Energy Cleaning with Herbs

  • 2012

The recipes are herbal. They are designed to combat evils typical of the pace of life of these last times. The shamic formulas consist of infusions and herbal teas that relieve the ailments and strengthen the body and soul.

But first we will give you the recipe to prepare the tea or tea. It is always the same procedure, the only thing that varies are herbs.

Preparation of tea. Basic Recipe Based on what will be indicated below for each condition, let the herbs and seeds in question dry in the sun. Then, grind them using a mortar or heavy stone and place the mixture in a tightly sealed container. When you want to prepare the healing infusion, place two teaspoons of the ground herbs suggested for each medical condition in a teapot.

Add two cups of boiling water. Let stand for ten or fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Then, filter. To sweeten your tea, use honey or brown sugar.

Home remedies against the evils of the century.

Follow the instructions we give you and you will recover the desire to live.

1. Insomnia

Increasingly frequent, this disease undermines physical health and produces a growing spiritual restlessness.

Herbs: Melissa, celery seeds, hops, yarrow, valerian and linden.

Recommendations: All herbs should be present in the infusion. It is important that the amount be provided. Drink after dinner, minutes before bed.

2. Panic attacks

This medical condition is identified with the phobias that arise from a vertiginous life.

Herbs: Garlic flowers.

Recommendations: It is advisable to drink the tea before going to sleep. To strengthen the tea, you can place a clove of garlic along with the flowers.

3. High voltage

If you suffer from this disease, you must change your diet, lead a healthier life and drink the tea that we propose.

Herbs: Parsley, ginger, linden, garlic, sarsaparilla.

Recommendations: If you dislike it, you can do without garlic to prepare this infusion. Drink a cup after each meal.

4. Sexual problems

The demands of modern life make it difficult for the couple to meet, causing lack of desire or sexual dysfunction.

Herbs: Basil for lack of desire; Gingko Biloba for impotence.

Recommendations: Do not mix herbs in the infusion. Prepare teas separately. One or two cups per day will be the sufficient dose.

5. Absence of vitality

Reluctance is another of the most common ailments today. Excessive work causes mood disorders that take away enthusiasm and energy.

Herbs: Mint, eucalyptus and lemon leaves.

Recommendations: These herbs are used fresh. Do not let them dry in the sun and do not crush them. Place an abundant handful in hot water and let the herbs rest for at least an hour. Drink the infusion as many times as you want.

6. Anxiety

Modern evil par excellence, living in a hurry brings with it a state of permanent anxiety.

Herbs: Laurel, melissa, chamomile and passionflower.

Recommendations: This tea offers many variants. You can prepare the herbs all together or separately. Combine them as you wish. You can also choose a single herb. Drink a cup of this tea three times a day, starting in the morning. In important drink the first tea fasting. Then, you can ingest it after lunch and dinner.

7. High cholesterol

Increasingly frequent, this physical ailment can lead to serious disorders.

The shamanic formula we propose can alleviate evil, but it does not supplant medical treatment.

Herbs: Apple, gingseng, saffron, plantain leaves.

Recommendations: Drink a cup after meals (which should be light and rich in fiber). If you find it very difficult or expensive to get, you can do without saffron.

8. Depression

Economic concerns, society, the absence of projects add to the individual in very deep depressive states. In the case of a case of severe depression, it is advisable to consult with specialists.

Herbs: Dill, sunflower seeds, lavender flowers.

Recommendations: Prepare a well-loaded infusion. That is, instead of the two teaspoons indicated in the recipe, place four. Drink as many times as you want. When you notice an improvement decrease the dose of herbs.

9. Headache

The recurrence of this disease, which is often due to the bad environmental conditions in which one works (inadequate lighting, visual fatigue, poor position), can cause chronic migraines. To relieve pain, drink this tea.

Herbs: Verbena and clove.

Recommendations: You can use fresh verbena leaves. In the case of nails, it is best that they are dry and well ground. Drink as many times as you want.

10. Stress

Even the simple fact of living in a big city can raise a person's stress levels. If you add to this fact constant worries, little free time and an excessive demand at work, the picture is not very encouraging. This recipe can help balance your interior and give you perspective.

Herbs: Ginseng, yarrow, sunflower seeds, sage. Recommendations: In this case, it is very important that the tea contains all the herbs. You can drink it as many times as you want. To enhance the effect, you can add dried onion flowers to the herbs.

11. Low self-esteem

Another evil of recent times. The anguish for not being able to cope with the demands of the environment, fierce competition and lack of clear horizons, creates insecurity. Fight this mood with this potion.

Herbs: Hypericum, borage seeds, basil leaves.

Recommendations: Drink as many times as you want and reflect while swallowing this potion. That will help you revalue.

12. Nerve Tension

To relax your body and mind after a tiring day, drink the potion we indicate when you arrive home after work.

Herbs: Comfrey and dandelion.

Recommendations: You should prepare the tea with fresh herbs. Do not let them dry in the sun and do not crush them. Drink the infusion when the aroma of the herbs is intense.

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