Lightworkers Series II: The Galactic History of Lightworkers

The birth of the soul

The souls of the lightworkers were born long before the earth and humanity arose.

Souls are born by waves. In a sense, souls are eternal, without beginning and without end. But in another sense, they are born at a certain point. It is at this point that their consciences reach a sense of their own individuality. Before this point, they are already there, as a possibility. There is still no awareness of me and another.

The consciousness of 'I' appears when somehow a line of demarcation is drawn between groups of energies. We have to go back to metaphors in order to explain this.

Think for a moment in the ocean and imagine that this is a huge field of flowing energies: currents that mix and separate constantly. Imagine that a diffuse consciousness extends throughout the ocean. Call it the spiritual ocean if you prefer. After a while, concentrations of consciousness emerge in certain parts of the ocean. Awareness here is more focused: less diffuse than in its direct environment. Throughout the ocean, there is a progressive differentiation, which leads to the development of transparent forms within the ocean. These forms, which are focused points of consciousness, move independently of the environment. They experience themselves as forms other than the ocean (spirit). What happens next here is the birth of a rudimentary sense of self or of one's own conscience.

Why do folklore points of consciousness emerge in some parts of the ocean more than others? This is very difficult to explain. Can you feel, anyway, that there is something very natural about this procedure? When you throw seeds on a bed of earth, you will notice that the small plants that sprout will grow at their own pace. One will not grow as large or as easily as another. Some will not grow at all. There is differentiation across the field. Why? The energy of the ocean (the spiritual ocean) intuitively seeks the best possible expression for all its multiple currents or layers of consciousness.

During the formation of individual points of consciousness within the ocean, there is a power that works on the ocean from the outside, or so it seems. This is the power of divine inspiration, which can be conceived as the masculine aspect of the One who created you. While the ocean represents the feminine, receptive side, the masculine aspect can be visualized as rays of light, turning into the ocean, which increases the process of differentiation and separation into individual masses of consciousness. They are like the sun's rays that warm the earth bed.

The ocean and the rays of light together form an entity or being that can be named as archangel. It is an archetypal energy with both masculine and feminine aspects and it is an angelic energy that manifests or expresses itself in you. We will return with the notion of archangel later.

After the soul is born, as an individual unit of consciousness, she slowly abandons the state of ocean unity that has been her home for a long time. She is increasingly aware of being separated and in her own.

With this awareness, a feeling of loss or failure appears for the first time in your being. When she throws herself on her path of exploration as an individual entity, she will carry with her a certain yearning for the whole, a desire to belong to something larger than herself. Deep down, she will keep the memory of a state of consciousness in which everything is one, in which there is no yo and other . This is what she considers to be the hogar : a state of aesthetic unity, a place of complete security and fluidity.

With this memory atr s in the mind, she begins her journey through reality, through countless fields of experience and internal exploration. The new soul is driven by curiosity and has a great need for experience. This was the element that was absent in the ocean state of unity. Now the soul is able to freely explore everything it wants.

She is free to seek the totality in all possible ways.

Within the universe there are countless planes of reality to explore. The earth is simply one of them, and one that emerged relatively late, speaking on a cosmic scale. The planes of reality, or dimensions, always originate from inner needs or desires. Like all creations, they are the manifestations of internal visions and considerations. The earth was created from an internal desire to place together elements of different realities that collided with each other. The earth was intended to be a melting pot for a large set of influences. We will explain this below. Now it is enough to say that the earth arrived relatively late in the cosmic stage and that many souls have lived many lives of exploration and development on other planes of reality (planets, dimensions, star systems, etc.), even before the earth was born.

Lightworkers are souls who have lived many, many lives on these other planets, before they ever incarnated on earth. This is what distinguishes them from the earthly souls, as we might call them for convenience. Terrestrial souls are souls that incarnated in physical bodies on earth relatively early in their development as individualized units of consciousness. It could be said that they began their cycle of earthly lives when their souls were in their childhood stages. At this time, the lightworkers were souls created . They had already had many experiences, and the kind of relationship they share with earthly souls may be related to that of parents and children.

