Owning your own power. Be Authentic, Be Free.

  • 2010

We spend half a life (or more!) Hearing how we should be: porch well, be a man, be a lady, do not be unfriendly, be polite, do not answer, etc ... It is like a shower of foreign identity. So much, that sometimes we forget who we are.

The worst comes when we discover that only by being ourselves, only from the most genuine authenticity can we communicate something and truly connect with others. You can only communicate what you are. The rest is theater, impostion, hypocrisy…. and sooner or later it ends up being discovered.

But how can you know that you are yourself? Some clues:

- You say things in a spontaneous way (which is not the same as impulsive).

- What you say matches what you think and feel. That is, you are congruent.

- You do what you really want and get out of you (that is, you don't do things to please others or to please).

- You feel really good about yourself.

And remember, the only person you can't escape is from yourself.

Owning your own power, your power to be authentic, to be who you really are, is in fact, to appropriate your freedom. In many ways, you have yielded your power and / or freedom by the way you speak, think and be.

For example, when you say or think something like, "That person makes me angry, " you have given up your power / freedom to decide whether or not to be angry at that person. You said you have no power, and that person has the power to decide when you will get angry.

You can choose not to do it anymore.

It would be more appropriate to say something like, "I get angry when that person does that." That way, you come to understand that it is you who has made you angry, and also that you can decide to feel angry, or feel something different.

No one but you "makes" you feel angry, or sad, or depressed, or happy, or sexy, or bored, etc. From now on you are in the process of deciding for yourself about your life, your options, your actions, your feelings, and what you see, why not take over the power to make decisions at all levels?

Pay attention to the words you use, because they form the basis of your ways of thinking. Listen to your words, and realize whether or not they reflect your freedom to decide for yourself, what you feel or what you do.

You say, "Let me do this, " asking permission or express your wishes by saying, "I would like to do this, " or even "I will do this?" Do you say, "That person manipulates me" or "I allow myself to be manipulated"? Whatever you have been doing that has not worked for you, you can choose not to do it anymore.

Have you repressed expressing what you really wanted for what you thought someone might think? So, you have given control of your word power to that person.

You are free, you know it. Are you wanting to own your freedom?

You live in a space that was designed for you. It is a closed space, bounded, fenced, full of rules, rules, laws, prohibitions. It is a square, or better, a cube, where life is reduced to three dimensions.

They educated you, they taught you, they convinced you that life was reduced to that, that that was space, all possible space, because outside those borders, beyond those walls, there was only chaos, disorder, what evil one.

They taught you to think and feel inside that cage, which for some is gold and for others, the majority of rusty irons. But it is always a cage, and you are its prisoner.

They reduced your mind to the slightest expression, just enough for you to cover your animal and plant needs, but not to develop your abilities as a human being, not to boost those qualities that allow you to think for yourself, be yourself, those that they lead you to freedom, to the discovery of your potential, to the truth of who you are and what future awaits you when you manage to get out of the cube, the prison, the cage.

They taught you not to dare, not to take risks, to settle for what others consider good for you, useful for you, enough for you. To fear the unknown, to accept the dogmas imposed without thinking whether they are true or not. To worship the "gods."

You were educated to obey the rules without asking yourself questions, to abide by them with submission and, also, with thanks, because you are convinced that you do not deserve more.

They deceived you and they continue to deceive you. They do it every day of your life. They keep doing it because they have to keep the big lie alive. It is their food. It is your reason for being. It is what keeps them on their pedestal.

They deposited some food in your cage and large doses of canned fun so that you are entertained, so that you do not think, so that you do not question your life, your situation, the system, the world government of the order.

But, like the bird, you were not designed to rot in a cage, but to fly, to travel the space in freedom, to take what is yours, what belongs to you, which is everything, because everything was created for you, without limits or borders.

You have a physical body, your vehicle, and you have a mind that has the ability to fly, to imagine, to create, to dream. Yes, of dreaming, because in your dream is your freedom, because the dreamers are the ones who break the bars of the cage, they are the ones who dare to look more beyond the walls of the cube-prison, that's why they are dangerous to the system, the persecuted, the rebels.

You can dream and then live your dreams. And nothing and no one can stop you, you can avoid doing it, because nothing and nobody has the power to do it.

