Sainte Germaine and Lord Metatron ~ The Eyes of Wisdom through James Tyberonn

  • 2012

Sainte Germaine and Lord Metatron: The Eyes of Wisdom Within the intensities and magnificence of 2012

Channeled through James Tyberonn

April 21, 2012

Greetings human angels! I am who I am. I am the Violet Flame Guardian. I, Sainte Germaine, greet you warmly.

It is a great pleasure and honor for me to be with you at this time of our 2012. I recognize the great presence of Lord Metatron in this field, and I offer my deepest gratitude for this invitation to speak with you. For together with the family of the beloved Ascended Masters of the Crystalline Light Council we are anxiously waiting for the OM Wave. It will be directed from our retreat on Mount Shasta (California, USA) on June 25. We encourage and invite everyone, wherever they are, to tune in, it is an exceptional celebration of LOVE! It is a recharge and a rebalancing. For certainly the very tone of OM creates a coded sound that balances every nuance of your Being. Reform every atom of your physical body and every unit of your field of consciousness.

What a thrill, we are packing our etheric bags and we will soon be boarding the Train of Love! There is so much to share! Joy is in the air!

The Eyes of Wisdom are your dear friends, and in this amazing time you receive wisdom, for it has been won. They have come so far, and the Lights of your true home are shining.

What follows is a message from Mr. Metatron and mine, a mixture of beautiful and significant information that we wish to share ...

A Magnificent Year is developing! Many wonderful events are beginning brilliantly! You are ready for Ascension ... and human angels, you will see many changes from within and without! The prize is Clarity. Sure it has required effort, but what noble aspiration they have achieved.

2012 will begin to move the carpet to those hidden and rigid beliefs that have been more difficult to release, and discover. The obstruction knows no prejudices, it moves in everything that divides. Humanity will soon begin to rediscover its clarity as a prerequisite for full consciousness, before it can begin to shed its fear and cynicism. Be willing to travel through the places of your inner panorama of beliefs, scattered with the waste of the old energies and the threshing obstacles that no longer serve you. This year 2012 is designed for such liberation, as some reservoirs are dug deeper than others and will need to stretch even more to reach the clear waters of true wisdom.

In 2012, the inner self frees the new Mer-Ka-Na through the intensities. Each coronal mass ejection, each solar wind and astrological gravity opens a new fervor of pulsations. These extremes within the powerful Christ-electric field of 2012 may feel like taking one step back before taking two steps forward. But understand that there is great purpose in these difficult phases of resonance change. Within them there are unique openings to discover and recreate the New Human of the New Earth. That in the end will be a release revealed and granted. The Energy Triad will provide such clarity and clarity in the solar eclipse Ring of Fire (May 20), the lunar eclipse (June 4) and the June solstice.

The OM Wave

The OM Wave brings the Pleiadian Opening and the opening of the Illumination. The dimensionality will change. The end of ignorance and innocence will mark the beginning of the end of the third dimension, but only in terms of the third dimension as the outer limit of dimensional access in the New Earth. The first three dimensions will not disappear, how can they? Instead, they will be reformatted as the basis of the new 4th to 12th dimensions.

Consider these words a gentle nudge of the Spirit. Search deep inside and outside, and give this loving reminder a place in your thoughts and your heart. Reflect on compassion and understanding in your life, and measure how far it goes. Do you discover that you have traveled so far, that you worked so hard just to find yourself in the same place where you started?

Symptoms of ascension

The energy of 2012, as we have said, is extremely intense. Every week, every month between now and 12.12.12 and 21.12.12, you are engineered with such conversions, which may feel overwhelmed. 2012 is exponentially more so than 2011. For what is happening in the Triad of 2012 is a growing influx of non-physical consciousness, consciousness in the full Mer- Ka-Na of the Chakra 33. Staying grounded, with an intact aura, is essential; but you have the knowledge of how to handle the new frequencies. The myth of the old energy that all perception and knowledge must come to you through your physical senses is fine in the past; now they must coordinate the total influence of Chakra 33 and they can do it.

