Keys of love and relationships. Masculinity, femininity, personal search. Transpersonal Log. José María Doria's blog.

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 Do you grow with me or do you stay? 1.1 1.2 I am dedicated to a personal work of growth and research and my partner does not follow me and even criticizes me. He tells me that those are my rolls and I don't feel understood. 1.3 What is the reason for the greatest number of women in the process of self-awareness? 1.4 Is misfortune positive? 2

Do you grow with me or do you stay?

I am dedicated to a personal work of growth and research and my partner does not follow me and even criticizes me. He tells me that those are my rolls and I don't feel understood.

What is posed in this question is questioned by many people. These are mostly women with husbands who do not share the same ways of developing and cultivating the soul.

Let us start from the base that the psychological and spiritual awakening that unfolds rapidly in the western world has been first "tuned" by the feminine part of the human race. Actually it is through our feminine cerebral hemisphere that we connect with the subconscious sphere to from there, make the journey towards the intuited supraconscious

In today's society, women are the first to seek the space of the subtle and cultivate in the field of deep vision. And although this is very true, a growing increase in the number of men resonating with the internal search is observed every day.

What is the reason for the greater number of women in the process of self-awareness?

The cause has to do with the emphasis on reason and logic that the male part of people possesses. An accent that often acts as a wall resistant to the subtle messages of intuition, as well as body sensibility and the drives of the subconscious. An armor of the sensitive that giving primacy of the "logical head" prioritizes the issues that unfold in the concrete mind. A mind that proceeds to filter and postpone all those concerns that lead to discovery frames in the abstract and intangible path that crosses appearances.

If we add to this that the first steps of this internalization, are woven from experiences that cannot be rationally framed, the resistance to “open up” that the male part experiences will be better understood. And if it also turns out that the initiatory path of discovery and self-consciousness entails a certain connection with one's own vulnerability, it will be then when the promised opening will still have to face more hearts and resistance.

However, if we observe how the intelligence of life behaves, we will verify that everyone, including those who are identified with the male mind, comes their own time to broaden the vision and deepen the internal reality. It can be recognized that the evolutionary shift towards integration, sooner or later reaches even those who are most "protected" in their "old" hearts.

Our masculine part, generally embodied in a more accentuated manner in men, resists the perception of the subtle because it is very busy with the tangible need to "hunt" and achieve in the external reality that manufactures the logical mind. A preference that usually unbalances the ideal balance between science and art that all human beings crave. However, there comes a non-casual day in which such an attitude of defense is torpedoed by a kind of conspiracy of causality, that is, of events that often with the name of "misfortunes", deconstruct the impregnable Bastille.

Is misfortune positive?

Misfortune is nothing more than an interpretation of a painful event, therefore it will depend on what one is able to see beyond appearances. We know that it is not strange that in the life of the pragmatic masculine ego, a chain of events or “black angel” arrives that does not without pain, dismantle the resistances that it erects to the new, and from there it assists in a great opening of consciousness . It is a deconstructor situation urged by mystery and synchrony that, suddenly, bringing unexpected "news", offers chaos to this good man who suddenly sees his old life "upside down".

And that rationalist who wanted nothing to know about the "rolls of his wife", of his books, of his professors and of his illusory conversations with a sectarian look, suddenly opens innocently to practice those absurd meditations and morning yogas that she performed. That is, it opens up to something as seemingly ambiguous and unproductive as focusing attention on the breath, and observing the coming and going of your ideas equanimously ...

And it happens that little by little the pain of the hard losses that contracted this male with contractures is attenuated. And it also happens that the fact of experiencing yourself in a new state of mind relieves your tension, while allowing a truce to the memory of recent dispossession that so obsessed you. One thing after another, and all with the appearance of having been orchestrated by a kind of intelligent plan, begin to infiltrate into their being a kind of "serenity virus and realize." A virus that, apparently, this current time expands free and widespread. In other words, it happens from one to one and from inside to outside.

Time passes, teaching penetrates
and the couple decreases the misunderstanding that separates them.

Little by little, the path of silence bears fruit,
and each with its corresponding perspective,
share the transpersonal development that gives meaning to your life

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