That is your great weapon, that is the only thing that can break the barriers created by lies and open the doors to new realities, to new sensations, to a new life, to a new reality.

There is nothing left for you in the cube-prison, have you noticed?

Within him you are only a zombie, a slave who enriches those who designed him and who keep his lie alive as if it were the only real thing that exists.

They draw their power from you, like vampires who need the blood to live.

But you can dream another reality. Dream and be free. Dream and come back to your mind the memories of a time where there was no prison cube.

Dare to break the chains of your body and your mind. Within you there is a God who must wake up, who must become aware of himself.

Look around you, look in the three-dimensional cube-prison and think if that is the life that a God would create for his children.

If you think not, then you are already in a position to understand that someone believed that lie, that someone manipulated the truth, that someone He benefits from it.

But the time of that lie comes to an end, the time of the tyranny of that someone is running out, his lie crumbles day by day, the walls of the prison n they crack and the light from outside begins to enter.

Collaborate with you from within, collaborate with your decision, with your personal change, with your dreams of a better, different world, without lies, in unity.

Do not you think so? Then you are well inside the cage, your place is the cage and your life is what you deserve.

But if you think so, fight for it, and start with yourself, for being brave, for being honest, for being authentic, for seeing others as yourself and wishing you the best you would want for yourself. Feel in your heart that we are all brothers, children of one God.

Only if you dare, if you decide, will you discover that this world, the one that exists beyond your prison space, your cage, always existed, was it always there.

But they always hid it from you and you always believed it, you always believed the lie, partly because it is more comfortable to resign yourself than to fight, to accept the crumbs, than to demand what rightfully belongs to you.

Dream and you will be free. Dream and you will remember. Dream and you will discover who you really are, because what you know about yourself is what they made you believe you were.

Dare now, because this is the time of Truth, the time of Recall, the time to break the chains, the walls of the prison, the bars of the cage.

If you do it you will fly free through an infinite space, a space free of limiting norms, a space full of new experiences, of new experiences, but, above all, full of future, of a future designed for man, for man creature, a future that has nothing to do with this present.

Dare to dream and discover that it was worth a try.

Have you repressed yourself from looking at something or someone for what someone else might think?

Then, you have given your freedom of choice to see what you want, to that person.

Have you repressed yourself from doing what you wanted for what someone else might think? You have given up your freedom of action.

You have repressed yourself from speaking, from acting, from seeing what was authentic to you. Clear vision relates to allowing yourself to be authentic, and to trust it - in fact, insist on it.

By owning your freedom, you should also wish to recognize the freedom of others. No one gives you your freedom - it is already yours. It is only up to you to be free. In the same way, you do not give others their freedom. You can only recognize that they have it.

When you do something, others are free to feel how they choose about what you do. For you, however, you are only being authentic, and acting with love and freedom according to your motivations. If you are misunderstood, you can choose to clear up the misunderstanding through communication. It is not necessary that you change your way of Being by the way others feel.

If you choose to change, it must be because it makes sense for you to do things differently.

In the same way, if another person does something for which you choose not to feel good, that is your choice. That person, too, is free. If not feeling well is the result of a misunderstanding, it can be clarified through communication. Don't assume anything Ask, and then you will know.

If he does not feel well, it is the result of attachments that you need to release on your path to clarity and freedom, you can find another way of thinking and feeling where you feel better, in which you are not deciding what another person would do differently way, but preferably what you need to do differently.

If you expect the other person to change their way of Being by the way you feel, then you are wanting to control that person. If you don't want to be controlled, are you wishing to stop controlling?

Perhaps in the past, when you looked at a situation that you did not consider optimal, you had decided what the other person should have done differently, or what they should do differently in the future. When you really appropriate your power and your freedom, you don't do that anymore - if not, you just decide what you could have done differently then, and what you can do differently from now on, in the future. When you are honest about this issue, your thoughts are also included in the process. As long as you find yourself thinking what others would do, or think, or feel, you do not fully own your power or your freedom.

If you want to own your freedom, are you willing to recognize the freedom of others too? Then, you can understand that you don't make others sad, but that they can decide to feel that way when you do something. You don't make them happy, if not - they choose to feel that way when you do something.