Therefore, your creativity is entering high speed. The manifestation of your beliefs will be amplified exponentially. That is why the time remaining before 12.12.12 is specially geared for your self-examination and self-programming. The old adage: Be careful what you wish for, it is going into overdrive. As we have told you before, you have been granted the gifts of the gods. Your beliefs become reality. What they believe becomes real in your experience. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply, especially in the field of Chakra 33 of 2012! That is why the route of obstacles before you in the months ahead. Symptoms of Ascension that are there to brush up the preparation, and are the final exam.

The intensities of 2012 are real, but these pressures have a benevolent purpose. Do not be discouraged, Ascension is at hand.

Dear human angels, you don't need to get stuck or get discouraged in these energies, in fact the opposite will happen in the OM Wave. They will certainly be able to receive an influence of renewed support, load, value and resolution. If you take off your human mask at this moment of clarity called the Ring of Fire and the OM Wave, you will feel that a new Light, a Light of crystalline clarity is touching you, re-energizing you in preparation for the remainder of 2012. It is the final transformation, it has certainly gone far. We honor them and say, well done! We encourage you to move on. They are closer to a quantum leap, a magnificent transformation than they can understand. Much closer.

Belief changes the paradigm

Teachers, the work of transformation emanates from a commitment to a particular context of beliefs; This type of belief takes into account well-being, and well-being opens the door to happiness.

The astrological pattern of 2012 is designed to allow final releases. The easiest changes have already been made, what remains requires digging deeper.

What they think, what they believe is projected more powerfully in 2012. Therefore, this year they will find that all adverse beliefs will float to confront them.

That is why we are dedicating the rest of this channeling to the importance of self-examination and the importance of being the Master of your thoughts. Many of you, in the intensities of 2012, may experience despair, worry and emotional depression. This can be handled, and in fact they are being shown in order to let it go.

We tell you that your human emotions are largely driven by your personal beliefs. By being fully aware of your fundamental vital beliefs and recognizing that they are always the effect of basic belief, you can and can create a new world. And you are here to do that exactly. And that is exactly what they are here for.

In this conjunction of the Triad, you must consciously and intentionally select the direction and purpose of your lives. If you strive mundanely from the past, from what you unconsciously accept by default, there is no transformation, only more of the same. You see, not everyone will choose to ascend. But those of you who are the Pioneers must shine the Light. Do not get discouraged or get stuck in the intensities of 2012.

Reminder of required understandings

Let us tap them on the shoulder, in the weeks before the Triad, and remind them of certain necessary understandings.

Many of you, humans, have based your happiness on reaching a certain goal, or on having certain things. But in such goal-oriented achievement they often find a timeline in which they discover that the happiness that comes from these things is only temporary, and that it soon dies out ... and they still feel they are lacking something, that something is missing. . They are not experiencing joy.

Many of you humans feel that life is successful only when you get what you want. But many of your life projects deliberately take them out of your 'comfort zone' in order for them to grow.

Such challenges of the 'life contract' or 'plans' are chosen by the Higher Self and cannot be evaded or ignored. That is why it is important that they face your circumstances as a selected plan and assume responsibility for it. Then and only then can they transcend it. Denying that truth will not help them. In saying this, we are not saying to surrender to them, but rather to face them.

The happiness paradox

So here is the paradox of happiness: Do you live without joy until you face the challenge?

Teachers, there is joy in being fully present and engaged in the present and in fully accepting the challenges before you in the 'Now'. That is a great truth.

Happiness, in broad terms, can be understood in 3 aspects: pleasure, commitment and meaning. Pleasure is the "feel good" part of happiness. Commitment refers to living a "good life" of interactive harmonics, balancing work, family, friends and hobbies. Meaning means using our strengths to contribute to a greater spiritual or philanthropic purpose. And keep in mind that of the three, commitment and meaning make the biggest difference to live a happy life. We will also add that many who choose lives of service and focused on spiritual development achieve happiness, in the sense of this expression and this aspect, in lives solely dedicated to achieving Mastery.

