PSYCHOTRONICS: classes 5, 6, 7 and 8



Psychotronic and radionic investigations offer the possibility of addressing and using for practical purposes the interactions of energies between the human being and his environment.

Since ancient times, man was keenly interested in the use of a universal energy, according to many cultures they worshiped, from the sun. We found in the Chinese 5, 000 years ago a special interest in the energy interactions between colors, substances, sounds and shapes. This is repeated in the Egyptian, Indian, Japanese, Mayan, Aztec, Kahuna and other cultures.

The belief in a universal energy that nourishes everything is shared by almost every culture in the world. The Chinese with their interesting conception of “ying and yang”, perfectly located the meridians through which the “chi” energy circulates and gives life to the being. The Japanese call it "k¡" and also needed localization centers. Hindus specialized in the techniques of use of "grana" and in the location of the main centers of mobilization of this energy called "chakras". In America, the Pacific primitives called it "manna."

The Mayans, Aztecs and other Mexican-American cultures knew techniques of mobilization and circulation of this energy throughout the body, and, interestingly, according to the archaeological findings, the postures used were similar to the Oriental yogas postures.

It is also noteworthy that in all continents there are special monuments destined, apparently, to store this primordial energy.

The psychotronic denomination is limited to psychic (psycho) and energetic (tronic) acts. It is limited to phenomena of the psyche linked to a form of energy that produces them.

According to the latest research it is known that the energy referred to is in everything. To a greater or lesser extent it penetrates all things, it can be reflected, seen, photographed, stored, directed. There are conduction systems such as copper, nylon and other wires. It is similar and different from any known form of energy.

We will call this energy “entirely” “holotronic”, being a scientific discipline that studies the interactions, accumulation, amplification, use and practical application of this form of energy for the good of humanity.

It should be known that, before using any of the holotronic systems exposed, it is of the utmost importance that the operator obtain the highest possible degree of balance. Let's not forget that our structured field of form, bioplasma, holoplasm or soul, must be in perfect condition.

It is affected in its plot, extension, coloration, etc. Our mind must avoid any state of negativity. We must solve our inner conflict as much as possible.

The spirit, with its need for transcendence towards God, must develop within our individual freedom.

Don't forget that your own energy will inevitably interact with holotronic systems and devices. Hence, until now the experimental effect on research has not been eliminated.

The results are so highly satisfactory that we are inclined to think that holotropic energy accumulation and emission systems are of great importance.

You will find a way to build regular simple forms that emit energy by themselves. This is because every form creates by itself a magnetic field whose vibrations are emitted continuously. The direction of these vibrations will depend many times on the energy balance of the operator, on the importance of the witness, on the correct construction and orientation of the form, on its distance from other forms of energy that can neutralize its effects, and on the practice and seriousness. with which this knowledge is used for the good of humanity.


First of all, and before starting this exercise, you need to be convinced of the power within you. The psychotronic energy we all have is at your disposal. However, if you disbelieve it, it will not generate its emission since faith understood as belief, is a very important trigger for the action of this powerful energy.

Before starting to use psychotronic energy it is important to perform an internal cleaning. Our psyche must be free of negative influences. For this I attach the corresponding exercises.

If our psyche is disturbed or clouded by thoughts of hate, envy or negativity, we do not generate psychotronic energy of power. If our organism is intoxicated by alcohol or harmful foods, we cannot release a good psychotropic energy either.

By all means you must be at peace with yourself, resolve your inner conflict and achieve peace.


These phrases are intended to cleanse your mind and achieve psychic well-being. Just repeating them daily for twenty-one times each day will contribute to the desired objective.

Pronounce the phrases aloud and then, closing your eyes, in a quiet place, repeat them in a very low voice trying to imagine with your mental eye what you are saying, to feel the meaning of them internally and to Listen to yourself carefully.

I am a beneficiary of having received the motor impulse and enough energy to succeed.

I have a large flow of psychotropic energy within me and I will use it for my good and that of humanity.

My energy can generate benefits in me and be translated abroad for my improvement.

Each day that passes will have greater energy, happiness, individual well-being, love, faith and desire to excel.

I am the owner of myself, my life and my destiny, for which I am responsible, artifice and creator.

