Withdrawing from the old paradigm

  • 2015

Once again, this New Year gives us a medley of extremely mixed energy. Many people still do not fully see the gravity of the moment we are. In many areas of the planet, the world situation has become like a bad dream. Every time we find ourselves in the middle of a nightmare, it is important to wake up quickly. Often, waking up is not enough, since the energies of sleep remain with us. That's when we have to change our surroundings by activating the lights, getting out of bed, walking, going to another room, maybe going out to the street in search of fresh air. What we really need to do is CHANGE OF WORLDS.

We cannot hide our heads in the sand and pretend that the oppressive stocks are not closing around us. It is. Every day, it is. With every simple political and economic action in many countries, the press is tightening. Our food is being poisoned, our skies are being sprayed with chemicals, governments have been bought and the police have been militarized. It is important that we do not ignore that all this is happening in the world of duality. Otherwise, we could wait to act until it is too late.

Huge waves of fear are occasionally sweeping the entire planet. This is an unnamed fear that cannot be specified or identified. Even those fears that are familiar to us are simply a manifestation of this larger and more abstract fear . It is like a huge beast that is dragging its tail to one side and the other, fanning the flames of fear and insecurity. Sometimes the tail of fear feels very far. And then it comes like a cold wind, momentarily it freezes us to the bone. Then he leaves and we recover the clarity, our steps accelerate, we can listen to our inner knowledge through the discordant static of the duality that fights for its survival, our eyes shine, our creativity is revived and once again, we stay in our Truth until finally that feeling of fear and fear returns again.

There are powerful forces on this planet at this time that were created to sustain the beast of fear and helplessness, to help it grow large enough to keep us imprisoned in duality. Even those of us who have spent most of our lives relatively fearless can now feel the icy sweep of the tail as it passes over us. And this is a bit shocking, because we have never felt this way before. It is easy to distinguish when the tail is near and when it is far. It's like the dramatic difference between heavy hopelessness and a rainbow in a cool sunny sky.

What do we do in such a situation? Do we close our eyes to chaos and continue with life as usual? Are we still trying to chase our old defeated dreams? Do we focus on achieving greater success in our career? Do we try to quench fear by becoming insensitive? Do we let ourselves be seduced by the bright attractions of money, possessions and glamor? Do we wait until our environment has been completely poisoned and more animal species have become extinct? Do we wait until fear devours us? Or do we CHANGE WORLDS and withdraw from the old paradigm in order to give birth to a completely New Reality?

The paradox is that the closer we are to free ourselves from duality, the more it will try to hold on to us. We have seen this many times. People are eager to make a change, however when it becomes more tangible, suddenly their old life looks great .

If we do not completely let duality go, we will still be susceptible to its boomerang effect. It is like a rubber band; If we do not voluntarily cut the ropes that bind us to duality, it will continue to pull us back with a loud CLICK! If we try to hold on to the beliefs that we know are not true, if we allow fears and insecurities to influence our actions, then, despite how far we are towards the New Reality, we will continue to return to duality again and again. time.

To free ourselves we have to CHANGE FROM WORLDS to a totally New Reality. This is the most important thing to do in 2015. If we do, it will take all our commitment and our participation will be with our whole being, but the reward will be enormous. We will feel fulfilled beyond what we once imagined possible.

Right now, in this fundamental shift from duality to Oneness, there are many incredible people, very conscious and good-hearted, who are frozen in uncertainty, insecurity and inaction by the ghostly fears and weakened illusions of the dying world of Duality. They know in their Heart of Hearts what they really want, but they cannot decide to follow their own inner knowledge. This is very sad.

It's time to be super honest with ourselves. See clearly where we are still hooked to duality. Look honestly where we are and see why we are there. Are we living where we are due to our attachments to duality? Because of our reluctance or fears of leaving the familiar? Or are we where we are because we are already in our True Position?

Source: http://nvisible.com

Withdrawing from the old paradigm

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