No matter what you do, say, some people will approve, and others will not. You have the freedom to decide which people you will be with. If you decide to be with those who judge you, you can feel like a weed in a garden, constantly feeling as if you need to defend yourself and your way of Being.

Instead, you can choose to be fine when you are judged, knowing that you are only being who you are, and that others are free to feel what they want about this. They may be judging you by their standards, but you are living by your own standards. You can also choose to be with those people who do not judge you, and instead, they appreciate you for who you are. You can feel freer, and more relaxed when you're authentic, being who you really are. You will understand that you were not a weed, but only a flower in the wrong garden.

Perhaps, in the past, you tended to change, to be someone other than who you really are, to be loved, to get love. If you want to know that you are loved by who you are, then I know who you really are, and let that be the image you love.

Love cannot be requested. It must flow freely, and give freely. Then, you will know that love is authentic. If you create an image in order to be loved, and people love that image, with that you will not feel loved for who you really are.

If expressions of love are requested, they are requested, then you do not really know if they would manifest if you did not ask for it. You still wouldn't be sure of love. Realize when expressions of love come freely from others, when you are authentic. Then, you will know that they arrive because others choose to express their love, and you will know that it is authentic. When you know that love is there, open up and feel it.

Sometimes, expressions of love are misunderstood, because they have taught us different ways of expressing the love we feel. The way some people express their love is sometimes misunderstood as love that is taken away. Misunderstandings can be resolved through communication, so that expressions of love in the end may be those in which the experience of the person who receives them stands out, something that makes them feel good.

Remember to express your love that way, too. Express your love the way you would like others to express their love for you, in a way that results in feeling good, and in a way that you would be happy when you received it.

You have the power and / or freedom to be who you really are, to be where you want to be, who you would really like to be with (if they would really like to be with you), doing what you really want to do. The others, too, have the same power / freedom.

If you honestly find yourself unable to say, "I love where I am, I love who I am with, I love what I am doing, " then something has to change. You have the power and / or freedom to make it change.

If it's a situation where you don't feel happy, you have three options:

1. Change the situation. Remember her.

2. Change the way you see the situation.

3. Leave the situation, and find another.

If the situation, for example, is your job, you can change it so that what you are doing means more to you. Or, you can see it in another way in which you feel better and therefore feel happy in that situation (but it must be authentic for you). If you don't do any of these things, then maybe you need to do something different, in a different job, so that you want to invest time and energy in it every day.

If it's your home, do you feel at home in it? If not, remember it in a way that looks like it. Or else, choose to see it as being really perfect for you now. Otherwise, move in.

If you really believe that these changes are too immense for you, that "you cannot make them, " it is because you have yielded your power and / or freedom. It is not that you are not able to make these changes, but that you have not chosen to do so. You still have the power to create your life the way you really would like it to be. You have the power and / or freedom to change what has not worked for you, change what has not resulted in your being as happy as you would like it to be.

Are you with people you don't really enjoy being with? If so, you have given up your power to be happy to them.

You don't have to do it anymore.

If you have yielded your power, you can recover it. It is still yours. Own him.

Your power and / or freedom also includes your option to change the patterns within yourself that you recognize have not been optimal, that are the result of a wrong perception, and of limited ways of understanding.

Your attachments and addictions are between you and your freedom. When you are free, you are able to decide at all times what you would like to do, and what makes sense to do. You do not allow yourself to be controlled by past programs.

When you're addicted to something and you don't get it, you don't feel well. The degree of your discomfort shows the degree of attachment or addiction. You can choose not to give your power to your attachments, or to the object of your attachments. Detachment is freedom.

It's not about breaking off. Detachment is to get away from all feelings. Detachment allows positive feelings of joy when you have something. When there is something you don't have, you are able to focus your attention on what you have.

If, for example, you are attached to a lobster dinner, and you cannot eat lobster dinner, you are not free to enjoy what you have. When you're not attached, you can enjoy a salad, a steak, or if you have lobster, really enjoy it, too.

If you are attached or addicted to a person, when you are with them, you spend time worrying about when you will not be with them, and when they are not, you spend time Missing them, and not being present with the people who are with you. That is not freedom.