The development of life and consciousness on earth

On earth, the evolution of life forms was closely intertwined with the inner development of terrestrial souls. Although no soul is linked to a particular planet, one could say that terrestrial souls are the natives of their planet. This is because their growth and expansion largely coincide with the proliferation of life forms on earth.

When individual units of consciousness are born, they are similar in some way to simple physical cells, both in structure and in possibility. Just as cells have a relatively simple structure, the internal movements of a newborn consciousness are transparent. Not much differentiation has been established yet. There is a world of possibilities at your feet (both physically and spiritually). The development of a newborn form of consciousness towards a type of consciousness that is introspective and capable of observing and reacting to its environment can be grossly compared to the development of a single-celled organism towards a complex living organism that interacts with its environment in multiple ways. .

We are here comparing the development of conscious souls with the biological development of life, and we don't do it just by using a metaphor. In reality, the biological development of life as it takes place on earth must be seen on the basis of a spiritual need for exploration and experience by earthly souls. This need or desire for exploration is what called the rich variety of life forms on earth to exist. As we have said, creation is always the result of an internal movement of consciousness. Although the theory of evolution, as it is currently accepted by its science, in a sense correctly describes the development of life forms on your planet, it does not at all contemplate the internal impulse, the 'hidden' engine behind this deep creative process. The proliferation of life forms on earth was due to internal movements at the soul level. As always, spirit precedes and creates matter.

In the beginning, terrestrial souls incarnated in physical forms that best suited their still rudimentary sense of self: single-celled organisms. After a period of experience acquisition and integrating this with his conscience, a need for more complex means of physical expression emerged. This is how they were driven to exist more complex life forms. Consciousness creates the physical form in response to inner needs and desires of earthly souls, whose collective consciousness first inhabited the earth.

The formation of new species, and the incarnation of terrestrial souls in individual members of those species, represent a great experiment of life and consciousness. Although evolution is directed by consciousness (not directed by accident and incident) it does not follow a predetermined line of development. This is because consciousness itself is free and unpredictable.

Earth souls experimented with all kinds of animal life forms. They inhabited several types of physical bodies in the animal kingdom, but not all of them experienced the same line of development. The path of soul development is much more fantastic and adventurous than you suppose. There are no laws on or outside of you. You are the law for you. Thus, for example, if you decide to experience life forms starting from a monkey, you may at some time find yourself living in a monkey body, from birth onwards or as a temporary visitor. The soul, especially the young soul, implores by experience and expression. This encourages exploring the diversity of life forms that emerge on earth.

Within this great life experiment, the appearance of the human way of life marked the beginning of an important stage in the development of soul consciousness on earth. Before explaining this in great detail, we will first discuss the stages of the inner development of the soul.

Consciousness development: childhood stage, maturity, old age

If we observe the development of soul consciousness after being born as an individual unit, it roughly passes through three internal stages. These stages are independent of the particular plane of reality (planet, dimension, star system) that consciousness chooses to populate or experience.


The stage of innocence (paradise)

The ego stage (sin)

The stage of the 'second innocence' (lighting)

One could metaphorically compare these stages with childhood, maturity and old age.
After souls are born as individual units of consciousness, they leave the oceanic stage of unity, which they remember as blissful and completely safe. Then they will explore reality in a completely new way. They slowly become more aware of themselves and the way they are unique compared to their travel companions. At this stage they are very receptive and sensitive, like a small child who observes the world with wide open eyes, expressing curiosity and innocence.

This stage can be called paradise, since the experience of unity and security is still fresh in the memory of the newborn soul. They are still close to home; They still do not claim their right to be who they are.