Genuine happiness is a decision; a mental state that is obtained by living a harmonious spiritual life. It is not the satisfaction of irrational desires for pleasure. True happiness is a state of non-contradictory joy, a joy without punishment or guilt that is experienced in well-being, peace and understanding.

Frequently, the inability of advanced Souls to feel well-being and experience happiness, even when they live impeccably, is due to excesses in past lives. Do not love yourself due to lives of being programmed with the wrong concepts of 'Original Sin'. These can be treated, they must be treated, 'changing the past' in Mer-Ka-Na (as taught in the Metatronic Keys). At the bottom of this is usually a feeling of low self-esteem, an inability to love oneself.

The exercise of happiness

When these feelings arrive, work on changing them. An exercise is to change the perspective of living your life by being an actor playing the main role in a play called your life. A role in which you are confident, happy and able to give, receive and love the Divinity within yourself. By 'interpreting' these attributes, they can learn to attract these frequencies. It works very similarly to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. A frequency of happiness, of positive energy, will attract the following. But in the process of this exercise they must genuinely learn to love themselves, and such an exercise will help them reprogram the elimination of erroneous beliefs from past lives (or the present life). Do you understand?

Life flows most effectively when they decide to accept the challenge of what they have, because really what they have is what they have chosen, what they created. To move forward, choose it, and be at peace and find happiness in knowing that you are facing what is presented to you in this 'Now'. This is a powerful transformative truth that allows them to learn what they wrote as a script in transcending, in solving the puzzle.

Being a teacher does not mean that you do not face challenges, it simply means that you have the determination and wisdom to solve them. That does not mean it is easy. And this process continues beyond the earthly experience, although in different formats. Such is the expansion of life, of consciousness.

Living in the moment of NOW

Now, the truth itself is not found in a different set of circumstances, in evasion or in a new environment. The truth is only found in the circumstance of the 'now' in which you are.

There are of course certain scenarios when they conflict with themselves, in which happiness cannot truly exist. Your life will work to the extent that they know your mind, find wisdom and do what they say with impeccability and grace. Make agreements and fulfill them.

This is a different way of being in life. The transformation does not merely change your actions nor does it offer you merely new options from which to consciously choose. Rather, discover the structural mechanics of being and the interpretation on which they are based, even if they are sometimes unaware of your intentional roots in them.

The New Earth begins with the new You

The nuances of the transition, of writing the script of your life, involves discovering your fundamental beliefs - striving to decipher “who they are”, and in the transformation, they transcend and manifest the infinite potential of creating themselves, so that life Be a creative and meaningful expression of your realization.

But recognize that the right attitude is a journey and not a destination. In 2012, take time to meet in group and solitary retreats to recalibrate, receive downloads of the new codes and connect to the ground.

At the time of transformation, there is the presence of choice, as the phenomenon of creating new discerned possibilities. The real choice remains of your own creation within wisdom. However, in the recognition and appropriation of the election appears the true freedom of action, an action born solely of the courage to be, and of the will to create. And 2012 is such a time.

Listen carefully, because although we have shared this before it is important to remember at this time, because they are on the cusp of creating a New Earth. The New Earth begins with the new you.

Dear ones, YOU, humanity in collective, have created the Ascension. They often do not give credit for that. So we reinforce that important Truth now. And we remind you that there is still much to do. Well, your wisdom and creativity are needed now than ever.

Avoiding depression

Dear humans, keep moving forward, don't slow down, and don't be discouraged. When emotions seem to overwhelm them without cause or throw them out without reason, it is because they have not heard their own feelings that disturb them.

The fundamental cause, broadly speaking, of depression and self-pity is the basic belief that they are powerless to change your circumstances or unable to cope with the overwhelming emotional waves that come from deep inside. This requires focus and effort. But facing any challenge, and not avoiding it, they have the tools to transcend any situation, and by changing the aspect of the attitude they fall into the grace of the law. True self-knowledge is indispensable. The recognition of the truth about the self (of themselves) simply means that they must first discover what they think about themselves subconsciously.

