How to work with angels to overcome porn addiction

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Recognize that pornography addiction has become a problem 2 Ask your guardian angel to help you understand the problem 2.1 Ask Archangel Raphael to help you heal 2.2 Ask Archangel Chamuel to help you repair sexual breakdown 2.3 Ask Archangel Jofiel to show you the beauty of intimacy 3 Celebrate the spiritual side of sex

You can call the angelic love messengers of God to help you in many ways to recover from an addiction to pornography .

Before knowing each of the stages of this healing with the angels, I invite you to review our index, remember that you can use it to advance to the section you want.

Angels can empower you to overcome an addiction to pornography .

Here we will show you how to work with angels to overcome pornography addiction and find the cure for your sex life.

Recognize that porn addiction has become a problem

Honestly evaluate the impact of pornography on your life. Is it really benefiting you, or is it really enslaving you?

Knofel Staton and Leonard Thompson write in their book Angels / Demons, that pornography is so addictive that the time, money and mental activity spent on it, take away using that time and giving that money and involving the brain of one for the things of God, ” pornography addiction takes us away from God.

And in the worst case, pornography leads to crime, especially violence and inhuman and indecent treatment of other human beings who are ... " created in the image of God ." They add that "... pornography is a good example of demonic oppression through compulsion, addiction, and obsession."

Pornography distorts God's good design for sex, precisely by blocking intimacy and nurturing real relationships for what sex was created.

In addition, pornography mistreats the people God loves by presenting them as objects to use instead of as souls to be loved .

The more pornography you see, the less healthy neural pathways will be created in your brain, which will make it hard for you to think and feel in ways that lead to healthy relationships.

"If you are emotionally and spiritually healthy, pornography will not interest you, " Diana Cooper writes in her book "Answers of the Angels: What Angels Can Teach Us About the World We Live in" :

Your energy centers or chakras will flow with energy, but the use of pornography puts the energy of people out of balance, he assures; nevertheless, the angels shine the light of the pure spirit and innocence in all sexual areas, so that the glorious energy of love and creation can be used properly .

Under these budgets, you can ask the angels for help in overcoming any type of addiction, pornography addiction may end!

You may also be interested in: Alexander Raphael: Do not stop until the healing is complete!

Ask your guardian angel to help you understand the problem

... porn addiction drives us away from God.

Since your guardian angel is constantly with you, he or she has a close view of your life day by day, and knows your habits and acting very well.

Your guardian angel has a lot of valuable wisdom to share with you about the factors that drive your addiction to pornography, if at the moment you have it.

Through prayer or meditation, ask your guardian angel to let you know that you are trying to escape your essence using pornography .

Seek the guidance of your guardian angel to identify the circumstances or feelings that drive you to seek your realization in pornography . Is your porn addiction in order to try to find stress relief? Is it anger, boredom or sadness that makes you use porn?

Your guardian angel can communicate the information you need to know in several ways, from sending you a message in a dream, to giving you words, images or feelings while you are praying or meditating.

Record the messages that your guardian angel sends you. Then you can study them and incorporate them into your life.

For example, your guardian angel may tell you that you are using pornography to try to avoid treating a difficult problem in your marriage that you do not want to deal with emotionally.

Knowing that you are using pornography to avoid facing feelings during sex will help you gradually face the marriage problem.

Then, you can work to reestablish a healthy emotional connection with your spouse, which will strengthen your ability to recover from a porn addiction .

You can also read: The Power of Prayer is able to help in the healing process of any Disease, Science has confirmed it!

Ask Archangel Raphael to help you heal

Ask the Lord of heaven to grant you his grace and protection. Don't be afraid

Raphael, the chief angel of God's healing, can send you tremendous healing power for your recovery journey.

As a master of the healing of the body, mind and spirit, the Alexander Raphael has often cured people of unhealthy sexual problems, such is the case of pornography addictions a .

When a fallen angel (a demon) who wanted a wife named Sarah to kill their husbands out of jealousy, the Arc Rafael Rafae appeared to her new husband, Tobias, to help him to fight against the influence of that fallen angel in his sex life, according to the Book of Tobit (part of the Bible for Catholics and Orthodox Christians).