As the journey continues, the memory of the home fades, as they are introduced into different types of experience. Everything is new at the beginning, and everything is unconditionally absorbed in the childhood stage. A new stage begins when the young soul begins to feel like the focal point of her world. Then he really begins to realize that there is such a thing as 'me' and 'other'. Start experimenting with how you can influence your environment by acting on it. The true notion of doing something that arises from your own consciousness is new. Before, it was more or less a passive take of what flowed. Now, there is a growing notion within the soul of his power to influence what he experiences.

This is the beginning of the ego stage. The ego originally represents the ability to use its will to affect the external environment. Please note that the original function of the ego is simply what allows the soul to feel completely as a separate entity. This is a natural and positive development within the evolution of the soul. The ego is not 'bad' in itself. However, this tends to be expansive and aggressive. When the new soul discovers its ability to influence its environment, it falls in love with the ego. Deep down, there is still a painful memory within the now mature soul; That reminds you of home, that reminds you of lost paradise. The ego seems to hold a response to this pain, to this longing. This seems to allow the soul to actively gain control over reality. He intoxicates the still young soul with the illusion of power.

If there was ever a fall from harmony or a fall from paradise, this was the following: the young soul consciousness becoming bewitched by the possibility of the ego, by the promise of power. Anyway, the true purpose of consciousness born as an individual soul is to explore, experience everything there is, both paradise and hell, both innocence and 'sin'. Therefore, the fall from paradise was not a 'wrong change'. There is no guilt linked to this, unless you believe so. No one blames you, apart from yourselves.

When the young soul becomes mature, there is a change in the 'me-centered' way of observing and experiencing things. The illusion of power enhances the separation between souls, rather than connecting them. Because of this, loneliness and a sense of alienation are established within the soul. Although not really aware of this, the soul begins a fight, a battle for power. Power seems to be the only thing that relieves the mind - for a while.

We above distinguish a third stage in the development of soul consciousness: the stage of enlightenment, 'second innocence' or old age. We will have a lot to say about this stage and in particular about the transition from the second to the third stage, in Chapter 5 (From ego-based awareness to heart-based awareness) ………

Now, we will return to our history of earthly souls and clarify how the awakening of the ego stage fits with the appearance of man on earth.

Earth souls entering the ego stage; the appearance of man on earth

The stage in which terrestrial souls explored plant and animal life coincided with the stage of innocence or paradise on internal levels. Life flourished on earth, under the guidance and protection of spiritual beings from the angelic and devic kingdoms. (The Devas work on the etheric level in a way closer to the physical world as angels do.) The etheric bodies of plants and animals were unconditionally receptive to the care and nourishing maternal energies of the angelic and devic kingdoms. They had no inclination to escape or leave and find their own way of doing things. There was still a great sense of unity and harmony among all living beings.

The emergence of the ape-man, however, marked a point of transformation in the development of consciousness. Essentially, by walking upright and through the development of the brain, the consciousness that resided in the ape-man achieved greater dominance over the environment. Consciousness, embodied in the anthropoid, began to experience what it was like to have more control over its direct environment. He began to discover his own power, his own ability to influence his environment. He began to explore free will.

This development was not fortuitous. It was a response to an inner need felt by earthly souls, a need to explore individuality at deeper levels than before. The growing self-knowledge of terrestrial souls set the stage for the appearance of man in biological terms, the human being we know.

When terrestrial souls were ready to enter the ego stage, the creation of man allowed these souls to experience a way of life with free will. This also endowed incarnate consciences with a greater awareness of yo as opposed to other . With this, the stage for possible conflicts between mi inter s and tu inter s, mi desire and tu I wish. The individual escaped the manifest unity, of the natural order of dar and take, to discover what other paths were available. This marked the end of the paradise on earth, but we ask you to consider this not as a tragic event, but as a natural process (like the seasons in your years). you). It was a natural change of events that would finally allow them (in these days and time) to balance balance divinity and individuality within their being.

When the consciousness of the terrestrial soul entered the stage of the ego and began to explore be human, the divine and angelic influences slowly retreated. The true nature of these forces is to respect the free will of all the energies they encounter. They will never exert their influence without invitation. Therefore the consciences of the ego had a free reign and the earthly souls became aware of all the kicks of power. This also affected the plant and animal kingdom. It could be said that the emerging warrior energy was partially absorbed by these non-human kingdoms, which created a certain disturbance within them. This is still present today.