You have the power and freedom to be fully present wherever you are, enjoying what is happening.

Others do not have to change their way of being for your attachments, and you do not have to change your way of being for the addictions of others.

You assume total responsibility for yourself, and whatever you think, do or say and recognize that others have responsibility for everything they choose to think or do or say.

Don't decide what others think, or what they will do in a given situation, because in fact, you really don't know, that's your responsibility. You just need to examine your own conscience and what happens in it.

Others are free to want what they want and you are free to say yes or no to that.

It is right for them to want it and it is right for you not to want it.

In the same way that you are free to want what you want and others are free to not want the same. When you both want the same thing, there is a free agreement and then something is likely to happen. If not, you can agree to disagree and everyone can find happiness and satisfaction in their own way.

Each person has the right to have their own opinion and their own thoughts and desires and you are free.

Check your movie, in which you are not only the protagonist, but also the director. And you are also the public.

What were the effects of your actions and words?

Could you have written a better script for yourself?

If so.

What would you have done differently?

Could you have acted with more love, more understanding? Relive the situation in your mind, making it different, and see the different ending. Decide that if the situation presents itself again, you will relive it in the new way. Dedicate yourself to that decision. So, you have changed for the better, because it was your choice, and you have learned what you needed.

You must also realize that things happen in the way that has to happen, with the chemistry of the people involved, to get the result that needs to happen. Next time, however, you will be able to achieve the same result with more harmony.

Continue to do this until you are honestly able to give your movie and your character great reviews.

If you saw that movie in the cinema, you would have thought it was a fabulous movie, with an inspiring star: you! You would have recommended the movie to your friends and would enjoy watching it again.

Realize what your reasons are for doing things. What are your motivations? In a given situation, are you choosing fear or freedom? Are you doing things because you have really chosen them, or are you doing them, or not doing them, out of fear? Trust your instincts and what is authentic to you, and do what you really want to do.

Did you contain yourself from being who you really are because you thought you had to do it, and then you realized that you really shouldn't have done it? So, the basis of your decision and your actions was fear. Make the decision that you don't have to do it anymore. You can be who you really are, and people will enjoy you even more. When you do what you really want, something wonderful happens.

Is love your motivation, or is it the fault? Do you do things to avoid feeling guilty, because you would feel guilty not doing them? Or you act clearly, doing what you really want to do, as an expression of love.

If you have been motivating fear or guilt, do you want to continue that way? You don't have to, you know.

You can make a conscious choice, a deep decision, not having fear or guilt or anger controlling your life, if not acting as a consciously free Being. When you do, from that moment, if you discover that your decision is going to be a certain way, or do (or not do) a certain thing based on fear, guilt or anger, dedicate yourself to making a different decision . So, you are not allowing yourself to be controlled by the past patterns of being or doing, but really living your freedom.

You are really free. You just have to take possession of your freedom, and be free. Not only will you feel better and enjoy your life much more, but you will also release patterns that were associated with distorted vision. You will return to clarity.

You are free to think the way you choose, and love the way you choose, and act the way you choose.

People who love you enjoy seeing you happy the way you really like to be happy, being the fullest expression of your Being, being authentic, being all that you can be. People who love you really want you to succeed.

But, it's up to you.

You have the power and freedom to be authentic, to be happy, to succeed, to be satisfied.

Look clearly at what is authentic to you.

And live it

While they have taught us that it is a good thing to be ourselves, in fact, also necessarily, they have taught us in many ways that we do not have to be ourselves to please others and that it is good to please them, to make others happy.

So it seems to be a choice between making others happy, on the one hand, and being ourselves, making ourselves happy, on the other side.

If you have been choosing not to be yourself for others to be happy, you have decided that pleasing others was more important than really being yourself.

This was a beautiful expression of your love, but at a high cost to you, and your ease of Being, and your health.

The ease of Being is associated with health. Not being yourself requires an investment of energy, which is also known as stress, an unhealthy element from any point of view.

What makes the most sense is to change your priorities so that, being authentic, it is the most important and in fact, a necessary part of any healing process.

You can still enjoy expressing your love in any way that works for you and know the importance of being authentic. Being yourself. Always.

With clarity and love.

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