the primary purpose of our soul is inner growth, while we often look for external solutions to our problems. From the perspective of the soul, negative experiences are often there to guide us towards inner growth and liberation, but we generally want to avoid those experiences. We want to get rid of emotional and physical pain, and it is a real challenge to open up to the possibility that this pain has meaning and leads us to a deeper self-understanding. Only if we recognize the wisdom of our soul, which sometimes exceeds our human understanding, is it that our thoughts really win in creative power. Only positive thinking that recognizes the value and meaning of 'negative experiences' is aligned with the divine force that creates the universe.

How to recognize your soul's intentions

I have argued that if we want to change our reality through positive thinking, it is of great importance that we do this in harmony with our soul. If positive thinking is not focused on improving the connection with the soul, and is contrary to the primary purpose of the soul, then the result, whatever it may be, will not bring us lasting happiness. But you may ask now: How do we work together with our soul? How do we know if our desires and desires are aligned with the vision and purpose of our soul?

1. Keep it fun and cheerful

Working together with your soul gives you a feeling of joy and inspiration - it is not annoying. The soul speaks to you through feelings of joy, inspiration and encouragement. So if you are in the process of repeating affirmations, and experience this as a heavy and annoying burden, you are not in harmony with your soul. For example, suppose you want a new house. They are allowed to fantasize about it in a playful way. As a child, they visualize where it is located, how it will be furnished and decorated and what the garden looks like. Imagine what it will be like to receive your friends and family there, and how you will enjoy and appreciate your new home. If this imagination gives them a wonderful feeling, it means they are on the right path: they are creating in alignment with their soul. Allow your imagination to fly freely. Do not limit yourself to having negative thoughts such as: "This is not realistic, it is not possible for me", immerse yourself in your fantasy as long as you feel lightness and the feeling of play in doing so. The feeling of joy is a sign of his soul that his fantasy is consistent with his soul's plan.

In other words, if you think positively in the right way, then b While you are in this flow of happy anticipation and inspiration, you are connected with your soul. If you notice that this does not feel right, or that you need to work harder on this, it is a sign that your imagination is not in harmony with your soul. In fact, when they begin to desire things that are not in alignment with the purpose of their soul, there will be a forced and controlling aspect in front of their positive thinking: joy and enjoyment will be absent.

2 Distinguish between love and fear

To know if your thoughts are aligned with the purpose of your soul, you can also ask: "Is my positive thinking based on love or fear"?

Suppose someone has economic concerns. Hundreds of times a day, he solemnly repeats the statement "I will be rich and prosperous", focusing on images of wealth and abundance. However, if that thought originates from fear of lack, it will not help. Positive thoughts help only if they arise from love, which you recognize by the joy and lightness that accompanies these thoughts. Affirmations that have true creative power are linked to a serene knowledge that everything will be fine, while thoughts of fear are accompanied by a sense of disgust or despair. Thoughts based on fear, even if they seem very positive, usually do not help. You are not in harmony with the soul, which you detect due to the underlying emotions that underlie them.

Only when the person with financial concerns becomes aware of their own fear or lack can they then formulate thoughts based on love. The first thing they should do is give an honest look at the essence of their fear. Perhaps there is a part of it that does not feel worthy of receiving abundance, or perhaps there is a part of it that does not like life on Earth, separating it and cutting it unconsciously from material means. Their angel does not judge any of this, and as this person connects with their soul, they feel inclined to send loving and comforting thoughts to the frightened part. These people will begin to transform internally, and once their inner darkness is faced and resolved, things will change to the outer level. Even when there is no money at the moment, life becomes lighter and easier, because this person is growing internally and feels more appreciative of himself. His appearance becomes brighter and more cheerful. This positive attitude attracts new opportunities and inner abundance will eventually translate into outer abundance.

If you have desires and desires, it is wise to carefully check if they originate from love or fear. If it is fear, go inside and face the frightened part of yourself. Face it with kindness and honesty. Ask yourself: What does this part of me really need right now? If they do that, they will often see that the answer refers to something internal, and not something external What is needed are qualities such as self-esteem, trust, the ability to set limits, compassion or a sense of humor. They are often able to give themselves what they need by developing these qualities in their daily lives. In this way, you will heal the frightened part of you and your desires and desires may change because of it. These will be based on love and genuine self-understanding rather than fear. The healing of inner darkness is a deeply creative challenge. Facing fear and surrounding it with the energy of love is more powerful than any statement you can think of! The result is that they connect closely with their soul. The light of your soul begins to shine through you and it is this light that is creative. It will create an external reality (employment, relationships) that will give them internal growth, joy and happiness.


The title of this article is: If we create our own reality, then why do we age? From a human perspective, aging is not desirable: at least that is how it is often represented in the media and in advertisements. A lot of time and money is dedicated to the ideal of staying young. You can apply positive thinking and affirmations as much as you want here, but you will still grow old. Your thoughts are impotent against the natural aging process. But now look at this matter from the perspective of the soul. Is the soul interested in keeping us young? From the perspective of the soul, we are timeless, only our bodies age. To connect with the point of view of your soul, look at yourself in the mirror: see how your face ages, while at the same time feeling that there is something inside of you, behind your eyes, that does not change . This is who they really are. While you, the human being, might want to stay forever in this body, your soul doesn't want it that way. The soul knows that there are infinitely more worlds and dimensions to explore and experience . The soul sees beyond what our human eyes can see and knows that: the universe waits for us.

Translation: Fara González

Source: http://jeshua.net/

If we create our reality, then why do we age?

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