When terrestrial souls yearned for new experiences, this also made them receptive to new external influences. Here, we want to divert attention especially to types of extraterrestrial, galactic influence, which greatly affected the mature but young earthly souls. It is also at this point in our history, when the souls we have called lightworkers entered the scene.

Galactic influences on man and the earth

By galactic or extraterrestrial influences we mean influences from collective energies associated with certain star systems, stars or planets. In the universe, there are many levels or dimensions of existence. A planet or star can exist in several dimensions, extending from the material dimensions to the most ethereal. In general, the galactic communities that influenced terrestrial souls existed in a reality less dense or material than that in which you exist on earth.

The galactic kingdoms were inhabited by mature souls, which were born long before earthly souls, which were at the beginning of their ego stage. When the earth became inhabited by all kinds of life forms, and finally by man, the extraterrestrial kingdoms observed this development with great interest. The diversity and abundance of life forms called his attention. They felt that something special was happening here.

Among the different galactic communities, many struggles and battles have occurred for a long time. This was a natural phenomenon, in some sense, since the consciousness of souls entails the need for battle to discover everything about what is centered on me and power. They were exploring the work of the ego, and as they progressed, they became very adept at conscientious manipulation. They became experts in subordinating other souls or communities of souls to their rules, by means of subtle and not so subtle psychic tools.

The interest that galactic communities had on earth was primarily self-centered. They saw there an opportunity to exert their influence in new and powerful ways. One could say that at that time the intergalactic battles had reached a stalemate. When you fight with each other again and again, you reach a kind of balance after a while, a division of power zones to put it that way. You know each other so well that you know when there is room to act and when there is not. In this way the situation reaches a dead end, and the galactic enemies waited for new opportunities on earth.

They thought that the land could provide them with a stage to renew the battle and overcome the dead end.

The way in which the galactic communities thought about exerting their influence on the earth was by manipulating the consciousness of the earthly souls. Earth souls were particularly receptive to their influence when they entered the ego stage. Prior to this, they were immune to any external force motivated by power, because they themselves were not inclined to exercise power. You are immune to aggression and power when there is nothing within you that these energies can stick to. Therefore, galactic energies could not access the consciousness of earthly souls before these souls themselves decided to explore the energy of power.

The transition to the ego stage returned to vulnerable earth souls because, apart from their intention to explore ego awareness, they were still very innocent and naive. Therefore, it was not difficult for the galactic powers to infringe their energies on the consciousness of terrestrial souls. The way they operated was through the manipulation of consciousness or mind control. His technologies were very sophisticated. They had mostly psychic tools, not very different from brainwashing through subconscious hypnotic suggestion. They worked on psychic and astral levels but influenced man over the material / physical levels of the body. They influenced the development of the human brain, narrowing the range of experiences available to humans. They essentially stimulated models of thinking and emotions based on fear.

Fear was already present in the consciousness of earthly souls as a result of the pain and longing that every young soul brings within itself. This existing fear was taken by the galactic powers as their starting point to greatly expand the energy of fear and subordination in the minds and emotions of earthly souls. This allowed them to control human consciousness.

The galactic warriors subsequently tried to battle their previous galactic enemies through the human being. The power struggle over humanity was a struggle between old galactic enemies that used human beings as their puppets.

The delicate sense of individuality and autonomy of the souls of the earth was cut in its beginnings by this violent intervention, this war for the heart of humanity.

However, the galactic auditors could not truly take their freedom. Despite how massive the extraterrestrial influence was, the divine essence within each individual soul consciousness remained indestructible. The soul cannot be destroyed, even if its free and divine nature is veiled for a long time. This is related to the fact that power in the end is not real. Power always reaches its end through the illusions of fear and ignorance. He can only hide and watch over things; You cannot truly create or destroy anything.

