Serve, Science of Creation by Dr. Jorge Carvajal

  • 2013

Serve, Science of Creation

Note written by Dr. Jorge Carvajal March 11, 2013

Like snow melted by the sun, the abundant water of life flows through the grace of love. Without the sun of love the potential of life remains frozen. Without the magic of the service that puts love in motion, all life loses its meaning. What are we for? The answer to this question is the very meaning of life. Because we came to serve. Who does not live to serve, does not serve to live. Serving is the key to making the vacuum. Serving is the secret of fullness. There is no abundance greater than that of giving, nor freedom greater than that of surrender. Serving is the sacred science of creation.

All elements of the periodic table constitute the basic alphabet of the language of evolution and each one is made of the same subatomic particles, of the same essence that flows - serving with its properties - to generate molecules, tissues, organs, organisms and those larger organisms that are societies and civilizations. Everything, all of us, included, is made of that same primal essence, that every moment emerges from the void in the form of elementary particles. Everything arises from the emptiness and he returns to renew. In the void each wave becomes a sea, everything connects not locally with all the others. From the void everything emerges interwoven into the universe, together with the great chain of life, in which we are all with the earth a drop of the stellar river of consciousness.

Only poets can express it in words, when connected with the soul like Blake, they see a universe in a grain of sand, or when, moved, like Juan de la Cruz, they tell us: and they my sense of everything remained private, and the spirit endowed with an understanding not understanding, all science transcending.

That paradoxical feeling of feeling eternity in the instant and the infinite in the particle is the fruit of an inner journey that leads from the senses to the sense, from the appearances to the essence, from the values ​​of having the invaluable value of the being who lives in the peace of our pause. The being inhabits the void and its potential is revealed by giving. We renew ourselves, we are, in that continuous rebirth that makes us new every moment when, when we give ourselves, we make the void. We receive renewed, enriched, what we give. We recreate the infinite potential of being when we die in giving ourselves.

As parents, children, brothers, apprentices, we flow with our particular attributes to be tributaries of the river of life. The small springs of the family flow to the tributaries of the societies that gather in this river that we call humanity. We go where we go, by the grace of all others. Water, which we are also, has served us as a precious liquid crystal to carry that life that blooms for us. Even viruses have been incorporated into our genome to contribute to who we are, and bacteria were embodied in mitochondria to serve us with the fruit of cellular respiration, that adaptive intelligence of hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

Every particle, every moment, every thing, everything, is what it is because it serves. Have you served today? Have you lived today? Then you also have been today. When you don't give yourself up, you will be chained. When you don't give yourself you can't receive. Without emptiness there is no possible fullness. The best way to find happiness is to make others happy. The greatest security is that you have nothing to lose, and you only really lose what you don't give. Serve, join today the great chain of life and feel the potential of that love in motion that weaves the drop to the ocean, the atom to the galaxies and your own humanity to the human soul.

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