Attitude Calibration

As we have said repeatedly, when they stop at some negative thought, it magnetically attracts similar thoughts. Negative attitudes expand.

That is the Law of Attraction. We tell you this indelible Truth. Your attitudes are self-created and cannot escape them. They cannot move to avoid them, because attitudes create the nature of what they see. But they can change them, and eventually they will, sooner or later. In the experience of the Earth, you see what you believe, there is no other rule. And they are here to learn how to master creation responsibly. Your experiential panorama, your emotional horizons are the manifestations of projected beliefs the emotional attitudes materialized in physicality.

Teachers, the thoughts we insist on have a frequency. The resonances of those thoughts that they usually have are absorbed by the subconscious mind. The subconscious is the generator of your reality. He creates what you fed him with. Point. The subconscious mind is the seat of emotions and is a creative computer program. When the subconscious is programmed with an idea, it becomes a belief, and will inevitably begin to generate it, to take it to manifestation. This is how it works.

What you truly feel and believe is true is true; Your subconscious will accept it and bring it to experience.

Therefore, negative attitudes block your path to the Master. There are methods to protect yourself from your own mistakes and negative thoughts and those of others.

They must learn to erase a negative thought or a negative image by replacing them with their opposite. Then consciously eliminate what does not work for you. Thus, when they feel the emergence of negative feelings or thoughts and adverse emotions, make a concerted effort to identify their source. The answers that will be discovered will be given more easily than you might think. Make the effort. Take responsibility for appropriating such feelings and try to understand where they come from. Then and only then, remove them and replace them with better frequencies.

We tell you that the power of your subconscious is enormous. It is a universal truth that whatever they print in your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of time and space as a condition, experience and event. Thought is an incipient action. The reaction is a response from your subconscious mind that corresponds to the nature of your thinking. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so they will reap in your body and your environment.


Teachers, the time of the Guru passed. You must discern your truth and follow it. You are gods. Do not give up your power, do not choose to channel your power through another person, channel, teacher or Guide.

Use self-discernment with our words, if they don't resonate with you, don't accept them.

No human can be bigger or wiser than his experience, for wisdom is only achieved through experience, it cannot be reached by shortcuts or buy. The wisdom of experience does not jump, it cannot jump from the novitiate to the mastery of a single jump. And certainly what has been learned in a room, must be rescued, relearned in the NOW. Edgar Cayce, who had experienced the Ascended Mastery in ancient Egypt as the great Ra-Ta, shared that in his life just prior to that of the prophet Edgar Cayce, he had a life misguided as a ruffian and tahúr in the American West.

In each 'Now' effort and wisdom is required. Didn't Master Yeshua ben Yosef dedicate himself for years to study and preparation? It is like that.

The world has never had a shortage of prophets, although true teachers have been few and far between. There have been no shortcomings of charlatans making great proclamations. The beginning of what they call the New Age brought their own ration of teachers and teachings. Many buy supposed credentials and make great proclamations of wisdom that has not been earned. Some, who claim to be teachers, have not done the required preliminary work. They seek to be gurus for profit, proclaiming the work of others as their own, feeding on the energy of their followers. Integrity is essential. It has always been like this. Wisdom and virtue are not generated in illusion, false illusion, in the imbalance of the ego or in self-aggrandizement. Teachers, use discernment.

Laughter and joy

Dear friends, before we conclude, please let me remind you to balance the incredible work you are doing with laughter, with joy. Take time to smell the flowers and recognize the beauty around you.

Remember that the Energy of the I Am is warm and nutritious, it is unconditional Love, and it is the Eye of Wisdom.

I thank you for your time and Mr. Metatron for the field that has so generously and powerfully opened here. We, the Ascended Masters and the Crystalline Council are always with you. We will enter your plane even closer in the next OM Wave Celebration. It is a time of joy.

I am who I am. I hug you in Violeta! I am Sainte Germaine.

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Original title: The Eyes of Wisdom

Translation and publication: ~ OjS ~

Source: http: // C3% ADa / 397481813625090

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