Moreover, this true attack on earthly souls not only brought darkness to the earth. This one managed, without any intention, to initiate a profound change in the consciousness of the galactic warriors, a change towards a new stage of consciousness: enlightenment or 'second innocence'.

Galactic roots of light-working souls

How is the notion of light-working souls linked to this story?

Light-working souls, as you call them, are souls that are deeply connected to the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades are a group of stars, seven of which can be seen by an open eye on earth. Before they came to earth to incarnate in human bodies, the light-working souls inhabited this star system for a long time. In terms of the development of consciousness in three stages, they spent a large part of their maturity there. It is at this stage that they explored the consciousness of the ego and all matters of power related to it. It was the stage in which they explored the darkness and in which they abused much of their power.

The Pleiadians, at that time, were co-creators of the human being as it developed. Like other galactic forces, the Pleiadians intended to use man as a puppet to gain dominance in other parts of the universe. They implemented an energy radar class within the human being, which would provide them with information (about their enemies).

It is difficult to explain the techniques that the galactic powers used in their battles, because it does not resemble anything in their world, at least not to the extent in which they perfected it. Essentially, galactic warfare technology was based on a non-materialistic energy science. They knew the power of the psyche and they knew that consciousness creates physical reality. His metaphysics was more adequate than the materialistic aspects covered by his current science. Because his established science conceives consciousness as a result of material processes, instead of the opposite way, it cannot understand the creative and causal power of the mind.

In the Cro-Magnon era, the Pleiadians interfered with the natural development of man on a genetic level. This genetic interference should be conceived as the summit of the manipulation process: they printed the human brain / consciousness with particular thought forms which affected the physical, cellular layer of the organism. The effect of these mental impressions was like a robotic, metallic element installed in the human brain, which removed part of the human being's own strength and consciousness. It was an artificial implant that made man more adaptable as an instrument for the Pleiadians' strategic goals.

Interfering in this way with the development of life on earth, the Pleiadians violated the natural course of things. They did not respect the integrity of terrestrial souls, who inhabited the evolving human species. In a way they stole their (recently won) free will.

In a sense, no one can steal the free will of souls, as we indicated at the end of the last paragraph. In any case, in practical terms, due to the superiority of the Pleiadians at all levels, the earthly souls lost their sense of self-determination to a great extent. The Pleiadians took human beings as tools, as essentially things, which helped them achieve their goals. At that stage, they were not prepared to respect life as valuable in itself. They did not recognize in 'the other' (their enemies or their slaves) a living soul like themselves.

Now, there is no intention in placing a judgment on this, since everything is part of the great and deep development of consciousness. I, Jeshua, was myself part of this story. I myself have passed through the extremes of duality, carrying out acts of evil as well as acts of light.

At the deepest level, there is no fault, only free choice. There are no victims, no offenders; In the long run there is only experience.

You, the light-working souls who once employed these dark methods of oppression, then have judged yourself very severely for their actions. Even now, you carry a deep sense of guilt within, which you are partially aware of as the feeling that you are not good enough (whatever you do). This feeling originates from a mistake.

It is important to understand that 'lightworker' is not something that you simply are or are not. It is something that you become, when you go through the journey of experience; experiencing light and darkness. Being

Did you ever have the experience that a serious mistake made by you finally changed things in a positive and inexplicable way? Something similar happened as a result of galactic interference with the earth and humanity. In the process of printing the souls of the earth with their energies, the galactic forces actually created a great melting pot of influences on the earth. It could be said that the combative elements within the different 'galactic souls' were implanted within humanity as a stream of water, thus forcing human beings to find a way to unite with each other or lead them to peaceful coexistence. . Aunque esto complicó severamente el viaje de las almas terrestres, esto pudo finalmente crear la mejor oportunidad para una ruptura positiva, una salida de la situación paralizante a la que habían llegado los conflictos galácticos.