After repeating the sentences for three days you will be able to perform the first exercise aimed at concentrating holotonic energy to feed the Psychotropic energy that is in you.

In a quiet place, preferably outdoors, sit in a comfortable place, with your back straight, facing north. Lose your eyes on the horizon or at a distant point. Raise your arms in a cross with your palms facing forward. Close your eyes. Breathe normally. Focus on your breathing. Feel like the air you breathe feeds your being. Listen to the sound of the air entering your nose. This will relax you.

Then imagine that through the palms of your hands begins to enter a white ray of cosmotonic energy that feeds your whole being. Concentrate now on your feet. Visualize the sole of your feet. I felt a red ray of telluric energy entering your soles that energizes you. Integrate both energies into your body.

Continue breathing normally. I felt how your body is charged with holotonic energy which is the synthesis of the telluric and cosmotonic energy. Feed in this way for fifteen minutes your psychotropic energy.

In this way you will have harmonized and begin to condense your own Psychotropic energy using it for your good and that of others.


This exercise will allow you to charge cosmetic energy every time you set your mind.

In a quiet place, preferably outdoors or near a window, sitting comfortably, open your arms in a cross. Imagine a great cosmic triangle from which a strong white light emerges. Receive that light and charge yourself with cosmotronic energy.

Every time you start some psychotronic work, you use the cosmotronic triangle technique.

Then deepen the exercise as follows:

Imagine now a large tube of energy that joins the center of your head with the cosmos. Imagine that this atomic tube concentrates the cosmotronic energy and makes it enter through the center of your head, flooding your entire body.

Once you incorporate this energy and feel its effects, imagine two tubes coming from the soles of the feet to the ground. Absorb that energy through the tubes and make it interact with the inner energy.

Feel that your whole being is flooded with energy. Imagine that your body is covered by a very bright halo of energy that nourishes it, gives it life and power.

Do this exercise for three consecutive days and it will concentrate your psychotronic energy remarkably.

After this preparation you can emit energy to your interior or to the outside.

Before doing so, you should always do the previous exercises.


You should place yourself in an open place, preferably outdoors.

It is essential that you positivize your mind, it can be through some positive phrases. Keep in mind that you should not neglect your image of God either.


Standing, facing east, place your arms at shoulder height.

Breathing deeply through your nose, raise your hands with your palms facing forward, 'imagine that holotronic energy penetrates through the center of your palms. When it expires, mentalize that you eliminate the negative energy in the form of a dark ray and cross your mummy-style hands.

Repeat this exercise seven times.


Search with your hands for a ball of energy that is at the height of your head. Feel it while you inspire. Imagine it very bright. Fill your lungs with air.

Expel the air ducking your head in greeting position to the sun. Imagine that when you eject it all negativity disappears.

Repeat this exercise seven times.


Standing in front of the sun, pull your head back, doing so breathe deeply. Mentalize light. Expel the air carrying your head forward. Bring your head to the right side, breathe deeply and mentalize light, return to the center always releasing the air through the nose.

It does the same with the restless side and returns to the center, releasing the air through the nose.

Repeat this exercise seven times.


Looking east, inspiring through the nose, perform the following exercise:

With the legs coinciding with the width of the shoulders, inspire and raise the arms to shoulder height. Pull the arms back. Pull your head back. Imagine white light. Turn your arms forward, head forward, and release the air.

Repeat this exercise seven times.


Sitting at home with your right elbow resting on the palm of your left hand and your extended arm stares at the tip of your extended index. Following the movement with the eyes, bring it slowly towards the center of the forehead. Slowly return to the previous position.

Repeat the exercise seven times. You will begin to visualize the bioplasmic field of your finger (aura).

You will acquire extrasensory development.

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Orient north.

This design, due to its decagonal shape and its curious construction, has the peculiarity of accumulating holotronic energy by transmitting it to the orders or photos that you will enter in the pyramids or place in the teleinflucent designs.

To use it, keep it facing north according to the arrow. Place one order or one photo at a time and keep it in the design for twenty minutes.

The photo should remain in the center of the resonator with the head of the person facing north.

This energy decagon can also be built in copper and wood. It is about joining layers of copper and layers of wood, generating an organic condenser. Once built it can be carried in your pocket as a talisman.

