Conny Méndez, life of an illuminated

  • 2015
What was Conny Méndez's life as enlightened?

Between the years of 1970 and 1976 the metaphysical teacher had a very active life spreading her knowledge and thoughts about the I Am and Saint Germain. Conny had an office in his house called El Jabillo, where he received people eager for knowledge and guidance, he was very focused although he had a great sense of humor, which exploded when he published his comic cartoon strip in a Venezuelan newspaper.

The office also served as a store, where the books that the illuminated had written and the translations of others were for sale. Conny transmitted positive energy and peace, the people who visited her full of problems, always came out smiling. In his office he had an area where the magazine was printed The voice of I Am which was published time after that of the New Thought .

Her work toured Caracas, once a week a group of people gathered around her to receive instructions in metaphysics classes taught. Conny Mendez in her life of an enlightened one attracted a lot of spiritual energy, which was perceived by the people who worked for her; There is even a story in which one of his assistants says to see the Count of Saint Germain seen making an appearance in his office.

Conny Méndez, an advanced woman for her time.

In metaphysics we speak of celestial planes, planes of existence for souls. It can be said that this intelligent woman came to Earth to teach and give a message, today she is still present in her books and statements, filling those who read them with glory, freedom and spirituality. Conny Méndez had a life of an enlightened one ; He was a character who left his mark, being a woman he performed feats that no other had done as for example: He was the first woman in Venezuela to be a chauffeur, singer, guitarist and to have her own magazine. It is impossible to know what incarnations he had by being so versatile and exceptional in everything he did, surely he was also a great artist in another life.

Who influenced the life of Conny Méndez?

During his life he had contact with people of deep thoughts, among them are:

  • Henry Pittier's widow : he meets her on a journey from the United States to Venezuela. It is understood that the trip presented many inconveniences and the passengers lived through many moments of anguish, it was in these that these two women shared their way of thinking about metaphysics and inner power. This happened during World War II.
  • Emmet Fox: the enlightened one comes into contact with this subject in New York in 1953 and becomes his disciple. He was the promoter of the New Thought and the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous. Conny translated several of his books and introduces himself more to the teachings of Saint Germain.

His most memorable works
  • What started in Venezuela and then spread in several Spanish-speaking countries, the so-called " Christian Metaphysics Movement"
  • The articles and cartoons published in the newspaper, which won the hearts of many Venezuelan families. That was around 1920.
  • The first Spanish translation of "The Golden Book of Saint Germain".
  • Some of his most famous books are: Metaphysics at the Reach of All; I give you whatever you want; The Voice of the "I Am"; 4-in-1 metaphysics.
Additional Information.

Born on April 11, 1898 in Caracas Venezuela and transcended on November 26, 1979 in Miami, he was one of the first incinerated people of the time. Her full name was Juana María de la Concepción Méndez Guzmán. He loved painting (he painted several paintings by his own hand) and the music was therefore a composer, singer and actress. He toured his country and went to others in Latin America to give lectures on the "I Am."

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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