Recuerden, todas las cosas están interconectadas. Hay un nivel en el cual las almas terrestres y las almas galácticas son/fueron conducidas por el mismo propósito. Este es el nivel angélico. Cada alma es un ángel en el centro más profundo. (Hablaremos de esto en otro capítulo….) Al nivel angélico, tanto los guerreros galácticos como las almas terrestres consintieron en formar parte del drama cósmico bosquejado arriba.

La interferencia galáctica no solo 'ayudó' a que la tierra sea el crisol de fusión que se tuvo la intención de que fuese (al nivel angélico). También marcó el comienzo de un nuevo tipo de conciencia dentro de los guerreros galácticos.

De maneras imprevistas, esto marco el final de la etapa del ego, el final de la madurez para ellos, y el comienzo de algo nuevo.

luz y oscuridad. Si tuviéramos que nombrarlos, podríamos llamarlos las almas crísticas, en lugar de trabajadores de la luz.

El final de la etapa del ego para los trabajadores de la luz

Las guerras intergalácticas habían alcanzado un punto muerto antes de que la tierra entre en juego. Cuando la batalla se reanudó en la tierra, ésta realmente se transportó a la tierra. Con esta transposición, algo comenzó a cambiar dentro de la conciencia galáctica. El tiempo de las guerras galácticas se termin .

Aunque ellos permanecieron activamente involucrados con la humanidad y la tierra, las almas gal cticas lentamente se retiraron al papel de observadores. En este papel, comenzaron a hacerse conscientes de una particular clase de cansancio dentro de su ser. Se sent an vac os por dentro. Aunque la lucha y la batalla continuaban, esto no los fascinaba como alguna vez lo hab a hecho. Ellos comenzaron a hacerse preguntas filos ficas tales como: cu l es el significado de mi vida, por qu estoy luchando todo el tiempo, realmente el poder me hace feliz? Haci ndose estas preguntas, su aburrimiento por la guerra se intensific .

Los guerreros gal cticos fueron gradualmente alcanzando el final de su etapa del ego. Ellos inconscientemente transportaron la energ a del ego y la lucha por el poder a la tierra, un lugar que estaba energ ticamente abierto a esta energ a. Las almas humanas estaban en aquel tiempo justo comenzando a explorar la etapa de la conciencia del ego.

Dentro de la conciencia de los guerreros gal cticos se cre un cierto espacio: el espacio para la duda, el espacio para la reflexi n. Ellos entraron a una fase de transformaci n, la cual vamos a describir distinguiendo los siguientes pasos:

1.Estar insatisfechos de lo que la conciencia basada en el ego tiene para ofrecerles, anhelar algo m s : el comienzo del final.

2. Begin to be aware of your ties to ego-based awareness, recognize and release the emotions and thoughts that go with it: half of the end.

3.Permitir que mueran dentro de ustedes las viejas energ as basadas en el ego, eliminando el capullo, siendo su nuevo ser: el final del final.

4.El despertar dentro de ustedes de la conciencia basada en el coraz n, motivada por amor y libertad; ayudar a otros a hacer la transici n.

Estos cuatro pasos marcan la transici n desde la conciencia basada en el ego a la basada en el coraz n. Por favor, recuerden que tanto la tierra como la humanidad y los reinos gal cticos, pasan a trav s de estos estadios, s lo que no simult neamente.

El planeta tierra ahora est pasando por la etapa 3. Muchos de ustedes trabajadores de la luz tambi n est n pasando por la etapa 3, en sinton a con el proceso interno de la tierra. Algunos de ustedes a n est n luchando con la etapa 2, y hay algunos que han llegado a la etapa 4, disfrutando las delicias de la alegr a genuina y la inspiraci n.