In cardboard or cardboard, it can also be used to charge positive energy water. In this case, the glass with water must be placed on the decagon. At 20 ′ the water will be ready to water a plant and thus investigate its positive effects.

Building a somewhat larger decagon can also be used as home protection, placing it at the entrance door.


These imploring hands are used to direct prayer or thought to the supernatural world.

Place a paper with the prayer or the request on your hands and leave it there for 7 days.

These hands do not need guidance.



Orient north.

Place the photograph in the upper rhombus and the emitting element in the circle.

Leave seven days.

This powerful design has the particularity of emitting energy at a distance.

To experience it, orient it to the north and leave it oriented for three days.

After this time you can place the photograph or something belonging to the person you want to harmonize, in the center of the rhombus.

In the center of the circle there is an emitting element: it can be a rock crystal pyramid, a circular magnet, a color, a stone or a metal.

Leave the design on for 21 days and verify the results.


This design acted at a distance and in proximity.

The photograph or the order must be placed in the center.

It does not require guidance or download, therefore it has no limit of days to emit its energy, but it should be left at least 7 days.

The Magic Anagram of Liberation can also be used as a teleinfluent design on the wall of a house.


Place the photo in the center of the spiral. Support the glass with water on it.

With this design you can download the negativity of a person from a distance.

To start it, a photograph of the person in question must be placed in the center of the design.

On it place a glass of water.

After seven hours remove the water and lower it. Remove the photo and let the design rest until the next day.


With this design you can influence energy remotely.

It makes an extension of it. Sit in front of a table and orient the design to the north. Rest your hands on the contour of the hands of the design and concentrate for seven minutes on the photograph.

Imagine that a strong white light emerges from your frown that harmonizes the person at a distance.




Orient the north - south diagram.

Place the photograph in the center of it, pointing the person's head towards the corresponding astrological sign.

Psychotronice daily for seven days

To use this emitter it is necessary to know the astrological sign of the person to whom we want to transmit energy. Once known, place the photograph of the person with his head oriented to the sign that corresponds.

Orient the transmitter to the north and place the photograph of the person so that his head is directed towards the corresponding sign.

Let the design act for seven days and daily direct your psychotronic energy.


This old design is used to harmonize a negative house.

Place it in the right socket in reference to the entrance door of each room.

The black part should go down


This form devised by Jacques Lamaya combines Hebrew letters with geometric shapes.

It can be carried by the person or placed in the interior left corner of the entrance door of the house, or at each door of the same.


Because of its powerful harmonizing energy it is important to place it on the south wall of the living room of the house.

It can be enlarged, drawn or painted and will be very useful.


A wave of Chartres is called a beneficial radiation that is transmitted by warheads, domes and roofs in the shape of onions.

This design combines the 12-pointed charity star with the Chartres wave.

It can be placed on the south wall of the main environment of the house and will protect it.


Indicated to be placed at the southern angle of the roof of the house, the astrosol neutralizer prevents negative energies of the subsoil, also granting its shape, harmony, well-being and fullness.


This talisman was used since ancient times to prevent thieves and robberies in general.

It can be constructed of copper, parchment or cardboard and hung from the entrance door on the inner side.


It is a powerful talisman that can be placed under the bed to protect the sleeper from negative energies.

Place on the floor under the bed, facing the center of it.

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Today it would not have been possible to develop psychotronics without the great discovery made by chance by the electronic engineer SD Kirlian, the inventor of the Kirlian camera.

Through this camera Kirlian was able to photograph what for years philosophers, mystics and painters from around the world described as the aura or the soul. He noticed that all objects radiated that light, including plants, animals and minerals. Kirlian called this irradiation "energy."

Indeed, what was photographed was an effect that revealed different forms of energies around the bodies, noting that the energies surrounding living organisms are different from that of metals, minerals and other elements. While the energies of living organisms are dynamic, the others are static and different in plot, color and extent.

It was discovered that by cutting a part of it on a leaf, in the photograph the energy effect was appreciated and it could be seen in the chamber that the energy field that gave the shape of the leaf in the cut part was maintained and then disappeared.

It was shown that all living things have a field that structures them, which is called bioplasma. Experimenting with two leaves, one of them previously poisoned, it was shown that although both looked the same, there were notable changes and differences between their energies in the photograph.

