Sanat Kumara, Hidden Considerations on the Lord of the World

The esoteric considerations about Sanat Kumara , the Lord of the World, based on what is written with characters of fire on the akashic levels, or cosmic memory of Nature, are really transcendent, not only from the angle of view of their cosmic origin, but also as supreme Representative on the planet of the planetary Logos of the Earth scheme.

The esoteric tradition, which bases all its conclusions on the intelligent perception of the igneous writings engraved in the mystical ethers of Akasa, defines the Lord of the World under different terms, each expressing some virtue or quality inherent in the spiritual development of such transcendent Life. . Let's look at some of the most interesting according to the line of our study about organized Magic in our world:

1. The Ancient of Days

2. The Doncel of the Sixteen Springs

3. The Avatar of the Nine Veils

4. The Supreme Wizard of the Planet

5. The Unique Initiator

1. The designation of Sanat Kumara as " The Ancient of Days ", it is based on the hidden fact that no one is as old as He in experience and wisdom. No one like Him has lived and experienced so much in the ceaseless evolution of the Kalpas. It is the planetary Being of the highest and unquestionable hierarchy and Who knows the needs of humanity and all the kingdoms of Nature. The prevailing "Council of Elders", still in many social communities of the world, is based on the authority of experience, on the rectitude of judgments and on the total absence of passion that usually disappears over the years. But, it is an experience that we could call "temporary" and that has nothing to do with the spiritual experience that certain young people seem to denote in the social life of the world. It is about that experience that is completely detached from the apparent age of the physical body. The great Master K ut Humi usually refers to this experience as "a fruit of the spiritual hierarchy reached in past life cycles", and when? -Like in the current moments? - there is a great profusion of young people who incarnate in the world to To externalize certain specific plans of the Great White Fraternity, they are often familiarly referred to as "the legion of the old youth."

2 . Those blessed planetary beings who achieved certain high planetary initiations describe the Lord of the World as " a young teenager ", full of grace and majesty. Its magnetic aura of an indescribable and bright indigo blue color cannot be resisted without danger of disintegration of the vehicles of expression of consciousness, unless the third hierarchical Initiation called Transfiguration has been reached, which implies having “properly purified ”The three vehicles of human manifestation in the three worlds of karmic evolution: the physical, the astral and the mental.

In one of the sacred precincts of S hamballa, headquarters of the Lord of the World, a book known as “ A rchivo de la Wisro ” and also as “ The Book of the Initiates ” is kept, in whose pages the past, present and future of the planet are written in perpetuity. In one of these pages and referring to Sanat Kumara, it can be read: “The Presence of the great Lord is radiant and imposing, full of indescribable authority and hierarchy, but also brimming with unspeakable extremes of holy goodness and infinite benevolence… Appears to the Eyes of the cigars as a D oncel of Sixteen Springs and His Vision full of peace, love and incredible dynamism. ”

These old comments are very significant if we analyze them from the hidden angle, since they only reaffirm the hierarchical law of the Young Elders referred to by Master KH, described in many parts of that great Book of Life, which they wrote for each epoch the excellent Venusian Adepts who instituted the White League or Spiritual Hierarchy in our world, making a very marked and intelligent distinction between the spiritual age that creates hierarchy and the mortal age that is a representation or physical appearance that naturally accompanies the judgment of the ages in cyclic movement.

Thus, the Sixteen Springs, objectively represented by S anat Kumara, could very well be a manifestation of the physical age of the Earth in the present life cycle. As we can see later, there is a very direct relationship, based on the principle of analogy, between the apparent A dolescence of the Lord of the World and the time - incredibly distant - that planet Earth has yet to travel before finalizing its evolutionary stage in the physical plane

3 . The definition of S anat Kumara as " Lord of the Nine Veils " seems to indicate - always in accordance with the revelation of " The Book of Initiates " - the degree of evolution achieved by the exalted S er who guides the destinies of the world. Esoteric research affirms the fact that each veil conceals an Initiation and that, therefore, Sanat Kumara is the only one on the planet that has received Nine Initiations . Only the planetary Logos, the Celestial Man of the Earth scheme, surpasses him in that sense. As we are told hiddenly, the planetary Logos has received the Tenth Solar Initiation and the Fifth Cosmic Initiation . S anat Kumara, Your representative here on the planet, great Adept in the planetary scheme of Venus, Whom we reverently designate under the name of Lord of the World, received Nine Solar Initiations and is currently going through the spiritual crisis that precedes the Fourth Cosmic Initiation ...

The existing analogy between “veils and initiations” is corrored in the Gospels, when they are read in the astral light of the akashic records and therefore free of any interested doctrinal or religious explanation, in those words on which the apparently agree four evangelists: "When Christ expired on the Cross, the Veils of the Temple were torn" (from Jerusalem).

Using the affirmations of the Book of Initiates again, we may be able to clarify that surprising fact in the story of Christ, but considering it not only as a historical Entity, but more It is more like a musical representation of the psychological drama that all humanity has to live. We read: At the moment when the Arhat receives the fourth Initiation on Mount Gotaglot of His spiritual elevation and on the Karma Cross in which he was nailed from the beginning of the ages, a gleaming ray of light rushes over S and upon expiration, after pronouncing the great M ntram of destruction received from the lips of the Lord of the World and synthesized in which Rupdruple magical formula All has been consummated, the veils of the Temple are torn, the symbolic veils of the four elements that cover up the Medical Center of his spiritual life and the secret of his own eternity . So far the beautiful description of the Creative Fact in the Book of Initiates .