Gran parte de la humanidad, sin embargo, no desea para nada dejar la conciencia basada en el ego. Ellos no han entrado todav aa la etapa 1 de la fase de transici n. Esto no es algo para juzgar o criticar o por lo cual afligirse. Traten de ver esto como un proceso natural, tal como el crecimiento de una planta. Ustedes no juzgan a una flor por ser un pimpollo en lugar de estar completamente florecida. Traten de ver esto en esta luz. Hacer juicios morales acerca de los efectos destructivos en su mundo de la conciencia basada en el ego est basado en falta de intuici n en las din micas espirituales. M sa n, esto debilita su propia fuerza, ya que el enojo y la frustraci n que ustedes sienten a veces al observar sus noticias o leer sus peri dicos no puede ser transformado en algo constructivo. Esto solamente los agota y desciende su propio nivel de vibraci n. Traten de ver las cosas desde una distancia, desde una posici n de confianza. Traten de sentir intuitivamente las corrientes ocultas en la conciencia colectiva, las cosas que ustedes a duras penas leen o escuchan en los medios.

No tiene sentido intentar cambiar las almas que a n est n atrapadas en la realidad de la conciencia basada en el ego. Ellos no quieren su ayuda, ya que todav a no est n abiertos a las energ as basadas en el coraz n que ustedes trabajadores de la luz- desean compartir con ellos. A n cuando ellos parezcan necesitar su ayuda, mientras ellos no la quieran, ellos no la necesitan. It's as simple as that.

Los trabajadores de la luz son completamente aficionados a dar y ayudar, pero a menudo ellos pierden su poder de discernimiento en la parte de trabajador de la luz. Por favor, usen su poder de discernimiento en esto, ya que el deseo de ayudar puede trágicamente llegar a ser la trampa para los trabajadores de la luz, la cual les impide completar realmente el paso 3 de la transición. (Discutiremos la noción de 'ayudar' más adelante en otro capítulo).

Ahora terminaremos nuestra descripción de los trabajadores de la luz al final de su etapa del ego. Como hemos dicho, en aquel tiempo ustedes pertenecían al sistema estelar de las Pléyades y ustedes, como otros imperios galácticos, interfirieron con la humanidad cuando tomó forma el ser humano moderno. Cuando ustedes comenzaron a jugar más y más el papel de observadores, ustedes se cansaron de luchar.

El poder que ustedes habían tenido por aquel largo tiempo, dio como resultado un tipo de dominación que aniquiló las cualidades únicas e individuales de aquel que ustedes dominaban. Por lo tanto, nada nuevo podía entrar a su realidad. Ustedes mataron todo lo que era el 'otro'. Esta forma de proceder hizo que luego de un tiempo su realidad sea estática y predecible. Cuando ustedes se volvieron conscientes del vacío dentro de la lucha por el poder, su conciencia se abrió a nuevas posibilidades. Surgió un anhelo por 'algo más'. Ustedes habían completado el paso 1 de la transición a la conciencia basada en el corazón. Las energías del ego, las cuales habían reinado libremente por eones de tiempo, se asentaron y permitieron un espacio para 'algo más'. En sus corazones, despertó una nueva energía, como una delicada flor. Una sutil y tranquila voz comenzó a hablarles de 'hogar', un lugar que ustedes alguna vez conocieron pero que habían perdido la huella a lo largo de su camino. Ustedes sintieron añoranza dentro de ustedes.

Exactamente igual que las almas terrestres, ustedes alguna vez han experimentado el estado oceánico de unidad, desde el cual cada alma nace. Ustedes gradualmente evolucionaron desde este océano como unidades individuales de conciencia. Como estas 'pequeñas almas', ustedes tuvieron un gran entusiasmo por explorar, mientras que al mismo tiempo acarrearon la dolorosa memoria interior de un paraíso que tuvieron que dejar atrás.

Una vez dentro de la etapa del ego de la conciencia, más tarde, este dolor aún permanecía dentro de ustedes. Lo que ustedes esencialmente tratan de hacer es llenar este lugar vacío en su corazón con poder. Ustedes buscaron llenarse a ustedes mismos jugando el juego de luchar y conquistar.