The Hindus, the Chinese, the Maya and other peoples, demonstrated through their paintings that they knew this energy field. The ancients, without electronic equipment, already knew that every body has a field that structures it, which gives it the shape and this is given by the soul.


Scientists refer to it as the fourth state of matter, these being solid, gaseous, liquid and plasma. This field is closely related to external energies, whether of other living beings, of places, objects, houses, and is modified by climatic, atmospheric and cosmic variations in general.

Current meters detect three layers defined in the field:

A lower one that surrounds the body called psychic skin, which has an extension of approximately three centimeters. An average layer of about ten to fifteen centimeters and an upper layer of approximately 25 to 30 centimeters. A normal person has a bioplasm of about 45 to 50 cm. A very well energized and harmonized person can overcome it by 10 or 15 cm.

The outer layer emits electromagnetic radiation that can reach up to 45 or 50 meters away. The bioplasm is energy and energy is vibration. This vibration is in relation to our moods and emits our positivity. When two people meet, their acceptance or rejection is due to the interaction of their bioplasms. People considered charismatic, magnetic, hypnotic, have an important bioplasmic vibration that involves everything.

The bioplasm is measured by plot, extension and coloration. The plot can be continuous or present failures or depressions. For these failures enter negative energies, which remain attached, causing disturbances and disarmament. These disharmonies cause the bioplasm to decrease extensively and sometimes it is attached to the body, emitting almost no outward vibration.

The colors should be bright and crisp. People who have dark, dirty or opaque colors denote great disharmony.

The state of the bioplasm can be known by means of a Kirlian photograph. In it you can see a distribution of red and blue colors that are balanced positive and negative energies. The extent and the plot can also be easily appreciated.


The bioplasm has different vertices: concentrations of energy similar to wheels or funnels through which the energy that feeds our physical and energy body enters. While there are many these farms, conventionally speaking of seven main. The word chakra is written and means test . The Chinese also observed different meridians where the energy circulating through the bioplasm circulates. These meridians and energy concentration points could be photographed and measured in laboratories.

The chakras have also been measured and it is known that they are at a distance of two and a half centimeters from the skin and that they are related to it by means of an energetic stem. The main ones have a diameter that varies between eight and twelve cm. approximately and it was also known that these funnels have wheels that rotate at high speed. When these centers close, the person does not receive the energy they need for their harmony.


It is located in the area corresponding to the crown and is the most specialized and fastest turning. It is related to mental elevation, spirituality and universal love. The exercises tending to develop a feeling of dynamic integration, to make the cerebral hemispheres interact and develop the psychotropic power, harmonize this vertex. Its balance produces mental clarity and expansion of consciousness towards the infinite.

In general, almost all people receive energy through this center, however, it is also usually closed and not received. This brings with it headaches, mental confusion and negativity.


It is at the height of the forehead, and in the place that is said corresponds to the third eye and the third vision. It is related to concentration, extrasensory perception, the possibility of seeing reality, intuition and mental development clearly.

If this center is closed and does not receive energy, the person shows great mental confusion, fails to establish links with the outside environment and becomes disintegrated.

When it does not turn correctly, creative abilities are inhibited and there is a tendency to generate negative ideas. At the moment when a person has negative ideas about himself or others, this vortex changes its turn and does it counterclockwise. Its harmonization brings with it a mental liberation and an overcoming of the ideas of ruin and destruction. When a correct flow of energy enters the front center, the long-awaited mental development occurs.


It is located on the throat area in its outer part. It is linked to communication, understanding as such the possibility of establishing exchanges of ideas and opinions, being able to convince and reach the other through speech, establish good family communication and be able to attract others through oral discourse.

People who speak in public and singers must have this harmonized vortex to carry out a good task.

This center is also related to giving and receiving. When it is blocked, the person does not receive what is given despite the efforts of the interlocutor. On the contrary, when the laryngeal vortex is harmonized, the human being becomes permeable to everything that can help him be happy.


It is located in the left center of the chest, over the heart area. Strictly linked to emotions and feelings, this vortex is a delicate center since, when closed, signs of anguish appear, often accompanied by chest pain. The more harmonious this energy center is, the greater our chance of giving and receiving love. This love begins with ourselves and then can be directed towards others.