But, analyzing it from another angle of view, the experience of the Arhat is clarified even in its historical sense. Let's see what Mme tells us about it . Blavatsky in the Secret Doctrine : In the Temple of Jerusalem where the veils were symbolically torn when the physical death of the C risto took place, the S anct Santorum, or place m Secret, it was hidden by four veils or curtains, which were supported by five columns. The fourth veil was torn or destroyed by the Arhat at the time of receiving the Fourth Initiation, using the powerful electrical energies that he had communicated to him the planetary scepter of Lord of the World .

We could synthesize both statements, those of the Book of Initiates and those of the Secret Doctrine, in certain concrete facts:

Each curtain or each veil had a certain color and symbolized the activity of one or the other of the four natural elements, earth, water, fire and air, an expression of the human Quaternary, which is formed of those elements, being the five columns of which the veils hung, the symbolic representation of the five capital virtues that distinguish the Initiate: Value, Trust, Determination, Prudence and Balance.

The Five Columns and the Four Veils that covered the Sancta Santorum add up to the Nine number, which is described esoterically as the Number of Man and also as the Number of the Initiation n . Nine is indeed the number of months that the human creature has to spend in the mother's womb, before birth, Nine it is the sum of the C inco numbers corresponding to the Fifth Hierarchy Creator of Children of the Mind or Solar Angels and Four that characterizes the Fourth Creative Hierarchy, which upon receiving the glorious impulse of the Lords of the Mind created mankind, the Fourth kingdom of Nature. There is obviously a direct relationship between the Nine months of human gestation and the Nine Solar Initiations testified by Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World.

4 . Sanat Kumara is the Supreme Wizard of the Planet. He projects, elaborates and executes through His spiritual Agents, all the planetary evolution plans. Using huge legions of Devas of all spiritual hierarchies, he enters the interior of kingdoms and species and knows all their needs. Through the great Kumaras that support His work he establishes contact with the cosmic environment, and through the Gentlemen of Karma and the great spiritual guides of the Departments of Politics, Religions and Civilization, wisely administer the law of Justice, spiritually inspire the statesmen of the world, improve the quality of the physical vehicles of the evolving Races, is introduced into the mystical heart of humanity creating yearnings of perfection and energizes the minds of men to establish themselves in the social bosom of the world, the dynamic bases where civilization and culture of all the peoples of the Earth will be established .

The Lord of the World is everywhere. The so-called " Agents of S hamballa ", unmentionable legions of powerful Devas from all planes of Nature and groups of active Members of the Great White Fraternity, Teachers, Initiates and Disciples, are His Hands, His Mind and His Heart . Through them, he knows perfectly - since they are part of His own Conscience, how much happens inside the “circle? Does n't it? Happens” on Earth… So it is much closer to us than we might suppose, "Floating" - if we can say so - above all the social environments of the world, preparing with Love and Wisdom impossible to describe, the spiritual foundations for a more noble and hopeful future for the entire Race.

All the work is carried out by the Power that holds His indescribable and deep knowledge of the Laws of organized Magic of the solar system, by means of which he produces organized Planetary Magic, which keeps life constant and permanent evolutionary movement whole of the Earth with all its planes or spheres, kingdoms, races and species ...

We can then apply to the Lord of the World, albeit on a cosmic scale, how much we explain about the fundamental principles that govern organized Magic, knowing that it is HE who promotes, sustains and executes it in all areas of planet Earth ...

5 . Only Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, has absolute authority over the Earth and its administration of solar Justice. This is based? - as we saw earlier? - on the spiritual hierarchy, which is determined by the internal progress achieved by each and every one of the beings that populate the planet and vivify its content. The spiritual Hierarchy is a solar Law and is backed by what we secretly call "initiatory process." The Initiation, technically described, is the method by which human beings from this or any other planet are introduced into the solar system, into the sacred mysteries of organized Magic ... Being the Lord of the world the Supreme Magician of the planet, just be HE the only Initiator, Who confers the magical power that accompanies every Initiation.

The details inherent to the initiatory process: the revelation of the secrets of the V oz or the Mántrams, the perception and understanding of the Mysteries and the application of the Initiatic Scepter, belong entirely to the Infinite Sufficiency of the Lord of the World, WHO delegates His authority in some great Adepts or in Bodhisattva himself, the Spiritual Instructor of the Race, in the two minor or preparatory initiations and in the first two hierarchical initiations. But HE, in Spirit and in truth - as the mystical texts say - will always be present to receive, through the Hierophants, the oath of the Initiates, even if they only see before them the great Masters or the Bodhisattva ... Even the Hierarchical scepter used in the first initiations must be hidden dynamically by the power that emanates from the planetary Scepter, from the Flaming Diamond used by the Lord of the World. From the third Initiation, or the Transfiguration, the Lord of the World, perfectly visible to the inside eyes of the Initiate, directly applies to the mental centers of the Initiate the tremendous cosmic force contained in the Planetary Scepter. This force, of an indescribable and unknown igneous potential? Electric, is the connecting element between Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos of the Earth scheme and the Solar Logos . ”In the mysterious entrails of the Center is hidden the energy that allows the unification of the worlds. " These words, extracted as always from " The Book of the Initiates ", give us an accurate idea of ​​the Law of hierarchy that governs all worlds and that, in the words of the Initiates, "uses the electric fire of the Resolution to produce coordination and synthesis ”of the internal powers.

The Brahma Talisman from which the Fire of Kundalini and the energetic Scepter used by the B odhisattva arise, are but minor fires before the terrible igneous force that the Flaming Diamond, or planetary Scepter of the Lord of the World, keeps in its entrails. It is for this reason that Sanat Kumara, who is the only One who can handle this tremendous and indescribable cosmic energy, is the true and Only Initiator, the absolute Hierophant in all the Initiations that are taught in the long stage of the “circle? No? Se- happens ”of the Earth.

Excerpted from: Planetary Organized Magic, by Vicente Beltrán Anglada

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