El ego es la energía que más se opone a la unidad. Al ejercer poder, se aíslan 'del otro'. Al luchar por poder, se distancian más y más del hogar: la conciencia de unidad. El hecho de que el poder los lleva lejos del hogar, en lugar de traerlos más cerca, se les ocultó a ustedes por mucho tiempo, ya que el poder está fuertemente entrelazado con la ilusión. El poder puede fácilmente ocultar esta verdadera cara a un alma inocente e inexperta. El poder crea la ilusión de abundancia, realización, reconocimiento e incluso amor. La etapa del ego es una exploración sin restricciones del área del poder: de ganar, perder, luchar, dominar, manipular, de ser el ofensor y ser la víctima.

En un nivel interno, el alma se desgarra durante esta etapa. La etapa del ego está relacionada con un ataque a la integridad del alma. Por integridad queremos decir la unidad natural y totalidad del alma. Con la entrada a la conciencia basada en el ego, el alma entra en un estado de esquizofrenia. Ella pierde su inocencia. Por un lado, ella batalla y conquista, por otro lado, ella reconoce que está mal dañar o destruir a otros seres vivos. No está muy equivocado de acuerdo a algunas leyes o juicios objetivos. Pero el alma subconscientemente se da cuenta de que está haciendo algo que se opone a su propia naturaleza divina. Está en la naturaleza de su propia esencia divinael crear y dar vida. Cuando el alma actúa desde un deseo de poder personal, en lo profundo surge un sentimiento de culpa. Otra vez, no hay juicio externo sobre el alma que afirma ser culpable. El alma misma se da cuenta de que está perdiendo su inocencia y pureza. Mientras ella persigue poder en el exterior, un sentimiento creciente de indignación la está comiendo por dentro.

La etapa de la conciencia basada en el ego es un estadio natural en el viaje del alma. En realidad, esta implica la completa exploración de uno de los aspectos del ser del alma: la voluntad. Su voluntad constituye el puente entre el mundo interno y el mundo externo. La voluntad es esa parte de ustedes que enfoca su energía del alma dentro del mundo material. La voluntad puede ser inspirada por el deseo de poder, o por el deseo de unidad. Esto depende de la etapa de su conciencia interior. Cuando un alma alcanza el final de la etapa del ego, la voluntad comienza a ser más y más un fragmento extendido del corazón. El ego o la voluntad personal no se destruye, pero fluye en conformidad con el deseo e inspiración del corazón. En este punto el ego acepta al corazón como su guía espiritual. Se restablece la totalidad natural del alma.

Cuando ustedes, las almas trabajadoras de la luz de las Pléyades, alcanzaron el paso 2 de la transición de la conciencia basada en el ego a la conciencia basada en el corazón, sintieron el sincero deseo de corregir lo que habían hecho mal en la tierra. Ustedes comprendieron que habían maltratado a los seres humanos vivientes sobre la tierra y que ustedes habían dificultado la libre expresión y desarrollo de las almas terrestres. Ustedes se dieron cuenta de que habían violado la VIDA misma, tratando de manipularla y controlarla de acuerdo a sus necesidades. Ustedes quisieron liberar al hombre de los límites del miedo y la limitación, lo cual había traído mucha oscuridad a sus vidas y ustedes sintieron que podrían cumplir más con esto encarnado ustedes mismos en cuerpos humanos. De este modo ustedes encarnaron en cuerpos humanos, cuya compilación genética fue parcialmente creada por ustedes mismos, para transformar sus creaciones desde el interior. Las almas que fueron a la tierra con esta misión, se propusieron esparcir Luz dentro de sus propias creaciones (manipuladas).

Por esto ellos son llamados Trabajadores de la luz. Ustedes tomaron la decisión de hacer esto – y de llegar a estar enredados en series completas de vidas terrestres- por un nuevo sentido de responsabilidad y también por el sincero impulso de hacerse cargo de esta carga kármica sobre ustedes, así ustedes serían capaces de dejar ir el pasado completamente.


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© Pamela Kribbe 2004

Translation: Sandra Gusella

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- Subject forwarded by: Mario Liani

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