People who are cold, disinterested and lacking affection have a great blockage in this vortex. Many times the imbalance is such that they experience that a hardness can be felt at the end of the sternum.

The harmonization of the center brings with it feelings of pure and deep love towards others and humanity in general.


Also known as "solar plexus", this vortex being located in the outer area of ​​the navel. It is linked to fears. Many times being disharmonized, the feeling of fear is felt "in the pit of the stomach."

Also related to emotions, the umbilical vortex is linked to the principle of reality, to the understanding of the laws of the universe, to mental dexterity and the development of ethical and moral principles.

The umbilical vortex is highly receptive to the negative vibrations of 1 'asd people, therefore, its harmonization is important to create a protective layer of those harmful radiations.

Altruism, good and love of neighbor are linked to a harmonic umbilical vortex.

(NOTE: When a person sitting in front of us is with his arms crossed in front of his chest, during the conversation, it is because the umbilical vortex is being protected, which is often done unconsciously.)


This center is extremely specific and it is advised not to touch it when harmonization is carried out, since it is dedicated to subdividing the energy currents among the other vortices.

It is located in the spleen area and establishes energy cords with all other centers.


Located on the genitals, the sexual vortex is strictly related to genital sensations. Its harmonization is related to mature sexuality, free of taboos and pre-established concepts.

When this vortex is disharmonized, sexual link problems usually appear. Upon receiving good energy, the exchange of love is facilitated and full pleasure is obtained.

If both this center and the others are in harmony, sexual enjoyment will be broad and the so-called cosmic orgasm will be experienced, full of enjoyment and immensity.


Also called basic or fundamental, the sacral vortex is located at the base of the coccyx. He is in charge of receiving telluric radiation and sending them up to feed other vortices. It is related to reproduction and life.

When it is harmonized it can be said that this person has "well placed feet on the ground", is a person who "knows where he stands". It relates well to money and material aspects.

Its disharmony brings with it a great lack of reality, volatility and bad relations with the material aspects of life.


The energies that penetrate the vortices are composed of colors that are radiated from the cosmos and from the earth.

Although the centers receive several colors it is one that prevails.

With the exercise on a separate sheet, you can harmonize your vortices by relating each color to the corresponding vortex.


Locate yourself in a quiet place, away from noise and disturbance. Comfortably sitting still if you wish, take three deep breaths.

Mentalize your body and place the seven main vortices in it.

Visualize now the coronal vortex: Imagine a ray of violet energy that floods this spiritual center from the cosmos. Imagine that there is a large wheel that turns clockwise. Feel that energy penetrate. Listen to it, perceive it, visualize it, feel the violet energy and harmonize your coronal vortex. Breathe the violet energy by imagining that your nose is in the coronal center.

After a few minutes do the same with the front. Feel a green energy that penetrates that wheel. Imagine that it starts turning clockwise at high speed. Imagine everything that harmonized center can offer you. Think that a great light penetrates your vortex. Breathe the green color imagining that your nose is in the center of your forehead.

Do the same with the other vortices. Breathe the blue color in the laryngeal vortex, the pink in the cardiac, the yellow in the umbilical, the orange in the sexual, and the red in the radical.

Perform this technique daily to harmonize your energy centers and you will reach a full and happy life.

Once consolidated with the technique you can complement it with the following:

Comfortably sitting or standing, close your eyes and imagine that on your head, twenty centimeters from your coronal vortex, tracing a vertical, is a beautiful violet rose. Perceive that rose, smell its aroma, imagine it in all its details. From that rose emanates violet energy that goes to its coronal vortex. Imagine now that the rose descends slowly and enters the vortex flooding your brain with energy and tranquility. Leave it there for a few minutes.

Meditate on the properties of your coronal vortex. Then let the rose out through the center of your forehead. Mentally change the color of your flower by turning it green. Deténgala a 20 cm del centro de su frente. Déjela allí unos minutos recibiendo la poderosa energía de la rosa. Medite en los beneficios que le otorga la energetización de su vórtice frontal.

Ingrese ahora la rosa por el centro de su frente dejándola allí unos minutos. Hágala salir por su garganta y cambie su color convirtiéndola en azul. Siga el ejercicio repitiendo esta técnica vórtice por vórtice, cambiando el color de la rosa en cada uno de los mismos.

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