The demon had already killed seven of Sarah's previous husbands in the same way: in Sarah's bedroom, while the men prepared to consummate the marriages. This time, Rafael tells the new husband, Tob as: Do not worry about the devil (Tobit 6:16).

The Alexander Raphael advises Tobias in verses 17 and 18: Then, once you are in the nuptial room, take the heart and the h Fold the fish and put a little of them on the burning incense.

The bad smell will rise, the devil will smell it and run away, and there is no danger that you will find it again near the girl.

Then, before you sleep together, first get up both, and pray. Ask the Lord of heaven to grant you his grace and protection. Do not be afraid.

Interesting that you read: Message from the Arc Rafael Angel: Healing through light is possible, whenever you want

Ask Archangel Chamuel to help you repair the sexual breakdown

(Seek the advice of Archangel Chamuel on the practical steps you must follow to stop your addiction to pornography)

Chamuel, the angel of peaceful relationships can give you the help you need to grow towards healthy sexuality.

Archangel Chamuel and the angels who work with him will teach you how to incorporate attitudes and behaviors about sex into your life that will lead you to peace (within yourself, with other people and with God).

Chamuel "is the angel to pray if you have sexual problems ... (his healthy energy) to battered bodies and spirits, " writes Samantha Stevens and Donna Lypchuk in his book "The Seven Rays: A Universal Guide to the Archangels": "He It is the Angel that can sweeten sour memories and repair a damaged relationship. ”

Seek the advice of Archangel Chamuel on the practical steps you must follow to stop your addiction to pornography .

Chamuel can inspire you to install pornography blocking filters on your computers and mobile devices, or stop surfing the Internet when you feel whatever your triggering emotion is.

Archangel Chamuel will also suggest ways to take better care of yourself and your romantic relationship to better meet your sexual needs.

Read also: Message from Mother Mary: Planetary healing is approaching

Ask Archangel Jofiel to show you the beauty of intimacy

(If we ask Arcofel Jofiel for help, she balances and beautifies our thoughts to improve our perspective on life)

Jofiel, the angel of beauty, will help you replace the ugly thoughts that pornography has put in your mind with beautiful thoughts that reflect God's love and purpose for romantic relationships. Ethics (intimacy).

Praying for the help of the Angel Jofiel is all you need to do to start the healing process of any type of addiction to pornography .

Jofiel helps us restore balance in our thoughts Then, when we enter a spiral of negative thoughts, we attract chaos and problems, writes Doreen Virtue and Y asmin Boland in his book Astrolog a of ngel 101: Discover the angels connected with your natal chart.

It is often a matter of correcting our thoughts so that we can see someone or something from a different angle

If we ask Arcofel Jofiel for help, she balances and embellishes our thoughts to improve our perspective on life. The more we appreciate beauty, the more we attract it.

Celebrate the spiritual side of sex

Sex is sacred, and the best sex is holy sex, as God intended it to be, in a relationship between two people who love each other and who also love God. As of this moment, don't settle for anything less than that.

“The experience of eroticism is magnified and intensified to a supreme ecstasy when we use it with the correct tuning, an erotic ecstasy unconsciously more powerful than anything that pornography can generate”

Claire Nahmad writes in her book "Kick-Ass Angels: The dynamic approach when you work with angels to improve your life" ... the angels, in their desire for our liberation and our greatest good ... call us to conceive an approach to sexuality and eroticism that is very different from distorted, enslaved, vulgarized and miserable projections. Of these forces that surround us today. ”

The more you treat sex as a sacred experience, the more you will enjoy it . You will feel so satisfied with the spiritual ecstasy that comes from healthy sex that porn addiction will simply go out. Your cravings for pornography will disappear and you can celebrate the freedom that the angels helped you achieve.

Do you think you can overcome any type of addiction, including the addition to pornography with the help of angels and archangels ?

If you have something to tell us or experiences that you want to share with all our brothers, I invite you to do so in the comments section, or failing that, in our Forum.

Remember that any addiction to pornography can heal it with the intervention of our friends, companions and councils, the Angels. I wish you success and abundant blessings, A Hug of Light!

“The experience of eroticism is magnified and intensified to a supreme ecstasy when we use it with the correct tuning, an erotic ecstasy unconsciously more powerful than anything that porn addiction can generate”

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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